Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:Now my brain has spun off into the idea of a Final Fantasy style FAWTLy RPG.Scintillae wrote:Dibs on Not Blue Mage.Oh, sweet, then, I clai-
Orthos wrote:I'd reserve blue mage for myself....
... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-
Since it's been determined that I'm going to be the recurring bad guy who shows up and always gets away before being fully defeated, Blue Mage is now open again for claiming. I'll put you down for that spot. =)

NobodysHome |
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OK. We just had a horde of kids walk up in front of the house, point at our glowy spider, exclaim in glee... and then move on without trying to get any candy.
So... 180 apiece, CY? My kids may beat that without getting off their lazy butts.
(I kid... usually we get around 100 between 7 and 8 pm, but having NONE as of 6:30 pm is... weird!)
EDIT: Ah, the first 3 just showed up.

Orthos |
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I've actually thought of a few ways to make Blue Magic a lot more tolerable.
"Make the spells collected not from encountering them in-battle, but as learnable spells granted by objects the monsters sometimes drop" is probably the most practical one. Grinding for a monster to drop a specific item with a reasonable drop rate is a lot less headachey than grinding to find a monster then force it to use a certain attack in a certain manner.

Tacticslion |

Since it's been determined that I'm going to be the recurring bad guy who shows up and always gets away before being fully defeated, Blue Mage is now open again for claiming. I'll put you down for that spot. =)
I can spend 45 minutes on this one map of a dungeon and pray that the right enemy happens to show up and use that one attack...or I could just use sensible black magic on a sword.
... though if a holy knight or assassin class is up for grabs...
Who are we kidding? I'm pretty sure that everyone around here knows that I'm a bard who's entirely delusional who wants to believe that he's a paladin/monk...
To be more clear:
- holy (knight/swordsman)/Orlandeau-style class (I'd also go with Regulator... jus' sayin'*...)
- assassin class (FFT or PF; and/or Lion Blade-style; ninja/monk-likes optional)
- blue mage (mimic is okay, so long as it can be controlled; shapeshifter is optionally okay, too, again, so long as it's not 'you copy the enemy so perfectly, you just got downgraded'**)
- orator/talky-McGee (like a bard, but without the pretty music, so somehow even suckier***)
... I'd be super-down with pretty much any of these.
* Kame-ha-me-ha~!
** what I'm saying is, "don't do it like Saga Frontier, if you go the shape-shifter route; it was a good idea and bad execution"
*** obvs, the sucky is referring to FF bards, not PF bards; PF bards are pretty boss

Orthos |
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Also, my FF lens tends to default to IX. Vivi > Quina.
Normally for me it's VI, but Blue Mage in my mind is inextricably tied to V. Mostly because I had Faris either set as Blue Mage or with Blue Magic as her secondary ability for the entire game. And because V's Blue Magic system is so much better than almost every other game's version.

C.Y., Mayor of Chillin'Town |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I read a story the other day about how people on marijuana had more sex and my first thought was "I can't let the hippies win!" I then went on to read they averaged 6 times in a week, so needless to say my competitive nature took over and I sought to top that.
It wasn't until day four or five (honestly I lost track) I decided to revisit the article and found out it was 6 times in four weeks.
But, by then it was too late to go back on the challenge.
So, take that you stupid hippies!

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

OK. We just had a horde of kids walk up in front of the house, point at our glowy spider, exclaim in glee... and then move on without trying to get any candy.
So... 180 apiece, CY? My kids may beat that without getting off their lazy butts.
(I kid... usually we get around 100 between 7 and 8 pm, but having NONE as of 6:30 pm is... weird!)
EDIT: Ah, the first 3 just showed up.
Yes, 180 apiece.
Crookshanks is literally falling asleep on her pile of candy.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:Since it's been determined that I'm going to be the recurring bad guy who shows up and always gets away before being fully defeated, Blue Mage is now open again for claiming. I'll put you down for that spot. =)Scintillae wrote:I can spend 45 minutes on this one map of a dungeon and pray that the right enemy happens to show up and use that one attack...or I could just use sensible black magic on a sword.Nyahahahahah~!
... though if a holy knight or assassin class is up for grabs...
Who are we kidding? I'm pretty sure that everyone around here knows that I'm a bard
who's entirely delusionalwho wants to believe that he's a paladin/monk...EDIT:
To be more clear:
- holy (knight/swordsman)/Orlandeau-style class (I'd also go with Regulator... jus' sayin'*...)- assassin class (FFT or PF; and/or Lion Blade-style; ninja/monk-likes optional)
- blue mage (mimic is okay, so long as it can be controlled; shapeshifter is optionally okay, too, again, so long as it's not 'you copy the enemy so perfectly, you just got downgraded'**)
- orator/talky-McGee (like a bard, but without the pretty music, so somehow even suckier***)
... I'd be super-down with pretty much any of these.
* Kame-ha-me-ha~!
** what I'm saying is, "don't do it like Saga Frontier, if you go the shape-shifter route; it was a good idea and bad execution"
*** obvs, the sucky is referring to FF bards, not PF bards; PF bards are pretty boss
Because I know how edited posts can get lost, I'm quoting myself for Orthosian visibility. :D
EDIT: those are not in any particular order; I was just brainstorming things that could be fun. I give you multiple options, because I wanted to give you option for easier things, or allow things to go to others who want it.

GM Umbral Ultimatum |

Sharoth |
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Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus - Extra Sci Fi
Note - Extra Credits is adding a new series called Extra Sci Fi to their lineup. Enjoy.

Syrus Terrigan |
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Was it The Waste Lands or Wizard and Glass that had the train . . . ?? That was good.
And Wolves of the Calla was great!
Oh, and I can totally be a FF: FaWtL villain -- the assassin that offs the McGuffin-unlocking NPCs before the "heroes" can receive permission, passing them in the Grand Hall, making small talk as I go.
He was just fine a minute ago!! Honest!!

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Was it The Waste Lands or Wizard and Glass that had the train . . . ?? That was good.
Both. The latter half of Waste Lands and the first half of Wizard. And yeah, Blaine was one of the best parts of DT.
The rest of Wizard is a flashback story to Roland's teenage years. Roland's stupid, stupid teenage years.
And Wolves of the Calla was great!
Huzzah! I'm not alone! =D

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Trick-or-treating in my neighborhood is excellent. It's a bit of a hike up and down the hill and the houses are spaced pretty far apart, and only about a third of them have their lights on, so you'd think it wouldn't be worth the bother.
But the people who *do* have their lights on are mostly retired people who've lived here for decades, or recent immigrants/homeowners really excited about celebrating holidays in their new home, so both camps tend to go all out. And if you show up at their door, and remember your manners, you will be rewarded with *handfuls* of loot because no one wants the depression of a bucketful of leftover give-out candy the next morning. It means no one wanted to come to your house and you're going to die alone, your face half-chewed by your cats before someone finds you.
Or maybe that's just my brain.

Scintillae |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The rest of Wizard is a flashback story to Roland's teenage years. Roland's stupid, stupid teenage years.
Which was so immensely frustrating!
You have this post-apocalyptic-reverted-to-feudalism society, and he never really touches on it. It's so interesting to me, and all we get are little bits of hints here and there about what this world is actually like. Instead, we get...yep. Roland's a dum-dum.
We're routinely told that gunslingers are effectively diplomat warriors, but Roland has simply never convinced me of being anything other than an eternal idiot who somehow fell into protagonisthood.
...Can we read about Walter instead?

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I read a story the other day about how people on marijuana had more sex and my first thought was "I can't let the hippies win!" I then went on to read they averaged 6 times in a week, so needless to say my competitive nature took over and I sought to top that.
It wasn't until day four or five (honestly I lost track) I decided to revisit the article and found out it was 6 times in four weeks.
But, by then it was too late to go back on the challenge.
So, take that you stupid hippies!
<_<kidnaps the general as well
Looks like we're going to have to go with a final fight style character selection menu...

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Trick-or-treating in my neighborhood is excellent. It's a bit of a hike up and down the hill and the houses are spaced pretty far apart, and only about a third of them have their lights on, so you'd think it wouldn't be worth the bother.
But the people who *do* have their lights on are mostly retired people who've lived here for decades, or recent immigrants/homeowners really excited about celebrating holidays in their new home, so both camps tend to go all out. And if you show up at their door, and remember your manners, you will be rewarded with *handfuls* of loot because no one wants the depression of a bucketful of leftover give-out candy the next morning. It means no one wanted to come to your house and you're going to die alone, your face half-chewed by your cats before someone finds you.Or maybe that's just my brain.
see, this is why you just took Christina Hendricks place.

gran rey de los surround sound |
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Scintillae wrote:Also, my FF lens tends to default to IX. Vivi > Quina.shudder IX remains awful to me. The character designs fall into my uncanny valley, reaching almost dark crystal proportions(not quite).
Hmm..."Fall into my uncanny valley" sounds vaguely like an awkward pick-up line a woman might use.

gran rey de los mono |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
lisamarlene wrote:see, this is why you just took Christina Hendricks place.Trick-or-treating in my neighborhood is excellent. It's a bit of a hike up and down the hill and the houses are spaced pretty far apart, and only about a third of them have their lights on, so you'd think it wouldn't be worth the bother.
But the people who *do* have their lights on are mostly retired people who've lived here for decades, or recent immigrants/homeowners really excited about celebrating holidays in their new home, so both camps tend to go all out. And if you show up at their door, and remember your manners, you will be rewarded with *handfuls* of loot because no one wants the depression of a bucketful of leftover give-out candy the next morning. It means no one wanted to come to your house and you're going to die alone, your face half-chewed by your cats before someone finds you.Or maybe that's just my brain.
I'll take Ms. Hendricks off your hands. That's just how nice a guy I am.

lisamarlene |
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I just got emails from JoAnn fabrics AND Michael's crafts about Christmas sales.
Halloween isn't even OVER yet. Lights are still on in my neighborhood.
And I've got fresh emails in my inbox about artificial Christmas tree sales.
Someone needs to die slowly, bound to a Yule Log, and roasted.
Sprinkled liberally with pumpkin spice.
While being violated by a yule goat.