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The Exchange

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NH wow... That's about as long as I've been around too...

Scintillae wrote:

The kids are much more willing to run laps when they get outpaced by the unathletic nerdy teacher in a skirt.

LOL. What were those students doing... Heh nevermind, I hate running anyway.

Funny story, my BF asked me to join him for a run last week. Now I hate running and will definitely tell everyone about it, but these days I have been running in attempts to lose weight(not very successfully, I'm too fond of good food).

So for all his comments on how him saying I should be running outdoors and all that, he was pretty out of condition, and I probably could have jogged all the way back when he ran out of stamina and started walking.

Guess all those laps on the treadmill in the gym did something afterall...

Issue though is once he's properly conditioned he'll have more stamina and speed then I do since I don't really push myself all that hard in the gym.

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lynora wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, Global Megacorporation, how I loathe thee sometimes (and I know Orthos will feel this one):


We aren't global megacorp, but in some ways we're worse: we're "individually owned private corp without shareholders". In some ways this is good, as it means no corporate fatcats declaring random changes on whim.

In other ways it's bad, as Single Entrepreneur Boss can declare random changes on whim.

Today's a great example. Someone hung up the phone after talking to him, but did it by setting the phone back in the cradle rather than by pushing the lever inside the cradle until the call cut. He apparently dislikes the sound a cradle hangup makes. So he pulled a woman off her normal workday and sent her to stop at every office in the building and instruct people on the "proper" method of ending a call.

oh hells no.

I have enough trouble with a boss who changes his mind depending on the direction of the wind. Having one this completely petulant would have me running away screaming from the position.

This is far from the first time.

A few years ago, he took away the ladies' ability to wear slacks/pantsuits on Fridays, making it so they have to wear dresses or skirts every day instead of just Monday thru Thursday, for basically someone wearing an outfit he or a particularly cranky client didn't like.


So many levels of no.....I could not deal

Single Entrepreneur Boss is like the prime example I've ever had the "pleasure" of encountering of Too Rich For His Own Good.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Coming up on 11 years with Cyz myself. Hoping to keep it up just as long.
[insert obligatory jokes here!]
I'm here for you.

the sad thing is, I dont think Cyzzane would even look up from her tea.

Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:

I hate Mondays. I'm not too fond of Tuesdays either if we're being honest.

This probably has a lot to do with these being the days that I go and do the things that have to be done (like grocery shopping and laundry and dishes) whether or not I am up to doing them....and then spend the rest of the week trying to recover. I used to do all of the things on Monday to get it all out of the way, but as I've gotten sicker I've had to spread things out over two days because there is no amount of pushing through it that can make one day happen. I keep hoping that the vitamin supplements will help me feel better. So far they just make me nauseous and increase my pain levels. :/ Things to talk about with my doctor later this week. Ah, the joys of being medically interesting. ;P

is fresh direct an option for your area?

I would come over and do your dishes/laundry/snow shoveling if I could.

You're on your own for the lawn mowing, however.

lol. The biggest reason we live in an apartment is so maintenance has to take care of lawn mowing and snow shoveling. Not my problem! :D

And sadly, there are no grocery delivery services here. That would make my life so much easier. As it is I do half my shopping at Trader Joe's one day, and the other half at Kroger the next day. So many bags to carry inside. (The perils of having to feed a teenager.) At least it's only a second story walkup. It could be worse. But I swear to you that staircase gets longer and longer the more things I have to carry up the last trip it feels like the staircase in Soul Eater. :P

you are a skilled knitter/crocheter. Is taskrabbit an option in your area? Knitting a few hats and mittens for teenagers who want homemade stuff in exchange for carrying things upstairs, maybe some light shopping? Or is that too frou-frou for your area? I admit I got the idea from some area hipsters.

Definitely too froufrou for here. And I've got a resident teenager, so I don't need to bribe him. He has to do what I say! :P

....unfortunately the food would all spoil waiting for him to be available. In the summer or when he's on break from school he does have to carry everything in. But during the school year, we just don't have time. Too many after-school activities. And his school is a half hour away. So basically it sucks, but we haven't found an alternate solution as of yet.

The Exchange

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Tequila sunrise:

I have been trying to add you to my friends list, but since I am a luddite I probably screwed up big time. My Battletag is Jumpywizard and I don't know how to see what numbers behind it. I don't think I have a hearthpwn account.

The bosses are random. Some bosses are natural counters to the decks you build - like the Firborg boss would be a bane to spell decks since he auto counters the first spell thrown per round. Again you can work around that by just dumping a useless spell.

What loot you get is also random. I have been trying for a cloak of invisibility and the battlecries trigger twice so I can buff my minions to high heavens. I was aiming for grimy goons style with smugglers run, grimestreet outfitters, Don Han Cho, and silver hand recruits +Quartermaster, all stealthed so no one can kill my minions and they can GROW! GROW! GROW!

Unfortunately my 7/8 run was too weapon heavy and I couldn't pump my minions big enough before Vustraz killed me with his buffed chests.

I couldn't kill his chests either since I didn't want to take the damage for each missing chest.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Guess what I'm doing RIGHT NOW?

I was testing someone else's lab and I hit an error.


What a concept!

Oh, and it lets me goof off around the house while I'm waiting, too.

Who the heck wouldn't stop?

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It sure was nice to have a day and a half off work.

I wonder how many teenagers are not going to show up or go missing.

Dark Archive

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Rentable for $650 a night


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NobodysHome wrote:

Who the heck wouldn't stop?

Victims of the sociovirus Occupatus lookbusius, which causes its hosts to experience vivid hallucinations and delusions such as "getting more work done is better than not getting work done, even if the work I'm doing is wrong!" and "I'm sure the boss will appreciate me using my time productively rather than just sitting around".

Sadly modern corporate culture is a fertile breeding ground for O. lookbusius, and many places even actively discourage treatment and obstruct efforts to develop a permanent cure or vaccine, claiming the virus "has positive side effects that mitigate and in some cases completely outweigh its negative aspects".

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Well, looks like it's about that time...time to wait for the kidlet to actually get his shoes on which is apparently a twenty minute process because talking to friends is more fun than going home to do homework. XD
Then we get to brave the icy roads. Just got a text from my husband that the slush has all frozen while we were here. So that should be loads of fun! Or something! ;P

The Exchange

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Talking to friends is always more fun then doing homework. But if you've got a job to do, you've got a job to do.

And sorry you've been feeling unwell lynora. Have the doctors figured out why yet?

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lynora wrote:
Well, looks like it's about that time...time to wait for the kidlet to actually get his shoes on which is apparently a twenty minute process...

Lucky! In MY house I'd name him "Lightning McQueen".

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It takes my kids twenty minutes to find their shoes.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Tzasis also functions as a (relatively) wealthy way-station. Despite the extreme wealth and the fact that the island is hypothetically large enough to host a much larger population, the dependency on wells, the extremely rocky terrain, and the paranoia and greed of its extant populace, and the huge effort that goes into conspicuous consumption aspect (with each one trying to bully the others into awe and jealousy at their wealth) tend to keep the place exceptionally small. Not even their servants generally stay on the island - unwashed money-grubbing psychophysics that they are, must be thieves. This also means that, despite their incredible wealth, the populace doesn't have it any easier than those of most thorpes, and, in fact, often has it even harder, as they have to personally maintain vast palaces and ornate beauty on their own... in addition to the even more important take of making money.

Though both Tzasis and Five-Villages are mostly lashunta and elves, a goodly portion of half-elves (lashunta the other half) have sprung up within the communities. The catfolk, ratfolk, hobgoblins, and chnagelings (due to a high degree of relatively civil relationships with local hags) make up the remainder.

Generally, when Magic is available, generally Druidic is the order of the day; equally available is witchery and psionics.

Man, I wish I could get to my home computer.

Anyone have any thoughts? Even if I never put them into action (for various reasons), I love hearing ideas (which often turn into a kernel of an idea I eventually steal for something else... waste not want not, you know); this is my way of asking people what they think of Tzasis and for any input.

Not fans of Castrovel? 5E? Psionics? The vaguely quasi-fantasy-Arabia(+)Prophet of Kalistrade turned CE theme? Or just waiting until I add more?

(Still need to tet these things down on a Word document in my computer...)

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captain yesterday wrote:
It takes my kids twenty minutes to find their shoes.

Mine, too. And our rule is to always put our shoes by the front door. :/

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Vanykrye wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
...would it be rude to gape at the fact that you've been married longer than I've been alive?

Not at all. It's perfectly normal to have that reaction when hearing how long some older couples have been together...


Congrats NH and Gothbard!

Huzzah! :)

In other news, Potential Lady Longears (Diamond Edition) wants another date.

This is really quite a good thing.

Ugh. Low power on my phone. That might be the end of my internet use for the day - dang it! (Home is busy, too.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We have a ghost layaway.

It's not there, but it keeps going off anyway.

Every two minutes.

Eye twitches, ever so slightly.

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Just a Mort wrote:

Talking to friends is always more fun then doing homework. But if you've got a job to do, you've got a job to do.

And sorry you've been feeling unwell lynora. Have the doctors figured out why yet?

Nope. No clue. Been trying to figure it out for years. I do know a lot of things it isn’t now. Probably. Unless someone made an error. Well, at least my thyroid works! And so the Medical Myster Tour continues! I’ve just made it more urgent in the last couple years as my symptoms have gotten worse. I don’t actually expect results. Previous experience has taught me to keep my expectations low.

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Wooooow. Okay the roads were every bit as bad as advertised. We made it home in one piece, which is good. Never went faster than 20 mph because it was an ice rink the whole way.

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Now it’s time to make dinner. Glad I went shopping earlier. Making sloppy joes for dinner, which the kidlet loves.

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TacticsLion wrote:
Anyone have any thoughts?

I love reading the stuff but don't know the world in large enough scope to make useful commentary even if I had the time. =) Keep up the good work, but I don't really have any advice or suggestions.

And yes, Google Docs are your friends.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
...would it be rude to gape at the fact that you've been married longer than I've been alive?

I have pants that have been around longer than you've been alive.

Heck... I probably even have some T-shirts...

I have had tshirts and stuff from before I was alive and a lot of my cookware. My fridge is older than me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
...would it be rude to gape at the fact that you've been married longer than I've been alive?

I have pants that have been around longer than you've been alive.

Heck... I probably even have some T-shirts...

This is not the first time someone has told me this. I don't understand this as my T-shirts tend to get ruined within five years.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I leveled up in linguistics today. I mean...learning to communicate with walls counts, right?

"...and that's how you write a thesis statement. Yes?"
"What's a thesis statement?"

The attention deficit is real.

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Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
...would it be rude to gape at the fact that you've been married longer than I've been alive?

I have pants that have been around longer than you've been alive.

Heck... I probably even have some T-shirts...

This is not the first time someone has told me this. I don't understand this as my T-shirts tend to get ruined within five years.

Five years?!?! How do you get them to last that long? With my general klutziness I’m lucky if a T-shirt makes it one year. Six months is more common. >.<

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I still have T-shirts from high school twenty some years ago.

Shakes fist impotently at time.

I even have a Czechoslovakia T-shirt.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

Well, looks like it's about that time...time to wait for the kidlet to actually get his shoes on which is apparently a twenty minute process because talking to friends is more fun than going home to do homework. XD

Then we get to brave the icy roads. Just got a text from my husband that the slush has all frozen while we were here. So that should be loads of fun! Or something! ;P

be careful.

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Tzasis so far (posting so I can access them later to copy/paste when I have the chance).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Guess what I'm doing RIGHT NOW?

I was testing someone else's lab and I hit an error.


What a concept!

Oh, and it lets me goof off around the house while I'm waiting, too.

Who the heck wouldn't stop?

depending on the corporate culture, this could lead to a whole lot of nothing getting done. But i have no experience in your field whatsoever.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Almighty Janitor wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Who the heck wouldn't stop?

Victims of the sociovirus Occupatus lookbusius, which causes its hosts to experience vivid hallucinations and delusions such as "getting more work done is better than not getting work done, even if the work I'm doing is wrong!" and "I'm sure the boss will appreciate me using my time productively rather than just sitting around".

Sadly modern corporate culture is a fertile breeding ground for O. lookbusius, and many places even actively discourage treatment and obstruct efforts to develop a permanent cure or vaccine, claiming the virus "has positive side effects that mitigate and in some cases completely outweigh its negative aspects".

also, this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

The Lake of Tears, or Lake of Storms is a rather accurately-named and poorly-labeled inland salt-water sea (or bay) in a region wracked with storms and other dangerous phenomena.

Few today know the origins of the dangers, but all are aware of them. Though if you pay the proper homage, one has little to fear beyond a rough outing, so long as you avoid the "storm cliffs" on the far side.

Although one coast is safe enough, the other three tend to get ever-more dangerous. Further, thanks to the ancient interference of long-passed Druids ages ago, the sea is half-infested with rapidly growing and hardy coral, as well as teeming with hordes of life of all kinds. The cliff-faces that border 3/4 of the sea (albeit "low" for nearly 75% of those) means it is hard to dock and exit from. Of course the desert ridges and mountain ranges and deep gorges and myriads of rivers that flank the place stretching far to the distance means it's still the only passable (word used lightly) point for miles on end. And thus, against all odds, Tzasis (and its Five-Villages) was born.

Tzasis: the gateway to trade. A thorp on an island in control of five villages and 20 some-odd trading caravans makes the only safe passage from one side to the other. Profit is divine.

Picture fantasy Arabic-style Prophets of Kalistrade, but chaotic and debauched. Multiple layers of silk (each layer diaphanous, but the whole effect not... probably) for the clothing.

More later.

i would like to subscribe to youe scantily clad newsletter.

Orthos wrote:
TacticsLion wrote:
Anyone have any thoughts?

I love reading the stuff but don't know the world in large enough scope to make useful commentary even if I had the time. =) Keep up the good work, but I don't really have any advice or suggestions.

And yes, Google Docs are your friends.

So far, the setting is, "It's like Casteovel, but it has this Thorpe in it and uses 5E mechanics."

If you don't know Castrovel...


Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

The Lake of Tears, or Lake of Storms is a rather accurately-named and poorly-labeled inland salt-water sea (or bay) in a region wracked with storms and other dangerous phenomena.

Few today know the origins of the dangers, but all are aware of them. Though if you pay the proper homage, one has little to fear beyond a rough outing, so long as you avoid the "storm cliffs" on the far side.

Although one coast is safe enough, the other three tend to get ever-more dangerous. Further, thanks to the ancient interference of long-passed Druids ages ago, the sea is half-infested with rapidly growing and hardy coral, as well as teeming with hordes of life of all kinds. The cliff-faces that border 3/4 of the sea (albeit "low" for nearly 75% of those) means it is hard to dock and exit from. Of course the desert ridges and mountain ranges and deep gorges and myriads of rivers that flank the place stretching far to the distance means it's still the only passable (word used lightly) point for miles on end. And thus, against all odds, Tzasis (and its Five-Villages) was born.

Tzasis: the gateway to trade. A thorp on an island in control of five villages and 20 some-odd trading caravans makes the only safe passage from one side to the other. Profit is divine.

Picture fantasy Arabic-style Prophets of Kalistrade, but chaotic and debauched. Multiple layers of silk (each layer diaphanous, but the whole effect not... probably) for the clothing.

More later.

i would like to subscribe to youe scantily clad newsletter.

Hah! ... I should have guessed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Tequila sunrise:

I have been trying to add you to my friends list, but since I am a luddite I probably screwed up big time. My Battletag is Jumpywizard and I don't know how to see what numbers behind it. I don't think I have a hearthpwn account.

Unfortunately you need someone's battletag -- that's the #number -- to send a friend request. If you hit the button on the bottom left the social menu will pop up, and your battletag is at the top of it next to your screen name. Hit the button immediately to the right of your battletag and another menu pops up -- and the first item is the Add Friends option. I'm #1807. :)

Just a Mort wrote:

The bosses are random...

What loot you get is also random...

Random, like they're grab-bags of unique and weird effects? Or random like which you get/encounter is random?

For the record, I'm only "lightly" familiar with Castrovel, myself. So. XD

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lynora wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
...would it be rude to gape at the fact that you've been married longer than I've been alive?

I have pants that have been around longer than you've been alive.

Heck... I probably even have some T-shirts...

This is not the first time someone has told me this. I don't understand this as my T-shirts tend to get ruined within five years.
Five years?!?! How do you get them to last that long? With my general klutziness I’m lucky if a T-shirt makes it one year. Six months is more common. >.<

Yeah, I'm with you.

... though this Sunday, I actually put on a shirt and wore it that I haven't fit into since my Eldest was born, so it's officially an "old" shirt. XD

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
...would it be rude to gape at the fact that you've been married longer than I've been alive?

I have pants that have been around longer than you've been alive.

Heck... I probably even have some T-shirts...

This is not the first time someone has told me this. I don't understand this as my T-shirts tend to get ruined within five years.
Five years?!?! How do you get them to last that long? With my general klutziness I’m lucky if a T-shirt makes it one year. Six months is more common. >.<

due to some of the issues with hygiene discussed upthread, most of my clothes died an ugly death after a while. Nowadays, they survive to live long, productive lives.

(It means I've dropped one "X" in size...)

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The General looks incredibly reminiscent of Alias from the cover of Azure Bonds in the new lingerie (it's obviously not made of chainmail) I got her.

More importantly, she likes it.

I know it's superficial, but damn if I don't love her more.

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Sigh my dad got mad at me when cooking and wonders why I am no longer helping him.

How long clothes lasts also depends how much they are worn.

The Exchange

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Or random like which you get/encounter is random?

What you get/encounter is random.

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Captain Yesterday, Boob Brained wrote:

The General looks incredibly reminiscent of Alias from the cover of Azure Bonds in the new lingerie (it's obviously not made of chainmail) I got her.

More importantly, she likes it.

I know it's superficial, but damn if I don't love her more.

pics or it didnt happen.

More seriously, I can get the sword for her if she wants to do the cosplay.

3 people marked this as a favorite. rent is not worth my brother. He's a Dennis-from-Always-Sunny legit, diagnosed, motherf~%%ing narcissist. And the verbal abuse is f++&ing real. Damn. He might be more f~$$ed up than me.

I can't afford to move out yet. I may have to spend like 23 hours in my room just to avoid his drunk ass.

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I wish color-blindness worked like this.

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That would probably be seriously dangerous for day to day life. I approve.

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Imagine if we had color receptors like mantis shrimps (who have 12 different receptors) you think people would be ah no i'm X blind I can't see that color I only have 11 receptors :(
Color is interesting. I remember thinking as a child Their is really no way to know if your color green is the same as mine.

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The 19-hour day I just finished really wore me out. I'm tired and going to bed. Good night,everyone.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
That would probably be seriously dangerous for day to day life. I approve.

Really dangerous to drive.

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