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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I love when scotch drinkers and bourbon drinkers get into knock down, drag out arguments. Personally, I'll drink either, as well as Irish whiskey, because I'm not too hung up about this stuff.

Even though I'm a confessed booze-hound, I haven't even begun to dip into that debate. I would think, I know a little about Scotch, but my exposure to whiskey outside of that is minimal.

Other then whiskey, I'm slowly trying out every kind of Rum and Brandy (especially Cognac, and I've been burning for a chance to get my first taste of Armagnac!) I can get my hands on.

Naked?! Now?! But I'm sick! Further chill would just make me more sick!

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What is golden milk?

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Milk infused with turmeric and ginger.

I like the whiskey cure best, myself, but when parents are shelling out two grand a month for tuition, they tend to look askance at the teacher smelling like the bottle at eight a.m.

The only teacher I've ever had who could--and did--get away with it at that hour was my Epistemology professor in college.

And, dear gods, if you have to teach Epistemology to undergrads at eight in the morning, you ought to be drinking.

The Exchange

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Playtesting a new paladin strategy for viability, before I drop 1600 dust on the Kaleidosaur quest-card.

So far, casual playtests have been promising. But I haven't playtested on the ladder, and the ladder has been brutal lately. (It used to be the opposite.)

Also, HOLY COW, each value-bundle of classic packs guarantees a class-legendary card!!! I am seriously tempted to spend the actual dollars to fill out my classics collection. Completionist urges surging...

Don't fall to the dark side! It's all a ploy by Blizzard to earn your money!

If you want to craft cards to play certain decks, go ahead. It happens to us all. No knife juggler= no face hunter.

But to buy cards for completionist urges is ><

Yeah ladder is brutal, but do your ladder climb in the middle of the month, it's easier. Also during American waking hours. Like if I try ladder in my afternoon the guys are damn pro.

The Exchange

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I never drink during working hours or even at lunch break. Never struck me as good work ethic.

Now after work...then I go around looking for sakes, sojus and cocktails. If I'm in the mood for it. The wines come in a bottle which is too much for me to finish at one go, and mostly they aren't sweet enough for my taste.

Whiskey is also too harsh for my taste, besides buying a bottle back would incur bad parental faction since they don't drink.

Mort, Mort, Mort. You don't drink Whiskey for the taste. You drink it for the burn. Pour the shot glass, toss it back, and swallow. Don't let it sit in the mouth or it will begin to burn. Good whiskey is stronger than mouthwash. However, if you put it into tea or coffee, the whiskey will help get rid of a cold almost as fast as medicine will.

The Exchange

I can't drink whiskey neat. Also, what's the dose of whiskey to add to tea for medicinal purposes?

One shot glass to a coffee cup sized amount of tea. The vapors from the whiskey will loosen up the sinuses. Tea, Honey, Lemon, and Whiskey work best when dealing with a cold. I'd drink it right now, but I'm working.

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Also called a "Hot Toddy".

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lisamarlene wrote:

This morning I got on the trendy asshat bandwagon and made myself one of those "golden milk" lattes with ginger and turmeric.

It was a horrible thing to do to an innocent cup of coffee, and I feel so ashamed.
Don't judge me.

wife swears by it. Not in coffee but on its own. Helps her stomach a great deal.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:

*Looks at credit card statement*


Plastic model building is not a hobby for poor people.

weeps openly

You know it, sister...

waits for master grade kit for Cannon MK II, more Gundam Thunderbolt stuff

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

At least you're not buying from Games Workshop. The amount they charge is criminal, no matter if the model is resin, plastic or metal.

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Well, my package finally arrived. UPS said it should be delivered "between 2 and 6", and it got here at 9:02. Close enough.

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My poison of choice is military modelling.

Which means it's a b!%@& and a half to find any store locally that's catered to me.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I prefer to model underwear.

No glue necessary.

The Exchange

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Ginger is good for soothing stomachs.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And now there is snow, on top of the ice. Getting home tonight will be ... interesting. I hope I don't fall and break a bone.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:

I am now firmly convinced that LAX is Satan's a~*@~##. The line for passport check for US Citizens took an hour and a half of just standing, and there was no cell service or wifi, and everybody in line with connections is freaking out. Then I finally get to the border control agent, and he's looking at me like I've personally insulted him, he's talking to me as little as possible, and doesn't really care about whether I have things to declare or not. I ended up not paying the tax by sheer virtue of the fact that he basically didn't do any of the customs portion of his job. Which, after that line, made me super glad I didn't have to get my bags checked.

Then I went through TSA screening twice because the airport staff couldn't figure out whether I needed to be in Terminal B, 2, or 3 (the correct answer was 3, but my boarding pass clearly said 2), and for the first time, I actually ran into a TSA agent who was just an unmitigated jackass. She got pissed at me for following the instructions a different agent gave me because she didn't like the instructions (and she heard them being given), lined me out because the metal...

Ugh, yeah. LAX is legendary in its horrificness. I'm born and raised in California, flown all over the country and the world, and avoided LAX like the plague. I think we went through it ONCE, and it lived up to its legend. Even when I used to have to teach down in LA at least once a month I drove instead of flying.

I'm sorry. LAX is the worst.

Even driving by LAX is terrible.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I made it home just fine.

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Vapid Captain Yesterday wrote:

I prefer to model underwear.

No glue necessary.

Is it plastic underwear?

You know what, I don't want to know the answer to that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Playtesting a new paladin strategy for viability, before I drop 1600 dust on the Kaleidosaur quest-card.

So far, casual playtests have been promising. But I haven't playtested on the ladder, and the ladder has been brutal lately. (It used to be the opposite.)

Also, HOLY COW, each value-bundle of classic packs guarantees a class-legendary card!!! I am seriously tempted to spend the actual dollars to fill out my classics collection. Completionist urges surging...

Don't fall to the dark side! It's all a ploy by Blizzard to earn your money!

If you want to craft cards to play certain decks, go ahead. It happens to us all. No knife juggler= no face hunter.

But to buy cards for completionist urges is ><

Yeah ladder is brutal, but do your ladder climb in the middle of the month, it's easier. Also during American waking hours. Like if I try ladder in my afternoon the guys are damn pro.

I drew the Kaleidosaur quest & even with a few other paladin legendaries, it's not that good. I suppose you could make a buff/token paladin - but not sure it'd really work that well. And Kaleidosaur... not sure if I've got that to work (although never really tried, my deck-building is a bit rubbish).

And yay 5/8 Dungeon Classes Complete

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Mort, Mort, Mort. You don't drink Whiskey for the taste. You drink it for the burn. Pour the shot glass, toss it back, and swallow. Don't let it sit in the mouth or it will begin to burn. Good whiskey is stronger than mouthwash. However, if you put it into tea or coffee, the whiskey will help get rid of a cold almost as fast as medicine will.

I drink whiskey for its flavor . . . . But, we all know I'm more than just a little bit weird. So that's a thing.

Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Select is my whiskey of choice. Though, at $50 a fifth, it's an infrequent acquisition. *Soooooooo* good, though!

I usually just stick to beer, though -- less intoxicating by volume, drinks well with most anything, and less taxing on the pocketbook.

Whiskey or rum for me.

I don't know if they still make it anymore but the wife and I both loved Red Rum.

Otherwise hard lemonade or hard root beer is the way to go.

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I'm also going to attempt what everyone says is impossible.

I'm going to make a Starfinder character that uses power armor.

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Five inches of snow here in Pittsburgh.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think that's what we've gotten for the whole season so far.

Syrus try the Evan Williams Single Barrel pretty tasty and about $15 cheaper.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I think that's what we've gotten for the whole season so far.

im working on it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Bought a good snow shovel for $10 at the neighborhood Dollar Store. Didn't need one last year.

Walt Flanagan wrote:

Syrus try the Evan Williams Single Barrel pretty tasty and about $15 cheaper.

Should the opportunity present itself, I shall do so. I will offer an attendant note, though -- I've had quite a bit of both JD and EW, and I prefer JD. I expect that tendency to bear out in the final analysis. As infrequently as I buy whiskey, another $15 bucks is a good investment, so far! But we'll see if ol' Evan can impress me. :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And we've gotten about 4 inches of snow on the ground here in Podunk, TN. Highly irregular. I was still in elementary school when last I recall snowfall of similar depth.

Hooray!! Winter!!!

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Just a Mort wrote:

Don't fall to the dark side! It's all a ploy by Blizzard to earn your money!

If you want to craft cards to play certain decks, go ahead. It happens to us all. No knife juggler= no face hunter.

But to buy cards for completionist urges is ><

Yeah ladder is brutal, but do your ladder climb in the middle of the month, it's easier. Also during American waking hours. Like if I try ladder in my afternoon the guys are damn pro.

I'm pretty sure Blizzard's ploy for my money is going to'll be my birthday in ten days, and my wife encouraged me to buy them as a b'day gift to myself.

...She may be a bad influence on me. ;)

I actually have the dust to craft 6-7 legendaries, but I'm too indecisive to actually use it. ><

DSXMachina wrote:

I drew the Kaleidosaur quest & even with a few other paladin legendaries, it's not that good. I suppose you could make a buff/token paladin - but not sure it'd really work that well. And Kaleidosaur... not sure if I've got that to work (although never really tried, my deck-building is a bit rubbish).

And yay 5/8 Dungeon Classes Complete

Yeah, Galvadon is pretty much the fighter of the quest-card rewards, and I'm treating this playtesting as optimizing with a handicap. What was your strategy in enchanting your 6 minions? I'm using a lot of stealth and divine-shield minions -- they're a lot more likely to survive long enough to be enchanted and attack!

Kudos on getting 5/9! Do you have a particular strategy for beating 8th bosses? I feel like there must be a deck-building strategy to beating them, and I don't know it. Or maybe people just dungeon-run a whole lot more than I do.

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I have a marina and two boats on GTA 5.

And a tricked out muscle car.

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Terrigan of the Frostfell wrote:

And we've gotten about 4 inches of snow on the ground here in Podunk, TN. Highly irregular. I was still in elementary school when last I recall snowfall of similar depth.

Hooray!! Winter!!!

Meanwhile over here in Chatt we've gotten nothing more than a single day of light dusting, thank goodness. It's just cold and windy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Yeah, Galvadon is pretty much the fighter of the quest-card rewards, and I'm treating this playtesting as optimizing with a handicap. What was your strategy in enchanting your 6 minions? I'm using a lot of stealth and divine-shield minions -- they're a lot more likely to survive long enough to be enchanted and attack!

Kudos on getting 5/9! Do you have a particular strategy for beating 8th bosses? I feel like there must be a deck-building strategy to beating them, and I don't know it. Or maybe people just dungeon-run a whole lot more than I do.

I've not done too much, but I cannot beat Azari - his deck removal is too tough for me. Toggwoggle is tough.

The Darkness is not too bad, if you've got a nice deck - I just waited it out & made him draw through his deck.

The Dragon with the chests is tricky, you have to get someone on the board to kill the non-chest minions, whilst surviving as he buffs his minions. If you do kill more than 1, you have to quickly go face.

And I've only seen the beholder once (& was crushed).

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Just got done clearing the steps and sidewalk. Tired now.

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What have your temps been like over that way, Orthos? We've had a handful of days at low teens in the AM, warming to low 20s around 3 PM. Weather forecasts are calling for another burst of the same near midweek.

Though it *would* be unfair and misleading of me to suggest that I trust their prognostications.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

The sheer chutzpah of my family knows no bounds.

So, as I've mentioned over many posts over the pages:

  • My parents, without telling us, charged us for every single penny they ever spent on us: Birthday presents, Christmas presents, college fees, weddings, etc. There were no "gifts": Everything was totted up, and then when our inheritance came, we had to pay up to receive anything. Not fun.
  • Once my father died, my mother and sister-in-law started charging everyone for family trips down to the last penny. It was seriously at the level of, "We ordered potstickers and there were 8 on the plate and NobodysHome's family ate 5 of them, so we should charge them for 5/8 of the plate." One Sunday morning the two of them spent THREE HOURS re-creating the bill from Omar's (in Ashland) just to make sure "everybody paid their fair share".
  • When my family learned that I was undercharging the tenants of our jointly-owned home, they fired me as property manager, evicted my tenants, and brought in a more mercenary management company to "maximize their investment" (of which there was none, since the house was fully paid-off before my father died).

  • So, my mother is a firm believer in euthanasia and has a full set of Do Not Resuscitate orders, but she doesn't trust either of my brothers to pull the plug on her if anyone ever tries to keep her alive. So she wants me to have all the legal docs. Being paranoid, she has copies of them in a safe deposit box at a bank near my house.

    Well, she just sent me the bill for the safe deposit box fee.

    I responded that I'd happily burn the documents, shred the documents, or put them in my off-site storage, but there was no way in **** I was paying for her Safe Deposit Box.

    If you're going to be a mercenary a$$hat to your family for your entire life, you can't expect them to turn around and do you monetary favors.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Send her a bill for your future service of being a caretaker of her medical documentation.

    Or make it a subscription, paid monthly.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    The sheer chutzpah asshattery of my family knows no bounds.


    And its sad that you have to have that kind of relationship with your family.
    Family is suppose to be better then that. Unfortunately that's not always the case.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Physics Humor from Impus Major:

    Man, Isaac Newton was a wimp! Even a kitten weighs more than one Newton!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    [cake humor]Even a fig weighs more than a Newton.[/cake humor] :D

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    Mort, Mort, Mort. You don't drink Whiskey for the taste. You drink it for the burn. Pour the shot glass, toss it back, and swallow. Don't let it sit in the mouth or it will begin to burn. Good whiskey is stronger than mouthwash. However, if you put it into tea or coffee, the whiskey will help get rid of a cold almost as fast as medicine will.

    I drink whisky for the taste...

    In other news, date no. 3 with Potential Lady Longears (Diamond Edition) went well. We watched a film about mountains and then had a drink.

    However, I am very hungry indeed now, which means that I am not going to be able to resist the call of Ahmet's Chateau De Kebabs Deluxe De Luxury.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Syrus Terrigan wrote:

    What have your temps been like over that way, Orthos? We've had a handful of days at low teens in the AM, warming to low 20s around 3 PM. Weather forecasts are calling for another burst of the same near midweek.

    Though it *would* be unfair and misleading of me to suggest that I trust their prognostications.

    This past week has all been in the 50s and 60s, until yesterday. Yesterday morning started at 60 at 7 AM and dropped into the 20s by 5 PM.

    Today was all 20s and low 30s.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    The sheer chutzpah of my family knows no bounds. <snip>

    Sweet unmerciful Tharizdun. What in the everloving hells. Are your parents related to Ayn Rand?

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    They seem like pragmatic folk. I will happily enslave them free of charge.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Thirteen degrees, windchill 2, in Pittsburgh right now.

    The Exchange

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    We don't charge when it comes to family. Really.

    If my family did that, I'd tell them well - you reap what you sow - so if you want me to pay for doing you a service - go stick it up where the sun doesn't shine.

    Ok - that was...mildly vulgar. But honestly I do swear a lot.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Okay. I have finally finished the last book I received as an unexpected gift.

    I think the adventurers guide is my favorite paizo book. It has made me take another look at ultimate campaign, and I am reevaluating everything. I am still in love with archetypes and think new classes should have been replaced with 1 to 20 alternate classes as a kind of archetypes on steroids thing, but I am digging traits and drawbacks now.

    I also plan to buy the ultimate campaign bag to replace my aging bag of holding/mlp lunchbox setup.

    Keep on keeping on, Paizo...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    For some reason I have been stuck on the music of Live A Live for the past week. Maybe I need to dig it out and play it again.

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