NobodysHome |
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Ah, is there anything quite as satisfying as breaking out that uber-specialized tool you bought for a single project to do something else with it?
I was drilling holes in the foundation to bolt the garage framing to the foundation (earthquake country and all), and it took 30-45 minutes per hole. So I went out and bought a specialized heavy-duty hammer drill, reducing the time to... 30-45 seconds per hole.
But how often do you get to use a heavy-duty hammer drill?
Fortunately, our back gate fell over because the previous builder hadn't bothered to do anything like, y'know, use pressure-treated wood or actually attach the fence post to the concrete it was standing on. It was just a free-standing structure held together by nails that inevitably collapsed.
So I need a fence post standing in the already-extant concrete. I got to pull everything out, buy some pressure-treated 4"x4", get a post holder, and oh-so-carefully drill the hole.
It took 12 seconds.
I am disappoint. But happy I got to use my tool.

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:Yes, it is. First saw it when I was stationed in Germany.I'm watching 1989 Batman.
Damn good movie, still.
I was thirteen, and grew up reading Batman comics (even would read the ones from the forties that the library still had).
I saw it four times in the theater.

lisamarlene |
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Funniest damned thing ever.
My daughter's front tooth FINALLY fell out. She went to rinse the blood off it and dropped it down the drain.
Right now she is writing an explanatory letter to the tooth fairy asking if it is possible to still get loot from it.
I'm dying laughing.
Kid's putting a lot of effort into getting a dollar!

Vidmaster7 |
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Alright so driving back from work up ahead I see one car who we will refer to beyond this point as J-car. Now J-car is riding the bumper of random car (R-car) in the slow lane is a semi. now R-car apparently gets tired of J-car riding his bumper so slows and gets into the slow lane now semi truck decides he doesn't appreciate j-car and as soon as R-car gets over the semi truck gets into the fast lane keeping J-car right where he was at. Riding the bumper of the semi does not phase semi in the least. so J-car decided to get back into the slow lane to try and get around putting him behind R-car again. The semi moves back over as well to let all the traffic that was building up behind him go. Then J-car notices and gets back into fast lane to which semi answers by also moving back into the fast lane. J-car gives up on life and just gets off on the next exit obviously driving angry.
I'm not sure why I found this so entertaining.

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los nekkid wrote:We did too! Also not naked.Have I told you about how, when I was a kid, we would picnic in the cemetery?
We generally weren't nekkid, though.
Did your cemetery come with a shelter, equipped with tables, a grill, and a designated bonfire area? Because ours did. There was no electricity or toilets, but there was a hose pipe you could get water from. Not the best water, but it worked for washing hands and rinsing dishes and the like.

gran rey de los rural |
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What's so odd about it? Just because people would hold birthday parties, anniversary parties, family reunions, wedding receptions, and the like in a cemetery? Seems perfectly normal to me.
And our church youth group (led by my father, the pastor) would have a party out there every Halloween. We'd roast hot dogs and marshmallows over the bonfire, play tag and hide-and-seek amongst the tombstones, tell ghost stories as the fire died to embers. Nothing out of the ordinary about that!

gran rey de los rural |
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Oh, and we had chowder. Not like clam chowder, but Southern Illinois chowder.

Vidmaster7 |
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The only thing that actually worried me a bit about that is the running water One would have to assume the pipes were dug around graves or the other way around. Pipe breaks or rusts through and well that is a situation you don't want to be anywhere near.
Rereading it looks like it was just a small hose pipe so probably not a big deal.
Is it a cultural thing? (I get the whole wanting to be with the WHOLE family thing)
Or just kind of something your town did?

gran rey de los mono |
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The hose pipe was not right next to the graves. The shelter (and accouterments) was on the back edge of the cemetery, with a gravel path between it and the graves.
It was basically just a thing that town did. They treated the cemetery like a park. The only other option really was the town square, which wasn't much better. It had power, and if the library was open you could use their toilets, but really the cemetery was quieter and just all-around nicer.

Freehold DM |
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Funniest damned thing ever.
My daughter's front tooth FINALLY fell out. She went to rinse the blood off it and dropped it down the drain.
Right now she is writing an explanatory letter to the tooth fairy asking if it is possible to still get loot from it.
I'm dying laughing.
Kid's putting a lot of effort into getting a dollar!
of was her age, I probably would have borrowed tools from the tool box and disassemble the sink pipes.
That's my tooth, dammit.

Limeylongears |
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Today's super fun game is: What do He-Man characters smell like?
He-Man - Baby oil.
Man At Arms - Old Spice aftershave and motor oil.
Skeletor - Kinda like an old people's home.
Captain Teela - Light perspiration and hot steel.
Beastman - A wet dog.
Evil Lyn - Some sort of appalling Chinese knockoff perfume called Twilight Sex Happy, by Heaves Paint Lawrence.
Ramjet - The exhaust emissions of a 1976 Austin Hillman hatchback.
Orko - Lo-carb Monster energy drinks.
Trapjaw - That sort of pink mouthwash you get at the dentists'
Tri-Clops - A scotch egg.

Freehold DM |
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Today's super fun game is: What do He-Man characters smell like?
He-Man - Baby oil.
Man At Arms - Old Spice aftershave and motor oil.
Skeletor - Kinda like an old people's home.
Captain Teela - Light perspiration and hot steel.
Beastman - A wet dog.
Evil Lyn - Some sort of appalling Chinese knockoff perfume called Twilight Sex Happy, by Heaves Paint Lawrence.
Ramjet - The exhaust emissions of a 1976 Austin Hillman hatchback.
Orko - Lo-carb Monster energy drinks.
Trapjaw - That sort of pink mouthwash you get at the dentists'
Tri-Clops - A scotch egg.
I...dont want to know what tomorrow's game is.
John Napier 698 |
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lisamarlene wrote:Funniest damned thing ever.
My daughter's front tooth FINALLY fell out. She went to rinse the blood off it and dropped it down the drain.
Right now she is writing an explanatory letter to the tooth fairy asking if it is possible to still get loot from it.
I'm dying laughing.
Kid's putting a lot of effort into getting a dollar!of was her age, I probably would have borrowed tools from the tool box and disassemble the sink pipes.
That's my tooth, dammit.
Maybe it's still in the pipe. Open the drain pipe plug and it should fall out, as a tooth is heavier than water.

John Napier 698 |
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