Punniculus |
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Punniculus wrote:Hmm, if we can breed Nina/Hoo-dini with Un-Bear-Able, we can have our very own OWLBEARS! We need some champagne, Barry White, and candles STAT!Don't you mean Beary white?
Actually I meant Berry, White. As in some kind of white berries the act as an aphrodisiac. Whereas Barry White was an Afrodisiac.

Nina, Kileanna's Familiar |
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Hmm, if we can breed Nina/Hoo-dini with Un-Bear-Able, we can have our very own OWLBEARS! We need some champagne, Barry White, and candles STAT!
*Takes the champagne and flies to the higher tree she can find, just in case someone tries to get her to mate with a bear*
*Tries hard to open the bottle*
Vidmaster7 |
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Oh also
Sir Joseph Wilson Swan, (31 October 1828 – 27 May 1914) was a British physicist and chemist. He is known as an independent early developer of a successful incandescent light bulb and is the person responsible for developing and supplying the electric lights used in the world's first homes and public buildings (Savoy Theatre in 1881) to be lit with electric light bulbs.

Punniculus |
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Punniculus wrote:Hmm, if we can breed Nina/Hoo-dini with Un-Bear-Able, we can have our very own OWLBEARS! We need some champagne, Barry White, and candles STAT!*Takes the champagne and flies to the higher tree she can find, just in case someone tries to get her to mate with a bear*
*Tries hard to open the bottle*
When did Kileanna learn to fly?

Kileanna |
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Kileanna wrote:When did Kileanna learn to fly?Punniculus wrote:Hmm, if we can breed Nina/Hoo-dini with Un-Bear-Able, we can have our very own OWLBEARS! We need some champagne, Barry White, and candles STAT!*Takes the champagne and flies to the higher tree she can find, just in case someone tries to get her to mate with a bear*
*Tries hard to open the bottle*
Fixed! It was Nina!
Also... Flight hex.

Nina, Kileanna's Familiar |
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*offers Berry, White*
Come here, birdie birdie birdie. You like the bear, don't you? Yes you do. Yes you do! Eat the Berry, White and go be "friendly" with the fuzzy-wuzzy. Make abominations for me. Good bird. I'll give you a nice tasty mouse afterwards. See?*proffers old-timey computer mouse*
*Nina makes a disgust face when the mouse is mentioned, and a scared face with the bear!*
*She decides that worshipping Punniculus is not such a good idea after all*
lisamarlene |
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My party is going to fight their first Big Bad Guy (tm) this afternoon. (Kardswann the djinn from book 1 of Legacy of Fire). They've spent a couple of months on the book and just finished clearing the rest of the battle market last night. My kids think they're pretty hot stuff.
It's gonna be so much fun when they get done with this fight and then discover that Kardswann isn't even the monster with the highest CR in the book... they still have the scorpion demon in the crypt to sort out afterwards.

NobodysHome |
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So sister's hubby, possibly trying to stump me, said, "Greek"!
So I took them to Troy at the top of Solano and everyone agreed it was a very good lunch, with the possible exception of sister's hubby. (Everyone else talked about how much they loved their food. He noticeably didn't, and didn't finish his meal, but I didn't directly ask him whether or not he liked it, because I don't like putting people on the spot.)
That evening, Shiro and Hi's players showed up for our Friday night festivities and we decided to do the fantastic Himalayan place we recently discovered. As we walked up Solano, we obviously had to check out Rivoli's menu, and it was a bunch of our favorites. So we walked in unannounced on a Friday night and James (our favorite waiter) came running up screaming, hugged all of us, and gave us a huge sad face when he learned that we hadn't made reservations. The hostess took one look at us and said, "Oh, we just happen to have one table for 4 left."
And it turns out our favorite waitress, Tiffany, has also returned to the fold, and we got her section.
So a marvelous dinner, as always (we suggested that they serve the corn soup in a trough), and we learned that during our absence both Tiffany and James had become engaged. So as we left we stealthily bought both of them dinner and drinks. (It helps that the manager knows us.)
And again, it's just one of those things. We've done it a couple of times at a couple of places, so we know that it's something that can be done, and at Rivoli Tiffany was the one who explained that they get "crew meals" instead of "Rivoli meals" unless she buys herself dinner (so the first time we bought her dinner), but the manager was still kind of, "Wow! You're just buying the two of them dinner? Just like that?"
And it was like, "Yes. We're buying them dinner."
We brought Wendy (the head chef) flowers when she retired, we buy our waitpeople dinner when they announce important life events. We consider (some of) the staff our friends, and we like to celebrate with them.
And apparently it makes us very, very odd.
But I have to admit, we get a wee bit of good service when we go there...

NobodysHome |
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I might have a gaming session tomorrow and I fear I might have the first TPK in my GMing history.
It never works out. Every time I've dreaded a session because I thought I was going to wipe out my party, they've ended up steamrolling the encounter.
It's the throwaway, run-of-the-mill, "I didn't even think about this" encounters that endanger my parties...

NobodysHome |
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They are in the middle of the adventure, with no healing left, wounded party members and no opportunity for resting.
They are level one and they will be facing an incorporeal creature or two. Also, they still have the most complicated enemies left.
OK, yeah, that's pretty much "death in a can".
Do they have any way of dealing with it, or is it a "run or die" situation for them?

Kileanna |
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Dalindra, don't read the spoiler:
There is also a shadow, if they encounter it with a certain NPC with them, the shadow will focus on him and leave the party unmolested. But if they don't the shadow will focus on them. So if they get too soon to the shadow they will be seriously screwed up.
There are also a lot of undead and haunts dealing nasty conditions and the cleric ran.out of channeling.

Kileanna |
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Any chance of a Deus ex Machina? Or Deus ex Bigger Monster that can attack and feast the incorporeals like they are shiny invisible poptarts while the PC's run like hell?
My players have told me not to hold my hand. This is a short story so they don't mind too much.
I could make them loot some potions or scrolls, but they want me to carry the story as written.
lisamarlene |
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Kajehase wrote:I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to be controversial and state that mead is a waste of perfectly good honey.Hie thee to the Arena of Mild Disapproval, Sire, and prepare to be semi-audibly tutted at.
I like what Neil Gaiman had to say on the subject, when fans of both mead and American Gods (the book, one would assume) expressed disapproval of Shadow's feelings about the beverage:
Don't mistake the opinions of characters in a book for either the opinions of the author or for any kind of objective truth. I've had really nice mead, rich and honeyish, normally handed to me in small glasses by people who had brewed it themselves, and I've had a thin and noxious substance that tastes like sweet, alcoholic pickle-juice passed to me (usually by commercial mead-vendors) representing itself as mead. It made for a much more enjoyable scene to write if Shadow had a glass of the second kind.
Except, personally, I don't believe the first kind exists.

Limeylongears |
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I understand it's pretty easy to make yourself (certainly, the recipes I've seen have basically been 1) some honeys 2) some yeasts 3) some waters 4) place in demi-johns 5) leave for 6 months 6) drinks) There's a local company who brew it and sell it ridiculously cheaply (£4.50 for a wine bottle-sized container) and it tastes alright - not like sweet, alcoholic pickle juice, anyway - and you can buy more expensive stuff called Viking Blood or something equally stupid, but I've never bothered with that.

Drejk |
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Kileanna wrote:Cool!
I might have a gaming session tomorrow and I fear I might have the first TPK in my GMing history.It never works out. Every time I've dreaded a session because I thought I was going to wipe out my party, they've ended up steamrolling the encounter.
It's the throwaway, run-of-the-mill, "I didn't even think about this" encounters that endanger my parties...
My part encountered a bunch of giants and a cavalier and were sure they gonna die and have no chance of survival and were seriously considering surrender...
Once I had them make Knowledge roll and flatly told them the giants are well within their combat abilities to defeat, they basically steamrolled them. Poor cavalier didn't even get to seriously stab anyone with the lance. Making the encounter take place on a mountainside trail was a mistake, in the hindsight. It only marginally helped the giants but seriously hindered the cavalier.

John Napier 698 |
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lisamarlene wrote:Except, personally, I don't believe the first kind exists.When you come to Poland you might get to try the first kind, then.
I'll second that. I had a member of one of the gaming groups that I was in that was from Poland. Every time he came back to Pittsburgh, He'd bring some alcohol, including mead. Mead does exist that does taste like Honey.

lisamarlene |
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Our neighbors on the west side are celebrating something that requires caterers and mariachis, and I have never heard mariachis this good outside of a film soundtrack. At least three trumpets, multiple violins, and two different vocalists. Don't know how much they spent on the party, but if I didn't hate meeting/talking to people so much, I would totally crash it.