Freehold DM |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:I dunno. CY has an aura of manliness (su) too. That wall may be pregnant.captain yesterday wrote:The General, upon noticing the bandage on my leg says "Oh my god, what happened!? Are you okay!?" "Oh yes, a wall fell on my leg, it's just a scrape" "A wall fell on your leg, and it's JUST a scrape!" "You should see what I did to the wall!".I'm surprised this conversation didn't directly lead to another child.
strokes black manliness
no, precious, we have nothing to fear, precious

Tacticslion |
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People I love
In my house
So stressful
(Tired)((I mean, you’d think the fact that we’ve been planning this for a year would leave me more emotionally prepared, it nooooooooo))
(((Super glad they’re here, though)))
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand people no longer in my house. They will return tomorrow, but for today it is a rest, and tomorrow is regrettably not so long a visit.
'Dem split emotions of relief/sadness. :I

lisamarlene |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

So I had shown Val a bunch of old Monty Python clips on YouTube (French Taunting, Black Knight, Knights who say "Ni", Dead Parrot, Silly Walks, Cheese Shop) while he was sick earlier this month, and I'd forgotten about it.
Until dinner tonight, when my 18-month-old niece looked across the table at him and started shrieking "NI!" over and over again until she collapsed in a fit of giggles.
Apparently six years old is not too young to be Mister Bad Example.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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It's currently 92 degrees here with 55% humidity and a "feels like" of 103. We're expected to hit a high of 98 with a head index of up to 116. And I now have to go into my inferno of a car to drive to the hairdresser.
Tomorrow it will be worse, and then Monday it will theoretically drop 10 degrees after a day of rain.
That Sally McDQ with the weather.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Just found out on FB that one of my best friends from college just lost his wife this morning.
Root canal infection that went septic. She was in the ICU and they were trying to get her stabilized for surgery.
Steph and Rog were expecting their first grandchild this fall, and they still have two kids in high school.
They married the week before we graduated, and for 23 years, she's been his world.

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.
where is the eye rolling emoji when you need it?

Ambrosia Slaad |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:where is the eye rolling emoji when you need it?I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.
Some of us really really hate crowds of people. The idea of trying to live in a place like that makes my skin crawl just thinking about.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Just found out on FB that one of my best friends from college just lost his wife this morning.
Root canal infection that went septic. She was in the ICU and they were trying to get her stabilized for surgery.
Steph and Rog were expecting their first grandchild this fall, and they still have two kids in high school.
They married the week before we graduated, and for 23 years, she's been his world.
my god. I am so sorry.

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Some of us really really hate crowds of people. The idea of trying to live in a place like that makes my skin crawl just thinking about.NobodysHome wrote:where is the eye rolling emoji when you need it?I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.
Totally. It took me until the third and final day of our first visit to even stop hating New York, and a second visit to actually love it. Ditto for Paris. And after 22 years of living in the Bay Area, I never managed to love SF. More of a grudging occasional fondness.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Some of us really really hate crowds of people. The idea of trying to live in a place like that makes my skin crawl just thinking about.NobodysHome wrote:where is the eye rolling emoji when you need it?I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.
I'm not rolling my eyes at that. I'm rolling my eyes at the considerable probability that NH is complaining about himself.
7 times out of ten(using that estimate because rush hour 2x/day and lunch rush 1x/day) the huge crowds of people around here are composed entiely of tourists. They dont know where they are and are too intimidated to ask directions/believe googlemaps, and kind of just mill about blocking the sidewalk, creating the illusion of crowding when in all probability it's just 3 to 4 modest-sized groups of people waiting for googlemaps to update/work up the courage to ask someone where something is/waiting for something to open.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Totally. It took me until the third and final day of our first visit to even stop hating New York, and a second visit to actually love it. Ditto for Paris. And after 22 years of living in the Bay Area, I never managed to love SF. More of a grudging occasional fondness.Freehold DM wrote:Some of us really really hate crowds of people. The idea of trying to live in a place like that makes my skin crawl just thinking about.NobodysHome wrote:where is the eye rolling emoji when you need it?I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.
that's it. I'm sending more pictures.

Ambrosia Slaad |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Some of us really really hate crowds of people. The idea of trying to live in a place like that makes my skin crawl just thinking about.NobodysHome wrote:where is the eye rolling emoji when you need it?I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.
I'm not rolling my eyes at that. I'm rolling my eyes at the considerable probability that NH is complaining about himself.
7 times out of ten(using that estimate because rush hour 2x/day and lunch rush 1x/day) the huge crowds of people around here are composed entiely of tourists. They dont know where they are and are too intimidated to ask directions/believe googlemaps, and kind of just mill about blocking the sidewalk, creating the illusion of crowding when in all probability it's just 3 to 4 modest-sized groups of people waiting for googlemaps to update/work up the courage to ask someone where something is/waiting for something to open.
Dude, the population of my entire county was 400K back in 2000, and that was entirely too many people for me then.

![]() |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.
I can take you to another city then amsterdam :P

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vidmaster7 wrote:Dr. ejk have you made a gun that shoots swords that explode into more swords then then themselves explode as well yet?I dirty-modded a sword that shoots swords (like LoZ Link's master sword) for the BGEE engine.
Or like the sword in super duper tip top movie 'The Sword and the Sorcerer', with its even more spectacular tie-in novel ('The liquid swish of her saucy buttocks'... There's writing for you...)

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Or like the sword in super duper tip top movie 'The Sword and the Sorcerer', with its even more spectacular tie-in novel ('The liquid swish of her saucy buttocks'... There's writing for you...)Vidmaster7 wrote:Dr. ejk have you made a gun that shoots swords that explode into more swords then then themselves explode as well yet?I dirty-modded a sword that shoots swords (like LoZ Link's master sword) for the BGEE engine.
adds to read list

Tequila Sunrise |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

Suuuper proud of myself.
At Monday's Democrats meeting, I finally stood up to pitch the gardening club that I've been planning for like a year. My baseline anxiety must have risen in the past couple of years, because I hadn't been that nervous in front of a crowd since my high school plays. But I pulled it off, got seven sign-ups for the club, and I even heard the visiting speaker from the state party affirm the importance of gardening while I was speaking!
Our first meeting will be next month, and I'm psyched!

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Suuuper proud of myself.
At Monday's Democrats meeting, I finally stood up to pitch the gardening club that I've been planning for like a year. My baseline anxiety must have risen in the past couple of years, because I hadn't been that nervous in front of a crowd since my high school plays. But I pulled it off, got seven sign-ups for the club, and I even heard the visiting speaker from the state party affirm the importance of gardening while I was speaking!
Our first meeting will be next month, and I'm psyched!

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Totally. It took me until the third and final day of our first visit to even stop hating New York, and a second visit to actually love it. Ditto for Paris. And after 22 years of living in the Bay Area, I never managed to love SF. More of a grudging occasional fondness.Freehold DM wrote:Some of us really really hate crowds of people. The idea of trying to live in a place like that makes my skin crawl just thinking about.NobodysHome wrote:where is the eye rolling emoji when you need it?I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.
that's it. I'm sending more pictures.
July of 2007 and December of 2009.
December was the best. I got to sit in my favorite room in the Metropolitan museum (the Temple of Dendur room) and watch the snow falling outside the big windows.
NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Some of us really really hate crowds of people. The idea of trying to live in a place like that makes my skin crawl just thinking about.NobodysHome wrote:where is the eye rolling emoji when you need it?I finally had an epiphany about big tourist cities.
Just like San Francisco, after just a couple of days in London, Edinburgh, or Paris, I’m ready to flee town. And I finally realized it’s the crowds, the noise, and the pollution. Here in Paris the city is beautiful, the people are (finally) welcoming... but the constant need to dodge other people, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, vaping, and diesel fumes, and the neverending battle to actually get anywhere just wears me down quickly.
If Paris were 20 degrees cooler and empty, I could spend a month here poking around. With the crowds, I’d practically rather go hungry than go out again.
But we have a boat tour on the Seine, and it will be beautiful, and so out I will go.
I'm not rolling my eyes at that. I'm rolling my eyes at the considerable probability that NH is complaining about himself.
7 times out of ten(using that estimate because rush hour 2x/day and lunch rush 1x/day) the huge crowds of people around here are composed entiely of tourists. They dont know where they are and are too intimidated to ask directions/believe googlemaps, and kind of just mill about blocking the sidewalk, creating the illusion of crowding when in all probability it's just 3 to 4 modest-sized groups of people waiting for googlemaps to update/work up the courage to ask someone where something is/waiting for something to open.
LOLOL. This is proof you’ve never met me. If my kids even slow down in a walkway I physically shove them to the side. Getting in other people’s way is anathema to me, and 90% of my stress from crowds is herding my group to keep them out of everybody else’s way.
You just described my most-hated nemesis: The blocker. HATE THEM!!!
EDIT: Seriously; it’s not a preference; it’s a psychological compulsion for me. If you stop in the middle of the sidewalk to tell me something or point something out, I’ll just keep right on walking, away from you as necessary, until I find clear space. Drives GothBard crazy, but I fundamentally refuse to block the flow of traffic, pedestrian or vehicular.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just found out on FB that one of my best friends from college just lost his wife this morning.
Root canal infection that went septic. She was in the ICU and they were trying to get her stabilized for surgery.
Steph and Rog were expecting their first grandchild this fall, and they still have two kids in high school.
They married the week before we graduated, and for 23 years, she's been his world.
Wow. So sorry. Ugh.