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NobodysHome wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
So, how about [favorite MMO]? Do you think [acceptable target class or build] is overpowered in [favorite MMO]?

As you can probably tell, video game discussions and anime reviews are strongly encouraged around here.

Though we watched a couple of episodes of Tiger and Bunny and weren't particularly impressed...

...flees and takes cover...

several pounds of chocolate cake slam into the ground where NobodysHome stood a moment ago

That said, tiger and bunny is a slow series with a loooooot of exposition and in jokes.

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This is one of them, clearly.

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Consumers always utterly amaze and disappoint me.

AT&T Commercial wrote:
Get our unlimited broadband for only $30 a month! Up to 4 terabytes of data a month!

So, a company tells me that "unlimited = 4 terabytes". I choose not to do business with that company.

But somebody's buying it...

Tacticslion wrote:


(Related: why is one-drive taking so stinkin' long and can't even be bothered to tell me how much or even IF progress is being made? BLARG)

There we go - it only took THIRTY ONE MINUTES - that's all... >:I

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Ah, well. Dutifully told my manager that I was running out of work to do, and if she didn't have anything else to assign me this week I wouldn't mind taking Friday off.

She asked me to reverse engineer an entire pillar of the application to determine what customizations were applied by our internal team.

And I'm sorry to say that that sounds like a really, really fun Friday...

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Sounds interesting.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Consumers always utterly amaze and disappoint me.

AT&T Commercial wrote:
Get our unlimited broadband for only $30 a month! Up to 4 terabytes of data a month!

So, a company tells me that "unlimited = 4 terabytes". I choose not to do business with that company.

But somebody's buying it...

People who have no other choice of internet provider available?

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Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Consumers always utterly amaze and disappoint me.

AT&T Commercial wrote:
Get our unlimited broadband for only $30 a month! Up to 4 terabytes of data a month!

So, a company tells me that "unlimited = 4 terabytes". I choose not to do business with that company.

But somebody's buying it...

People who have no other choice of internet provider available?

Well, yes, they're buying that service, but the ads aren't targeted at them. If you're selling the only internet in town, then you don't need to advertise. Unless they're idiots (a distict possibility), they're not advertising in areas where they have no competition. So these particular ads should (in theory) be targeted at people who have a choice. And the ad would make me personally make a different choice than them.

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I think my internet caps at 77 TBs per month...

250 Mb/s
Divide by 8 to get approximately 31 MB/s
Multiply by 86,400 (seconds in a day) to get a bit over 2.5 TB per day.
Multiply by 30 days to get slightly over 77 TB/month

So 4 TB/month is what? 13 Mb/s?

Not that I will every reach that cap ever, I would have to be more active than I am to continuously use all the available bandwidth all the day for thirty days...

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Drejk wrote:

I think my internet caps at 77 TBs per month...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Your calculation misses that with error correction and packet headers the standard metric for download speed is 1 B/s = 10 b/s. So you're off by 25% (or 20%, depending on which direction you're going)...

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I have cable internet (but not cable TV).

That's about all I know.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Consumers always utterly amaze and disappoint me.

AT&T Commercial wrote:
Get our unlimited broadband for only $30 a month! Up to 4 terabytes of data a month!

So, a company tells me that "unlimited = 4 terabytes". I choose not to do business with that company.

But somebody's buying it...

People who have no other choice of internet provider available?

Well, yes, they're buying that service, but the ads aren't targeted at them. If you're selling the only internet in town, then you don't need to advertise. Unless they're idiots (a distict possibility), they're not advertising in areas where they have no competition. So these particular ads should (in theory) be targeted at people who have a choice. And the ad would make me personally make a different choice than them.

I am quite sure it's aimed at people with much lower degree of computer proficiency than your or even me - FOUR TERABYTES sounds grandiose as long as you know that TERRA is better than GIGA, and GIGA is better than MEGA, and that your smartphone/computer has active memory calculated in single digit GIGA and disk memory counted in three digit GIGA or single digit TERA bytes. Or something like that...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

I think my internet caps at 77 TBs per month...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Your calculation misses that with error correction and packet headers the standard metric for download speed is 1 B/s = 10 b/s. So you're off by 25% (or 20%, depending on which direction you're going)...

I didn't know that. That explains some of the differences in download speeds shown in various programs and webpages.

So my internet caps at slightly more than 60 TB/month and means the promised "unlimited" internet is a bit over 16 Mb/s...

Not counting any other circumstantial bonuses, penalties, accidents, gremlins stealing packets from the tubes, influence of wind speed on Jupiter, etc.

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Also, remember that such ad can be also aimed at people not having internet at all. Yeah, there are such people. Think of grandma's being told they could speak and see their grandkids via Skype (or whatever communication program is all the new rage now). My grandfather used Skype extensively to call me when it allowed calls to phones, and both he and my grandfather bothered me immensely demanding to speak with me via Skype with camera turned on until I stopped using it and forgot my login/password.

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The ads are often also aimed at existing customers who have a worse or older package.

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hmm play by post gameplay has started.

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"I wish Comcast was a person so I could beat the s$+$ out of them." - My brother. Literally like two minutes ago.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
"I wish Comcast was a person so I could beat the s#!@ out of them." - My brother. Literally like two minutes ago.

And now I have a villain idea for if I ever GM.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Random thoughts on a Wednesday afternoon:

  • Finished my required closeouts 58 minutes early. That's really not bad, so I don't feel at all guilty sitting around for my last hour answering my manager's many questions about the docs and typing at NobodysWife.
  • I'm rather proud of this one: In our Skull & Shackles game, Shiro has been playing Finnegan Parrish, a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants swashbuckler who throws himself into the heart of danger, ignoring the fact that he's an utterly useless fighter (bard in a mithral shirt at 13th level, so his AC of 18 is meaningless. It's all whether or not the bad guys hit one of his Mirror Images or him. And let's not talk about his 1d6+1 damage...).
    So he's been hamming it up for months, and the last guy we defeated was carrying a double-barreled revolver. It was soooooo obvious that Shiro wanted Finn to use it, but he didn't want to burn the feat to get the weapon familiarity.
    Guess whose life oracle just took Bestow Weapon Proficiency as a swap-out at 14th level?
    I'm sure as heck not going to tell Shiro anything about it. My oracle will just hand him the gun and cast the spell just before we face the BBEG.
    It should be... epic!!
  • My stylist does not approve of my mohawk. Go figure!

  • 4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Terrinam wrote:
    Oh, nice! What other swords do you have?


    3 x tulwars, which, luckily, you can pick up pretty cheap (all sharp)

    2 x sidesword trainers, one steel, one nylon;

    1 x Hungarian sabre trainer;

    A kukri (sharp)

    Three or four knives & daggers, some sharp, some trainers.

    Various accessories, like shields and whathaveyou.

    I work full-time, have no kids, do Historical European Martial Arts, and like swords quite a lot...

    The Exchange

    You know John, that's why I said America should ban sale of firearms. But oh no, the right to bear arms is enshrined in their constitution and so cannot be removed...

    It makes it too easy to get a gun. And so when someone's pissed off with the world he just walks onto the street/or a school and shoots everyone in sight...

    Yeah I'll rant about US gun laws to anyone who'll listen. Again, guns make big cats nervous.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:

    You know John, that's why I said America should ban sale of firearms. But oh no, the right to bear arms is enshrined in their constitution and so cannot be removed...

    It makes it too easy to get a gun. And so when someone's pissed off with the world he just walks onto the street/or a school and shoots everyone in sight...

    Yeah I'll rant about US gun laws to anyone who'll listen. Again, guns make big cats nervous.

    Puts tiny Wile E. Coyote-eque umbrella over poor Mort's head. Hears the unmistakable sound of flaming bike artillery in the distance...

    Flee while you can, little one... flee while you can...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Please please please do not do such rants here. That is extremely firmly in politics territory and FAWTL has been no-politics even before the rest of Paizo was. Do not start this.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Limeylongears wrote:
    Terrinam wrote:
    Oh, nice! What other swords do you have?


    3 x tulwars, which, luckily, you can pick up pretty cheap (all sharp)

    2 x sidesword trainers, one steel, one nylon;

    1 x Hungarian sabre trainer;

    A kukri (sharp)

    Three or four knives & daggers, some sharp, some trainers.

    Various accessories, like shields and whathaveyou.

    I work full-time, have no kids, do Historical European Martial Arts, and like swords quite a lot...

    Nice collection!

    Have you ever tried an arming sword?

    Grand Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Whelp. No more gaming at PCC. At least that frees up my Memorial Day weekend.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    For my HS people just made a DiscoLock, it's very fun (if not amazing).

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So, to change the subject before the wrath of the moderators descend, did you enjoy the movie that you said you'd see, Mort?

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    TriOmegaZero wrote:
    Whelp. No more gaming at PCC. At least that frees up my Memorial Day weekend.

    What happened?

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    *starts zipping off, like someone lit her tail on fire*

    Now that I didn't realize was under politics. I rant to everyone in my games about my dislike of firearms - yes it carries over to gaming, in pathfinder, I literally can't play any gunslingers or alchemists(unless their archtypes remove bombs and guns). I do not restrict players from taking those classes though.

    In Star Wars tabletop RPG, I opted for playing a wookie with a vibroaxe because I couldn't bear to touch any class that used blasters or grenades.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    You would make a good candidate for playing a Jedi.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Is disco lock really that good? I thought it was all based on the Malchezaar's imps which are too easily frostbolted or otherwise killed off.

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Yeah we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi. It was nice if uhh unrealistic at some parts(bad guys spend too much time bragging).

    Saying more then that would be spoilers.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I dunno. I much prefer a rock sorcerer. Clothes are slightly better and there's less need to carry a shiny ball around.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I posted what I did because I've told people here on the boards where my garage is. Eventually, someone may find out about what happened and ask if I'm okay. So, yes, I'm fine everyone. :) Nuttin' ta see, move along.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Terrinam wrote:
    TriOmegaZero wrote:
    Whelp. No more gaming at PCC. At least that frees up my Memorial Day weekend.
    What happened?

    Yes! Prying old men Concerned citizens want to know. Especially if it concerns the incident from the cons that has greatly been discussed on these boards on threads where such discussion is permitted. (In other words, if it's that, and you have a link, please linky.)

    And now I need to find and turn off Autocorrect again, before I ask TOZ to get kinky with me.

    8 people marked this as a favorite.

    531 posts, this time around. :D

    Hate that I'm missing so much of the goings-on; loving the fact that I'm earning money.

    PMs will probably be the only reasonable way to contact me consistently, if such is called for. Trying to keep up with an average of about 175 posts per board reload is not something I can execute now (so, yeah -- I skipped most of those 531).

    TLJ got another bad review -- this time from a trusted friend who hates the prequels more than I do. His exact words:

    Wow. He said this.:
    Brennen wrote:
    Omg the new Star wars is [sic] worst than phantom menace I s@*! you not

    Nearly fully recovered from sinus infection -- Huzzah!

    My sister got the job she wanted -- Double Huzzah!!

    My PbP campaign is going to launch in just about 2 weeks!! Awesome!!

    No more 5th Edition games for me!! Woo-hoo!!!

    All in all -- things are good, if busy.

    I hope all is well with y'all, FaWtLies!!

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Weapons not allowed on train here

    Should you need to carry them, make sure they're wrapped in newspaper/cloth. I'm not sure if you need a permit or not, but there's lots of martial art practitioners and if they're going from one place to another for competitions, those dress blades/quarterstaves have to be transported somehow...

    Taichi is a thing for the older generation and some variants of it involves longswords(Jian) and fans as well.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    Is disco lock really that good? I thought it was all based on the Malchezaar's imps which are too easily frostbolted or otherwise killed off.

    Nah, it's a bit rubbish. But with the Catacylsm spell that discards your hand & wipes the board it's OK. Teamed up with the BloodReaver it's fun.... but not really a good deck - just fun against slower decks

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Glad you're feeling better, and employed, Syrus.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I've always wondered if I were secretly a closet Jedi. I know I have the right alignment for it(LN), but the suppression of emotions part never sat well with me. It really doesn't take much to set me off.

    Good news is I don't stay pissed for long.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Jedi can have emotions. Just don't act on them, especially the negatives.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    Jedi, Schmedi.

    Everyone knows that the Sith are the cool kids:

    1) Feel your feels!
    2) Do whatcha want!
    3) Force. Lightning.

    Case Closed!! lol

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Grats on finding a job, Syrus!

    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    "I'm sorry, I can't answer line one until someone answers line two" - Enthusiastic but not overly bright Brute Squad member.

    Keep in mind, all you have to do is pick up the phone and press the button that says line one, and he's been here for a year.

    Also, while he was wrestling the line one conundrum I was filling an online order, and taking up both a bike and another order someone was picking up.

    So, I was able to do three things at once without even trying while he put every once of effort into figuring out that button.

    Eye twitches, ever so slightly.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Grats, Syrus!

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    No. Power has to be controlled. With great power comes great responsibility.

    The gaming version of it for me is, "With great powercheese comes great responsibilityinsanity"

    I know I am smarter and cheesier then the average pathfinder, I live with power limiters all the time(Like Jean Grey in X-men), to preserve my sanity.

    At the end of the day, it ain't fun for the table for someone to just solo the mod/AP.

    I don't want to do this to anyone.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    *Glares disapprovingly at junior Brute Squad member* So ... disappointing.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Have a little chat with the Brute Squad member in question=)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I don't talk to most of my coworkers beyond obligatory pleasantries.

    The managers I talk to because they're generally pretty cool.

    The Exchange

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    Sometimes you need to tell people when you need certain things done a certain way. Like "Dude you just stepped on my paw!

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