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Just a Mort wrote:
For your own profile - you'd want to read this

LOL. That SOOOOOO doesn't describe me at all that it's silly.

  • I don't particularly care what my friends are up to. If they want to do something, they'll ping me. I have friends from high school I haven't seen in 10 years, and I have no idea how they're doing. But I still consider them 'good' friends.
  • I was the single-most unpopular person in my entire high school.
  • I'm not particularly social. As I mentioned in my response to lisamarlene, I'm just as happy sitting alone in a corner as I am talking with people.

  • On the other hand, this is me to a 'T':
    Mort's Linky wrote:
    ESFJs love to be of service, enjoying any role that allows them to participate in a meaningful way, so long as they know that they are valued and appreciated. This is especially apparent at home, and ESFJs make loyal and devoted partners and parents. ESFJ personalities respect hierarchy, and do their best to position themselves with some authority, at home and at work, which allows them to keep things clear, stable and organized for everyone.

    So there's something in there that's accurate. Kind of like horoscopes.

    Go figure.

    EDIT: And OMG, "Being pretty conflict-averse". Yep. That's me. And another "dead hit on the head of the nail":

    One more wrote:
    Coming to terms with their sensitivity is ESFJs’ biggest challenge – people are going to disagree and they’re going to criticize, and while it hurts, it’s just a part of life. The best thing for ESFJs to do is to do what they do best: be a role model, take care of what they have the power to take care of, and enjoy that so many people do appreciate the efforts they make.

    EDIT 2: But not nudity-averse.

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I found mine pretty accurate. Personally. But that's me.

    "when working towards a goal, ISTJs hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience." - Translated into AP terms - I will push plot as fast as it can be pushed, and yes I am anal as fk about the rules.

    "This sense of personal integrity is core to ISTJs, and goes beyond their own minds – ISTJ personalities adhere to established rules and guidelines regardless of cost, reporting their own mistakes and telling the truth even when the consequences for doing so could be disastrous." --> LN GM. If I screw up - I'll tell players about it.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:

    And INFJ nowadays, although I started out as an INFP. e-characters is fun.

    This page is fun.

    Fixed it for you, LM.

    Dark Archive

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    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    I have never once taken a myers briggs test, so it's funny watching you all bandy letters about like there's no tomorrow :D

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    I'm also trying to speculate on how accurately I can guess people's Myerrs Briggs by their forum posts, but I don't think I've done a very good job. I may get 2/3 out of the 4 letters right but that's about it. And some people I really have no clue...

    Do me!

    That's what she said!

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I still think twilight sparkle is ISTJ - I like twilight sparkle! She has magic! And I don't know what's the name of that red pony.

    And anyway Severus Snape shouldn't be ISTJ...I dunno what he'd be. And I don't have anything in common with Severus! I wouldn't be keeping so many secrets!

    There's another one for Disney princesses

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Captain Yesterday - I don't know. I'm sorry. Honestly I can't read's drawing a blank :(

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Well, the funniest part is that so many of these things (horoscopes, palm readers, Meyers-Briggs tests) just get a quick light read of people, then present results in broad generalities. Humans have a natural tendency to cherry-pick what they see as accurate ("You are conflict-averse") and ignore the stuff that is utterly wrong ("You love being popular, like a high school quarterback or cheerleader"), and then say, "Wow! That described me SO accurately!"

    I was relatively unimpressed. About a 50%, "That is dead-on ME!", and 50%, "No, that doesn't describe me at all!"

    After asking, what, 30 questions? It should have been better.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Which is why psychology isn't a hard ( i.e. non-physical ) science.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
  • Happy Birthday, Freehold!
  • ESFJ-A here! Too bad I have no idea what it means! But I'm 86% judgy, which sure sounds too low to me!
  • Glad to hear that TOZ's issues are logistical rather than a**-hattical, but sorry to hear they're there.
  • Since when are you an Extrovert?

    The best description of me is, "Passive Extrovert".

    I'm perfectly happy sitting in a corner by myself. But if someone starts talking to me, I'll cheerfully chat with them all night long. So most parties are, "NobodysHome sits quietly in a corner. Someone sees the sad and lonely old man and decides to take pity on him and talk to him. His conversation is actually remotely interesting. A group forms. NobodysHome dominates the conversation because NobodysHome talks too much."

    But yeah, come shopping or dining with us some time. I chat up the cashiers, the waiters or waitresses, the busboys, whoever. You just typically see me in "Passive" mode because we're usually at the dojo thingies.

    EDIT: Honestly, I was surprised that my Extrovert score was "only" 63%. I love interacting with people. I think it's because I'm so passive about it that it ended up so low.

    i was like that when i was younger. Now due to the first and second...and third and fourth job (miss that fourth job), i am going up to people and talking to them so much I do it without realizing.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hey, everyone. I did a little research on my own and found Mikaze's Homepage, which has a contact tab. I'm sure he'd enjoy hearing from all of his friends.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    I'm perfectly happy sitting in a corner by myself. But if someone starts talking to me, I'll cheerfully chat with them all night long. So most parties are, "NobodysHome sits quietly in a corner. Someone sees the sad and lonely old man and decides to take pity on him and talk to him..."
    i was like that when i was younger...

    People thought of you as a sad and lonely old man when you were younger?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    Captain Yesterday - I don't know. I'm sorry. Honestly I can't read's drawing a blank :(

    I win!!

    Sprays self with champagne while bouncing on a divan.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:











    Is it coming to pc? I don't have an xbone.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:

    I didn't play any of the other FFs but I did complete FF8, which I will probably talk about, some other day.

    I'm still pissed that most of Final Fantasy series has all gone on Playstation and not on computers...gah. I do not have a playstation. I heard from friends that final fantasy 14, Square Enix's first venture into FF as an MMORPG was meh.

    You can get 3, 4, 4-2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 10-2 on Steam. =)

    14 was actually their second MMO, 11 was the first. I never played either though.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:

    I think I played FF5 a long long time back, but I got stuck at the after you defeat the boss and your ship is sucked into the whirlpool. Couldn't get past the Ship Graveyard. (Why does it sound familiar?) Train Graveyard, Ship Graveyard? :P

    So I stopped.

    Ship graveyard yeah. I got stuck there the first time I played it, too. The second time thusly I knew to do some grinding at the Wind Shrine first.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Well, the funniest part is that so many of these things (horoscopes, palm readers, Meyers-Briggs tests) just get a quick light read of people, then present results in broad generalities. Humans have a natural tendency to cherry-pick what they see as accurate ("You are conflict-averse") and ignore the stuff that is utterly wrong ("You love being popular, like a high school quarterback or cheerleader"), and then say, "Wow! That described me SO accurately!"

    I was relatively unimpressed. About a 50%, "That is dead-on ME!", and 50%, "No, that doesn't describe me at all!"

    After asking, what, 30 questions? It should have been better.

    Yeah, I wouldn't use it for anything serious. But it's good for working character concepts andvfir very casual general things.

    That said mine fits so well it's actually a little eerie. There were only like two or three small statements in the summary I felt didn't apply.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Orthos wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:











    Is it coming to pc? I don't have an xbone.

    I think Steam has it.

    edit - Yes they do have it.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Been quite a while since I took the Myers-Briggs sorter . . . . I think I was an INST the first time around; six years later I was an INTP.

    Not that I have *any* idea what that means.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    And why am I gettin' the sideeye, Freehold?? Hmmmm?? You want somethin'?

    You took me off the Xmas card list, remember?

    All celebratory thermobaric nuclear pyrotechnics are summarily withheld, accordingly. :P

    Congrats on the level-up, though! :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Orthos wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:











    Is it coming to pc? I don't have an xbone.

    it *may* be. Check online. I know there is supposed to be a healthy overlap between pc and xbone.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    I'm perfectly happy sitting in a corner by myself. But if someone starts talking to me, I'll cheerfully chat with them all night long. So most parties are, "NobodysHome sits quietly in a corner. Someone sees the sad and lonely old man and decides to take pity on him and talk to him..."
    i was like that when i was younger...
    People thought of you as a sad and lonely old man when you were younger?

    i was a strange kid.

    Quiet and loved to read unless you spoke to me, then I wouldn't shut up.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Well, the funniest part is that so many of these things (horoscopes, palm readers, Meyers-Briggs tests) just get a quick light read of people, then present results in broad generalities. Humans have a natural tendency to cherry-pick what they see as accurate ("You are conflict-averse") and ignore the stuff that is utterly wrong ("You love being popular, like a high school quarterback or cheerleader"), and then say, "Wow! That described me SO accurately!"

    I was relatively unimpressed. About a 50%, "That is dead-on ME!", and 50%, "No, that doesn't describe me at all!"

    After asking, what, 30 questions? It should have been better.

    There's a longer version that I took for work recently. I ended up being ISTJ, heavy on the introverted, not as strong on the Thinking. I've been an ISFJ in the past as well (feeling instead of thinking). And like Scint, I've chosen a career that requires me to interact with people: Human Resources. By the end of the day, I don't want to talk to ANYONE.

    But the longer version is more interesting to read because it does take into account that you're only a certain percentage of each letter -- like NH is 63% extrovert or what have you.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I love how everyone on Cupcake Wars says they'd use the ten grand you get for winning to open up a store front.

    I'm pretty sure that'll only get them a professional mixer, and maybe a few pans.

    Personally, I'd do it for the exposure and nothing else.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    Hey, everyone. I did a little research on my own and found Mikaze's Homepage, which has a contact tab. I'm sure he'd enjoy hearing from all of his friends.

    best. Birthday. EVER!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I pointed him in the right direction.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Cupcake Wars

    excitedly Googles

    wanders off disappointed, muttering about a confection-themed strategy game a la Civ

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Pillaging was successful.

    This is why I've been working until midnight 4-5 days a week for a month.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Cupcake Wars

    excitedly Googles

    wanders off disappointed, muttering about a confection-themed strategy game a la Civ

    Yes, it's a terrible reality competition show, but I like it because everyone suck and it doesn't matter who wins.

    It's the show on Hulu when I need something that doesn't require thought and I can heckle.

    Cake Wars is also funny but a little disingenuous as they're not making actual cakes (pretty much just rice crispy treat and fondant sculptures with a little bit of cake).

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I just really want to field a general into battle launching flaming globs of meringue via trebuchet onto the approaching gingerbread hordes, okay.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Fittingly from the source material, Candhi will always threaten you with war.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:

    I love how everyone on Cupcake Wars says they'd use the ten grand you get for winning to open up a store front.

    I'm pretty sure that'll only get them a professional mixer, and maybe a few pans.

    Personally, I'd do it for the exposure and nothing else.

    i thought they increased the purse since first season...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:
    I just really want to field a general into battle launching flaming globs of meringue via trebuchet onto the approaching gingerbread hordes, okay.

    what if gingerbread men were originally horrifying swarm creatures with a thirst for human flesh that we eat solely to remind ourselves of their carnivorous appetite/celebrate surviving their annual attack? Somewhere along the line the real reason got lost and they are just holiday treats now...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I know I said I would not post from my phone, but I am currently eating Mongolian barbecue. Yum!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    Damn, ninja'd again!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    I just really want to field a general into battle launching flaming globs of meringue via trebuchet onto the approaching gingerbread hordes, okay.
    what if gingerbread men were originally horrifying swarm creatures with a thirst for human flesh that we eat solely to remind ourselves of their carnivorous appetite/celebrate surviving their annual attack? Somewhere along the line the real reason got lost and they are just holiday treats now...

    Oh s&#+! They're on to us!! Quick men, release another ten adorable fluffy kitten videos on to YouTube!

    There, that'll distract them long enough...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Gingerbread Man-At-Arms wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    I just really want to field a general into battle launching flaming globs of meringue via trebuchet onto the approaching gingerbread hordes, okay.
    what if gingerbread men were originally horrifying swarm creatures with a thirst for human flesh that we eat solely to remind ourselves of their carnivorous appetite/celebrate surviving their annual attack? Somewhere along the line the real reason got lost and they are just holiday treats now...

    Oh s&!!! They're on to us!! Quick men, release another ten adorable fluffy kitten videos on to YouTube!

    There, that'll distract them long enough...

    I own cats. The adorable has less power against me.

    All charge the gingerbread!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Now, my brethren, in the human's time of need! Find a sunny spot and nap for his demise!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Already on it, boss. Zzzzzz.....

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
    Now, my brethren, in the human's time of need! Find a sunny spot and nap for his demise!

    ... So. We meet again.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Dogfort Communications Officer wrote:
    Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
    Now, my brethren, in the human's time of need! Find a sunny spot and nap for his demise!
    ... So. We meet again.

    hisssssss knocks over flowerpot near dogbed and retreats to a high shelf to escape blame

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
    Dogfort Communications Officer wrote:
    Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
    Now, my brethren, in the human's time of need! Find a sunny spot and nap for his demise!
    ... So. We meet again.
    hisssssss knocks over flowerpot near dogbed and retreats to a high shelf to escape blame

    Tell me, does the dog remind you of bad times with your mother?

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Sigmund Freud wrote:
    Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
    Dogfort Communications Officer wrote:
    Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
    Now, my brethren, in the human's time of need! Find a sunny spot and nap for his demise!
    ... So. We meet again.
    hisssssss knocks over flowerpot near dogbed and retreats to a high shelf to escape blame
    Tell me, does the dog remind you of bad times with your mother?

    sad kitty eyes Mew?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
    Sigmund Freud wrote:
    Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
    Dogfort Communications Officer wrote:
    Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
    Now, my brethren, in the human's time of need! Find a sunny spot and nap for his demise!
    ... So. We meet again.
    hisssssss knocks over flowerpot near dogbed and retreats to a high shelf to escape blame
    Tell me, does the dog remind you of bad times with your mother?
    sad kitty eyes Mew?

    throws off disguise Boo!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:

    I still think twilight sparkle is ISTJ - I like twilight sparkle! She has magic! And I don't know what's the name of that red pony.

    And anyway Severus Snape shouldn't be ISTJ...I dunno what he'd be. And I don't have anything in common with Severus! I wouldn't be keeping so many secrets!

    There's another one for Disney princesses

    ewww disney.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I took your personality test.

    Pretty f#%+ing spot on, actually.

    Plus, I love being compared to William Shakespeare.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    INTJ. And yes, I do generally dislike most people I deal with. I really try to give everyone a chance. Sometimes two. As a couple people who care deeply for me always (seemingly always) say to me: "There are 7 billion people in the world you get to be an @$$* to. These 6 people showing up tonight are not on that list. Play nice."

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    Yeah we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi. It was nice if uhh unrealistic at some parts(bad guys spend too much time bragging).

    Taking into account the amount of times Nazi leaders bragged around... There is nothing unrealistic about that part...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy Birthday Freehold.

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