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Give it a week, they'll start ten more threads.

The Exchange

NobodysHome wrote:

I... think I won!!!?

Over 24 hours since posting in The OffTopic World thread and no character's been created for me yet!

I think he forgot!

Doesn't that mean I win and get to rule the universe?

I think he needs some sleep. And Captain Yesterday, you forgot your pants.

*hands captain yesterday a pair *

Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I... think I won!!!?

Over 24 hours since posting in The OffTopic World thread and no character's been created for me yet!

I think he forgot!

Doesn't that mean I win and get to rule the universe?

I thought he said you were a bard of some kind, but he'd have to think on it.

He did, but he never did follow up. I'm hoping he forgot me. Unless a certain kitty just spoiled my fun...

The Exchange

But I want to get sorted too!

A quick skim of the thread did not indicate you have to post here before what date etc.

See? Lawfulness kicks in.

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Kjeldorn wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

I did what Drejk told me to and bought some Polish mead.

Review to follow at some point over the Bank Holiday weekend.

Was thinking the same thing...

Just have to do a bit of digging to see if any of my usual booze vendors carry the stuff or if I have to turn to the inter-nets to get my claws on any.

Though, if everything fails, I'll just go for some "local" mead ^^

Do you have a local Polish/other Eastern European convenience store? That's where I got mine.

Failing that, borrow one of the horses and gallop over the Baltic.

The Exchange

I don't know how to ride. I think horses would run at the sight of me.

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Just a Mort wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I... think I won!!!?

Over 24 hours since posting in The OffTopic World thread and no character's been created for me yet!

I think he forgot!

Doesn't that mean I win and get to rule the universe?

I think he needs some sleep. And Captain Yesterday, you forgot your pants.

*hands captain yesterday a pair *

Oh, I didn't forget them.

The Exchange

captain yesterday wrote:
Give it a week, they'll start ten more threads.

But you were starkers!


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It is going to be 82 degrees today.

This is not good.

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These people that embezzle to live the high life got it all wrong (obviously).

What you do is you scrimp on one income for 14 years and then introduce another full time income into the mix and voila, good times!

And the best part, it's not illegal so no charade to maintain.

In case you can't tell there's been a rash of embezzlement busts in our area.

Freehold DM wrote:

It is going to be 82 degrees today.

This is not good.

Sounds wonderful.

The Exchange

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In the US they're called nudists, streakers (if you do it at sporting events or weddings), or "g#~#@%n hippies" (by jealous people).

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Hmmm... may be a Pacific thing. We use "starkers" all the time.

Freehold DM wrote:

It is going to be 82 degrees today.

This is not good.

Central Illinois has been hitting 87-90 every day this week.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Hmmm... may be a Pacific thing. We use "starkers" all the time.

I've never heard the term "starkers" in and of itself. "Stark naked", yes. "Stark raving mad", sure. Of course I've heard that one, and probably more often than statistical probability would indicate. I'm not entirely sure why. But "starkers", while it makes sense, is not one I've ran across until now.

Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

It is going to be 82 degrees today.

This is not good.

Central Illinois has been hitting 87-90 every day this week.

We're supposedly getting our first 80 degree day tomorrow.

Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

It is going to be 82 degrees today.

This is not good.

Central Illinois has been hitting 87-90 every day this week.

one of the only times I was happy to not be in central Illinois...

Balmy 73 here. About what its been all week.

captain yesterday wrote:

These people that embezzle to live the high life got it all wrong (obviously).

What you do is you scrimp on one income for 14 years and then introduce another full time income into the mix and voila, good times!

And the best part, it's not illegal so no charade to maintain.

In case you can't tell there's been a rash of embezzlement busts in our area.

Yeah; we haven't exactly been "struggling" since I moved into tech, but we didn't get to, "Wow! We can spend money on a whim instead of planning every single expense!" until NobodysWife got her "real" job a couple of years ago.

The good news: It's going to be in the mid-60s all weekend here.
The bad news: We're going to be in Anaheim, where it's supposed be in the 80s and 90s all weekend.

I just got the most lawyer-speak response to a dad joke.

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I think it's about 25 here.

Once you go outside, it's 60 - high 79. Stupid overzealous AC.

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Things I will never understand:

Nobody likes clowns, but everybody wants to be the class clown.

Scintillae wrote:

I think it's about 25 here.

Once you go outside, it's 60 - high 79. Stupid overzealous AC.

Our predicted high has been 79-82 all week, including 79 today. It's just that we've been blowing past our predicted high by roughly 7-10 degrees each day.

At this point, I'm just glad we don't have thunderstorms today. Two straight days of that nonsense already.

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

These people that embezzle to live the high life got it all wrong (obviously).

What you do is you scrimp on one income for 14 years and then introduce another full time income into the mix and voila, good times!

And the best part, it's not illegal so no charade to maintain.

In case you can't tell there's been a rash of embezzlement busts in our area.

Yeah; we haven't exactly been "struggling" since I moved into tech, but we didn't get to, "Wow! We can spend money on a whim instead of planning every single expense!" until NobodysWife got her "real" job a couple of years ago.

The good news: It's going to be in the mid-60s all weekend here.
The bad news: We're going to be in Anaheim, where it's supposed be in the 80s and 90s all weekend.

Yep, that's where we are now, Tiny T-Rex asked if we could get a second PS 4 controller and I started trying to figure when we could afford it and I realized we can get it any time. :-)

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You ever talk to a kid about a book and then feel reeeeeally bad for them?

"What do you think of Lord of the Flies so far?"
"It's okay. I like Piggy; he's the only smart one."
awkward nodding and walking away to do...something else

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Scintillae wrote:

You ever talk to a kid about a book and then feel reeeeeally bad for them?

** spoiler omitted **

I feel that way anytime a kid tells me they're having to read Melville. Any of his work. I also feel bad for the teacher slogging through Melville. There's a reason my mother basically "covered" Melville by assigning Bartleby, the Scrivener, discussed it during one class session, and then moved on to other authors. "Yes, he also wrote Moby Dick and if you want to read that on your own time, you go right ahead."

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The entirety of my exposure to Melville (and several other authors such as Hawthorne) is Sparknoting the You Gotta Know list for scholar's bowl practice.

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Really, there are some weird gaps in my literary background as far as most English teachers go. I'd never read Lord of the Flies, Huckleberry Finn or The Great Gatsby until I had to teach them. My high school teachers made some odd choices in that regard.

I'd blame AP,, apparently most AP classes still make you read most of those.

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I have never read The Great Gatsby nor Lord of the Flies.

I enjoyed Huckleberry Finn, and I considered Moby Dick downright hilarious.

I recommend them - both are fairly short and quick reads. I blitzed through Gatsby in a matter of hours.

I mean, neither are exactly "faith in humanity restored" stories, but I think they're important.

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I admit to being continually surprised at how many kids seem to enjoy Gatsby.

Everyone is a terrible person. Everyone. Everyone.

I really, really wonder at just why so much of the literary canon is so danged depressing. You can pretty much state off the bat that if you read it in English class, someone's gonna be dead. It's like Disney movies and parents, really.

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I think Alice in Wonderland and A Midsummer Night's Dream might be the only things I was assigned to read in high school that didn't involve someone dying or coping with death. The Odyssey, I guess, if you don't count unnamed crew getting killed by sea monsters.

Ah, no. The Fountainhead, but that was terrible for entirely separate reasons. And Travels with Charley. Why the hell did we read that and not, I don't know, literally anything else Steinbeck had ever written?!

My mother's classes for juniors and seniors were American Literature for the juniors and English Literature for the seniors. The first half of American Lit...IE the entire first mother was just constantly going "You need to know this stuff so you can knowingly avoid it in the future, because most of the writing in the early American authors was just bad. There's certain things that you do need to know because it comes up throughout literature and history to the current times, but really, most of this stuff is just painful to read."

In case anyone is missing me work firewalled paizo finally so I'll be sparse at best.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
In case anyone is missing me work firewalled paizo finally so I'll be sparse at best.

I'm shocked mine hasn't. They blocked d20pfsrd, but not Paizo.

The Exchange

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Sorry to hear that, Vidmaster7 =(

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
In case anyone is missing me work firewalled paizo finally so I'll be sparse at best.

Those bastards!!!

Hey, Vid. Get yourself your own personal Hotspot. If you use your personal Internet, they can't firewall you. Get a tablet or a netbook so your employer can't trace your history.

That's one of the nice things about working outside, they can't mess with my phone internet.

Speaking of Hotspots, I have to leave early today to buy more time for mine.

That's awful, Vid. Sorry, bro. :(

Dark Archive

NobodysHome wrote:

I have never read The Great Gatsby nor Lord of the Flies.

I enjoyed Huckleberry Finn, and I considered Moby Dick downright hilarious.

My main problem with Huck Finn was Jonathan Taylor-Thomas.

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Speaking of movies: Synchro and I watched Infinity War last night.


That is all.

The Exchange

I just watched the infinity wars with my BF. I'll talk about it later.

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