Sharoth |
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Goodbye, my old friend. May there be warmer pastures for you to run in.
I am sorry for your loss, my friend. It hurts and there is no changing that. Just try to remember the good times. I know I do. I miss all my furry four legged kids all the time.

Freehold DM |
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Goodbye, my old friend. May there be warmer pastures for you to run in.
oh...oh no.
Orthos, he is in a better place now. He knows you love him. And he loves you. I'm sorry he is gone.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM |
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I'm having one of those "I wish I could quit" days, wall-to-wall tantrums and urine.
Going to work naked will help facilitate your dismissal from the job.
I just wish you had called me first. Not so I could gawk at you naked, but so I could advocate for you and prove that it was your working conditions thar caused this, and get you a nice stipend upon dismissal.

Freehold DM |
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A friend told me a few years ago that (some?) supers are an allegory for LGBT people. I don't know how true that is, but there are parts of Black Lightning that only make sense in that context.
** spoiler omitted **
Of course, this show may not be allegorical at all, seeing as how Jennifer is openly lesbian, and simply be full of bad writing. Yeah, probably that.
There are concerns about these powers having long term issues. Black lightning has had health issues, and both Firestar and Radiation Roy have cancer from long term use of their powers.

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Sadly, likely the last one ever...
Also, your wife is hot.
Are you the clean shaven dude or the silver fox goatee dude?
Are those your kids?! Dear god they are huge!!! And GROWING!
As usual, there are *no* pictures of me. I don't mind, I'm not particularly photgenic.
Goatee dude is Shiro. Clean-shaven dude is Favored Younger Brother.
Hot woman is NobodysWife. Woo hoo!

Tequila Sunrise |

Actually in X-men United it's openly stated on TV tropes.
Does This Remind You of Anything?: Bobby "comes out" with his mutant powers to his parents, who respond, "Have you tried ''not'' being a mutant?" Director Bryan Singer is bisexual and actor Ian McKellen is gay, and they assisted in writing this scene, basing it on a "coming out" conversation.
Oh wow, didn't know that! I mean I knew Sir Ian is gay, but not the rest. Totally makes sense tho, that is a very memorable scene.
There are concerns about these powers having long term issues. Black lightning has had health issues, and both Firestar and Radiation Roy have cancer from long term use of their powers.
Ah, that makes sense. There is no mention of any of this in the show, and in fact Black Lightning has a mild healing factor. Btw, why is it called a healing 'factor' in comics? Rather than regen or fast healing?

Vanykrye |
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Just a Mort wrote:Actually in X-men United it's openly stated on TV tropes.
Does This Remind You of Anything?: Bobby "comes out" with his mutant powers to his parents, who respond, "Have you tried ''not'' being a mutant?" Director Bryan Singer is bisexual and actor Ian McKellen is gay, and they assisted in writing this scene, basing it on a "coming out" conversation.
Oh wow, didn't know that! I mean I knew Sir Ian is gay, but not the rest. Totally makes sense tho, that is a very memorable scene.
Freehold DM wrote:There are concerns about these powers having long term issues. Black lightning has had health issues, and both Firestar and Radiation Roy have cancer from long term use of their powers.Ah, that makes sense. There is no mention of any of this in the show, and in fact Black Lightning has a mild healing factor. Btw, why is it called a healing 'factor' in comics? Rather than regen or fast healing?
Math speak. (NH, please excuse my oversimplifications, and Freehold, just cover your eyes.) A multiplier in some form is involved when talking about factors. "It's increased by a factor of 50" is effectively the same thing as saying "He heals 50 times faster than a normal person."

Pecan Sandie Duncan |
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My coworker has clearly forgotten how quickly I set base block for walls.
O tried to build a wall, but he didn't leave me enough blocks.
Yes, that's right, I'm essentially playing with oversized Legos, that weigh 80 pounds each.
"And how can this be? For he is the Minecraft Haderach!" {cue Toto guitar riffs}

NobodysHome |
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Geez. 4-day weekend between projects and came in this morning to a 7:00 am meeting (they know I'm usually pushing the kids out the door then, so annoying), then an 8:30 am meeting (yeah, that half-hour break was just enough to get nothing done), then notice that even though we don't have any environments we should "do what we can" do update things.
Cue annoying day at work...

Vanykrye |
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I've been fighting sleep all day. Still taking Benadryl to fight the poison ivy from a couple weeks ago (almost over it), and one of my cats decided that she needed to start begging for food...by meowing in my face...about 2 hours before I normally get up. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to make it through Tuesday Movie Night with Aiymi and Zelda.

Tequila Sunrise |

A topic on a different site has got me thinking about the basics of education, so quick informal FAWLT poll:
What subjects do you consider essential for the citizen of a modern first world country?
Are there subjects you were taught that you consider superfuluous?
Are there subjects you consider essential, which aren't taught? Or weren't taught to you.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

A topic on a different site has got me thinking about the basics of education, so quick informal FAWLT poll:
What subjects do you consider essential for the citizen of a modern first world country?
Are there subjects you were taught that you consider superfuluous?
Yes there is, and I do it that way.
Are there subjects you consider essential, which aren't taught? Or weren't taught to you.

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Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:"And how can this be? For he is the Minecraft Haderach!" {cue Toto guitar riffs}My coworker has clearly forgotten how quickly I set base block for walls.
O tried to build a wall, but he didn't leave me enough blocks.
Yes, that's right, I'm essentially playing with oversized Legos, that weigh 80 pounds each.
I tried my paws at laying bricks before. Epic fail, I couldn't get the bricks level on the mortar. They were like lopsided.

Freehold DM |
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The only subject that should not be taught is math(as it is currently understood), due to its high levels of evil and stupidity. I have never used the quadraric equation once in my life, ever. It was a complete waste of time.
All other subjects are necessary. Especially the ones NH pooh poohed- no reading for analysis, foreign languages or art, I know you are a math person, but you have got to be kidding me.

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I am not the sort that gets philosophical so I don't have any comments with regards to education. Sorry Tequilia.
I know I wouldn't want to do comparative religion for certain. The very subject of religion gets up my heckles since my Mom is trying to foist a whole bunch of customs that I'm supposed to follow for my wedding and I just told her I'm not having any.
I mean look, there are only 52 weekends in a year and you'd want to hold your wedding on a weekend so your friends can attend. Then here she comes saying oh you must choose a date so it won't clash with the Chinese horoscope of my family and your BFs family. We're looking at 5 different horoscopes here. Not to mention not getting married on the Chinese 7th month will put us down to 48 weekends.
Me:I only have 52 weekends to do this and you're putting additional restrictions. And I'm the one doing the planning, not you, shouldn't I be the one having the say?
TLDR: Don't make my job harder.
No, I'm not having my wedding anytime soon, just planning for it because crazy prepared is a thing.