gran rey de los nekkid |
Yuugasa wrote:Now I'm just thinking about Ogres, you know, the race paizo specifically calls out as rapists for whom nothing is taboo.
*sharpens sword while rocking back and forth, eye twitching*
And I previously thought Goblins were comic relief villains...Ogres... a total genocide of Ogres isn't out of the question is it?
What are the chances of a Drizzt Do'Ogre?
My proudest moment of the AP was when the Elemental (Flame) bloodline sorcerer burned ALL of his remaining fire spells (multiple Fireballs, Flaming Hands, anything... to burn the Graul homestead to the ground after they'd cleared it...
...and the paladin stood and watched and said, "Good job."Yeah, I think I played the Grauls well...
We still reference them from time to time in our games. Usually along the lines of this:
GM: "The beast is a huge, disgusting, slobbering fiend that makes you sick to look at."
Us: "Hey, it's not as bad as Mammy."
Oh, no. You really don't want Mammy nekkid.

NobodysHome |

gran rey de los mono wrote:Yesterday my wife asked me why I only text in lower case. I told her "i decided to stop giving a shift".My phone does it whether I want it to or not.
Is that the right "to"?
I am quickly learning to be more lenient on people who have the its/it's curse: My iPhone and iPad both correct ALL instances of "its" to "it's", even when it's the wrong thing to do.
Apple can't keep its pronouns straight.

The Vagrant Erudite |

I'll check that workout out, Mort. I appreciate it.
While yoga does itself burn quite few calories when you're doing it, isotonic exercise is a viable means of building muscle, and thus holding some of those poses (which feels like agony after even 20 seconds for some of them) can really help, which in turn increases your overall metabolism when you're not working out.
I'm no longer as flexible as I was, but just...oh five years ago or so...I used to be able to hold a shoulder stand in perfect posture for a good workout, as well as damn-near 90 degree back-bends, and almost full downward-dogs. Now? Well...like I said, atrophy seems to happen so much faster after 30.
This isn't an excuse. Building flexibility does not take a long time. Not even close to as much time as it takes to build muscle or lose fat. Honestly, I've noticed tremendous flexibility gains in just a few weeks of training, when I actually tried, but nowadays it's the "arms and legs shaking like a car on bad gas driving uphill" factor. Stabilizer muscles...gotta love em.
Honestly, it's not lack of knowledge that's hurting me. I am quite thoroughly versed in what it takes to get in shape. I took weight training for a few years in high school, studied nutrition heavily when I went vegetarian over a decade ago (I stopped shortly before my divorce), and could easily plan a good routine that would get me in shape without even leaving the house. My brother knows even more than I do; he practically could be a personal trainer, but he hates helping people - that's why he's a commission-based salesman...and an terrifyingly good one. He and I even came up with a mixed calisthenics/yoga/low impact cardio program that you could do in a jail cell (he literally did that and got ripped about a decade ago for his second DUI - you will be happy to know he hasn't had a third - he was not even legal to drink for the first two, and he learned his lesson).
The problem is I'm lazy. I really am. I wish I could say otherwise, but after over three decades, I'm not going to deny it anymore. One reason I like walks and bike rides is I can trick myself into exercising. "I'm not exercising - I'm saving gas money and seeing the sights" or "I'm walking the dog, not me".
I vehemently hate exercise for exercise's sake. It's so f#%$ing boring, mindless, and repetitive. If it's "on in the background" like bike riding to a place, that's one thing, but on purpose? Ugh. Just...ugh.
Part of this is the fault of my girlfriend being so awesome, and much more vocal about her attraction to me than my ex. It's hard to try to keep up my appearance when I literally could ask my girlfriend anytime and instantly get laid. I don't know about other guys, but my primary motivator for exercise is to attract women, (with health a decent second, but my BP is great now, and I have no cholesterol issues, 'cause I eat reasonably healthy). so without that motivator...well...
Again...not an excuse, just the reason. I know I'm wrong. And I'm trying to do more - but I know I have to ease into it, because when I hit the ground running, it tends to be a short race, metaphorically speaking. I'm hoping to marathon now.

Yuugasa |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

At least you exercise to look good, net benefit. I stay thin to look good by only eating once every couple of days.
The hell you say? Do you have an eating disorder? Ha no, I just take meds for my chronic pain that destroy my appetite.
Hmmm, when said out loud that doesn't sound the healthiest.
*smokes weed to compensate*
Ah, There we go, I can feel the health flowing back.

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Just a Mort wrote:Vidmaster7 wrote:How do frogs add to car insurance?Oh instead of frogs my SO decided to get geckos.
So at least we will save money on car insurance.
*violently kills joke*
Its an american insurance company commercial Geico. Their mascot is a gecko so it was a reference to that.
Oh. I remember geico. My brother said something about having lizards for insurance.

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Weed might be better then chronic pain meds when dealing with pain. Opium too, but go check if that stuff is state legal. Also consider switching pain meds. Food is important! What chronic pain are you suffering from if you don't mind me asking?
If you do remember that workout that you can do in a jail cell, let me know - I'm trying to find ways to keep fit when you're either stuck in a hotel room or sitting in a bus with minimal walking when travelling.
Sure I mean there's those 40 leg raises, 40 squats that Freehold told me to do and I'm doing religiously everyday, then I put in 30 secs of wheel pose and a min of plank. Maybe I should add 10 push-ups to the list. And oh there's climb every single set of stairs you see when you're getting from one place to another.

The Vagrant Erudite |

Indeed, weed is supposed to be great for chronic pain. Supposedly, kratom is pretty helpful for chronic pain sufferers and those going through opioid withdrawal as well.
(...and if you're wondering, Yuug, a moderate dose feels like a very minor weed buzz, but with more clarity, from my experience. It takes quite a lot to actually get me high - to the point where the side effects of itchiness are worth the tradeoff if you can't find weed, but not if you can - tastes AWFUL though.). From my research, that crazy kray-kray won't hurt you alone, but when mixed with "real" drugs it can be pretty dangerous. Still, it is considerably dangerous to mix with alcohol or the like.
I've become quite enamored with herbal highs. In the words of Katt Williams (roughly paraphrased): "That's not a drug. It grows out of the ground like that! And if you should so happen to set it on fire, there are effects. DRUGS are chemicals and s&$!. You need to add baking soda, or something. I don't know the recipe exactly, but you get it." The best part, though, is your backyard becomes your pharmacy, which is considerably cheaper.
Kava is a Hawaiian root that is relaxing as all get out, but hard to get pure on the American mainland. It's all the chill of weed, without the high. Good for when you need to be around people. You can find a blend with it from the Yogi company in most stores at an affordable price, but it's only a tiny bit of kava compared to a bunch of placebos in it.
Valerian root is useful for relaxing, sleeping, etc. Most states have it legal and easy to find as a tea in health food stores.
In addition to being useful for treating chronic depression and cluster headaches, psilocybin mushrooms are fun. It's been over a decade and I still remember that experience fondly. Looking forward to trying again in the summer. As a direct serotonin agonist, it can be used to acutely treat anything that SSRIs like Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, etc, are meant to treat. (Gee, I wonder why it's still illegal in the US...oh, wait, did that pharmaceutical stock go up another five points?)
There's more, but...eh, it's 3am here. I should go pass out.

Yuugasa |

Weed might be better then chronic pain meds when dealing with pain. Opium too, but go check if that stuff is state legal. Also consider switching pain meds. Food is important! What chronic pain are you suffering from if you don't mind me asking?
Cannabis is funny to me, in that it doesn't really cure my pain, it just makes it so I don't really care if I'm in pain. Pretty sure Opium is illegal in the states but Oxycodone isn't and I've been medicated on that for years.
It kills appetites real good in addition to pain management with the only slight side effect of basically being legal heroin and all the dangers that entails.
I've got multiple sources of chronic pain, mostly relating to a beating I took years ago, but I don't like talking about that much anymore.

Yuugasa |

Indeed, weed is supposed to be great for chronic pain. Supposedly, kratom is pretty helpful for chronic pain sufferers and those going through opioid withdrawal as well.
(...and if you're wondering, Yuug, a moderate dose feels like a very minor weed buzz, but with more clarity, from my experience. It takes quite a lot to actually get me high - to the point where the side effects of itchiness are worth the tradeoff if you can't find weed, but not if you can - tastes AWFUL though.). From my research, that crazy kray-kray won't hurt you alone, but when mixed with "real" drugs it can be pretty dangerous. Still, it is considerably dangerous to mix with alcohol or the like.
I've become quite enamored with herbal highs. In the words of Katt Williams (roughly paraphrased): "That's not a drug. It grows out of the ground like that! And if you should so happen to set it on fire, there are effects. DRUGS are chemicals and s~!+. You need to add baking soda, or something. I don't know the recipe exactly, but you get it." The best part, though, is your backyard becomes your pharmacy, which is considerably cheaper.
Kava is a Hawaiian root that is relaxing as all get out, but hard to get pure on the American mainland. It's all the chill of weed, without the high. Good for when you need to be around people. You can find a blend with it from the Yogi company in most stores at an affordable price, but it's only a tiny bit of kava compared to a bunch of placebos in it.
Valerian root is useful for relaxing, sleeping, etc. Most states have it legal and easy to find as a tea in health food stores.
In addition to being useful for treating chronic depression and cluster headaches, psilocybin mushrooms are fun. It's been over a decade and I still remember that experience fondly. Looking forward to trying again in the summer. As a direct serotonin agonist, it can be used to acutely treat anything that SSRIs like Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, etc, are meant to treat. (Gee, I wonder why it's still illegal in the US...oh, wait, did...
That's cool, I'm not actually trying to get high though just survive my life. Still alternatives are good, thanks for the info.

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Just a Mort wrote:Weed might be better then chronic pain meds when dealing with pain. Opium too, but go check if that stuff is state legal. Also consider switching pain meds. Food is important! What chronic pain are you suffering from if you don't mind me asking?
Cannabis is funny to me, in that it doesn't really cure my pain, it just makes it so I don't really care if I'm in pain. Pretty sure Opium is illegal in the states but Oxycodone isn't and I've been medicated on that for years.
It kills appetites real good in addition to pain management with the only slight side effect of basically being legal heroin and all the dangers that entails.
I've got multiple sources of chronic pain, mostly relating to a beating I took years ago, but I don't like talking about that much anymore.
Would going to a chiropractor or for physio be a better alternative then relying on pain meds?

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Anyway if it's legal I might try stuff as it falls in the eat anything category of stuff.
Or I might not, depending on the situation(i.e if I'm alone, getting medical aid if things go wrong isn't easy),and also the effect of the stuff in question and how addictive a substance is in question. Don't want to deal with that.
Still wondering if I was given an opportunity to take absinthe, I would do it or not. I think I might try that one.

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Just a Mort wrote:Well I have a physical therapist as well, it's really more of an all on board situation than a one thing or the other situation.
Would going to a chiropractor or for physio be a better alternative then relying on pain meds?
You see my colleague injured his back over the weekend and he said with some physio he's feeling a lot better. So couldn't help but ask right?

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Just a Mort wrote:Well I have a physical therapist as well, it's really more of an all on board situation than a one thing or the other situation.
Would going to a chiropractor or for physio be a better alternative then relying on pain meds?
Try different pain meds? Maybe. Ask your physical therapist on that one.

Freehold DM |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Indeed, weed is supposed to be great for chronic pain. Supposedly, kratom is pretty helpful for chronic pain sufferers and those going through opioid withdrawal as well.
(...and if you're wondering, Yuug, a moderate dose feels like a very minor weed buzz, but with more clarity, from my experience. It takes quite a lot to actually get me high - to the point where the side effects of itchiness are worth the tradeoff if you can't find weed, but not if you can - tastes AWFUL though.). From my research, that crazy kray-kray won't hurt you alone, but when mixed with "real" drugs it can be pretty dangerous. Still, it is considerably dangerous to mix with alcohol or the like.
I've become quite enamored with herbal highs. In the words of Katt Williams (roughly paraphrased): "That's not a drug. It grows out of the ground like that! And if you should so happen to set it on fire, there are effects. DRUGS are chemicals and s!@#. You need to add baking soda, or something. I don't know the recipe exactly, but you get it." The best part, though, is your backyard becomes your pharmacy, which is considerably cheaper.
Kava is a Hawaiian root that is relaxing as all get out, but hard to get pure on the American mainland. It's all the chill of weed, without the high. Good for when you need to be around people. You can find a blend with it from the Yogi company in most stores at an affordable price, but it's only a tiny bit of kava compared to a bunch of placebos in it.
Valerian root is useful for relaxing, sleeping, etc. Most states have it legal and easy to find as a tea in health food stores.
In addition to being useful for treating chronic depression and cluster headaches, psilocybin mushrooms are fun. It's been over a decade and I still remember that experience fondly. Looking forward to trying again in the summer. As a direct serotonin agonist, it can be used to acutely treat anything that SSRIs like Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, etc, are meant to treat. (Gee, I wonder why it's still illegal in the US...oh, wait, did...
weed is a drug. Opium is a drug. "Magic" mushrooms are a drug. Alcohol is a drug. Coca is a drug. Arsenic is a drug. Salicitic acid is a drug. If The "if it grows out of the ground I was meant to have it" movement is not a particularly wise one, and it doesn't surprise me Katt Williams is a part of it, although it disappoints me.

Vidmaster7 |

Mushrooms btw aren't actually that bad for you comparatively. (going by research I've read.) Its mostly just about keeping the person from doing stupid things while they are under the effects. (although I don't think there is much about like hard core abuse of them. That could have unforeseen consequences. ) Oh but I do remember that you could poison yourself!

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Well, there's sugar tax and some elementary schools in Singapore are trying to not have a drinks stall

Vidmaster7 |

Just a Mort wrote:Forum Cartel wrote:They try to take coffee. They die.To be honest I could live without coffee. I've been drinking herbal infusions at the moment so no caffeine involved.*glares*
Are you trying to say my reaction is too extreme?
*more glaring*
... Don't mind him. He's a bit intense at times.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

And final post, since I'm suddenly in an "emergency" drill:
Why is it that companies insist that certification is the *only* way to ensure that partners are delivering a quality product, only to turn around and pay monkeys peanuts to develop the certification exam?
I'm on the hook because apparently several dozen of our certification exam questions are along the lines of:
"Which code would you use to enable automated assignment of records?"
(5) ASSIGN_REC_AUTOSo, unless the list includes, "I would behave like any rational developer and look at the doc instead of trusting my memory," they expect that this is an honest evaluation of the developer's skill.
Asking a developer how well he or she has memorized the tables in the documentation really doesn't seem like a good yardstick to measure their actual ability, IMHO.
It bugs the hell out of me. I still need to learn the tables, because, Microsoft certifications.
50% of the time the actual answer is: No, that is how YOU think you should do it, but that is not how it works in real life, or, This is a highly delicate procedure, so Id check the documentation 2089348 times then check with two coworkers. Then google it just to be sure.
Sissyl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Pretty much everything we ingest or inhale that is not for energy, taste, air or liquid is a drug. This includes all recreational drugs. If she thinks everything that grows out of the ground is good to go, let me just state I would be extremely hesitant to eat ANYTHING she cooked. I would also wonder where she found the Bailey's tree.
Shrooms are among the least toxic drugs, true, but they still come with side effects, like the depression many feel after the high.

space master7 |

Pretty much everything we ingest or inhale that is not for energy, taste, air or liquid is a drug. This includes all recreational drugs. If she thinks everything that grows out of the ground is good to go, let me just state I would be extremely hesitant to eat ANYTHING she cooked. I would also wonder where she found the Bailey's tree.
Shrooms are among the least toxic drugs, true, but they still come with side effects, like the depression many feel after the high.
Oh! Your reminding me of that episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9. The one where they have that Kardasian prisoner who had an implant that gave him pleasure whenever he was tortured. so he hacked it and turned it permanently on which made his body get used to the implant. so it started being the norm and it got him so adjusted that turning it off would kill him.

Yuugasa |

Pretty much everything we ingest or inhale that is not for energy, taste, air or liquid is a drug. This includes all recreational drugs. If she thinks everything that grows out of the ground is good to go, let me just state I would be extremely hesitant to eat ANYTHING she cooked. I would also wonder where she found the Bailey's tree.
Shrooms are among the least toxic drugs, true, but they still come with side effects, like the depression many feel after the high.
What's a bailey's tree? And which she are you talking about?