Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

Gark the Goblin wrote:
It's taking way too long to catch up. I'm on the 20th of July after two days of reading (not full days, obviously).

Naked FaWTL-reading. I'm sure someone has done that before.

Dark Archive

Well the mystery of Australian crop circles has been Solved .

Studpuffin wrote:
It is Morphine time!


Liberty's Edge

Celestial Healer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
It's m0rrphin time! 
It is morphine time!

Dammit, ninja'ed!

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Well the mystery of Australian crop circles has been Solved .

The stoned wallaby.

Shock jocks of the poppy fields;
Alien pouch talk.

Ye Olde Barista wrote:
Sentient Coffee Bean wrote:

Help is on the way!

Ahh my friend, excellent!!! Now just come and get in the grinder and we will help that poor little lycanthrope out!

As you can see, I'm a friendly magical coffea. Just shake my trunk until my beans fall into the grinder!

Sentient Coffee Bean wrote:
Ye Olde Barista wrote:
Sentient Coffee Bean wrote:

Help is on the way!

Ahh my friend, excellent!!! Now just come and get in the grinder and we will help that poor little lycanthrope out!
As you can see, I'm a friendly magical coffea. Just shake my trunk until my beans fall into the grinder!

Errr....Do I need to shake your trunk? Can you just...


you know...

shake your own trunk?

Go ahead, do it, shake the trunk!

Grrrr. :(

Fine, don't shake the trunk, I don't care.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone else find it strange that Cayden Cailean is in Faiths of Purity?

Uh, what's so impure about drinking and whoring?

Jeez, moralize much?

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Go ahead, do it, shake the trunk!

How do it since you are so enthusiastic about it?

Scarab Sages

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Uh, what's so impure about drinking and whoring?

Jeez, moralize much?


Scarab Sages

Ye Olde Barista wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Go ahead, do it, shake the trunk!

How do it since you are so enthusiastic about it?

Shake it! You know you want to! All the cool kids are doing it.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

The Exchange

Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

We've been busy?

Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

Well, the truth is that it isn't normally possible. FAWTL scientists have been working diligently in a hidden Himilayan laboratory to perfect a way to instantly increase the number of posts on any messageboard through the clever application of chronal energies, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and a six pack of beer.

Ye Olde Barista wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Go ahead, do it, shake the trunk!

How do it since you are so enthusiastic about it?

[Shakes the trunk]

Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

And now Gark's back!

Hee hee!

Good to see you, Gark!

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Uh, what's so impure about drinking and whoring?

Jeez, moralize much?

Talking about blood.

On that subject, is it bad to eat poison oak and then donate blood?

Liberty's Edge

Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

I've been back?

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

And now Gark's back!

Hee hee!

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks! I have steady accesss to a computer now. Like an hour or two a day.
Unrelated, not for FHDM or believers in God, probably:
Btw: This image is WRONG in many ways.

Conspiracy Buff wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

Well, the truth is that it isn't normally possible. FAWTL scientists have been working diligently in a hidden Himilayan laboratory to perfect a way to instantly increase the number of posts on any messageboard through the clever application of chronal energies, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and a six pack of beer.

Mostly its the beer. LOTS AND LOTS OF BEER,

but you know those "Island Mist Cooler" chronal energies are good too...

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Youtube video

Does this mean you've got sound now?

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Youtube video
Does this mean you've got sound now?

Yup! Also that I've been watching DHSAB too much.

Liberty's Edge

Gruumash . wrote:
How is everyone doing what did I miss? I have been away for a bit. Kidney stones, not much fun I would not recommend accepting to take a kidney stone as a gift. Nope not much fun at all.

Sorry to hear about it.

Liberty's Edge

Jess Door wrote:
s~$# involving cats and moving

That blows.

Scarab Sages

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

And now Gark's back!

Hee hee!

** spoiler omitted **

OK, I was starting to warm up to you, but with this.....

Liberty's Edge

Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

I got news for you, my dear PMG. We had many slow days. Be glad.

Liberty's Edge

Edit: You know, this really doesn't deserve to be in my previous post.

My paper had only a short blurb on this.

F**~ing news organisations only wanting to report happy s~&!.

Scarab Sages

Gark the Goblin wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Then do it somewhere else. We would like to keep FAWTL a politics/religion/troll free zone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So here's a fun little habit you might want to lose before becoming a Religion professor at a non-sectarian, public institution of higher learning.

Yelling, KALI MA!!! and reaching for students hearts. Apparently, it is not only frightening, but religiously offensive to Indian and Nepalese students. Sheesh. Party poopers.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Ye Olde Barista wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Go ahead, do it, shake the trunk!

How do it since you are so enthusiastic about it?
[Shakes the trunk]

Yeah...shake harder!

Scarab Sages

Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote:

So here's a fun little habit you might want to lose before becoming a Religion professor at a non-sectarian, public institution of higher learning.

** spoiler omitted **

It just goes to show, the world would be a much better place if everyone took the lessons taught by those emminent sages, The Three Stooges, to heart.

Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote:

So here's a fun little habit you might want to lose before becoming a Religion professor at a non-sectarian, public institution of higher learning.

** spoiler omitted **

What can you do?

Scarab Sages

Sentient Coffee Bean wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Ye Olde Barista wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Go ahead, do it, shake the trunk!

How do it since you are so enthusiastic about it?
[Shakes the trunk]
Yeah...shake harder!

Shake It Up!

How am I supposed to get my Dr. Jones on? Damn political correctness.

Ye Olde Barista wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Go ahead, do it, shake the trunk!

How do it since you are so enthusiastic about it?

Are you sure you are a real barista?

The Exchange

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Well the mystery of Australian crop circles has been Solved .


Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
Then do it somewhere else. We would like to keep FAWTL a politics/religion/troll free zone.

It was actually in response to something you posted. It's an "old" (Depression era) family story.

My great uncle is Ralph Geier. My grandfather was Fred Geier. I think (can't remember) that Ed was also a great uncle. Anyway, Ralph is the storyteller. They were moving a bull, and it was ornery. So someone (I'm betting Ralph) said they should tie a rope around his balls, then to his nose ring. Then if he started shaking his head, he'd feel pain.

So they were walking along, and the bull was getting more and more antsy. Eventually he broke into a run, and that bull became a steer.

Then my uncle Karl posted the story on Wikipedia and several other sites in an attempt to prove that they have no quality control. It lasted a few weeks on Wikipedia.

The Exchange

Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

Not really get rid of the 5000 odd insane posts and we really only posted 59 new. Good luck finding those however.

Liberty's Edge

Celestial Healer wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

We just checked into our motel in Flagstaff and it's not worth what we're paying for it :(

Cleaner than the one in St. Louis, though. (Seeing SP and Treppa made up for the skeevy hotel.)

I think I was in Flagstaff on my Western USA Bus trip in 98

Probably. It's relatively close to the Grand Canyon, so if you went there, you might have stopped in Flagstaff.

This reminds me of a running... observation... my partner and I have about German tourists. (It's more complimentary than disparaging, trust me.)

For those who like an hour-long drive on gravel roads in Oregon's Cascades:
Crab Tree Lake is pretty awesome.

Oh, and 995 posts left to catch up on (the 24th of July). And! Soon I'll be to where I started reading again.

Liberty's Edge

Kajehase wrote:

Sorry to keep posting about the attacks in Norway, but they take up a fairly large majority of my thoughts right now.

Here's British journalist Andrew J Boyle's translation of the (in my opinion very good) speech made by prime minister Jens Stoltenberg at the memorial service today:


It will soon be two days since we suffered the worst crime committed in our land since the war. On Utøya and in Oslo. It feels like an eternity. They have been hours, days, nights filled with shock , despair, anger, and tears.

Today the time has come for mourning. Today we must allow ourselves to take account. To remember the dead. To mourn those who are no longer with us. Ninety-two lives have been lost, several people are still missing. Each and every life that has been lost is a tragedy. And together the number of people killed amounts to a national tragedy.

We are still struggling to get to grips with the dimension of what has happened. Many of us know people that have been killed. And many more have second hand acquaintance with someone that was killed.

I knew several of them. One of them was Monica. She worked at the Utøya camp for more than 20 years. For many of us Monica was Utøya. Now she is dead, shot and killed while creating safe and pleasant acitivities for young people from all over the country. Her husband Jon, and daughters Viktoria and Helene, are attending a service in Drammen Church today. It is so unjust! It is important that you know that we are weeping with you.

Another who is gone is Tore Eikeland, leader of the Labour youth league (AUF) Hordaland and one of our most talented young politicians. I remember when he managed to get the whole Party Congress to break out in applause when he held an impassioned speech about postal policy in Europe. Now he has gone. Gone for always. It is quite simply impossible to grasp.

These are just two of those we have lost. Many more lost their lives on Utøya and in the government buildings. Soon we will have the names of all those who died and see


What? No, just allergies.

Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:

6,371 new posts? Seriously TL;DR.

Hi! Although the majority of you know where to find me. Had to drop in briefly to bring support to a tentacled friend.

And with that note, there's a Rule 34 alert notifying me. Ciao!

And here is his victorious return! !!

Scarab Sages

Crimson Jester wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:

(5,059 new)

Wait. (5,059 new). Really? How is that even possible??

Not really get rid of the 5000 odd insane posts and we really only posted 59 new. Good luck finding those however.

DAMN! I thought it was 4932 insane post, and 127 "good" posts.

Lindisty wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Lindisty wrote:

Gaming has been awesome, if less frequent than I'd like. I'm thoroughly enjoying my paladin, and the adventure we have going right now. :)

Other than that, life is life, and a little more roller-coastery than usual lately.

Cool! Are you playing an AP?
No, it's a homebrew, and a continuation of a former campaign, with a partially continuing cast of characters and a few newbies. We're about to venture into the Hells to defeat an imprisoned demon that's bound to the evil red dragon who's terrorizing the world. I foresee lots of SMITING in my paladin's future. I love SMITING things. :)

I love smiting things too! Also, CRITICAL HITS. But not with those boring 18-20/x2 weapons.

Wait a second. I don't have a paladin alias! Soon to be fixed.

Edit: Fixed!


Scarab Sages

Here'd a reminder to all the FAWTL folk, and anyone else who's reading: Any gifts for me from those attending GenCon can be passed on the my fellow Flagons and Dragons podcasters.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Here'd a reminder to all the FAWTL folk, and anyone else who's reading: Any gifts for me from those attending GenCon can be passed on the my fellow Flagons and Dragons podcasters.

Great, I have a moldy hamburger roll with your name on it! I even got most of the dirt off!

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