Deep 6 FaWtL

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

I'm half done in drawing my RoW party!


Only left:

I don't know how can I do to upload them in higher quality and put them together without a PC at homethe, but at least I like how they are coming out!

clicks on links

reads name of artist
marries kileanna when she isn't looking

That said, Vice is my all time favorite king of fighters female character, although her most damaging super will break the controller every time. Second place goes to Mature. Third goes to Shermie. Yes, they were my team in KOF 98.


I've been done with KoF since a lot of time ago but you have a good taste! I loved Vice too. And all Orochi related characters. I created that account more than 10 years ago when I was such a Leona fangirl!

Then I became a not so huge X-23 fangirl (I wasn't so young then and I was less prone to become a fangirl xD).

Now I have Kileanna who is some sort of orphan outcast too... This seems to set a trend, don't you think? XD

*sniff* you have left king of fighters.... for CAPCOM?!?! x23 in the capcom vs series? I forget.

More importantly, what was your last KOF? I do believe the orochi saga was the best, the nests thing was just the wrong direction. It's quite silly nowadays, but I do keep up with it because KOF.

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Of course I'm naked.

It's KOF.

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Kileanna wrote:

Don't be so hard on me just because I'm not proficient with your thong.

Edit: note to self: don't drink coke and read FaWtL at the same time if you don't want it to come out from your nose.

I hate it when that happens. With me, it's usually water, and I feel like I'm drowning afterwards.

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Good Kjeldorn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

I'm half done in drawing my RoW party!


Only left:

I don't know how can I do to upload them in higher quality and put them together without a PC at homethe, but at least I like how they are coming out!

clicks on links

reads name of artist
marries kileanna when she isn't looking

That said, Vice is my all time favorite king of fighters female character, although her most damaging super will break the controller every time. Second place goes to Mature. Third goes to Shermie. Yes, they were my team in KOF 98.


*Put on his finest courtiers outfit, pick up his lute and clears his throat*

Sirs, I'll meet thee on the battlefield of courtly love, for the heart of fair maid Kileanna


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Capcom? Who cares for Capcom? I mean X-23 from the comics. I've quit playing fighting games since I know Dalindra. He's way too good at them and I am not xD

I liked Orochi saga the best. Nests was worse, both in playability and plot. I stopped playing in 2k3. I couldn't stand Ash and co.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:

Don't be so hard on me just because I'm not proficient with your thong.

Edit: note to self: don't drink coke and read FaWtL at the same time if you don't want it to come out from your nose.

due to my class, I am proficient with all thongs.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:

Capcom? Who cares for Capcom? I mean X-23 from the comics. I've quit playing fighting games since I know Dalindra. He's way too good at them and I am not xD

I liked Orochi saga the best. Nests was worse, both in playability and plot. I stopped playing in 2k3. I couldn't stand Ash and co.

yeah. Ash was....a silly character. Badly designed. Just a bad idea overall. But I loved joker and shenlong(the punching guy..was he the punching guy?)

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Freehold DM wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

Capcom? Who cares for Capcom? I mean X-23 from the comics. I've quit playing fighting games since I know Dalindra. He's way too good at them and I am not xD

I liked Orochi saga the best. Nests was worse, both in playability and plot. I stopped playing in 2k3. I couldn't stand Ash and co.

yeah. Ash was....a silly character. Badly designed. Just a bad idea overall. But I loved joker and shenlong(the punching guy..was he the punching guy?)

I forgot a lot about that game.

I tend to erase useless things from my mind. Like old games. Or where I put my keys. Or birthdays.

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Cortisone is artificial cortisol, the hormone that regulates your stress and how you feel about it. At first, cortisol will be your best friend, letting you stay calm and not suffer from what ails you. However, it has unwelcome effects: You get depressed. You lose muscle mass. You gain fat. Your skin becomes thin and fragile. Your hair falls out. A surplus of it for too long, whether from your own body or added in from outside, and you will see these things happen.

Cortisone is in most stronger nasal sprays. What happens is that it thins out your nasal mucosa, leading to frequent nosebleeds. Thus: Use them if you need them... but not ONE DAY more than absolutely necessary.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:

Oooooh! Are you going to start a fight over me?

This is new, usually fights start for something I said and shouldn't have said, not for me xD

Hark! An Duel!

{Draws circle. Provides a delightful selection of implements of death and destruction doing between 1d4 and 1d12 damage, plus Str bonus}

Oho, Skintight onesies and duelling shields, forsooth?

And ye olde nightie and thong combo ys not an optionne, unlesse you want us all to be put in ye stocks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:

Cortisone is artificial cortisol, the hormone that regulates your stress and how you feel about it. At first, cortisol will be your best friend, letting you stay calm and not suffer from what ails you. However, it has unwelcome effects: You get depressed. You lose muscle mass. You gain fat. Your skin becomes thin and fragile. Your hair falls out. A surplus of it for too long, whether from your own body or added in from outside, and you will see these things happen.

Cortisone is in most stronger nasal sprays. What happens is that it thins out your nasal mucosa, leading to frequent nosebleeds. Thus: Use them if you need them... but not ONE DAY more than absolutely necessary.

@Sissyl, have you studied some medicine related career? Just for curiosity.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sir Limey De Longears wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

Oooooh! Are you going to start a fight over me?

This is new, usually fights start for something I said and shouldn't have said, not for me xD

Hark! An Duel!

{Draws circle. Provides a delightful selection of implements of death and destruction doing between 1d4 and 1d12 damage, plus Str bonus}

Oho, Skintight onesies and duelling shields, forsooth?

And ye olde nightie and thong combo ys not an optionne, unlesse you want us all to be put in ye stocks.

No nighties? I am wearing mine right now. Not sexy. It has Daffy the Duck on it xD

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Cosplay Combat- Episode 1 Kokoro vs Lei Wulong -Tess Kielhamer

Cosplay Combat Episode 2 - Cammy vs Liu Kang - Tess Kielhamer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sir Limey De Longears wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

Oooooh! Are you going to start a fight over me?

This is new, usually fights start for something I said and shouldn't have said, not for me xD

Hark! An Duel!

{Draws circle. Provides a delightful selection of implements of death and destruction doing between 1d4 and 1d12 damage, plus Str bonus}

Oho, Skintight onesies and duelling shields, forsooth?

And ye olde nightie and thong combo ys not an optionne, unlesse you want us all to be put in ye stocks.

ties bandanna on head, takes a swig of courage ura! Tottoto kakatte koi!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Got the KoF reference xD

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:
Sir Limey De Longears wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

Oooooh! Are you going to start a fight over me?

This is new, usually fights start for something I said and shouldn't have said, not for me xD

Hark! An Duel!

{Draws circle. Provides a delightful selection of implements of death and destruction doing between 1d4 and 1d12 damage, plus Str bonus}

Oho, Skintight onesies and duelling shields, forsooth?

And ye olde nightie and thong combo ys not an optionne, unlesse you want us all to be put in ye stocks.

No nighties? I am wearing mine right now. Not sexy. It has Daffy the Duck on it xD

Well that just despicable! (the nightie being unsexy that is)... *wink wink*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sir Limey De Longears wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

Oooooh! Are you going to start a fight over me?

This is new, usually fights start for something I said and shouldn't have said, not for me xD

Hark! An Duel!

{Draws circle. Provides a delightful selection of implements of death and destruction doing between 1d4 and 1d12 damage, plus Str bonus}

Oho, Skintight onesies and duelling shields, forsooth?

And ye olde nightie and thong combo ys not an optionne, unlesse you want us all to be put in ye stocks.

Me in a onesie! Are you mad sir!!!

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At least a twosie. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:
At least a twosie. :)

*Come out of the changing room, showing of a particularly flappy and hairy bare midriff*

Maybe that onesie was a far better idea...


Just google a twosie...why?!

on the other hand, you up for it Sissyl? ^^

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Just finished putting together my new grass trimmer. It's ready for me to turn the back yard into a Salad Bar tomorrow. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:
Sir Limey De Longears wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

Oooooh! Are you going to start a fight over me?

This is new, usually fights start for something I said and shouldn't have said, not for me xD

Hark! An Duel!

{Draws circle. Provides a delightful selection of implements of death and destruction doing between 1d4 and 1d12 damage, plus Str bonus}

Oho, Skintight onesies and duelling shields, forsooth?

And ye olde nightie and thong combo ys not an optionne, unlesse you want us all to be put in ye stocks.

No nighties? I am wearing mine right now. Not sexy. It has Daffy the Duck on it xD

Sez you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:

Cortisone is artificial cortisol, the hormone that regulates your stress and how you feel about it. At first, cortisol will be your best friend, letting you stay calm and not suffer from what ails you. However, it has unwelcome effects: You get depressed. You lose muscle mass. You gain fat. Your skin becomes thin and fragile. Your hair falls out. A surplus of it for too long, whether from your own body or added in from outside, and you will see these things happen.

Cortisone is in most stronger nasal sprays. What happens is that it thins out your nasal mucosa, leading to frequent nosebleeds. Thus: Use them if you need them... but not ONE DAY more than absolutely necessary.

that explains a lot from the college days...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Twosie is apparently a thing. I had no idea. However, I couldn't join you in a twosie to fight over Kileanna, now could I?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Kileanna wrote:
Sir Limey De Longears wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

Oooooh! Are you going to start a fight over me?

This is new, usually fights start for something I said and shouldn't have said, not for me xD

Hark! An Duel!

{Draws circle. Provides a delightful selection of implements of death and destruction doing between 1d4 and 1d12 damage, plus Str bonus}

Oho, Skintight onesies and duelling shields, forsooth?

And ye olde nightie and thong combo ys not an optionne, unlesse you want us all to be put in ye stocks.

No nighties? I am wearing mine right now. Not sexy. It has Daffy the Duck on it xD
Sez you.

F$$&ing A right!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

I've got a fave from TL for just saying «Nightie!»

Now I wonder what is the lesser expression of language that he would fave.

I have to make an experiment.

In 3...2...1...

In U.S. English, a "nightie" is skimpy sleepwear (typically) worn by a female.

I'm 100% positive you sent TL's imagination running free, and that's why he favorited it. Not his tendency to favorite everything or anything like that...

Delightedly awaits TL's flustered response...

Nah. (I actually didn't notice. >.<)

Remind me to tell you at some point about that one time that prostitute kept coming onto me and I didn't know it.

EDIT: the sentence read strangely the other way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Freehold DM, I think Sunset Overdrive looks like it would be right up your alley!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

I've got a fave from TL for just saying «Nightie!»

Now I wonder what is the lesser expression of language that he would fave.

I have to make an experiment.

In 3...2...1...

In U.S. English, a "nightie" is skimpy sleepwear (typically) worn by a female.

I'm 100% positive you sent TL's imagination running free, and that's why he favorited it. Not his tendency to favorite everything or anything like that...

Delightedly awaits TL's flustered response...

Nah. (I actually didn't notice. >.<)

Remind me to tell you at some point about that one time that prostitute kept coming onto me and I didn't know it.

EDIT: the sentence read strangely the other way.

I've had that happen a couple of times. It always hilarious unless it gets scary.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM, I think Sunset Overdrive looks like it would be right up your alley!


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For me it was mostly just rank stupidity/ignorance.

The guys at the homeless shelter I was volunteering for found it hi-lar-ious, though, when I was telling them. Never even explained it to me, beyond, "Yeah, probably the best way you could have handled that..." and moving on.

*grumbles about having figured it out later only while literally talking it over with then-fiancé...*

(She found it pretty hilarious too...)

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Sorry for not being on-line for two hours. The guard I normally relieve got pulled to another site, so I got pulled in for a couple hours of overtime.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I get hit on by gay guys a lot. Most likely because I look like Antonio Banderas.

Used to live a block off Aurora ave in Seattle. So I've seen way more than my share of prostitutes. And film crews for Cops busting them. :-)

Maybe they are not gay... I mean... Antonio Banderas. If I was a lesbian I'd go straight for him. He's hot as hell (more now than a few years ago).

Grand Lodge

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Whelp, officially unemployed. Tonight I'll officially graduate.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:
Twosie is apparently a thing. I had no idea. However, I couldn't join you in a twosie to fight over Kileanna, now could I?

*the feather in kjeldorn's helmet sudden stands up straight, with a cartoonish "boooiinnnggg" sound, while he blushes bright red"!?

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Whelp, officially unemployed. Tonight I'll officially graduate.

Congrats, TOZ. Post when you're done. Everybody, after TOZ posts, we should raise a glass in a toast. Either our favorite beverage, or the beverage we're allowed to have, in the case of those that are working tonight, like me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Whelp, officially unemployed. Tonight I'll officially graduate.
Congrats, TOZ. Post when you're done. Everybody, after TOZ posts, we should raise a glass in a toast. Either our favorite beverage, or the beverage we're allowed to have, in the case of those that are working tonight, like me.

*Thumbs up*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, congrats, TOZ!

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It's amazing to me what a tiny amount of customer service can do for customer loyalty. As I've mentioned before, the reason we travel 400 miles to Disneyland instead of 40 miles to Great America or Six Flags Vallejo is all about the employees, the ambience, and the experience.

So, for this year's Bats in the Fun day we wanted to go "on the cheap", so although we've become accustomed to the luxury and laziness that is the Grand Californian (its own entrance and security to get into California Adventure and thus Disneyland, bypassing the massive lines of hoi polloi going through "regular" security, insanely comfortable beds, good restaurants that aren't too stupidly expensive (except Napa Rose, which is, surprisingly, one of the poorer dining choices there), etc.), this year we chose a suite at the Doubletree a little over a mile away. Half the price, but you have to ride a city bus to get to the park, or walk for 25-30 minutes.

Well, as I mentioned, I was too sick to ride down with the family, but they arrived at the hotel, only to be greeted by fresh-baked cookies. Impus Minor immediately declared, "This is the best hotel ever!! We should stay here every year!"
Then came finding out that a "suite" meant he got his own bedroom, complete with television to which he could hook his Nintendo Switch.

The next morning, the hotel staff had a running timer to tell him exactly when the bus went to and from Disneyland.

His conclusion? "This place is MUCH better than the Grand Californian! I don't even mind the bus ride!"

I swear, just be nice to people and give them a bit of unasked-for assistance, and you're golden...

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Whelp, officially unemployed. Tonight I'll officially graduate.


Now, get a job you lazy bum!

Or you can camp in our yard and sell trinkets or car parts at the Jefferson swap meet.

It's what my wife's family does. Selling car parts and trinkets I mean. They aren't allowed to camp in our yard. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Whelp, officially unemployed. Tonight I'll officially graduate.

Congratulations TOZ!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congrats, TOZ.

I preemptively raise a glass in celebration as I may not be online when the ceremony is complete.

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Congratulations, TOZ! :)

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Kileanna wrote:
My version: every pizza is not a personal pizza if you are willing to share xD

Now, that's a crazy talk!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Whelp, officially unemployed. Tonight I'll officially graduate.

Whoo! Go TOZ!

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In a grumpy mood today, but it's 100% down to allergies making me miserable, so I'm trying to ignore it. With varying degrees of success.
Also I'm mad at myself because I messed up my hand again just when it was getting better. I just couldn't resist the crafting for a little bit longer....apparently four days is the limit of how long I can go without knitting or crocheting even when it causes agonizing pain. That is kinda hilarisad. :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Whelp, officially unemployed. Tonight I'll officially graduate.


In about 15 minutes, I will raise a half of Barista Stout in salute to YOU :)

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Tonight is mandatory parent meeting for the DC trip the 8th grade class is going on soon. As always scheduled right at dinner time. Should be mind numbingly boring as per usual, but I still have to go. End result will undoubtedly be that I get a useful pamphlet with all the info needed that I can read in like two minutes but will still have to sit in the hot auditorium for an hour to go over each piece in excruciating detail. All school related informational meetings are predictable like this. Pretty sure the teachers who can keep a straight face when they get interrupted by those parents who never pay attention with a question that is literally answered by what they just said before they got interrupted should be nominated for sainthood. ;P

Grand Lodge

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Either our favorite beverage, or the beverage we're allowed to have, in the case of those that are working tonight, like me.

I shall raise a glass of chocolate milk to you all.

D-dangit, TOZ, can you get any cooler?!

Congratulations! I prep timely hoist my water bottle as its all I've got and I might not be online!

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