Deep 6 FaWtL

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Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Nobody is going to mention that it is International Freehold Day, correct? Good.
its also apparently flashlight day.

Not a coincidence, I fancy.

Also, mine liege lady, concyrned abuotte ye cattes fondnysse for her cheese plante, hath fortyfyed it with an palisade and chevaux de frise (she really hath. I am notte makyng sporte of thee)

Themetricsystem wrote:

Good news: It looks like we will have a white x-mas.

Bad news: It's going to be 6-10 inches with gusts up near 50mph, blizzard is slated to start tonight and last for 2-4 days depending on how much the stormfront is slowed down by lake MI. They're warning to have blankets, working flashlights, and to prepare for power outages which is very concerning as the electric grid here is very resilient against winter weather and they almost never state up-front that they are looking at power outages so with almost a whole day notice ... if they're saying it is this severe I am more than a bit nervous that it's gonna be nasty. They even said "travel will be difficult to impossible" between Thursday to Saturday morning...

Update Edit: Apparently the 24-hour news media is taking to calling this storm a "bomb cyclone" and are saying that parts of it will sweep across basically the entire continent from Texas eastward. I've heard of polar vortexes before but ... a bomb cyclone? Sounds scary...

I'm sorry. I was going for a foot or more.

"I know there are much worse insults out there, but once during a game of Call of Duty, someone yelled 'Raise your credit score, b~#$#!' at me, and I was stunned. Like, how did he know?"

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"America uses the metric system for two things: drugs and ammo. Drugs, because we can claim to not know what they mean. As in:

Cop: 'You have 20 grams of meth on you.'
Perp: 'Really? What's a gram? Is that a lot?'

And ammo, because those bullets don't actually belong to us. They belong to the bad guys. We just haven't given it to them yet, and when we do we don't want them confused as to what they got shot with."

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Not to be That Guy, but when they say "Blizzard!" I expect more than an inch of snow.

Just saying.

That's what we weathermen call a Pixie Blizzard.

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I recently released my first movie. It's called "Stick". I wasn't confident before, but I got my first review, and they're calling for a sequel. They even gave me a great name for it, "Stick 2: Your Day Job".

So begins my battle against the fell creatures that descend on the north after a Christmas "blizzard".

Whatever they might be.

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captain yesterday wrote:

So begins my battle against the fell creatures that descend on the north after a Christmas "blizzard".

Whatever they might be.

Ah, the dreaded Me'th'eads. They are a force to be reckoned with, indeed.

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Today I was off work, so we drove to see our pals in Poshbydale; ALL (DE) did not enjoy driving back over the tops in the fog & dark. Then, I had Virtual Hannukah Frolics - my home-made menorah did not set anything on fire, luckily - and we ate latkes. Handy Hint: use the fine side of the grater when grating your potatoes for the latkes.

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I'm off to work to battle the snow drifts and the Siberian Express!

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A few years back a geek friend of mine were driving back from Pennsylvania weekend of gaming with some other geek friends. We got a dusting of snow , so of course drivers lost their minds and started crashing. There was already a bunch of snow on the ground, but it was barely sticking, the roads weren't slick. People were just twilight zone level crashing for nothing.

He's an EMT and I"m a tow truck, so we stop, dig someone out of a snow bank, push the car back onto the road. Someone's stuck most of the way on the median, dig stairs and a ramp push car back onto road.

We get to the point that we had to start stopping at every other incident. And of course were immediately rules lawyering the new rule "wait did that guy count? He was probably just going to the bathroom...."

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One of the perks of working in the middle of the night is peeing in the middle of the road.

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captain yesterday wrote:
One of the perks of working in the middle of the night is peeing in the middle of the road.

Also known as: Tuesday.

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I took the little lad swimming today, after which I sorted out all the tools in the front cellar, and let me tell you, if, after the collapse of civilisation, pliers become the new unit of currency, we shall be absolutely flippin' rolling in it.

Got off work yesterday afternoon. All told I ended up working 24 out of 36 hours and I lost count on how many times my goatee froze into a solid chunk of ice and fused to my face mask.

But, other than thawing out my goatee every once in a while it really wasn't any different from a typical storm we'd get in January.

At any rate, I get to chill for the day.

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The best part is, Eve's daughter will be five on twelfth night and has never eaten them before, so today not only does Auntie get to teach her how to make them, but she gets to eat them for the first time tonight at dinner. This is a big deal, y'all!

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lisamarlene wrote:


The best part is, Eve's daughter will be five on twelfth night and has never eaten them before, so today not only does Auntie get to teach her how to make them, but she gets to eat them for the first time tonight at dinner. This is a big deal, y'all!

I am also planning on making pierogi today.

I had no idea it was a thing though, it's just been a while since I made them.

Hope FaWtL's USians all are doing alright under current conditions - it sounds pretty wild over there at the moment.

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Freehold DM wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
Loosing two old friends to cancer this holiday season. Damn it. :(
I am so very sorry. Cancer is a f+~~ing thief.

Just heard from one of his daughter last night. The Doctor misdiagnosed the condition. My friend and old boss Gary does not have stomach cancer. This is a much needed relief. he's not out of the woods however. He tore a muscle near his stomach so the stomach acid burning into the wound. Oooouch, must be redefining Hell Before Christmas. Needless to say, I am one grateful pigeon this holiday season.

For the people who hate a foot of snow or more. Two words: Las Vegas.

Food, room and board, transportation, shows, marijuanie, shooting ranges, 24 alcohol, scantily clad showgirls. in-door pool parties, and slightly warmer weather (35 - 55 degrees). Did i say we had scantily clad showgirls?

What are you waiting for this Christmas? A resurrection?

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Do a good deed and return a cell phone to a Lyft Passenger two weeks ago. A Christmas come in the mail today and I was rewarded a $75.00 gift card. Who says miracles do not happen

I miss the days of being a slaad and all its sladdiness. Let the eggings begin this holiday season. An egging everyday until Egg Year's Day.


Tuna Fish Slaad wrote:

I miss the days of being a slaad and all its sladdiness. Let the eggings begin this holiday season. An egging everyday until Egg Year's Day.


Hey, psychedelic eggs are an easter holiday. Wait your turn

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Tuna Fish Slaad wrote:

I miss the days of being a slaad and all its sladdiness. Let the eggings begin this holiday season. An egging everyday until Egg Year's Day.


Hey, psychedelic eggs are an easter holiday. Wait your turn

Fun fact: I was once walking home from work around Easter and a couple of friends stopped and picked me up and gave me a couple of hits of acid. I spent the rest of the night looking for a specific pine tree that someone had attached plastic easter eggs to that I'd seen on my way home.

Never did find the tree even though I had to have passed it at least 20 times.

I was however still tripping when my dad picked me up for my brother's wedding that morning.

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Just had a guy call and ask for the rates. When I told him, he said "Why are your rates up so much?" I then got to tell him that they're not. They're actually down from our regular rates because we aren't that busy. That's when he hung up on me.

BluePigeon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
Loosing two old friends to cancer this holiday season. Damn it. :(
I am so very sorry. Cancer is a f+~~ing thief.
Just heard from one of his daughter last night. The Doctor misdiagnosed the condition. My friend and old boss Gary does not have stomach cancer. This is a much needed relief. he's not out of the woods however. He tore a muscle near his stomach so the stomach acid burning into the wound. Oooouch, must be redefining Hell Before Christmas. Needless to say, I am one grateful pigeon this holiday season.

This is a greater relief to me than you will ever know.

What a Christmas miracle!

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Hope everyone is having a delightful Festivus!

Sonic is now extremely well found for Lego, including a huge model of a galleon-motorbike combo with a cannon that fires sharks, and Shanna is equally well found for coloured pens & paint, so they're happy, despite Sonic grizzling earlier when we went out for a walk. ALL (DE) and I are just about to break out the British Fortified Wine (port, but they can't call it that)

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Fantasy Monster: Red Muckhorse.

Some say that this ooze is a mockery of a horse. Nope. Mockery assumes intent.

I ended up getting the new Starfinder book, Interstellar Species and a couple of books for the Star Trek rpg including the campaign guide for Star Trek Discovery, which I assume is the new Star Trek, a book of adventures, and a rules supplement for the science division.

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Just had a guy get mad at me because we don't have an iPhone cable he could use. It went something like this:

Guy: "I need an iPhone cable."
Me: "I'm sorry sir, we don't sell those."
Guy: "I don't want to buy one, just give me one to use."
Me: "Again, sir, I'm sorry, but we don't have cables for guests to use."
Guy: "UGH! Just go grab one out of Lost and Found!"
Me: "Items in Lost and Found are not for lending out."
Me: "I suppose you should have brought one with you."
Guy: *storms off muttering under his breath*

Gentle reminder: Hotels are not responsible for providing you with chargers/cables. Now, some will have a few random cables that they lend out. Hell, we did back when I started here. But do you know what happens about 50% of the time you lend someone a cable? You never see it again. So we ran out and stopped. (We used to take the chargers/cables that had been in Lost and Found for over 6 months and lend them out, but now they're just put out for employees to take.) Same thing happens with ice scrapers, we loan them out and about half of the time the person just drives off with them.

How about a charging station? RThe doctors offices around here have them now. (though I worry what that says about how long they expect you to be in the waiting room...)

gran rey de los mono wrote:

Just had a guy get mad at me because we don't have an iPhone cable he could use. It went something like this:

Guy: "I need an iPhone cable."
Me: "I'm sorry sir, we don't sell those."
Guy: "I don't want to buy one, just give me one to use."
Me: "Again, sir, I'm sorry, but we don't have cables for guests to use."
Guy: "UGH! Just go grab one out of Lost and Found!"
Me: "Items in Lost and Found are not for lending out."
Me: "I suppose you should have brought one with you."
Guy: *storms off muttering under his breath*

Gentle reminder: Hotels are not responsible for providing you with chargers/cables. Now, some will have a few random cables that they lend out. Hell, we did back when I started here. But do you know what happens about 50% of the time you lend someone a cable? You never see it again. So we ran out and stopped. (We used to take the chargers/cables that had been in Lost and Found for over 6 months and lend them out, but now they're just put out for employees to take.) Same thing happens with ice scrapers, we loan them out and about half of the time the person just drives off with them.

I have run into one or two with dedicated charging stations in the lobby, but that's a rarity.

Fantasy NPC: Demek The Lose-lace, The Burned Ghost

Not your typical ghost of Christmas past.

Drejk wrote:

Fantasy NPC: Demek The Lose-lace, The Burned Ghost

Not your typical ghost of Christmas past.

This is why they had to ban those bubble lights...

Drejk wrote:

Fantasy NPC: Demek The Lose-lace, The Burned Ghost

Not your typical ghost of Christmas past.

This is a good one. Gave me something to think about with respect to the undead as well as holding onto grudges and similar lines of thought. Thank you.

Did you HAVE to have him die on my birthday though?

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We just watched the '60s Ray Harryhausen 'Jason and the Argonauts'. Grand stuff

Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Fantasy NPC: Demek The Lose-lace, The Burned Ghost

Not your typical ghost of Christmas past.

This is a good one. Gave me something to think about with respect to the undead as well as holding onto grudges and similar lines of thought. Thank you.

Did you HAVE to have him die on my birthday though?


Well, that explains the drinking binge.

What is a lose-lace exactly

A spelling error.

It should be loose.

Basically, it is an unflattering nickname that the villagers gave him, referring to his job and his sloppy and lazy habits: The loose (shoe) lace.

Drejk wrote:
Basically, it is an unflattering nickname referring to his job and his sloppy and lazy habits: The loose (shoe) lace.

Interesting cultural nickname there.

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Teacher: "Mr. gran rey, your son turned in an essay entitled 'My Dog'. Now, it's a good essay, but the problem is that it is the same essay as the one his older sister turned in last year. Don't you think that's a problem?"
Me: "Not really."
Teacher: "Why not?"
Me: "It's the same dog."

If you took all the bald eagles on Earth and lined them up end to end, you'd probably get into a lot of trouble.

Sovereign Court

Orange Hulk smash anyone who wants to fight!

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You've been egged. Still wanna fight? Limey might be willing to spar.

Sovereign Court

Me accept any challenge!

Sounds like you're issuing a challenge. Guess you need to accept it, then.

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