Deep 6 FaWtL

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4 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Sharoth - would it help if you took your mom out for some sunshine in the morning?

Oh. I killed my first familiar today. I feel bad.

Oh, the worst is killing animal companions and familiars, and it's always because the PC unintentionally puts the animal in extreme harm's way.

Poor Bowler the Badger was an absolute hoot of an animal companion for a druid... until said druid figured he would make a great underground scout and sent him digging into a hill. Unknown to the party, said hill was composed mostly of burrowing undead. (It's funny -- I don't even have to mention the AP, because I've run TWO APs with this theme. I guess, "Hill made-o-undead" is a trope...)

Poor Maeve the silvanshee agathion came out of her familiar pouch once in a fight, just to deliver a touch spell to save a falling fighter. Unfortunately, as my dragon surveyed the aerial battlefield, Maeve was the only one within reach, and one critical Vital Strike bite from an adult dragon was more than enough to kill Maeve in a single blow.

I just seem to have a knack for killing poor innocent animals.

While naked, of course. It wouldn't be creepy enough if I didn't do it naked.

The Exchange

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This wasn't unintentional - the PC in question was using his mauler familiar as the party tank. I will give the PC points for his familiar having the highest AC in the party. And a pretty decent damage dealer to boot. Unfortunately two lucky hits and a lucky crit later....

Well let's just say his dinosaur ended up in two pieces :(

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have a problem, but all things considered it's a good problem to have:

So a few weeks before the divorce was filled out and turned in, around the time I split houses with my ex but before I got a girlfriend, I contacted an old friend. old ex-then-f&$#buddy-then-girlfriend-then-f+*!buddy-then-girlfriend-then-just- friends-then-f@@+buddy...

You get the point. One of those.

We've been keeping in contact since then, just being cool and friends and all, with occasional flirtatious double entendres, but she's in the keys, which is about five hours from here, give or take.

Last week she offers to fly me down to visit for ten days. Ten days of vacation in the keys, hanging with a great friend, and from what she's stated, we can assume a ridiculous amount of pot and sex.

This is not the problem. This is a natural 20 after life kept smacking me in the head with fumbles.

The problem is the tickets have been bought nonrefundable, and the flight is at 5am in West Palm, which is about two counties away and an hour drive or so. My own brother has already said there's no way in hell he's getting up at 3 so I can be at the airport by 4 to make check in and stuff. I have one other friend who's not through him in the area, and I'm pretty sure I'll get the same answer.

I DID convince him that, if I can get no other offers whatsoever, to drop me off the night before so I can just power through with energy drinks, pass out on the flight and layover,and make it.

Still...I'm not dropping a dime.

In some ways I feel like a man whore. This doesn't help when you consider the last two girls isn't the right word, but it wasn't really a one night stand...the last two girls I enjoyed the company of, would bring weed over and I was like "Well s~#!, weed is weed, and it's not like you're ugly..." and I'm pretty sure I otherwise would've spent less time with each young lady, because there's a difference between 'not ugly' and 'actually attractive'.

Man whore? I may be a man whore.

Someone tell me I'm not a man whore.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd call that living.

Sounds like a great weekend, don't overthink it. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.


I'm thankful for all of you!

And if you don't celebrate for whatever reason, have a fantastic day and know that I'm thankful you're here, nonetheless!

I love you guys!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Feeling like starting doing this thing again.


Icyshadow wrote:
December is going to be rough. Two exams, night shift work on the same days, and three end projects to wrap up during said rough patch of work. I hope I'll manage to pull through all this relatively okay. Last time I had this kind of job I wasn't studying, which made it easy to just focus the out-of-work time on resting and prepping for the next shift.

Icy! You posted but I can't link you my questionaaiiirre! :/

Happy to see you, though!

Sharoth wrote:
Well, it turns out that mom had "Obstructive pneumonia". In other words, there was a blockage causing some fluid build up. They removed the blockage and mom is doing better. She is now coughing 1/10 as much as she was.

I'm glad she's doing better! You are all still I my prayers! How's your wife's family?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Is it raining a whole bunch, and you need a boat? I Noah guy.

I feel like this may be invading my turf for some reason. Hm....

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Felicitous Field-dressed Fowl Festivities, FaWtLies!

(I'm still looking for the ham, though.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good morning, everyone.

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It's nearly forty degrees with ample sunlight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There's a lot of sunlight here, just not as warm.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So far the dog has had a cooked turkey heart and is presently chasing the field mice in true hound dog incompetence.

Somebody is having a good day. :-)

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Got to Mom's house at eleven last night.
The toilet in the big bathroom is broken.
My sister taped a sign to it that reads,
"You shall not pass!

I love being home.

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TVE: You may be a man whore. Whatever that means to you. So?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's a Taig!

Catch it!

Shadow Lodge

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*rises from the dead* Cinnamon rolls!

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Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

It's a Taig!

Catch it!

Oh hey! Welcome back!

1 person marked this as a favorite.


And to echo Tac, even if you don't celebrate, have a great day -- and get ready for the storm that is Black Friday.

...Unless you live outside the U.S., in which case you are lucky enough to not have The Day of Aggressively Vapid Consumerism. Unless you do have that day, and it merely falls on a different date. I dunno, I'm not all that worldly. :|

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Black Friday starts at 4:30 today for me.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

I have a problem, but all things considered it's a good problem to have:

So a few weeks before the divorce was filled out and turned in, around the time I split houses with my ex but before I got a girlfriend, I contacted an old friend. old ex-then-f!~+buddy-then-girlfriend-then-f+!!buddy-then-girlfriend-then-just- friends-then-f~!!buddy...

You get the point. One of those.

We've been keeping in contact since then, just being cool and friends and all, with occasional flirtatious double entendres, but she's in the keys, which is about five hours from here, give or take.

Last week she offers to fly me down to visit for ten days. Ten days of vacation in the keys, hanging with a great friend, and from what she's stated, we can assume a ridiculous amount of pot and sex.

This is not the problem. This is a natural 20 after life kept smacking me in the head with fumbles.

The problem is the tickets have been bought nonrefundable, and the flight is at 5am in West Palm, which is about two counties away and an hour drive or so. My own brother has already said there's no way in hell he's getting up at 3 so I can be at the airport by 4 to make check in and stuff. I have one other friend who's not through him in the area, and I'm pretty sure I'll get the same answer.

I DID convince him that, if I can get no other offers whatsoever, to drop me off the night before so I can just power through with energy drinks, pass out on the flight and layover,and make it.

Still...I'm not dropping a dime.

In some ways I feel like a man whore. This doesn't help when you consider the last two girls isn't the right word, but it wasn't really a one night stand...the last two girls I enjoyed the company of, would bring weed over and I was like "Well s+*~, weed is weed, and it's not like you're ugly..." and I'm pretty sure I otherwise would've spent less time with each young lady, because there's a difference between 'not ugly' and 'actually attractive'.

Man whore? I may be a man whore....

It's called an Escort.

~grins and runs~

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

I have a problem, but all things considered it's a good problem to have:

So a few weeks before the divorce was filled out and turned in, around the time I split houses with my ex but before I got a girlfriend, I contacted an old friend. old ex-then-f%%~buddy-then-girlfriend-then-f%$%buddy-then-girlfriend-then-just- friends-then-f%~$buddy...

You get the point. One of those.

We've been keeping in contact since then, just being cool and friends and all, with occasional flirtatious double entendres, but she's in the keys, which is about five hours from here, give or take.

Last week she offers to fly me down to visit for ten days. Ten days of vacation in the keys, hanging with a great friend, and from what she's stated, we can assume a ridiculous amount of pot and sex.

This is not the problem. This is a natural 20 after life kept smacking me in the head with fumbles.

The problem is the tickets have been bought nonrefundable, and the flight is at 5am in West Palm, which is about two counties away and an hour drive or so. My own brother has already said there's no way in hell he's getting up at 3 so I can be at the airport by 4 to make check in and stuff. I have one other friend who's not through him in the area, and I'm pretty sure I'll get the same answer.

I DID convince him that, if I can get no other offers whatsoever, to drop me off the night before so I can just power through with energy drinks, pass out on the flight and layover,and make it.

Still...I'm not dropping a dime.

In some ways I feel like a man whore. This doesn't help when you consider the last two girls isn't the right word, but it wasn't really a one night stand...the last two girls I enjoyed the company of, would bring weed over and I was like "Well s++!, weed is weed, and it's not like you're ugly..." and I'm pretty sure I otherwise would've spent less time with each young lady, because there's a difference between 'not ugly' and 'actually attractive'.

Man whore? I may be a man whore....

you are not a man whore.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

attempts to grapple greased badger

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For the record, I would absolutely wake up at 3 am to get you to the airport.

4 people marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Sharoth - would it help if you took your mom out for some sunshine in the morning?

Oh. I killed my first familiar today. I feel bad.

Oh, the worst is killing animal companions and familiars, and it's always because the PC unintentionally puts the animal in extreme harm's way.

Poor Bowler the Badger was an absolute hoot of an animal companion for a druid... until said druid figured he would make a great underground scout and sent him digging into a hill. Unknown to the party, said hill was composed mostly of burrowing undead. (It's funny -- I don't even have to mention the AP, because I've run TWO APs with this theme. I guess, "Hill made-o-undead" is a trope...)

I just seem to have a knack for killing poor innocent animals.

While naked, of course. It wouldn't be creepy enough if I didn't do it naked.

Sniff! I miss Bowler.

He was the first familiar I had ever had in a game. And the last, too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am awake have been cooking food with my dad for the past few days.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
attempts to grapple greased badger

I knew rolling around in turkey fat would be to my benefit!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Thank you, Freehold. I'm thankful for my Paizo family, friends that I care deeply for.

Rawr! wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

It's a Taig!

Catch it!

Oh hey! Welcome back!

Ack! A second person I need to add to my poooooolllllllll

1 person marked this as a favorite.

(Also good seeing you!!)

1 person marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

It's a Taig!

Catch it!

Oh hey! Welcome back!
Ack! A second person I need to add to my poooooolllllllll

I get to play in the pool? I hope I remember my floaties.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's not that kind of pool.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, I'm off to the blood baths.

Sovereign Court

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy thanksgiving, all!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
Well, I'm off to the blood baths.

Viel Glück!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jess Door wrote:
Happy thanksgiving, all!

Hiya, Jess!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
Well, I'm off to the blood baths.

Give 'em hell.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
Well, I'm off to the blood baths.

I've still about 2 hours before it's my turn.

On that note, a certain store's HR is a turboprick. We have a significant catering budget for Thanksgiving and Black Friday for each store, so as to at least keep everybody who has to work plied with free food from a bunch of restaurants. HR is responsible for picking the restaurants and spending the budget. My store's HR ordered all sorts of good things. Neighboring store? Bought, like, $100 in pizza from the cheapest local place. For a store that's going to have something like 100 people on the clock tonight, and a similar number during most shifts tomorrow. This dude has the budget for more, and he's supposed to be using it. Our HR doesn't get why he's being so damn stingy, and thinks Corporate might actually get mad when they find out. I'm just glad I don't work in that store.

Sovereign Court

6 people marked this as a favorite.

it's amazing to see the difference between a place that sees it's workers as a nuisance or problem, versus those that understand you're people.

Night and day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jess Door wrote:

it's amazing to see the difference between a place that sees it's workers as a nuisance or problem, versus those that understand you're people.

Night and day.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Just got finished having Thanksgiving Dinner with my mother. Since she's legally blind, I did the cooking. We had Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Cranberry Sauce, and Biscuits. We'll have the Pumpkin Pie later. I forgot that the biscuits had to remain frozen, so the dough stuck together. But that's okay. I separated the dough into biscuit-sized portions and baked them. They looked like Homemade, but that's okay by me.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jess Door wrote:

it's amazing to see the difference between a place that sees it's workers as a nuisance or problem, versus those that understand you're people.

Night and day.

Right? It's why I actually prefer working in the gigantic megacorp versus my time in smaller, less bureaucratic establishments. Megacorp understands the value of throwing money at employees, while the smaller establishment didn't. And there's something to be said for a store where HR is always on staff outside the breakroom. There's something personal about greeting the HR rep at the reception desk every time you come in to work, even in a giant megacorp. Not to mention that their constant presence seems to diffuse some of the natural tension between management and grunts.

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Roast and potatoes with biscuits on the side.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear sweet fluffy lord.
My kid sister makes the best damned collard greens in the known universe.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Proof that people will buy anything if you put it in a Thanksgiving Day add.

We're sold out of Hot Diggity Dance Mickey Mouse.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Feeling like starting doing this thing again.

Comin' Round the Mountain

Also I'd forgotten how annoying and laggy Tumblr gets when you put a ton of stuff in one post.

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