What's the deal with the PRD updates?

Website Feedback

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It's been over a year since the PRD had any updates and a few newer setting-neutral books are still missing. Why?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Is PRD run by Paizo?

Yes. It's "Rules Archive (PRD)" in the sidebar on the left just below Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

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If you stroll on over the website feedback forum and scroll about halfway down you will find a discussion of this. My interpration: "we're aware, it is a priority, we wish we had the time/staff to do something about it."

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darth_borehd wrote:
It's been over a year since the PRD had any updates and a few newer setting-neutral books are still missing. Why?

There's multiple explanations.

1. The person who edits the PRD lost his password and doesn't remember it or is unable to recover it, which means he can't log in to edit the PRD anymore (and as such it's stuck as is).

2. Starfinder Aliens took over the PRD system and Paizo can't crack it.

3. Paizo got lazy/too busy and decided to defer their "online" bookkeeping to third party sites (a la D20PFSRD and Archives of Nethys), who are much more accurate and up-to-date in terms of recent Paizo publications.

4. Some other random thing you can come up with that seems plausible (or is pretty damn funny).

Java Man wrote:
If you stroll on over the website feedback forum and scroll about halfway down you will find a discussion of this. My interpration: "we're aware, it is a priority, we wish we had the time/staff to do something about it."

And yet they promise a Starfinder reference document Fall 2017.

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Darksol the Painbringer wrote:

4. Some other random thing you can come up with that seems plausible (or is pretty damn funny).

The Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics, Druids, Paladins, Barbarians, and Core Deities who maintained it were lost in the Gap, and since spell components and metamagic disappeared, too, we can't cast anything to figure out where they are. Not that we could cast anything powerful enough anyway, since all 7th-9th level spells ran off, too!

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Plot Twist: The Wizard took Divination as an opposed school, and is too much of a cheapskate to spend two of his spell slots to cast any Divination spells.

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(And it's a lot of work that doesn't make money)

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darth_borehd wrote:
It's been over a year since the PRD had any updates and a few newer setting-neutral books are still missing. Why?

It's business.

In a nutshell, any task which is not revenue-generating will have a lower priority than virtually any task with is revenue-generating. Having staff who have time for non-revenue-generating tasks is inefficient and - by definition - costly.

Paizo is more generous than most businesses, by far, but the reality remains.

It'll get updated when all of the other fires are put out. Same goes for FAQs.

Anguish wrote:

It'll get updated when all of the other fires are put out. Same goes for FAQs.

I find their lack of FAQ disturbing. There are many that have gone unanswered for months.

Bloodrealm wrote:
Java Man wrote:
If you stroll on over the website feedback forum and scroll about halfway down you will find a discussion of this. My interpration: "we're aware, it is a priority, we wish we had the time/staff to do something about it."
And yet they promise a Starfinder reference document Fall 2017.

That makes me think that "2. Starfinder Aliens took over the PRD system and Paizo can't crack it." is the explanation closest to the truth, then (their efforts are on SFRD instead of PRD).

They've lost a lot of important behind the scenes people over this last year, and now that they're dividing their attention to Starfinder as well, things that aren't expressly making them money are going out the window.

Liberty's Edge

I think with 5e being successful enough to take back some of the playerbase, Paizo has probably entered a period of decline economically. They no longer have the resources to keep up what they were once able to. Player Companions are experiencing slowdown, Campaign Settings are experiencing slowdown, Modules have been all but dead, Tales are pretty much dead -- even the Core line seems to have just one product coming out in the first half of 2018. Everything seems to be winding down. In a climate like that, it's easy to understand why free things are being cut back, too.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ever heard of Starfinder?

Liberty's Edge

As someone who's waiting for my second replacement of the SF CRB, my opinion is not affected.

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Jumping into Starfinder probably didn't help. They cut their entire staff's attention in two, and both games suffer for it. The Pathfinder Online trainwreck fiasco ordeal endeavor was also probably a bit of a damper.

Liberty's Edge

Lisa made it a point to state how they were making sure that Starfinder wouldn't affect the Pathfinder schedule. Clearly something's gone very wrong there.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So ... your problem actually is:

a) Paizo is in decline


b) Paizo isn't in decline, but they promised Starfinder won't cut into Pathfinder schedule


c) you woke up with a bad headache and are trying to find some element of reality to blame for that?

Besides, abut the Starfinder wouldn't affect the Pathfinder Schedule - this year, Paizo put out: Bestiary 6, Adventurer's Guide, Ultimate Wilderness and Book of the Damned on the top of Starfinder CRB and Alien Archive. That's more hardcovers than in any other year. I'm not surprised that the free lunch part of their business took a backseat, especially given the concurrent existence of two similiar services (AoN and d20pfsrd).

Liberty's Edge

Gorbacz wrote:
So ... your problem actually is:

I don't have a problem. You seem to be trying to invent me having a problem. I'm just discussing what I see.

Shadow Lodge

Funny how the Adventurer's Guide and Ultimate Wilderness were met with negative feedback and some 'dislike' by a lot of people though. Makes you wonder....

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Dragonborn3 wrote:
Funny how the Adventurer's Guide and Ultimate Wilderness were met with negative feedback and some 'dislike' by a lot of people though. Makes you wonder....

I'm not wholly certain what Adventurer's Guide has to do with this. Most of the "'dislike'" seemed to be over a) the quantity of reprinted material, and b) the spoilers for APs. I've heard very few complaints about the mechanical quality of the new content (updated lore warden rioting aside).

The complaints for Ultimate Wilderness, though, do seem to be about the new mechanics presented therein. So I can see the connection there. ^_^

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Funny how the Adventurer's Guide and Ultimate Wilderness were met with negative feedback and some 'dislike' by a lot of people though. Makes you wonder....

What's "a lot" of people?

Gorbacz wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Funny how the Adventurer's Guide and Ultimate Wilderness were met with negative feedback and some 'dislike' by a lot of people though. Makes you wonder....
What's "a lot" of people?

A substantial amount more than usual. Compare the reviews of other hardbacks to Ultimate Wilderness. There are clearly enough people feeling that way the reviews appear mixed at best and negative at worst.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
darth_borehd wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Funny how the Adventurer's Guide and Ultimate Wilderness were met with negative feedback and some 'dislike' by a lot of people though. Makes you wonder....
What's "a lot" of people?
A substantial amount more than usual. Compare the reviews of other hardbacks to Ultimate Wilderness. There are clearly enough people feeling that way the reviews appear mixed at best and negative at worst.

What's "usual"?

In fact, UW is far from usual, the APG picked just 48 reviews over its 7 years long life cycle, UW is close to that number in two weeks. The much-argued-about OA is looking silly with 24 reviews. To me, this situation smells of cliques of people with agendas who are fighting turf wars over the book.

Which makes the entire "negative feedback by a lot of people" argument moot, because we're looking at tribal warfare.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Maybe Paizo can coordinate the updates with the Archives of Nethys? That site is mostly caught up on the books with player options, but they are still missing Bestiaries 5 and 6. Paizo has Bestiary 5 but not 6. If Paizo focuses on updating Bestiary 6 next, then they will have taken care of the main book that neither site has covered yet.

The Archives of Nethys can then focus on the Book of the Damned and Ultimate Wilderness since they have fewer such books in their backlog.

Samy wrote:
... Modules have been all but dead ....

To be fair, the Modules line has been running consistently behind since at least 2012.

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If I read all the whacky knee jerk reviews that people post about their recent books, I wouldn't be in a hurry to update the free site either.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

Bloodrealm wrote:
Java Man wrote:
If you stroll on over the website feedback forum and scroll about halfway down you will find a discussion of this. My interpration: "we're aware, it is a priority, we wish we had the time/staff to do something about it."
And yet they promise a Starfinder reference document Fall 2017.

I can confirm that this is in process. I personally went through the entire core rulebook to prepare it for uploading to the SFRD. There are multiple steps in the process, however, and it's no single person's full-time job nor is it something an army of volunteers can help speed up, as it is on other sites.


Would it help if I hired androids?

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