Vanykrye |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

Aiymi's MRI *still* has not been approved by insurance. No reason yet. "It's normal for these things to take at least 5 business days to get approved."
Minor update: "Well, technically, the insurance company has until July 2nd to approve or deny..."
So...just to clear this up...
It's hypothetically possible that someone has an injury that could have been *less* severe and easier to fix if they'd just done what was necessary at the time of the injury, but instead we're going to wait up to 9 business days just to approve the diagnostic means of determining the extent of injury. And if it shows surgery is required, what, wait another 10 business days to get that approved?
And Aiymi is in a good position - we have decent insurance, she has a job where she can work from home, and she has an employer that is patient and understanding. There's an awful lot of Americans who are not in this position.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vanykrye wrote:Aiymi's MRI *still* has not been approved by insurance. No reason yet. "It's normal for these things to take at least 5 business days to get approved."
Minor update: "Well, technically, the insurance company has until July 2nd to approve or deny..."
So...just to clear this up...
It's hypothetically possible that someone has an injury that could have been *less* severe and easier to fix if they'd just done what was necessary at the time of the injury, but instead we're going to wait up to 9 business days just to approve the diagnostic means of determining the extent of injury. And if it shows surgery is required, what, wait another 10 business days to get that approved?
** spoiler omitted **
And Aiymi is in a good position - we have decent insurance, she has a job where she can work from home, and she has an employer that is patient and understanding. There's an awful lot of Americans who are not in this position.
indeed, it is leaning more to the left than the right.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Things that make you say, "Hmmm..."
Going through the kids' 6th grade stuff (Impus Major 6th grade, Impus Minor 3rd grade) and finding a packet of rat poison mixed in among all the papers.
Considering we've been cat owners all our lives, hence have never owned nor used such poisons, it makes me wonder, "How did an envelope of rat poison get into my kids' stuff?"
The world will likely never know...
EDIT: What's irritating is that both likely explanations are indicative of unbelievably irresponsible adults:
(1) (More likely) It came from the school, where the janitor put it somewhere the kids could pick it up. Being curious, a kid picked it up
(2) (Less likely) Our neighbors had a rat problem and might have used such poison, in which case our kids might have picked it up there. The problem is, our neighbors have a daughter of their own and hence would be extremely unlikely to have left it where the kids would find it.
So yeah, my guess is that it was the school janitor in a major, "Wow, if my kids were idiots that could have been tragic" moment."
Neither kid remembers anything about it, of course.

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I was wearing men's large army pants and a mustard yellow "YOLO" shirt with various X-men and Avengers logos on it. Anything that says "YOLO" is worse than bunny slippers any day. (No, I didn't buy it. I swiped it from His Lordship's laundry room when we lived in Richmond. It's my hair dyeing shirt, so it's covered in stains.)
You Obviously Like Owls?

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Things that make you say, "Hmmm..."
Going through the kids' 6th grade stuff (Impus Major 6th grade, Impus Minor 3rd grade) and finding a packet of rat poison mixed in among all the papers.
Considering we've been cat owners all our lives, hence have never owned nor used such poisons, it makes me wonder, "How did an envelope of rat poison get into my kids' stuff?"
The world will likely never know...
EDIT: What's irritating is that both likely explanations are indicative of unbelievably irresponsible adults:
(1) (More likely) It came from the school, where the janitor put it somewhere the kids could pick it up. Being curious, a kid picked it up
(2) (Less likely) Our neighbors had a rat problem and might have used such poison, in which case our kids might have picked it up there. The problem is, our neighbors have a daughter of their own and hence would be extremely unlikely to have left it where the kids would find it.So yeah, my guess is that it was the school janitor in a major, "Wow, if my kids were idiots that could have been tragic" moment."
Neither kid remembers anything about it, of course.
I can think of another reason that has nothing to do with irresponsible adults.
Another kid at school back in 6th/3rd grade did it deliberately.
Say IM or Im told an adult about something happening and another kid didn't like that action...and said kid is of a certain persuasion to make threats or set up dangerous conditions...
Yeah, I knew some kids who found rat poison in their locker that was left as a warning.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Things that make you say, "Hmmm..."
Going through the kids' 6th grade stuff (Impus Major 6th grade, Impus Minor 3rd grade) and finding a packet of rat poison mixed in among all the papers.
Considering we've been cat owners all our lives, hence have never owned nor used such poisons, it makes me wonder, "How did an envelope of rat poison get into my kids' stuff?"
The world will likely never know...
EDIT: What's irritating is that both likely explanations are indicative of unbelievably irresponsible adults:
(1) (More likely) It came from the school, where the janitor put it somewhere the kids could pick it up. Being curious, a kid picked it up
(2) (Less likely) Our neighbors had a rat problem and might have used such poison, in which case our kids might have picked it up there. The problem is, our neighbors have a daughter of their own and hence would be extremely unlikely to have left it where the kids would find it.So yeah, my guess is that it was the school janitor in a major, "Wow, if my kids were idiots that could have been tragic" moment."
Neither kid remembers anything about it, of course.
I can think of another reason that has nothing to do with irresponsible adults.
Another kid at school back in 6th/3rd grade did it deliberately.
Say IM or Im told an adult about something happening and another kid didn't like that action...and said kid is of a certain persuasion to make threats or set up dangerous conditions...
Yeah, I knew some kids who found rat poison in their locker that was left as a warning.
Nah; I'm still thinking janitor simply because the labeling on the packet is so "industrial". My ladder comes with more safety warning stuck on the sides...

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Things that make you say, "Hmmm..."
Going through the kids' 6th grade stuff (Impus Major 6th grade, Impus Minor 3rd grade) and finding a packet of rat poison mixed in among all the papers.
Considering we've been cat owners all our lives, hence have never owned nor used such poisons, it makes me wonder, "How did an envelope of rat poison get into my kids' stuff?"
The world will likely never know...
EDIT: What's irritating is that both likely explanations are indicative of unbelievably irresponsible adults:
(1) (More likely) It came from the school, where the janitor put it somewhere the kids could pick it up. Being curious, a kid picked it up
(2) (Less likely) Our neighbors had a rat problem and might have used such poison, in which case our kids might have picked it up there. The problem is, our neighbors have a daughter of their own and hence would be extremely unlikely to have left it where the kids would find it.So yeah, my guess is that it was the school janitor in a major, "Wow, if my kids were idiots that could have been tragic" moment."
Neither kid remembers anything about it, of course.
I can think of another reason that has nothing to do with irresponsible adults.
Another kid at school back in 6th/3rd grade did it deliberately.
Say IM or Im told an adult about something happening and another kid didn't like that action...and said kid is of a certain persuasion to make threats or set up dangerous conditions...
Yeah, I knew some kids who found rat poison in their locker that was left as a warning.
how edgy.

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:A properly constructed sentence is it's own reward.Freehold DM wrote:... but... and adapter... is built... from math...Vanykrye wrote:hey, I just said she needed an adapter, not the gibbering mouther that is math.NobodysHome wrote:lynora, I'd get something like this. The swivel puts less lateral force on the kitchen faucet.
Agreed. Pulling on the hose is going to not only put pressure at the nozzle/adapter, but more importantly pull on the joint where the faucet meets the sink/base (Freehold, we know this to be true due to math and its specific application in physics).
That swivel will alleviate some of that, as long as you don't go nuts and yank on it.
^^ This is the joke, for the recrod.
(It's like a "rod" but with more "rec" to it.)

Tacticslion |

So, this is getting ridiculous.
We went to Rivoli on the 15th because we hadn't been in quite a while and Hi was missing it, and Hi yoinked the bill, as he occasionally does.
Then we went on the 18th for the Portuguese Hurricane's birthday, and while I had to pay for myself and GothBard, it was a LOT less than our usual trips.
On the 22nd an old friend of Shiro's was in town, and he'd never been to Rivoli, so he begged Shiro to drive him up, we went again, and Shiro yoinked the bill.
Today the Fake Russian called me wanting to do dinner, so we went to the corner pub, and, on learning it had been my birthday 6 days ago, insisted on treating me.
I've eaten out 4 times in the last two weeks, 3 times at Rivoli, and only paid for a single meal.
Karma isn't a b%!*$. Karma is a very kind person who knows how much I enjoy eating out with friends.
EDIT: Ooh! That's the first time I've ever triggered the obscenity filter on Paizo! Woo hoo!
You know, I do this on occasion, and it's always with words I'm reasonably certain aren't curse words. But, yeah, I think this one is a legitimate trip!
*throws confetti, only not really, because you have to clean that nonsense up, and it's terrrrrrrrrible*

Limeylongears |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:
I was wearing men's large army pants and a mustard yellow "YOLO" shirt with various X-men and Avengers logos on it. Anything that says "YOLO" is worse than bunny slippers any day. (No, I didn't buy it. I swiped it from His Lordship's laundry room when we lived in Richmond. It's my hair dyeing shirt, so it's covered in stains.)YOLO...
You Obviously Like Owls?
Everybody Likes Owls, just to shine a little light on things.

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:
I was wearing men's large army pants and a mustard yellow "YOLO" shirt with various X-men and Avengers logos on it. Anything that says "YOLO" is worse than bunny slippers any day. (No, I didn't buy it. I swiped it from His Lordship's laundry room when we lived in Richmond. It's my hair dyeing shirt, so it's covered in stains.)YOLO...
You Obviously Like Owls?
... and Simon Cowells?

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jimmy Buffett wrote:captain yesterday wrote:A high today of 93 with humidity already at 93% percent.
Hopefully the weather doesn't attract Florida Man (who will of course try to rape a chicken, fail spectacularly and settle for f~~$ing the brand new fence on the property we're working on).
Of course, he could just walk off with one of our erosion socks and dry hump it in the middle of Candy Cane Park a few blocks away.
Florida Man, Florida Man
F%%$s the lid of a garbage can
Why's he do it, it's not important
Florida Man
He's gonna watch you get a tan
Perverted man, Florida Man.Is it a crime or is he in pain?
Do bath salts drive him completely insane?
Or does insane get him instead?
Don't wanna know, Florida Man...
As the resident Florida Man, I am insulted. Insulted, I say!
... you entirely forgot about the pet alligator that that was thrown into some window or another.

Tacticslion |

Relevant TwoAM SKALD wrote:Jimmy Buffett wrote:captain yesterday wrote:A high today of 93 with humidity already at 93% percent.
Hopefully the weather doesn't attract Florida Man (who will of course try to rape a chicken, fail spectacularly and settle for f~~$ing the brand new fence on the property we're working on).
Of course, he could just walk off with one of our erosion socks and dry hump it in the middle of Candy Cane Park a few blocks away.
Florida Man, Florida Man
F%%$s the lid of a garbage can
Why's he do it, it's not important
Florida Man
He's gonna watch you get a tan
Perverted man, Florida Man.Is it a crime or is he in pain?
Do bath salts drive him completely insane?
Or does insane get him instead?
Don't wanna know, Florida Man...As the resident Florida Man, I am insulted. Insulted, I say!
... you entirely forgot about the pet alligator that that was thrown into some window or another.
Relevant Three
Relevant Four
Relevant Five (even I've not had a chance to watch part five, yet!)
And, of course, the soundtrack.

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:Vanykrye wrote:You just soiled my childhood. Well done.No, that couldn't have been during childho-
... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh bother.
Don't worry. I'm old enough that it was nowhere near *my* childhood.
Does that make you feel better?
... but you've still got your luscious blonde locks!
Ignores photo evidence about dark hair.

lisamarlene |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, Teensy Valeros now has a prescription for Focalin, and I have the first month's supply in my purse. We're going to start it tomorrow morning. We're starting off on the lowest dose and monitoring. I like his new pediatrician, and it helps that her youngest is exactly his age and just started the same medication for the same reasons a month ago.
Meanwhile, I've been working my tail off all week but am still not done with the packing and other preparations, and we're supposed to leave at 7 tomorrow morning.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

AM SKALD wrote:Jimmy Buffett wrote:captain yesterday wrote:A high today of 93 with humidity already at 93% percent.
Hopefully the weather doesn't attract Florida Man (who will of course try to rape a chicken, fail spectacularly and settle for f~~$ing the brand new fence on the property we're working on).
Of course, he could just walk off with one of our erosion socks and dry hump it in the middle of Candy Cane Park a few blocks away.
Florida Man, Florida Man
F%%$s the lid of a garbage can
Why's he do it, it's not important
Florida Man
He's gonna watch you get a tan
Perverted man, Florida Man.Is it a crime or is he in pain?
Do bath salts drive him completely insane?
Or does insane get him instead?
Don't wanna know, Florida Man...As the resident Florida Man, I am insulted. Insulted, I say!
... you entirely forgot about the pet alligator that that was thrown into some window or another.
There are more verses.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

It always sucks when you're just doing what's best for you and you end up coming across like a psychotic.
"Dear Paizo, I'm not particularly interested in Second Edition, so please cancel all of my subscriptions as of August 1."
I haven't even looked at Second Edition. I have no feelings towards it, pro or con, other than the fact that I just don't need one more game system in my life. We have plenty already, thanks.
So I emailed Customer Service and told them to cancel everything, and they're going to assume I didn't like something they did in Second Edition.
When I can honestly say I haven't seen a single rule nor read a single discussion thread about it, outside of the occasional mentions on FaWtL.

1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Captain Yesterday, FaWtL 6 News wrote:Oh s+!~, he made a f*@$ing swear! M!!!@@@@$@@@, I didn't expect that!!Blinking heck!
EDIT: Wouldn't it be good if the profanity filter replaced one's bad language with suitably bland, euphemistic cusses?
Ah, the Johnny Dangerously algorithm.

Ambrosia Slaad |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

AM SKALD wrote:Jimmy Buffett wrote:captain yesterday wrote:A high today of 93 with humidity already at 93% percent.
Hopefully the weather doesn't attract Florida Man (who will of course try to rape a chicken, fail spectacularly and settle for f~~$ing the brand new fence on the property we're working on).
Of course, he could just walk off with one of our erosion socks and dry hump it in the middle of Candy Cane Park a few blocks away.
Florida Man, Florida Man
F%%$s the lid of a garbage can
Why's he do it, it's not important
Florida Man
He's gonna watch you get a tan
Perverted man, Florida Man.Is it a crime or is he in pain?
Do bath salts drive him completely insane?
Or does insane get him instead?
Don't wanna know, Florida Man...As the resident Florida Man, I am insulted. Insulted, I say!
... you entirely forgot about the pet alligator that that was thrown into some window or another.
If I weren't still living in Florida, this might make me homesick. Or just sick.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Woran wrote:Steam summer sale has begun. So much I want. So much I still have to play.How dare you, madame. How dare you tell me.
I was doing so well...
*wallet trembles in fear*
... so... many... wishlist... items... on... saaaaaaaaaaaaale

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:If I weren't still living in Florida, this might make me homesick. Or just sick.AM SKALD wrote:Jimmy Buffett wrote:captain yesterday wrote:A high today of 93 with humidity already at 93% percent.
Hopefully the weather doesn't attract Florida Man (who will of course try to rape a chicken, fail spectacularly and settle for f~~$ing the brand new fence on the property we're working on).
Of course, he could just walk off with one of our erosion socks and dry hump it in the middle of Candy Cane Park a few blocks away.
Florida Man, Florida Man
F%%$s the lid of a garbage can
Why's he do it, it's not important
Florida Man
He's gonna watch you get a tan
Perverted man, Florida Man.Is it a crime or is he in pain?
Do bath salts drive him completely insane?
Or does insane get him instead?
Don't wanna know, Florida Man...As the resident Florida Man, I am insulted. Insulted, I say!
... you entirely forgot about the pet alligator that that was thrown into some window or another.
You can make the heat let you feel that way, instead!
... though that said, today was an incredible blessing: lightly cloudy with no rain, kept the sun dimmer, the heat down, and my father-in-law had given us a kind of "emergency" AC unit - a portable one, but not a window-unit - and altogether, it helped a lot! It was great!

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh, OK. Geez. I'll boot up my Windows machine and see what's on sale on Steam.
The problem is:
(1) I have plenty of money, so sales don't mean a lot to me
(2) I have *no* time, so games don't mean a lot to me
I'm betting that at the end of it all I'll still be sitting on the $26.02 credit I have left from returning Devil May Cry 5, I game I heartily recommend avoiding on a PC if at all humanly possible.
(The whole control system is built around having a console controller. Does not work well on a PC keyboard. At. All.)

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Maxed out at 67˚F and hazy with a fair breeze, so by mid-afternoon I had to close up the house to avoid it getting too chilly.
For those in hot regions, Shiro just had an "air circulation" system installed in his house. MUCH cheaper than an AC, MUCH less energy-intensive, and it's pretty much exactly what you need in a hot climate: The moment the outside temperature drops below the inside temperature, crank it up and let it do its magic, then do it again first thing in the morning and seal up the house.
Of course, it needs to drop below 80˚F at some point during the night, and I recall a couple of Davis summers where that didn't happen, so I don't know whether Florida has similarly-hot nights.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Weird. I thought one of the store filters was "On Sale", but I'm not finding it now.
So yeah, none of the stuff on the front couple of pages appeals to me so meh.
If you don't know what you're looking for, you don't know what you're missing.
And did one of you send me a friend invite? I have an invite from someone I've never heard of, but we have one friend in common so I'm hesitant to just boot the person.
EDIT: OK. I looked at the profile and I actually know who it is and accepted.
Paranoid? Me? In the real world, not much. Online? You'd better believe it!

Tacticslion |

Oh, OK. Geez. I'll boot up my Windows machine and see what's on sale on Steam.
The problem is:
(1) I have plenty of money, so sales don't mean a lot to me
(2) I have *no* time, so games don't mean a lot to meI'm betting that at the end of it all I'll still be sitting on the $26.02 credit I have left from returning Devil May Cry 5, I game I heartily recommend avoiding on a PC if at all humanly possible.
(The whole control system is build around having a console controller. Does not work well on a PC keyboard. At. All.)
Nooooooooooooooooooooo you were free from the Abyss, you were freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
... that said, there were some pretty cool-looking options.
Others were pretty terrible. Like, Shadowbringers: Final Fantasy XIV is on "sale" for... full price? (Obviously it's not on sale, but... why list it among the other things that are?)
In general anything by Squaresoft-Enix has a fairly "meh" sales-discount.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker is on sale, though! And that's pretty great!

Tacticslion |

Maxed out at 67˚F and hazy with a fair breeze, so by mid-afternoon I had to close up the house to avoid it getting too chilly.
For those in hot regions, Shiro just had an "air circulation" system installed in his house. MUCH cheaper than an AC, MUCH less energy-intensive, and it's pretty much exactly what you need in a hot climate: The moment the outside temperature drops below the inside temperature, crank it up and let it do its magic, then do it again first thing in the morning and seal up the house.
Of course, it needs to drop below 80˚F at some point during the night, and I recall a couple of Davis summers where that didn't happen, so I don't know whether Florida has similarly-hot nights.
It fluctuates pretty wildly. Ocala is over Georgia-like clay in places (despite being quiiiiiiiiiiite some distance) and has actual-and-legitimate-hills blocking out any sea breeze, so it gets hooooooooot and likes to stay that way.
EDIT: not to say that it's not worthwhile, but just that I'unno

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Weird. I thought one of the store filters was "On Sale", but I'm not finding it now.
So yeah, none of the stuff on the front couple of pages appeals to me so meh.
If you don't know what you're looking for, you don't know what you're missing.
And did one of you send me a friend invite? I have an invite from someone I've never heard of, but we have one friend in common so I'm hesitant to just boot the person.
EDIT: OK. I looked at the profile and I actually know who it is and accepted.
Paranoid? Me? In the real world, not much. Online? You'd better believe it!

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Maxed out at 67˚F and hazy with a fair breeze, so by mid-afternoon I had to close up the house to avoid it getting too chilly.
For those in hot regions, Shiro just had an "air circulation" system installed in his house. MUCH cheaper than an AC, MUCH less energy-intensive, and it's pretty much exactly what you need in a hot climate: The moment the outside temperature drops below the inside temperature, crank it up and let it do its magic, then do it again first thing in the morning and seal up the house.
Of course, it needs to drop below 80˚F at some point during the night, and I recall a couple of Davis summers where that didn't happen, so I don't know whether Florida has similarly-hot nights.
It fluctuates pretty wildly. Ocala is over Georgia-like clay in places (despite being quiiiiiiiiiiite some distance) and has actual-and-legitimate-hills blocking out any sea breeze, so it gets hooooooooot and likes to stay that way.
EDIT: not to say that it's not worthwhile, but just that I'unno
That is Albany in a nutshell: We have a coastal range with two peninsulas terminating at the Golden Gate: On the south is San Francisco, and on the north is Marin (and many other cities). The wall of hills broken by a single entry creates a cold little jetstream flow coming in the Golden Gate and traveling eastwards.
Guess what city is directly in the path of that stream?
So Santa Rosa 60 miles to the north routinely hits 90, and frequently hits 100. San Jose 60 miles to the south? Ditto. Even Pinole 10 miles to the north and San Leandro 20 miles to the south get pretty hot.
But Albany and Berkeley get eternal, almost-always-on natural A/C.
They are NOT places to live if you like 80°+ F heat.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:PM'D INFO INSTEADDone. But it's time for me to wander off and pick up GothBard.
But if you have Borderlands 2 and a roughly-level-45 character, we're doing the final DLC to prep for Borderlands 3, and we're always a trio, so you can ping us for an invite.
The more the merrier!
I have exactly none of those things! Give everyone my love, though!

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It always sucks when you're just doing what's best for you and you end up coming across like a psychotic.
"Dear Paizo, I'm not particularly interested in Second Edition, so please cancel all of my subscriptions as of August 1."
I haven't even looked at Second Edition. I have no feelings towards it, pro or con, other than the fact that I just don't need one more game system in my life. We have plenty already, thanks.
So I emailed Customer Service and told them to cancel everything, and they're going to assume I didn't like something they did in Second Edition.
When I can honestly say I haven't seen a single rule nor read a single discussion thread about it, outside of the occasional mentions on FaWtL.
I'm kind of in the same boat, just without the subscriptions. I've looked at a sample adventure because it showed up at my used bookstore, and that's it.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, Teensy Valeros now has a prescription for Focalin, and I have the first month's supply in my purse. We're going to start it tomorrow morning. We're starting off on the lowest dose and monitoring. I like his new pediatrician, and it helps that her youngest is exactly his age and just started the same medication for the same reasons a month ago.
Meanwhile, I've been working my tail off all week but am still not done with the packing and other preparations, and we're supposed to leave at 7 tomorrow morning.
Focalin is real?
I thought it was a Simpsons joke!

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:Well, Teensy Valeros now has a prescription for Focalin, and I have the first month's supply in my purse. We're going to start it tomorrow morning. We're starting off on the lowest dose and monitoring. I like his new pediatrician, and it helps that her youngest is exactly his age and just started the same medication for the same reasons a month ago.
Meanwhile, I've been working my tail off all week but am still not done with the packing and other preparations, and we're supposed to leave at 7 tomorrow morning.
Focalin is real?
I thought it was a Simpsons joke!
Well, technically it's dexmethylphenidate, because the generic was so much cheaper, but yes, it's generic Focalin.