AND now, I discover the monster-makin' abilities of Herolab.
Simple, easy, and I made a new chaotic-neutral outsider from the plane of negative energy at CR 2 in 20-30 minutes. Life is good, and that was 40 bucks well spent.
Sigh. My phone is getting glitchy. It doesn't seem to understand that it's supposed to last until at least September....this always happens. It's like the dratted things know when they're approaching their replacement date.....>:(
On the bright side, I think I'm finally all the way over the icky cold I've had. And the kidlet is almost all the way better. So at least we're not laying around feeling miserable today. :)
Impus Major, on learning that it's 7/11, and that he can get a free Slurpee at 7-Eleven today:
"Isn't 7-Eleven just a gas station shop, but without the gas station?"
Local police went to investigate a homicide this morning, and somebody threw an entire sink through the back window of the patrol car. They didn't get caught in the act, either. Police are seeking information about whodunit now.
Local police went to investigate a homicide this morning, and somebody threw an entire sink through the back window of the patrol car. They didn't get caught in the act, either. Police are seeking information about whodunit now.
Stay classy, San Francisco.
Oh, c'mon -- as long as it was "the kitchen sink", it was all in good fun.
Local police went to investigate a homicide this morning, and somebody threw an entire sink through the back window of the patrol car. They didn't get caught in the act, either. Police are seeking information about whodunit now.
Stay classy, San Francisco.
Oh, c'mon -- as long as it was "the kitchen sink", it was all in good fun.
When I was a wee college undergraduate, I was also an 80s punk rocker, with steel-toed boots, leather jacket, mohawk, etc. I was also 5'6" tall, and tipped the scales at a whopping 155 lbs (168 cm and 70 kilos to you furriners). Unfortunately for my friends, U.C. Berkeley had exactly ONE other punk undergrad: A woman who, apparently, looked exactly the same as me from behind. And who was prone to violence.
So my friends kept coming up behind her and saying, "Hey, NobodysHome!"
So she finally decked one of them.
And alas, I never saw nor met her. I think she was an arts major, and I was in math/physics. Different worlds.
I always vote against "sin taxes" because I don't believe taxes should be used as a form of punishment.
I am always overruled, because I live in a very liberal community.
So the kids just experienced politics in action: They dragged their sorry teenage carcasses out of bed (at 1:30 pm), got dressed, walked the 0.6 miles to the local 7-Eleven, and found that our local 7-Eleven is "not participating in the free Slurpee event due to the city of Albany's tax on sweetened beverages".
Fortunately, I always "hope for the best, plan for the worst", so I'd given them $20, and they got their Slurpees anyway.
And they actually got out of the house and got some sunlight and exercise. Which is rare during the summer.
A forgetful old gasman name Dieter
Was poking around a gas heater
He touched a leak with his light
And blew out of sight
And, as anyone who knows anything about poetry can tell you, he also ruined the meter.
An amoeba named Max, and his brother
Were sharing a drink with each other
In the midst of their quaffing
They split themselves laughing
And now each of them is a mother.
There once was a lady named Ferris
Whom nothing could ever embarrass
'Til the bath salts one day
In the tub where she lay
Turned out to be Plaster of Paris.
The star violinist was bowing
The quarrelsome oarsmen were rowing
But how is the sage
To discern from the page
Was it piglets, or seeds, that were sowing?
There once was a farmer from Leeds
Who swallowed a packet of seeds
It soon came to pass
The he was covered with grass
But has all the tomatoes he needs.
I need a front door for my hall
The one that I bought was to small
So I hacked it and chopped it
And carefully lopped it
And now the damn thing is to small!
An ambitious young fellow named Matt
Tried to parachute using a hat
The folks below looked so small
'Til he started to fall
They got bigger and bigger and SPLAT!
There was a young girl from Rabat
Who had triplets: Nan, Pat, and Tat
It was fun in the breeding
But hell in the feeding
As she found she had no tit for Tat.
"My ambition" said Old Mr. King
"Is to live as the bird on the wing."
So he climbed up a steeple
Which scared all the people
So they caged him and taught him to sing.
If you're lacking a little good cheer
Go and tickle a bull on the rear
For I'm sure the rumor
That they're lacking in humor
Is a product of ignorant fear.
I'm papering walls in the loo
And quite frankly I haven't a clue
For the patterns all wrong
The paper's too long
And I'm stuck to the toilet with glue.