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2 people marked this as a favorite.

But, I've been hunting wabbits!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Bugs is in Aruba.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's good to have Tacticslion back!

My favorite'd by others went over 18,000 in, like, two days.

I'd been trying to get it over that threshold for weeks now!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

All yall are crazy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
All yall are crazy.

Only because we're bored.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm sure there's a cautionary tale buried in there somewhere.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What do Cautions need tails for, anyway?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
What do Cautions need tails for, anyway?

To smack people who don't listen. A caution is a relative of the ankylosaur.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah. Okay.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Some days it's quicker to just walk to school.

Sadly, today I drove.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry to hear about your folks, Mr Badger.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

"Ms. Scint, don't take this the wrong way, but I hope you never run for office or get any measure of political power."

This may be the greatest compliment I've ever received...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm just waiting until after the Sparkly Teenage Overly Emotional Vampire Zombie Apocalypse to seize power.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What does a 44 degree day feel like after five weeks of snow and an average high of 15 degrees? (with one day when it reached 25 degrees).


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Pfft. Went to my BFs brothers house just to find out that their idea of Hokkaido trip planning... They haven't even looked at my plans nor suggested any locations. Technically my BF promised that his family would take care of the planning... I'm rather irritated that my plans are all they have to work with. Shouldn't they have at least made some effort to find some places?

*Growly noise*

And they're the ones who've spent more time in Japan(granted not Hokkaido region) then I have.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

What does a 44 degree day feel like after five weeks of snow and an average high of 15 degrees? (with one day when it reached 25 degrees).


I wouldn't know. We have gotten lukewarm rain instead of snow. Misery inducing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We’ve got a rollercoaster of a week coming up weather-wise. Highs in the 70s mixed with highs in the 40s. I feel a cold coming on just thinking about it. It’s great that we’re getting early March weather sooner this year. :S

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I love the internet. I found the instructions for my verrry old Coleman stove on the Old Town / Coleman website. (It's a 413g from 1960. The illustration style for manual looks like it belongs in a vintage issue of MAD magazine.) As I haven't used it in seven years and couldn't remember the sequence for priming/opening valves/etc., this is useful.

Also, I had a crawfish boil last night for the first time in 22 years, and it was EVERYTHING. And since the crawfish place is owned and run by a Vietnamese family, they do no ground spices, and they know how to blend for heat + flavor.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

What does a 44 degree day feel like after five weeks of snow and an average high of 15 degrees? (with one day when it reached 25 degrees).


I wouldn't know. We have gotten lukewarm rain instead of snow. Misery inducing.

I agree, there's nothing worse then getting rain all winter (if you're expecting snow).

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

But why no ground spices? Wouldn't ground spices release flavor better?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Taig, my sympathies and encouragement to you, your father, and the family!! :)

NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:


"Play this and see why everyone is addicted"... How is claiming to be addictive supposed to convince me to try it?

Works for heroin...

Ah, good ol' straightforward, "Human stupidity." Nice!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A musical interlude

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
lynora wrote:
Kidlet went to his first anime club meeting after school today. He says it was fun, so that's good. It's hard for him to join school activities since his schedule is already so packed with martial arts practices, but this works out for him.
Please inform the kidlet that I have over 200 titles. If he wants a recommendation, never hesitate to ask me. What genre is he most interested in?
He'll watch anything if the story is good enough. I started him out with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and then went on to Soul Eater and The Devil is a Part-Timer. He's not so keen on romance, but can overlook that in some cases. Much to my surprise and amusement Ouran High School Host Club is one of his favorites. We watched stuff together at first, but then he started watching things on his own. I think he was rewatching Madoka Magica (sp?) last I knew. Basically I've lost track of everything he's seen by now. :)

Ouran' wasn't nearly as much a romance as it seemed like it tried to purport to be, and - as a result - was better than I thought it could be. It was still out there, but more enjoyable.

Still not seen FMA or FMA:B. >.>

I... didn't enjoy Soul Eater nearly as much as I thought I would. It had a lot of elements I liked, but just didn't gel for me in the way I wanted.

TDiaPT was much better than I thought, though it had... uh... moments. >.>

I... am actually kind of surprised you're okay with Depression and Why Everything is Always Bad; or: Let Me Ruin Life, er, I mean, Madoka', as it can be quite... intense.
(Really well made, though.)

One of the first anime my wife and I watched together was Princess Tutu and, frankly, it still comes recommended, if you can find it.

(The box art for the collected set, though, is truly out-there, though. It's literally a fan-service box with a show that... isn't. Like, there's even a point at which a naked dude flies out a window and, instead of censorship or anything, there's literally nothing there and this is treated as normal (that is, his form is not worthy of comment; the "out of the window" part was a big deal). So it's weird that it's sexualized on the box.)

I'm sure I've got other recommendations, but, eh. You have a lot of anime options already, with John. :)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

  • lisamarlene, let me know whether the stove works for you. I have a bit of an excess:
    - When I was taking the kids car camping, I couldn't find one in storage so I bought a cheap one
    - When we were going on our eclipse trip, the nice German guy who'd been using the RV before us just gave us his really nice one
    - As I was cleaning out the shed on the rental house, I found my mother's top-of-the-line one
    - For the backpacking trip, I bought a high-end backpacking stove
    So yes, my family of 4 has 3 camp stoves and a backpacking stove. Either we're over-obsessed with camp cooking, or we have too many

    Unfortunately, those 1960s-era ones are indestructible monsters; you may want to keep it just for its durability

  • I found out why our HELOC hasn't gone through yet. Our loan officer sent me the PDF of the loan agreement. She said that "the second half" was just a booklet and I didn't need to send it in. So the first 14 pages took a bunch of signatures and I sent those in. It turns out the next 10 pages were a booklet, then the next 20 pages required signatures, etc. I just said, "To heck with it" and this morning faxed in the whole 84-page monstrosity.
    Loan officers. Killing the forest ten trees at a time
  • Tirading about stupidity with NobodysWife this morning, but it's all political, so I have to keep quiet
  • Both the choir teacher and the lead chaperone have indicated a preference that I grow out the mohawk before the April trips. They're nice about it, of course, "Do what you want, but I worry about xxx," but since I hate the beard and the mohawk just looks bad without the beard (fat guys shouldn't have mohawks), I'll be growing my hair for a bit. I may shave it again for the summer. I love the look. I just hate the maintenance.

  • Anyway, gotta get to work, work all day, stealing the underpants, hey.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
  • lisamarlene, let me know whether the stove works for you. I have a bit of an excess:
    - When I was taking the kids car camping, I couldn't find one in storage so I bought a cheap one
    - When we were going on our eclipse trip, the nice German guy who'd been using the RV before us just gave us his really nice one
    - As I was cleaning out the shed on the rental house, I found my mother's top-of-the-line one
    - For the backpacking trip, I bought a high-end backpacking stove
    So yes, my family of 4 has 3 camp stoves and a backpacking stove. Either we're over-obsessed with camp cooking, or we have too many

    Unfortunately, those 1960s-era ones are indestructible monsters; I just hate the maintenance.

  • Anyway, gotta get to work, work all day, stealing the underpants, hey.

    I am going to test it either tonight or tomorrow morning; if for any reason I have doubts, I will call you.

    And thank you for the offer, and for the clarifications that will make it possible for me to ask if, in fact, I do need help.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.





    ... dangit.

    captain yesterday wrote:

    It's good to have Tacticslion back!

    My favorite'd by others went over 18,000 in, like, two days.

    I'd been trying to get it over that threshold for weeks now!

    Happy to help!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
  • lisamarlene, let me know whether the stove works for you. I have a bit of an excess:
    - When I was taking the kids car camping, I couldn't find one in storage so I bought a cheap one
    - When we were going on our eclipse trip, the nice German guy who'd been using the RV before us just gave us his really nice one
    - As I was cleaning out the shed on the rental house, I found my mother's top-of-the-line one
    - For the backpacking trip, I bought a high-end backpacking stove
    So yes, my family of 4 has 3 camp stoves and a backpacking stove. Either we're over-obsessed with camp cooking, or we have too many

    Unfortunately, those 1960s-era ones are indestructible monsters; I just hate the maintenance.

  • Anyway, gotta get to work, work all day, stealing the underpants, hey.

    I am going to test it either tonight or tomorrow morning; if for any reason I have doubts, I will call you.

    And thank you for the offer, and for the clarifications that will make it possible for me to ask if, in fact, I do need help.

    Test it outside. That way, if it flares up, you won't start a House Fire.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:
    I am going to test it either tonight or tomorrow morning; if for any reason I have doubts, I will call you.
    Test it outside. That way, if it flares up, you won't start a House Fire.

    Party pooper.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:
    I am going to test it either tonight or tomorrow morning; if for any reason I have doubts, I will call you.
    Test it outside. That way, if it flares up, you won't start a House Fire.
    Party pooper.

    Safety first.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    "Why didja burn down the house, Bosco?"
    "It was laughing at me."

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:
    Syrus Terrigan wrote:
    I've got an anomalic body temp, too -- a whopping 96.8 F. No medical personnel believe me -- till they check it.

    Same as me! :)

    The kidlet runs at about 97.8. But my husband tends to be a little higher than ‘average normal’ at 99.0
    I’ve never had a doctor give me grief about my lower body temp except when I’m trying to prove I do indeed have a fever. When I was younger I had really low blood pressure and they were too busy giving me grief about that. “Are you sure you’re alive?” *rolls eyes* Pretty sure I would have less problems if I were undead....

    Look, I really want to find a way to become a permanently gentle reposed lich without the whole fear aura/death-grab thing. Or similar with an electroencephalon instead of phylactery.

    It would mean I wouldn't have to worry about my tanked Constitution, and would just be rebuilt every time I did something dangerously self-destructive (which, let's be honest, I'd be a lot more likely to do, if I was just going to get better).

    ... anyway.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Cartoon break

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:

    "Ms. Scint, don't take this the wrong way, but I hope you never run for office or get any measure of political power."

    This may be the greatest compliment I've ever received...

    DANGIT. Other class is demanding I run in 2024. I'll run all right. Run away.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Limeylongears wrote:

    I wonder if anyone's actually used a Tactical Self Defence Pen to defend themselves?

    Hmm hmm hmm. What a puzzler.

    This reminds me of a dream I had.

    I was a dude who was an assassin-like guy with solid skills, but who also was just a normal dude, or something? I don't know.

    Anyway, in a world that looks much like ours, there was a city and I learned that a guy was going to be targeted by... trolls.

    I felt really sorry for the dude - it was basically a death-sentence.

    So I took on the "mission" or whatever to protect him (I don't know who gave it to me, or why).

    Now this was stinkin' terrifying.

    So I took a ballpoint pen as my weapon (there was a reason, but I'unno), and headed on over. There was a junction or railway or something above us, and a line of cars parked on the road. There were apparently a group of, like, six people that were facing down the five(?) trolls (a ludicrous and certain-death prospect for the humans if a fight broke out), and I decided to sneak around and attack one (generally a stupid move) before they could attack the others in some half-baked move of either heroism, desperation, or something.

    So I slid up, and managed to stab the pen in between the armor plates, avoiding the deadly spikes, and there was blood, but that was, you know, nothing, compared to the power of the trolls.

    Anyway, there were lots of deadly awful that came out of that, and I managed to keep surviving by effectively a combination of preternatural reflexes and minor precognitive-like foreknowledge of their next move. Sprays of metal, shards of spikes, flung car doors (and even a flung car) followed, massive metallic spike balls on chains, and so on and so forth.

    There were several times when it was clear that the "one-injury-kill" actually happened... I I knew that what I was doing would result in death, but I managed to either rewind or alter what I was doing enough to make a microsecond different action, and lived.

    Periodically, with the dashing around and hiding behind cars and their larger frames and such, I would stab one with my pen - sometimes even in lucky vital areas, though their regeneration wouldn't let them die.

    Note: it appears that their regeneration is quick, but limited - they can heal a "certain amount" of damage without any difficulty and at great rapidity, but they can be taxed - my plan was apparently to do this? I dunno, this dream was a little while back.

    Anyway, it was a case of an explosion leaving shrapnel in one of them that was the most damage I could do (and I only survived that by hiding behind that troll) before tumbling out of the way of his massive spiked fist. I know I managed to dash past a car (which saved me, as it took the brunt of deadly projectiles subsequently sent after me), but I didn't die at that point.

    I then had two furious "mostly-just-fine" trolls (the only two of the five I'd really managed to "hurt") and three more-or-less bemused trolls mildly watching the proceedings, planning on murdering the one dude as soon as whatever pest was finished off.

    The other stand-off people were also just watching, as they hoped that the three trolls wouldn't cause mass destruction and death if they were just mad at me, or maybe there was still hope for compromise (if any were possible) where no one died.

    It was really interesting, too, because I'd realized I'd made a pretty critical error - I'd hoped to distract the trolls long enough to allow the dude to escape, but, apparently, they weren't necessarily planning on death - but now they were. Mine and the dude's, and, frankly, there was no way I could stop them. I mildly hated myself for choosing to use a pen.

    That's about all of the dream I know about - I woke up after that.

    ... and that's my story about a "tactical" ball-point pen.

    captain yesterday wrote:
    I'm going to run it with Starfinder, because space pirates are better.

    My plan was on Castrovel.

    EDIT: with psionics and guns; maybe tap some Blue Rose folk

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:

    "Ms. Scint, don't take this the wrong way, but I hope you never run for office or get any measure of political power."

    This may be the greatest compliment I've ever received...

    DANGIT. Other class is demanding I run in 2024. I'll run all right. Run away.

    If you run, I'll run.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So there are abilities that I hear about and I can't believe Paizo put into their game. A witch's Slumber Hex is one of them. "I have an at-will save-or-suck ability that I can spam on every creature in a fight and take a goodly number of them out, burning actions or taking out BBEGs."

    But when the family asked me to run a divine caster for the Strange Aeons game I chose a spirit shaman (recommended by the Player's Guide), and I decided to take the Slumber Hex out for a test run.

    Last night I got to watch the party effortlessly nuke a CR+2 encounter thanks to the shaman successfully Slumber Hexing the BBEG, and the necromancer spamming Control Undead at the secondary BBEG. If he'd succeeded (thankfully he didn't), it would have been a one-round fight that rewarded the party with a way-more-powerful-than-its-CR minion.

    That's the trouble with at-will save or suck: Usually it's not worth taking save-or-suck spells because you're taking up a precious spell slot on a spell that might have a 30-40% chance of working on one creature in one fight. Giving an at-will save or suck that works on every creature that sleeps really messes up encounters, because Round 1 is always, "Slumber Hex on the most powerful guy!", and instead of ONE 30-40% chance in ONE fight, every encounter has a 30-40% chance of getting wrecked.

    It's really not a fun ability. Which kind of explains why I try to avoid using it as much as possible. But it is indeed as bad as I thought it would be.

    Just a Mort wrote:

    My Chinese zodiac sign says I'm gentle, quiet, elegant, quick, skillful, kind and patient and particularly responsible. However, I may be superficial, stubborn, melancholy and overly discreet.

    The stubborn part, I get. But gentle, quiet, elegant and patient?!

    I'm a Dog.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Limeylongears wrote:

    I wonder if anyone's actually used a Tactical Self Defence Pen to defend themselves?

    Hmm hmm hmm. What a puzzler.

    This reminds me of a dream I had.

    I was a dude who was an assassin-like guy with solid skills, but who also was just a normal dude, or something? I don't know.

    Anyway, in a world that looks much like ours, there was a city and I learned that a guy was going to be targeted by... trolls.

    I felt really sorry for the dude - it was basically a death-sentence.

    So I took on the "mission" or whatever to protect him (I don't know who gave it to me, or why).

    Now this was stinkin' terrifying.

    So I took a ballpoint pen as my weapon (there was a reason, but I'unno), and headed on over. There was a junction or railway or something above us, and a line of cars parked on the road. There were apparently a group of, like, six people that were facing down the five(?) trolls (a ludicrous and certain-death prospect for the humans if a fight broke out), and I decided to sneak around and attack one (generally a stupid move) before they could attack the others in some half-baked move of either heroism, desperation, or something.

    So I slid up, and managed to stab the pen in between the armor plates, avoiding the deadly spikes, and there was blood, but that was, you know, nothing, compared to the power of the trolls.

    Anyway, there were lots of deadly awful that came out of that, and I managed to keep surviving by effectively a combination of preternatural reflexes and minor precognitive-like foreknowledge of their next move. Sprays of metal, shards of spikes, flung car doors (and even a flung car) followed, massive metallic spike balls on chains, and so on and so forth.

    There were several times when it was clear that the "one-injury-kill" actually happened... I I knew that what I was doing would result in death, but I managed to either rewind or alter what I was doing enough to make a microsecond different action, and lived....


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    So there are abilities that I hear about and I can't believe Paizo put into their game. A witch's Slumber Hex is one of them. "I have an at-will save-or-suck ability that I can spam on every creature in a fight and take a goodly number of them out, burning actions or taking out BBEGs."

    But when the family asked me to run a divine caster for the Strange Aeons game I chose a spirit shaman (recommended by the Player's Guide), and I decided to take the Slumber Hex out for a test run.

    Last night I got to watch the party effortlessly nuke a CR+2 encounter thanks to the shaman successfully Slumber Hexing the BBEG, and the necromancer spamming Control Undead at the secondary BBEG. If he'd succeeded (thankfully he didn't), it would have been a one-round fight that rewarded the party with a way-more-powerful-than-its-CR minion.

    That's the trouble with at-will save or suck: Usually it's not worth taking save-or-suck spells because you're taking up a precious spell slot on a spell that might have a 30-40% chance of working on one creature in one fight. Giving an at-will save or suck that works on every creature that sleeps really messes up encounters, because Round 1 is always, "Slumber Hex on the most powerful guy!", and instead of ONE 30-40% chance, every encounter has a 30-40% chance of getting wrecked.

    It's really not a fun ability. Which kind of explains why I try to avoid using it as much as possible. But it is indeed as bad as I thought it would be.

    This is why I dont use new classes. Adventures just aren't ready for them.

    I am still working on turning new classes into archetypes. Maybe even the old 1-20 archetypes.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Just a Mort wrote:

    My Chinese zodiac sign says I'm gentle, quiet, elegant, quick, skillful, kind and patient and particularly responsible. However, I may be superficial, stubborn, melancholy and overly discreet.

    The stubborn part, I get. But gentle, quiet, elegant and patient?!

    I'm a Dog.


    I'm a horse. And a Sagittarius.

    Thats a lot of horse.

    Freehold DM wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:


    It was, rather!

    ... but holy crap was I terrified.

    EDIT: let me tell you, though, that shrapnel hurt, and so did the concrete. It was really nice to be that light weight and agile (though I was a tad more blonde than ideal - it wasn't that bad, though XD), but it was Not Fun to hit palms on concrete or feel the minor slash of razor-thin shrapnel. And that sensation of slowly wearing out while the other guys were entirely solid... euph.

    But it was mostly really cool. :D

    Freehold DM wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Just a Mort wrote:

    My Chinese zodiac sign says I'm gentle, quiet, elegant, quick, skillful, kind and patient and particularly responsible. However, I may be superficial, stubborn, melancholy and overly discreet.

    The stubborn part, I get. But gentle, quiet, elegant and patient?!

    I'm a Dog.


    I'm a horse. And a Sagittarius.

    Thats a lot of horse.

    I'm a...


    ... crab.

    So a dog and a crab.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Witch is an atrocious class. I have no idea why the designers thought it was a good idea. It truly is as bad as all that. The other hexes, in particular misfortune, are almost as bad (and misfortune works on everything). Add cackles and second chance to hex feats and it's awful. To which the witch playing crowd says: Use elves, undead, constructs and whatever. Which would be a solution, but I'd like some variety AND not be accused of nerfing the witch by what critters I use.

    Witch: Just say no.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    I love Witches, no complaints here.

    And yes, we tend to have a lot of Witches.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Just a Mort wrote:

    My Chinese zodiac sign says I'm gentle, quiet, elegant, quick, skillful, kind and patient and particularly responsible. However, I may be superficial, stubborn, melancholy and overly discreet.

    The stubborn part, I get. But gentle, quiet, elegant and patient?!

    I'm a Dog.


    I'm a horse. And a Sagittarius.

    Thats a lot of horse.

    I'm a...


    ... crab.

    So a dog and a crab.

    I'm a (Chinese) goat and a(n Occidental) water jug . . . .

    And I think my goat-horns punctured the jug . . . .

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:

    I love Witches, no complaints here.

    And yes, we tend to have a lot of Witches.

    Well, a simple fix of changing, "This hex can affect a creature of any HD," to, "This hex can affect a creature of any HD, up to the witch's current HD," would go a HUGE way towards fixing the problem.

    As it is, most BBEGs are at least one HD higher than the party, so they're immune to most such abilities (spells like Holy Word or abilities like Command Undead come to mind), but in the APG they got rid of the whole, "This works against anything up to your current level," paradigm that works so well, and instead have at-will abilities where an optimized level 1 witch has a better than 50% chance of taking out a CR 9 frost giant, for example.

    Kind of takes the excitement out of a lot of fights.

    And as Sissyl said, "Replace all your BBEGs with creatures that are immune to sleep" is really tying the GM's hands.

    NobodysHome wrote:

    Well, I don't want the man fired, but considering the sheer number of modern studies that show how massively trying to "tough it out" destroys productivity across departments to the point that most major non-retail corporations now mandate that you take sick time when you're sick, his attitude is... primeval.

    (Global Megacorp, Shiro's company, and NobodysWife's company all send out monthly HR e-mail reminders: "If you are sick, STAY HOME! You're doing us ALL a favor!" Because Americans have been trained that being sick is "weak" and coming to work to spread your germs is "noble".)

    It's a problem I have to think about when deciding whether or not to volunteer at Church. I want to do so and I want to help, but I also don't want to get people sick. It's a thing, and it makes it worse when you're sickly.

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