
Dan, Halfling Mime Lawyer's page

16 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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Walks into the abandoned weed choked courtroom. Places his MP3 player on the table currently being repurposed into a raccoon den and presses play, piping in Weird Al playing "Classical Gas" on his accordion. Begins miming the meaning of the press release, which of course, no one understands because you never went to mime school.

Adjusts well worn tie, collects self, and walks out of the abandoned weed choked courtroom back into the unknown.

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Scintillae wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Today, I read about someone being given POWER OF ETERNITY.

"Hey, that sounds cool", I thought. "It sounds like a special evil-thwacking ability that She-Ra, or maybe Bonnie Tyler, might manifest in moments of great peril"

Then reality reasserted itself and I had to conclude that whoever wrote it down actually meant 'Power of attorney' :(

Paladin lawyer. Let's do this.

Walks in for the audition, loosens tie, opens briefcase, sets up IPod and tiny speaker, rolls up sleeves, begins miming to Like A Virgin.

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Starts handing out cease and desist letters from Todd Mcfarlane for use of the word Spawn.

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Farael the Fallen wrote:
Bean Curd Slaad wrote:

IS bean curd.

Come join us, we all float down here.

Okay its beginning to get ridiculous with the bean curd stuff...but isn't that the whole point? Yes it is.

This world has Slaads and there is variety of them based on the eating of bean curbs. I am fascinated to find out how the stats work for that...

Walks in, adjusts tie, begins pantomiming a cease and desist order from Hasbro set to Another One Bites The Dust, by Queen.

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Walks in, winks at juror #8 with self assurance, sets up IPod wired to a Bose speaker, quietly adjusts necktie.

Begins miming rebuttal to Like A Virgin.

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Walks in confidently, puts briefcase on the table, adjusts tie slightly, puts boombox next to the briefcase, presses play and begins miming suggestions for future Starfinder products choreographed to Sixteen Candles.

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Calmly puts down briefcase on the table, carefully folds up glasses, and dramatically clears throat and makes one last adjustment of his necktie.

Begins to Vogue rebuttal.

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Walks in with a briefcase, begins miming opening statements of Bilbo vs Lem.

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shows off brand new s&&& stomping clogs, gives a thumbs up.

Does an off kilter dance, slams a fifth of scotch.

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Nods in disagreement, slowly cranks up middle finger

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Uses an imaginary crank to raise up middle finger to flip off those warmth stealing bastards, Orthos and theblueandyellowmakesgreengamer.

Slowly cranks up middle finger into upright position:-D

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Runs off, crying

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glares at other mimes, does dramatic rising of middle finger

pennywit wrote:
Queen Moragan wrote:

That's why I really think you need to rein in your players, otherwise there won't be any fun in it for anyone. Just hit them with 13 Months of Plagues to remove the excess.

#1 A Plague of Dragons .....

#2 A Plague of Lawyers

#3 A Plague of Mimes

#4 A Plague of Halflings

#5 a Plague of Halfling Mime Lawyers.

Flips off Pennywit