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Off-Topic Discussions

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The flow seems to have stopped, by the way, so that's nice.

EDIT: dang it! I don't need this today! *gets dressed*

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I'd say you deserve a cape for that, but I'm afraid it'll just get pooped on.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

How many poops and/or vomits from other people did TL have to clean up today?

Five. Five poops and/or vomits from other people.

They were little people, sure, but that does not minimize the size of mess they can make.

At least my wife was able to escape to work.


Dear God man, what happened?
** spoiler omitted **...

that sounds like blackmail material to me...

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My birthday is coming soon.

Torment: Tides Of Numenara release is between my actual birthday and the birthday party...


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I love my accountant, and I hate my accountant...

I'm one of those guys who (surprise surprise) absolutely HATES waiting for information. The whole hospital thing where the technician takes all the pictures, looks very concerned, says, "Good luck!", but then won't tell you what he saw because the hospital might get sued if he's wrong? Hate it! My accountant entering all the numbers into a spreadsheet to get a rough idea as to my taxes, then telling me he "doesn't do" ballpark estimates so I'll have to wait 'til he's done? Hate it!

So, I saw him on Tuesday and he's already finished with my taxes, and FedEx'ed them to me today.

But of course he's given me no inkling whatsoever of how much I owe, because "privacy".

Considering there's no way to tell from someone's tax bill/refund how much they really make, I'm really not that worried about "privacy".

So 24 hours of waiting for FedEx to arrive to tell me the bad news.


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First day of calm in a while. Three high school visits done and the appropriate in-district transfer applications turned in, so hopefully when the kidlet starts high school next year he'll be able to go to the school he wants. And the run of holidays is finished (I'm pointedly ignoring valentines because ugh, I am so over celebrations already, let alone stupid, sappy ones.) so things can finally I hope get back to some semblance of normal. At least we managed to make my husband's birthday yesterday not totally suck. Poor guy. Not only did he have to work, but he got extra crises to deal with, and then a school visit, so that we weren't eating dinner until 9. But we got him a Dalek shirt and the kidlet made him a card and I made him birthday brownies, and dinner was really good if three hours later than we would have liked, so it wasn't all bad. :)
And today the kidlet doesn't need me to take him to anything because his after school club was at the school this time. So we get a calm night in and I'm making pizza, and if the kidlet ever finishes his chores and homework, we might even have time to watch some doctor who. :)

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TL, sorry to hear about the sick kid. Cleaning up other people's bodily fluids sucks. Also, hope he feels better soon.

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I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation
You're living in the past it's a new generation
A girl can do what she wants to do and that's
What I'm gonna do
An' I don't give a damn ' bout my bad reputation

Oh no not me
An' I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation
Never said I wanted to improve my station
An' I'm only doin' good
When I'm havin' fun
An' I don't have to please no one
An' I don't give a damn
'Bout my bad reputation

Oh no, not me
Oh no, not me

I don't give a damn
'Bout my reputation
I've never been afraid of any deviation
An' I don't really care
If ya think I'm strange
I ain't gonna change
An' I'm never gonna care
'Bout my bad reputation

Oh no, not me
Oh no, not me

Pedal boys!
An' I don't give a damn
'Bout my reputation
The world's in trouble
There's no communication
An' everyone can say
What they want to say
It never gets better anyway
So why should I care
'Bout a bad reputation anyway
Oh no, not me
Oh no, not me

I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation
You're living in the past
It's a new generation
An' I only feel good
When I got no pain
An' that's how I'm gonna stay
An' I don't give a damn
'Bout my bad reputation

Oh no, not me
Oh no, not
Not me, not me

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So I get to drive to the east side for a furnace filter because there's only two hardware stores on the entire west side.

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That's the way to go.

One of these days, we'll figure it out.

One of these days...

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"Sorry kids! It looks like the theme park is closed. We'll just have to find a new one!"

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, here's an interesting question for technical and non-technical people alike, as I'm honestly curious.

We have a guy who's updating one of our courses, and he's supposedly got a decent technical background. He's testing the old labs, and he gets an error message: "You do not have permission to use the securityContext function here."

So he throws up his hands, gives up, and declares to us that the environment is broken.

So I got assigned to "fix" the environment, verified the error message, brought up the expression builder (a simple one-click tool), and it says, "The new call is getSecurityContext()."

Am I out of line for expecting a technical guy updating a technical course to be able to click ONE BUTTON to verify the function call instead of handing all the work off to me?

I swear, a 90-second debug that cost me 35 minutes because I had to do all the preliminary work to set up the bug in the first place...

no idea. I am not technical.
Yeah, that story is 90% gibberish to me so I've no idea how much a decently-technical guy can be expected to know.

That question is a general programming problem. Don't worry about it. Isn't everyone glad that there are programmers that frequent the boards?

Wow. Post number "1234." Good thing I choose better passwords. :)

EDIT: Dropped a word. This is what happens when you post in a hurry, trying to get in that last thought as you leave for work. Oops! :)

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Karaoke Ashe wrote:


I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation
You're living in the past it's a new generation
A girl can do what she wants to do and that's
What I'm gonna do
An' I don't give a damn ' bout my bad reputation...

Is it spring yet?

Thanks for the well-wishes and prayers, all!

Finally to the kids' doctor visit today...

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My kids are in a winter YouTube funk.

All they want to do is lay around watching f%@#ing YouTube all day.

Time to ween them for spring! It's going to hurt them more than it hurts me.

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My wildly circuitous plan to be in a band is picking up steam. One of the cool dads that drops their kids off at Tiny T-Rex's school is a drummer.

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Well, with everyone missing and clearly deep into their winter funk, looks like I'm taking over!

puts out sign saying "Welcome to HappyFunYesterdayTown, Home of the Flaming Bike Artillery and probably The Flaming Lips. And Bob, can't forget about Bob!"

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"What about Bob?" *obscure movie reference*

Bone Ship

... no reason.

John Napier 698 wrote:
"What about Bob?" *obscure movie reference*

That movie always confused me.

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That it could be so hilariously awesome.


All my problems come down to fungus*.

Youngest has butt fungus from exposure (not as obvious as it sounds), and the eldest has ear fungus from infection.

Hm. My GM game features evil fungus... evil fungus has shown up in my kids...


* This is entirely untrue. And it's more the boys' problems than mine, but anyway, they've also got fungus. And it sounds funnier this way.

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Thank goodness for winter!

No fungus on the tundra. :-)

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Anyway, back to films and such.

My three favorite genres as a kid were.

1. Comedy
2. Scary
3. Cartoons.

Mine were:
1) Cartoons

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Oh! You mean as a teen!

That changes everything!

In that case, it's:

1) Cartoons


You mean in my college days~!


In that case, it's:

1) Cartoons

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Young child, teen, either way.

I lived in a no censorship house and had teenage older brothers, so I probably saw things you didn't.

Saw The Wall when I was ten.

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Spring cleaning.

Wow! A lot to do...

Interesting. I had no idea a bookcase could lean at such an angle without collapsing.

A smarter person might leave that alone.

Alas, I'm not that smarter person...

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Tacticslion wrote:

Mine were:

1) Cartoons

American-style cartoons or Anime? Because there is a difference.

... meh.

Can't say I ever cared for it.

That said, it's very true that you saw things I didn't at that point.

I was never really interested in doing so... but that's just me. :)

No, but seriously, animated things of various kinds have consistently been my favorite, over-all, whether silly "kids" cartoon-style things, 'mature' animated pieces, or that all-encompassing "genre" of anime. I do enjoy other more "genre-like" genres, including comedy, romance, buddy-cop, machismo (or whatever the Schwarzeneger films and their ilk would be called), martial arts, superhero, slice-of-life, fantasy, sci-fi, space opera, drama, action, ensemble, family fil- ... daggummit-these-are-all-still-animated/anime...

Hmp: kept a record all some of my attempts to submit this post, this time...

Trying it without the links to see if that works...

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TMI moment:

Stage-managing our school's annual Big Performance Thing today means obsessively checking the intercom button on my headset about twenty-three times whenever I go to the bathroom to mak sure I'm not accidentally broadcasting from the stall.

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I got the bookcase all fixed up. No collapse or anything.

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Second random TMI moment:
I was just informed by a colleague that what I really need is a stillsuit tube for coffee.

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Don't forget to dose that coffee with spice, lisamarlene. :)

Or should I say . . .

. . . spice . . .

You know: all MacLachlan-ized, and such.

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They were right. The curtain hasn't opened yet and I'm already out.

Tacticslion wrote:


Bone Ship

Peri (Div?)

Animate Dream
Cuestodaemon [including lesser and greater]

... no reason.


Demon, Kelvezu
Elemental Water Wyrd
EDIT: Oh! Frost Salamander, of course!
Moon (beast/calf)
Rogue Eidolon
Spirit of Nature/Tempest

... also no reason.

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lisamarlene wrote:

TMI moment:

Stage-managing our school's annual Big Performance Thing today means obsessively checking the intercom button on my headset about twenty-three times whenever I go to the bathroom to mak sure I'm not accidentally broadcasting from the stall.

I would buy tickets every year if that happened.

School recitals made interesting!!!!

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Super nice out! Gotta love forty degrees!

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Ah, sent my, "Y'all need to BEHAVE yourselves" e-mails to all my players, and had an epically-fun session with the kids!


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captain yesterday wrote:

Thank goodness for winter!

No fungus on the tundra. :-)

I wouldn't rely on that...

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FEAR 2: Reborn finished. Apparently I was stuck three encounters from the finish since forever, with the first of them being much harder (shielded power armor) than the later two...

Ok, actually, the second fight also involves a powered armor but I was using laser against it which (according to the wiki) passes through its shield...

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Do I have any more fps to finish?

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Far Cry 2, but I reached the point where it is terribly boring and repetitive.

Killing soldiers at respawning road blockades gets old fast.

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Finally, I get a moment to myself.

looks at dog looking back, silently asking to go outside.

Well, so much for that.

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It is sort of snowing.

I have just watched 'Trainspotting 2'

I have also just had to cope with a train journey with three women skreeching like banshees across the corridor from me. Vodka tends to have that effect, and they were swigging it straight from the bottle, the degenerates.

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Drejk wrote:

FEAR 2: Reborn finished. Apparently I was stuck three encounters from the finish since forever, with the first of them being much harder (shielded power armor) than the later two...

Ok, actually, the second fight also involves a powered armor but I was using laser against it which (according to the wiki) passes through its shield...

The forever was shorter than I thought, tough. I noticed that I bought both FEARs a year and a few weeks ago. It must have been a bit before I finished first part, expansion, and second part, and started Reborn.

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Job hunting is the single most annoying thing on earth, particularly when you are specialized in a field you are no longer medically capable of continuing in.

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That's not a day I look forward to, being a small guy in a physically demanding field.

Best of luck! If you need someone to pose as a previous employer just make sure I get some notes to go off of.

Works best if I don't need to have any sort of computer knowledge whatsoever.

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