Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Everyone get nekkid!!

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Well, s~~$. Work beckons. Later, all.

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I'm at work right now.

And all the worshippers of Punniculus are on an important reunion choosing new uniforms.

So you won't be seeing them in a while.

How is your daughter doing, Cap?

Grand Lodge

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I went to Monday Night Raw tonight. Tomorrow, we head to Smackdown Live. What a glorious holiday weekend.

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This is only uniform I was given.

Its OK the beard tastefully covers my naughty bits.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I went to Monday Night Raw tonight. Tomorrow, we head to Smackdown Live. What a glorious holiday weekend.

Used to watch wrestling when I was younger lost interest in it at some point. too soap opera-ie

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Also why are trying to break the thread again?

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I remember watching it with my cousins on TV when I was a little child, at the times of Hulk Hogan and co.

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Yeah I was a big Hogan and Macho man fan. (ultimate warrior was just psychotic just saying) Later one I liked Goldberg but stopped watching shortly after.

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gran rey de los surround sound wrote:
Or My Little Pony?

I'd go with this one, except there is already a thread devoted to that.

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One thread is enough.

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I was a big fan of the Undertaker, but I also lost interest when it become a soap opera. I just watched Wrestlemania highlists because of him. Now he has retired, so no more wrestling for me.

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*With disappointment in her face, cancels her plans of bed wrestling for tonight*

Oh, well...

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Downloaded PCGen. This is something that I'll use a lot.

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One of our players made an image to summarize the last session we had for Iron Gods (Mild spoilers?) and I just...

Leave it to one of my players to decide 'hey I'm going to try helping the boss escape because we're kin and I want them not dead.'

The googly eyes still get me every time, though.

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Kileanna wrote:

*With disappointment in her face, cancels her plans of bed wrestling for tonight*

Oh, well...

Dalindra may have quit wrestling, but I am still interested. Moreso if it is bed wrestling!!!

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[after catching up on six pages of bad jokes, innuendo, and... wrestling? oh, yeah, guess that fits, huh.]

[slurps coffee, listens to birds, creek, etc.]

It's the calm before the deluge. I don't go to "work" today, but I'm cooking a mess of food because we've got a crapton of Whingey Wizzard's friends coming over tonight to burn meat on the grill and watch fireworks from our deck.

(The beauty of alternative living arrangements: I make less than minimum wage, but the west deck of our house has a panoramic view of the Bay and Mount Tam. The east deck is over the gully and the creek and faces a ridge of eucalyptus, and sometimes there are hawks. The north deck is covered with construction supplies and the south deck isn't finished yet.)

Because it's July in the Bay Area, everyone know that (a) they need to bring parkas or blankets, and (b) there will likely be so much damned fog that we won't see anything. But we'll *hear* them.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Be safe, my wealthy friend with the incredibly hot wife.

So, unforeseen circumstances: Both kids are sick today, with Impus Majoe throwing up about once an hour. It's why NobodysHome hates short-but-ludicrously-expensive trips: Losing a day can feel like a vacation-breaker. You just have to sit back and say, "Oh, well, at least I'm saving money on food."

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You are already there?

Is that reaction to different water/food?

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Visit Central Europe!

The only ludicrously-expensive thing will be plane tickets. Well, that and anything you will make deliberately ludicrously-expensive...

And even then it might be only very expensive and not ludicrously expensive by Cali standards.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
gran rey de los everything wrote:
Enjoy your harbour full of salty tea, missing letter U and hippo ivory false teeth-themed celebrations, Alternative Canadians ;)
Teascks, ''s are nnecessary, and what? And 'Alternative Canadians' sonds like we're a Canck band from the '90s.

You are, you are, Gran Rey De Los Shirtos Plaidos, deny it all you like.

I've fixed your quote, by the way, as an Independence Day gift to YOU.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Kiani the Blue wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

*With disappointment in her face, cancels her plans of bed wrestling for tonight*

Oh, well...

Dalindra may have quit wrestling, but I am still interested. Moreso if it is bed wrestling!!!

Wrestle the bed if you want, but I think it has an appointment to stab Captain Yesterday beforehand, so it may need a wipe down before (and after).

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:

*With disappointment in her face, cancels her plans of bed wrestling for tonight*

Oh, well...

*Eagerly tags in for Dal and start circling the bed and Kile*

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Yes, PCGen is my new favorite toy. Just got done making my first character, "Hunts in Twilight," a male Pseudodragon Monk. :) And the printable character sheets are just like handmade, and absolutely beautiful.

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Oh! I just had a thought. I'll use PCGen to make character sheets for the players in my RPG Sessions at Tekko, then have them printed before the convention, so my players will have fresh sheets each year. :) :) :) !

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Yes, PCGen is my new favorite toy. Just got done making my first character, "Hunts in Twilight," a male Pseudodragon Monk. :) And the printable character sheets are just like handmade, and absolutely beautiful.

You can't do that! That's not PFS legal!!

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But it is for non-Society games. Therefore your objection is overruled. *bangs gavel* Next case.

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Walks in with a briefcase, begins miming opening statements of Bilbo vs Lem.

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Dan, Halfling Mime Lawyer wrote:
Walks in with a briefcase, begins miming opening statements of Bilbo vs Lem.


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Lucky me I happened to be around when someone made a snarky remark about Halfling mime lawyers. :-)

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Sorry, I shouldn't have laughed. Have Dan make a Perform (Mime) check vs DC 20.

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No, you're good. :-)

That's what I was going for. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dan, Halfling Mime Lawyer wrote:
Walks in with a briefcase, begins miming opening statements of Bilbo vs Lem.

Won't even make it to court. He's a known burglar!

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captain yesterday wrote:

No, you're good. :-)

That's what I was going for. :-)

Oh. Okay then. By the way, how's Pea Bear doing?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

You are already there?

Is that reaction to different water/food?

Hawaii's purity is unquestionable (darned missionaries, ruining a good thing!), so it's more likely an airplane-borne virus. Crossing our fingers for tomrrow!

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She's doing better, temp is down, but not gone. But she's getting up and interacting, so that's something. Her Drunk History marathon helped, laughter is the best medicine and all. :-)

Also ibuprofen.

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Lem the Halfling wrote:
Dan, Halfling Mime Lawyer wrote:
Walks in with a briefcase, begins miming opening statements of Bilbo vs Lem.
Won't even make it to court. He's a known burglar!

Smeagol stole it first.

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captain yesterday wrote:

She's doing better, temp is down, but not gone. But she's getting up and interacting, so that's something. Her Drunk History marathon helped, laughter is the best medicine and all. :-)

Also ibuprofen.

Good. Glad to hear it. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

You are already there?

Is that reaction to different water/food?

Hawaii's purity is unquestionable (darned missionaries, ruining a good thing!), so it's more likely an airplane-borne virus. Crossing our fingers for tomrrow! long as you stay off Molokai, that is...

But, hey, what's a little leprosy when you live in paradise?

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Yay! Her temp is below 100!

Also yay for our collection of Bob's Burgers on ITunes. :-)

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I'm glad to hear she is feeling better even if Farenheit degrees are confusing to me.

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That's okay, we get confused every time we accidentally switch it to Celsius. :-)

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Kileanna wrote:
I'm glad to hear she is feeling better even if Farenheit degrees are confusing to me.

I was just going to say that it's good to hear the water in her veins has stopped boiling.

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Kileanna wrote:
I'm glad to hear she is feeling better even if Farenheit degrees are confusing to me.

100 degrees Farenheit is close to a normal temperature. It is approximately 37.8 degrees Celcius.

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Still fever, but much better, indeed.
I remember having 42°C once while I was at school (I was about 9-10 years old) and I even had hallucinations.

I managed to stay for the whole time at class, but I cannot remember how I got home. I just know I walked there (10 minutes walk) by my own feet because I was told I did. Then I went to bed without having lunch (again, I cannot remember that).

I woke up 5 hours later remembering only the hallucinations.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Yet again, being nice to staff pays off. I really have no idea what people are thinking when they walk up to a counter with a belligerant attitude. What's it going to accomplish, beyond ensuring the poor service person will have a bad attitude towards you?

So, the kids were supposed to have surf lessons at 9:30 this morning, but obviously couldn't. There's a clearly-stated 24-hour cancellation policy. So, being Lawful, I went downstairs and started in. "So I know the tickets are non-refundable, but my kids are sick and aren't going to make it. So can you make a note or something that there are two open spots, in case any last-minute family shows up?"
"Don't you want to try to reschedule?"
"Well, the tickets are non-refundable..."

She gave up on "Mr. Too Polite" right then and there, called her co-worker on the phone, asked for a favor, and the kids are rescheduled to Friday, free of charge. The other worker noticed this, and when we showed up later asking to schedule a luau, it miraculously just "happened".

Being nice to people. It pays.

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*nods* By the way, you do realize that you are contributing to the two thousand posts that you expect to see when you return?

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NobodysHome's Story Time:
I think I told this once before, but it was pre-Kileanna, so why not? I was in upper-division electromagnetism at U.C. Berkeley, but the day of the 3-hour final I had a 103.8 (39.9) fever. Feeling half-dead, I went in anyway. I looked at the first problem. Lots of math. I skipped it. I looked at the second. Did my eyes deceive me, or was it a balanced system with an answer of 0? I knew the professor had strongly encouraged us to check for cancellations before doing any math, so I pointed out the symmetry, wrote 0 for my answer, and moved on. Problem 3? 0. Problem 4? 0. I went back to problem 1. 0.

Of the 6 problems on the test, I got answers of 0 on the first 5. I worked on the one problem that wasn't obviously 0 for around 20 minutes, then felt too tired to continue and dejectedly turned in my exam, 25 minutes in to a 3-hour test.

Turns out in my deluded state I was one of only 2 students to notice the symmetries. No one else left until the 90-minute mark (I had friends who told me), but I ended up with the second-highest score in the class, more than 10% higher than #3.

Being sick and deluded. It's how physics is done.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
*nods* By the way, you do realize that you are contributing to the two thousand posts that you expect to see when you return?

Well, you guys were slacking. I only had to read around 270 to catch up.... So I figured I'd help.

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It turns out gran del sol has more jokes then me.

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