Nekkid Vidmaster7 |
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Vidmaster7 wrote:Maybe "Turkey's Done Vidmaster7" or "Vidmaster7 is Smuggling Peanuts"?Cover Turtle wrote:Yeah you just go back in those covers turtle >.>gran rey de los mono wrote:How about "Mildly Frostbitten Vidmaster7"?*Holds up sign*
"Sever shrinkage affected Vidmaster7?"
*Thinks a bit, presents a new sign*
"Glass cuttingly cold Vidmaster7"
*Snickers, before burying himself in his covers*
... I don't get the peanuts one.
Edit: oh wait... now I do.

Cover Turtle |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:Yeah no I got that. Its pretty sad especially since history does such a good job repeating itself.The most common thing we learn from studying history is that we tend not to learn anything from studying history.
(Meaning that humanity tends to keep making the same mistakes over and over again.)
Hey! we've leaned lots of stuff!
Unfortunately very few of those things tend to address fundamental problems in the human experience.
Like what if hierarchies aren't only created through the varying degrees power in a system, but by the very act of categorizing the component parts of the system?
That all such categorization is not only comparative, but in that "comparativeness" lies some kind of fundamental valuing (or value-judgement) that might be making us look at the world through a (value) hierarchical leens?
*Blows on his bubble-pipe, adjusts glasses and goes back to reading his thick wordy book*

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Just a Mort wrote:Cover Turtle wrote:Re criticism, (and to a lesser degree censorship):
Too complex a topic to give any quick or adequately covering answers to. I'll just reiterate my plea of "why can't we all just get along?"
Do we really have to be so fixated on policing the behaviour's of others?
Can't we just accept that "always" actually tend to mean "often" or "mostly" most of the time?
Don't know...
I just tend to live and let live. Unless you're an active threat to me, friends or my surroundings, I'm perfectly fine with letting you and your's be.Re Races played:
Tend to play a bit of everything, with a slight slant towards Humans, depend on system, setting and so on of cause. Though I tend to also avoid small characters, especially if I'm playing martial characters. Don't really think there much of a reason why, other then the weird mind aesthetics of having difficulty seeing a fierce "smallish" warrior type, though the have been exceptions - Halfling climbing allover his enemies, and such.
*grins impishly at cover turtle*
*eats a bowl of turtle soup in front of him*
Yeah my food habits are...controversial. I'm pretty much known to eat nearly everything.
Useful feat I'd say, at least when I go travelling I don't
t turn my nose up at local food or can't find stuff to eat.*Peeks over the lips of Kitty soup bowl and sniffs the content, before licking the sides to get a taste*
On the other hand it means I could probably get away with plying you with cheap stuff like blood-sausage, white-beer and "Øllebrød" ^^
( "Danish cuisine - (slight eyeroll) - if your interested"
*Nuzzles Mort, before retreating back into his shell*
Turtle soup is rather herbal. The turtle is like a cross between chicken and pork. Texture of pork, but tastes like chicken.
As long as you're not serving me fermented fish that has been buried 6 months in the ground =) Blood sausage is fine, I'd take bread in beer too.

Cover Turtle |
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Hey! Leave Machiavelli out of this!
The man wasn't half a bad as what his name has become a moniker for.
How about this then:
People being good, can actually incentivizes bad behaviour:
If everyone tells the truth, a lie becomes a much more powerful tool simple due to the expectation of truth.
If everyone trusts their keys to a stranger, the greater the possibilities (and maybe lure) he gets for personal enrichment.
The really bad people (ie "completely devoid of morality or empathy") have always been around, and thus aren't as interesting as those who at least try to rationalize, excuse or fabricate their way out of their doings.

Vidmaster7 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey! Leave Machiavelli out of this!
The man wasn't half a bad as what his name has become a moniker for.How about this then:
People being good, can actually incentivizes bad behaviour:
If everyone tells the truth, a lie becomes a much more powerful tool simple due to the expectation of truth.
If everyone trusts their keys to a stranger, the greater the possibilities (and maybe lure) he gets for personal enrichment.
The really bad people (ie "completely devoid of morality or empathy") have always been around, and thus aren't as interesting as those who at least try to rationalize, excuse or fabricate their way out of their doings.
Machiavelli himself was fine. However I like to look at the stories that came later about how people that used underhanded and deceitful tactics eventually get whats coming to them and in very horrific ways often (like being boiled alive in hot oil.)
Ah I see your talking about the difference between a psychopath (devoid of morality and empathy) and a true Jerk often times I feel they tend to be narcissists people that put there needs and wants before anyone elses. people that consider themselves the only important person in the world. In fact I would argue the biggest way to differentiate between good and evil in society would be judging a person by how selfish there actions were. I don't find them interesting at least not until the a for mentioned boiling oil comes into play.

Vidmaster7 |
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Might quit Paizo, getting seriously pissed off they haven't shipped my sub yet.
You'd think it would take them less than four f@&+ing weeks, PaizoCon or no PaizoCon, that's f+$~ing ridiculous.
Uh oh thats no good what are you waiting on?
Since I figure you as the responsible and business savvy type I assume you've already tried contacting them and all that other hassle.

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:Uh oh thats no good what are you waiting on?Might quit Paizo, getting seriously pissed off they haven't shipped my sub yet.
You'd think it would take them less than four f@&+ing weeks, PaizoCon or no PaizoCon, that's f+$~ing ridiculous.
Um, everything.
It's my one time only summer splurge order, I set it to priority mail so I'd have it by this weekend, or at least have it on it's way.
I might not be so mad but two separate customer service reps said it was good and either on it's way soon (Tuesday) or they'll get it out right away (yesterday).
Still pending.

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Send em a mail/a call. At least you're on the right timezone for calls, CY.
Probably undiplomatic and insensitive of me, but when you said new car sized entrance, all I could think of was this

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vidmaster7 wrote:captain yesterday wrote:Uh oh thats no good what are you waiting on?Might quit Paizo, getting seriously pissed off they haven't shipped my sub yet.
You'd think it would take them less than four f@&+ing weeks, PaizoCon or no PaizoCon, that's f+$~ing ridiculous.
Um, everything.
It's my one time only summer splurge order, I set it to priority mail so I'd have it by this weekend, or at least have it on it's way.
I might not be so mad but two separate customer service reps said it was good and either on it's way soon (Tuesday) or they'll get it out right away (yesterday).
Still pending.
You think it might be possible that the website just isn't updating? Hmm Yeah If I was the customer service rep at this point I'd probably knock some of the price off the product if not refund but alas I am not.

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Send em a mail/a call. At least you're on the right timezone for calls, CY.
Probably undiplomatic and insensitive of me, but when you said new car sized entrance, all I could think of was this
Everything always goes back to cats with you eh?

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ah I see your talking about the difference between a psychopath (devoid of morality and empathy) and a true Jerk often times I feel they tend to be narcissists people that put there needs and wants before anyone elses. people that consider themselves the only important person in the world. In fact I would argue the biggest way to differentiate between good and evil in society would be judging a person by how selfish there actions were. I don't find them interesting at least not until the a for mentioned boiling oil comes into play.
Pretty scary that that's exactly how I define "evil". Nobody wanders around a la kids' cartoons and yells, "By the power of Evil, I do xxx!"
I'm 99% certain even Hitler did not think of himself as "evil".It's all about, "This is what I feel like doing at the moment, and what it does to other people is completely irrelevant."
Yes, there are the true psychopaths for whom, "What I feel like doing," is, "Hurting other people," but they are fortunately rare. "I will cut corners in my construction and I don't care if the building collapses and kills a dozen people," and so forth is far, far, FAR more common...

NobodysHome |
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Vidmaster7 wrote:captain yesterday wrote:Uh oh thats no good what are you waiting on?Might quit Paizo, getting seriously pissed off they haven't shipped my sub yet.
You'd think it would take them less than four f@&+ing weeks, PaizoCon or no PaizoCon, that's f+$~ing ridiculous.
Um, everything.
It's my one time only summer splurge order, I set it to priority mail so I'd have it by this weekend, or at least have it on it's way.
I might not be so mad but two separate customer service reps said it was good and either on it's way soon (Tuesday) or they'll get it out right away (yesterday).
Still pending.
Yeah, I'm pretty forgiving of companies making occasional mistakes, since s*** happens. But two things will infuriate me enough to stop doing business with a company:
Ah well, busy busy day today so time to get to it!

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Super Mario Bros. Crossover will not work on my chromebook and I am now pissed as f$!%. Grrr.....
Normally, I would want to simply grievously injure a random programmer to alleviate my rage, but this is especially frustrating because it SEEMS to be a fixable issue, but it instead seems to be an issue with flash and chrome/chromebooks. The guy who made the game is a firefox afficonado, and I can't just slap firefox on the chromebook it seems. Grr...

Cover Turtle |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Re Customer services.
I'm famed among my friends for my patience and lax attitude towards poor customer service.
I'll gladly wait 4-6 weeks to get something I've ordered, and will often do so with an absolute minimum of fuss. I blame my purchasing of a lot of print on demand stuff, which often have fairly long waiting periods attached.
What I do not tolerate is a damaged product. Poor book-spines, shoddy gluing or stitching, faded or poor printing, and the book gets sent back with a derailed description of the faults in question and a finger wagging commentary. Unfortunately Paizo as a company, has been among the worst offenders (Maybe baring early White Wolf products), especially with printing/inking errors. I believe that currently I've received 7 hardbacks and 2 thin splats which I had to return due to various errors.
Edit: Correction that's 6 hardbacks...

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Re Customer services.
I'm famed among my friends for my patience and lax attitude towards poor customer service.
I'll gladly wait 4-6 weeks to get something I've ordered, and will often do so with an absolute minimum of fuss. I blame my purchasing of a lot of print on demand stuff, which often have fairly long waiting periods attached.
What I do not tolerate is a damaged product. Poor book-spines, shoddy gluing or stitching, faded or poor printing, and the book gets sent back with a derailed description of the faults in question and a finger wagging commentary. Unfortunately Paizo as a company, has been among the worst offenders (Maybe baring early White Wolf products), especially with printing/inking errors. I believe that currently I've received 7 hardbacks and 2 thin splats which I had to return due to various errors.Edit: Correction that's 6 hardbacks...
Yeah, anyone remember the Wrath of the Righteous printing run? *I* remember the Wrath of the Righteous printing run...

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Speaking of poor customer service...
Costco Website: If you need a receipt reprinted, just come to the customer service kiosk with your Costco card and we'll happily reprint it!
Costco Customer Service Kiosk: Why do you need the receipt?
NobodysHome: To get reimbursed for it.
CCSK: (looks over list of valid reasons) OK. I can print you a receipt. What's it for?
NH: Pizzas at the food court.
CCSK: Nope. We can't reprint food court receipts.
You know, *all* the web site had to do was have a little disclaimer, "We cannot reprint food court receipts," and it would have saved me 45 minutes of my day.

The Game Hamster |
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When I got up this morning and all my clocks said 8:15 am on 'em, you know, I thought, "Ah, well, I suppose I didn't sleep all that well since I fell asleep around 2:15 am, strange though, I feel well rested..."
Which is why I was not surprised, though a tad upset, to find out that 8:30 actually meant 11:02. no wonder I feel rested, but man, I'm glad that didn't happen tomorrow morning, I think I may set a phone alarm tonight just in case.

Tacticslion |

So I've been feverishly translating my thoughts on D&D classes into, well, D&Dish classes.
The fighter is super-simple, for use as goons and players who just wanna chuck d20s and damage dice.
The berserker and the champion are pretty simple too, just a touch of daily resource management to liven things up.
...And then there is my fever-dream, the martial artist. (Pic picked bc the class lends itself to Dex-primary characters. And also TOZ. ;) ) No, not the asian kind in particular -- I just couldn't find a better word for warrior-who-makes-tactical-art-out-of-combat. The martial artist has both stances -- improvements on standard attack options that would be feats like Combat Expertise in D&D -- and an opening-move closing-move dynamic to break up the monotony of martial attack spam, and give martial players some really fun stuff to do.
I don't know if this class is madness or genius, but I'm really hoping I'll get to see what players do with it someday. :)
Need to look at this korre, later

Tacticslion |

Kjeldorn wrote:Tequila Sunrise wrote:Oh! not quite what I was expecting!So I've been feverishly translating my thoughts on D&D classes into, well, D&Dish classes.
The fighter is super-simple, for use as goons and players who just wanna chuck d20s and damage dice.
The berserker and the champion are pretty simple too, just a touch of daily resource management to liven things up.
...And then there is my fever-dream, the martial artist. (Pic picked bc the class lends itself to Dex-primary characters. And also TOZ. ;) ) No, not the asian kind in particular -- I just couldn't find a better word for warrior-who-makes-tactical-art-out-of-combat. The martial artist has both stances -- improvements on standard attack options that would be feats like Combat Expertise in D&D -- and an opening-move closing-move dynamic to break up the monotony of martial attack spam, and give martial players some really fun stuff to do.
I don't know if this class is madness or genius, but I'm really hoping I'll get to see what players do with it someday. :)
What were you expecting, if you don't mind putting it into words? I want to be able to finish the sentence "I wrote this game and it's like D&D, except...", in order to set players' expectations.
Good point, I'll have to write a sample character or two at some point to illustrate how I intend things to work.
Glad you like what the martial artist looks like, it means I'm at least aiming for something that some players are going to want!
Otherwise, yeah I agree the other martial classes are pretty...
Quick aside, for my purposes, effectively becoming at will is one of the better things about leveling up. That’s kind of a major draw for me!

Tacticslion |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:If this doesn't already exist as a feat or special variant ability, it should.Vidmaster7 wrote:Now I've heard that seeing someone yawn can make you want to yawn to but explain to me how me reading that just made me yawn.Drejk has a feat allowing him to project his weariness through his draconic fear aura... which...
...hmmm, making the adventuring party drowsy through an aura instead of afraid would likely be something they didn't prep for.
Agreed! Something about sloth and/or Huber still or something!

Tacticslion |

Kerkops, a mythic monkey-fey. Two of those survived meeting Heracles.
Math why do you guys keep having links to other thiiiiinnnngssss (will check this one later)

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:Kerkops, a mythic monkey-fey. Two of those survived meeting Heracles.Math why do you guys keep having links to other thiiiiinnnngssss (will check this one later)
Or you could simply check my blog regularly...
Yeah, I know, ridiculous idea...

Limeylongears |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Afternoon, all. What did I miss?
Arguments about morality.
The return of Tacticslion.
Vidmaster7 is cold, and it shows.
Captain Yesterday built this city on rock 'n' roll and delayed paizo.com orders.
Turtle soup tastes like chicken and pork.
I played my first gig for ages today, on French Horn, drum and voice. It went alright.

The Game Hamster |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This will exist. now excuse me as I go catch all the pokemon go pokemon that I can...

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Oh and of yesterday I got my cable TV and an extra internet all in Fibre optic. Was it really that hard/troublesome, for all my mom lectured me on not to take the package, saying oh no our singtel Fibre optic will go down if you get another one...
Nope it went just fine. Come on..stop being a worry wart and gimme a little trust.
But I had a weird disconnect when my mom was talking over the phone last night. I think this might warrant some testing.
Also finished dungeon run in hearthstone on all classes. Slay the Spire is good training!

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Vidmaster7 wrote:Ah I see your talking about the difference between a psychopath (devoid of morality and empathy) and a true Jerk often times I feel they tend to be narcissists people that put there needs and wants before anyone elses. people that consider themselves the only important person in the world. In fact I would argue the biggest way to differentiate between good and evil in society would be judging a person by how selfish there actions were. I don't find them interesting at least not until the a for mentioned boiling oil comes into play.Pretty scary that that's exactly how I define "evil". Nobody wanders around a la kids' cartoons and yells, "By the power of Evil, I do xxx!"
I'm 99% certain even Hitler did not think of himself as "evil".It's all about, "This is what I feel like doing at the moment, and what it does to other people is completely irrelevant."
Yes, there are the true psychopaths for whom, "What I feel like doing," is, "Hurting other people," but they are fortunately rare. "I will cut corners in my construction and I don't care if the building collapses and kills a dozen people," and so forth is far, far, FAR more common...
I might do.. In *insert God's name*, I smite thee, but only when I'm playing D&D. Said God could be evil, since I has a GM hat. Doing so in RL falls under assault.

Orthos |
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This will exist. now excuse me as I go catch all the pokemon go pokemon that I can...
I'm not particularly interested in this one since it's limited to the original 151 critters and is yet another rehash of the Kanto region, but the next full game is coming out in 2019 and I'm definitely looking forward to that one.

The Game Hamster |
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The Game Hamster wrote:This will exist. now excuse me as I go catch all the pokemon go pokemon that I can...I'm not particularly interested in this one since it's limited to the original 151 critters and is yet another rehash of the Kanto region, but the next full game is coming out in 2019 and I'm definitely looking forward to that one.
I love Kanto, so that's actually a bonus for me.

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:I love Kanto, so that's actually a bonus for me.The Game Hamster wrote:This will exist. now excuse me as I go catch all the pokemon go pokemon that I can...I'm not particularly interested in this one since it's limited to the original 151 critters and is yet another rehash of the Kanto region, but the next full game is coming out in 2019 and I'm definitely looking forward to that one.
Heh. It seems we are opposites. It's my second-least-favorite region, only beaten by Hoenn.

The Game Hamster |
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The Game Hamster wrote:Heh. It seems we are opposites. It's my second-least-favorite region, only beaten by Hoenn.Orthos wrote:I love Kanto, so that's actually a bonus for me.The Game Hamster wrote:This will exist. now excuse me as I go catch all the pokemon go pokemon that I can...I'm not particularly interested in this one since it's limited to the original 151 critters and is yet another rehash of the Kanto region, but the next full game is coming out in 2019 and I'm definitely looking forward to that one.
It may be mostly attributed to my love for Charizards, but I don't have a least favorite region, so... Also, the pokeball joycon looks like a ton of fun to use, and I hope it is compatible with all of the pokemon games on the switch.
Edit: who will be the one(s) to fall into my trap this time???