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The Exchange

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Here, Vidmaster7?

Not again..?

How do giving directions even get you naked..?!

*Gets dressed*

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Why are you always naked!
that is it thanks a ton naked kitty.

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Anyone else have stick biscuits as a part of your wienie roasts as a kid? Because for some reason I'm thinking about stick biscuits.

For those who don't know, a stick biscuit is a biscuit that was cooked over a bonfire using a biscuit stick.

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Just a Mort wrote:

How do giving directions even get you naked..?!

I blame Freehold.

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

Anyone else have stick biscuits as a part of your wienie roasts as a kid? Because for some reason I'm thinking about stick biscuits.

For those who don't know, a stick biscuit is a biscuit that was cooked over a bonfire using a biscuit stick.

Wouldn't it take ages? For campfire recipes, the best I've managed was melting chocolate over bananas. Never got the fire hot enough to do anything else.

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A rogue is fleeing after being seen trying to enter the king's castle. He runs down an alley, but finds a large earth elemental blocking the way. He sees an open door next to him so he steps inside, only to find that it is a tavern that caters to troubadours. As he backs out, the king's guards see him and say "So, looks you're caught between a rock and a bard place!"

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I once met a man in the forest. He turned around, bent over, dropped his pants, turned into a bear, and ran away. First time I ever met a Moon Druid.

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If you rob a minstrel, do you keep the lute?

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Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Anyone else have stick biscuits as a part of your wienie roasts as a kid? Because for some reason I'm thinking about stick biscuits.

For those who don't know, a stick biscuit is a biscuit that was cooked over a bonfire using a biscuit stick.

Wouldn't it take ages? For campfire recipes, the best I've managed was melting chocolate over bananas. Never got the fire hot enough to do anything else.

It's not the fastest method, but it can work quite nicely. You need a nice bed of coals to roast the biscuit over while slowly turning it.

The Exchange

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Also went kickboxing earlier. Yes Cover Turtle, I know, but I told you wis is probably a dump stat for me.

I am a not violent kitty and have no inclination on being violent. That being said if punching people's gloves is that much of an impact, I don't want to think what punching people in the face would be like ><

Also generally my inclination is to block rather then sidestep/dodge.

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I want to play a LG mage who is part of the town watch and uses cold spells to catch criminals. That's right, I want to dispense just ice.

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Anyone else have stick biscuits as a part of your wienie roasts as a kid? Because for some reason I'm thinking about stick biscuits.

For those who don't know, a stick biscuit is a biscuit that was cooked over a bonfire using a biscuit stick.

Wouldn't it take ages? For campfire recipes, the best I've managed was melting chocolate over bananas. Never got the fire hot enough to do anything else.
It's not the fastest method, but it can work quite nicely. You need a nice bed of coals to roast the biscuit over while slowly turning it.

Sorry, I have no patience for that kind of thing. I'm hungrrrryyyyy!

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DM: And so, night falls.
Player: Do I need to roll a Reflex save to avoid it?

The Exchange

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Q:How do you get a paladin to fall?

A:Trip him/Grease the ground he's standing on.

The Exchange

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I know someone who played a tetori monk. Then he grappled a female dragon. And that was how Draconic bloodragers came into existence.

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Why did the adventuring singer have sex with all the men in the tavern? He was trying to max out his bar dick knowledge.

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If a Priest rolls a Natural 1, is that a clerical error?

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What do you call a Bard with high HP? A CON man.

The Exchange

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Q: What should you call gran when he starts GMing?

A: A Pungeon Master.

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How do you turn a Tiefling into a human? Beat the hell out of him.

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Where does a wizard look up his spells? Witchopedia.

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Why did the Witch hate moving to a new village? She had to inform everyone that she was a registered hex offender.

The Exchange

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On earth, you eat salad. In D&D, salad eats you!

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What do you call a half-plant halfling? Frodo Synthesis.

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
How do you turn a Tiefling into a human? Beat the hell out of him.

Could be abyss as well, or Abaddon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My rogue always prays to the flower goddess before burglarizing a house. He's a devoted follower of the DnD B&E peony deity.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Anyone else have stick biscuits as a part of your wienie roasts as a kid? Because for some reason I'm thinking about stick biscuits.

For those who don't know, a stick biscuit is a biscuit that was cooked over a bonfire using a biscuit stick.

That is the first I've ever heard of that.

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What do you call a decapitated centaur? A headless horse-man.

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I made a bard with max ranks in Disguise and Perform (Act). For his mini I used a d1000. After all, he was a man of a thousand faces.

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Whew the "finding a publisher part of this" is going to be the hard part. So much to read and research.

The Exchange

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Just got the FS today, 2/7 companies done...

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Wewt! that is the one where they gave you a fraction of the time to do a job right?

The Exchange

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Yeah but I applied for extension since we're cutting it very close. The companies I did did not have many transactions so they were easy. The rest won't be that easy and will take more time.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well glad you got it figured out.

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Remember kids! Math is power! If you don't abuse it, someone else will!!

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Get that man a mop^

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Vidmaster7 wrote:

Teen Titans Go is pure garbage. I can't even sit through 5 minutes of it. If it makes you feel better that is pretty well the majority opinion about that show.

Oh and I mostly meant the animated movies.

i love teen titans go and hate teen titans.

Mainly because it is utter chud compared to young justice, which was actually, you know, GOOD. And go lampoons the original series intentionally and hilariously. Also I met the voice actors, who are having more fun on go than they ever did on the original series.

Then again teen titans had exactly ONE great storyline, so maybe I'm being unfair.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Of course you do. Of course.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Can we just keep Bizarro Freehold and return regular freehold?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Also went kickboxing earlier. Yes Cover Turtle, I know, but I told you wis is probably a dump stat for me.

I am a not violent kitty and have no inclination on being violent. That being said if punching people's gloves is that much of an impact, I don't want to think what punching people in the face would be like ><

Also generally my inclination is to block rather then sidestep/dodge.

it took me a while to learn how to defend myself while moving

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Can we just keep Bizarro Freehold and return regular freehold?

night begins to shine(first one) and when robin explains to the audience how money and investments actually work are my two favorites. I think the war with santa is a bit funny. Other episodes are hit and miss, although I loooove the fact that Robin is hilariously competitive with kid flash(whom he had beaten twice in a foot race the only way someone trained by batman would beat someone with powers). The Robins episode was also hilarious, they did an excellent job with Tim as super emo Robin. Most of all, I love the in jokes and the fact that it is an actual parody.

I also think more people would like the show if it was redubbed like a few of the more direct parodical episodes.

Toxic Yesterday, Earth Avenger wrote:
Remember kids! Math is power! If you don't abuse it, someone else will!!

i told you math was evil.

The Exchange

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Freehold DM wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
What in the Sam Hell have y'all been up to since I last popped on?
What have YOU been doing?

Working, raising kids, enjoying the sun and the sand. :D

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
What in the Sam Hell have y'all been up to since I last popped on?
What have YOU been doing?
One presumes that he has been Lording and Presidenting. Possibly even Moorlucking.

I have indeed been doing all of these things.

The Exchange

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Orthos wrote:
Yo LPM, long time no see.

Yeah, I was just looking at how long it had been, damn. O.o

Scarab Sages

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NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
Pecan Sandie Duncan wrote:
The RADmster!! wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
A true hipster would browse the internet on dial up using Netscape Navigator.
I used Wi-fi before it was cool.
Confused California hipsters try to use Di-Fi to get on the Internet. She hates it when you make the modem handshaking noise at her.
My husband has a shirt that reads 'I'm older then the internet' in a really old font.
I am older than CDs. I grew up buying LPs.

Wow. CDs are oder then I thought. They are older then me!

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

Anyone else have stick biscuits as a part of your wienie roasts as a kid? Because for some reason I'm thinking about stick biscuits.

For those who don't know, a stick biscuit is a biscuit that was cooked over a bonfire using a biscuit stick.

kinda like Twist bread?

Just a Mort wrote:

Also went kickboxing earlier. Yes Cover Turtle, I know, but I told you wis is probably a dump stat for me.

I am a not violent kitty and have no inclination on being violent. That being said if punching people's gloves is that much of an impact, I don't want to think what punching people in the face would be like ><

Also generally my inclination is to block rather then sidestep/dodge.

Not really a violent person either…maybe quite the opposite actually. If you like kickboxing, then go for it! I bet its great exercise and a good way to burn through your aggression (and boy, do somedays give just give you that in spades *eye twitch*) in a efficient way.

Just be careful about that hurt paw of yours…we wouldn't want you to compound your injuries ^^

Me? I'm mostly harmless. Pretty low on the confrontation, aggression and general grrrr meter.
I am argumentative and contrarian, though, and I do tend to push peoples buttons during debates…doesn't really help that I'm very cynical, bitter, hyperbolic and venomous when debates get heated either…been during better about that these last couple of years though.
But as for physical confrontations, I really shy away from those. Which is quite a feat considering my bulk ^^'

*Assumes the Snapping Turtle style stance and waves at kitty to 'come at him'*

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
When something breaks easily, it is either really cheap or really expensive.


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Two pages?!?
That was one night!!

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