Zelfin's Untitled Campaign

Game Master Zelfin

As the title states I am looking for a PBP game and am willing to fill any group holes.

No clerics? No rogues? Need a tank? Let me know.

In general I have played pathfinder for many years, D&D before that and have played PBP.

Now I am looking for a new game and just need to know how to get started here.

Well this group here will need another mercenary. They are nearing the end of the module, about two weeks away. Something to look over while you try to get into other games maybe? If you are not interested no worries, good luck and good gaming friend.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

First off, welcome to the forums.

So in short, what you'll need to do is find a recruitment thread that you like and submit a character that meets the requirements of the GM. You might not get into your first game you app for, but try and look for ones with low post counts; they will likely be in need of players.

Expect that any recruitment that involves a Paizo AP will have alot of applications, so you should expect that competition will be fierce.

Good luck and again welcome!

I am just posting to state I truly appreciate the thread title.

Zelfin wrote:

As the title states I am looking for a PBP game and am willing to fill any group holes.

No clerics? No rogues? Need a tank? Let me know.

In general I have played pathfinder for many years, D&D before that and have played PBP.

Now I am looking for a new game and just need to know how to get started here.

I have a group that could use more players. I sent you a PM with some info. Let me know if you're interested and we can get into more details.

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