Deep 6 FaWtL

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Freehold DM wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Happy holidays, all!

Tequila Sunrise the first man I met from the message boards!

So glad you are here man.

Merry Christmas to you!

This year it's Wiccan Yule and Hannukah for me. :)

The kids got so. many. GIFTS.

Merry Christmas to you too!

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I wouldn't cut mistletoe with a golden sickle without wearing at least some clothes, if I were you. Druid Safety First!

Hope everyone has had a goodun. I'm playing 'Who's That Snoring?' at the moment.

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Hopefully soon the kids will crash.

I mean, you betcha! Or something... Not sure what happened there, evidently I go alias surfing when I wake from a nap.

Edit, again: now the wake up coffee is starting to work.

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I seem to be suffering from messageboard "burnout." So don't be concerned if you don't hear from me. I'll still be around. Hope everyone had a good day. :)

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We did, went down to wee little Suisse town for the General's family Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

Hopefully you also had a great day! :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:

We did, went down to wee little Suisse town for the General's family Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

Hopefully you also had a great day! :-)

It was okay, except for the headache I got a few hours ago.

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Reading Christmas day reviews of Hatchimals is about what I expected.

Those poor kids!

But, after having people tell me how I was ruining Christmas because we only had a finite supply, it's surprisingly gratifying.

Does that make me jaded? Should I spend my midlife crisis getting drunk and searching for the six fingered man, who may also be trapped in another dimension due to a squabble with his twin brother.

But that might be too ridiculous as I'm not sure exactly how Kevin Bacon fits in.

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I'm not sure how I got from Hatchimals to screwing up The Princess Bride characters and then crossing it over with Gravity Falls but it's too late to change it now.

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God bless you all, FaWtL - I love you guys!

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And to you and your family as well, TL :)

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:
Tequila Sunrise the first man I met from the message boards!

Wait a minute, I met you and Mark Moreland before the Pathfinder Beta release.

I wonder what ever happened to that fellow.


Full disclosure Freehold was my first 3.5 campaign DM, and Mark was a fellow player.

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That's an awesome group baron. Merry boxing day ya hosers!

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It's frustrating to create an alias and not be able to find where I intended to use it.

It's all good though, I'll find somewhere to use it.

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It's amazing what 40 degree temps and two inches of rain will do to the snow cover.

switches knitting pattern used from mittens and hat to short shorts and tank top.

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I hope Thegreenteagamer is doing alright, haven't seen him around for awhile.

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So, I decided to make a Monster Week until the end of the year...

Monster: Winter Worm

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captain yesterday wrote:
I hope Thegreenteagamer is doing alright, haven't seen him around for awhile.

He went through some personal stuff and so had to bow out of a couple of his games -'totally understandable! - so he might still be going through that, or it might just be a rehabituation from forum life leaving him effectively too busy.

Either way, I agree: I'm praying for him, too!

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I will keep him in my thoughts.

Grand Lodge

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I too hope Green Tea is okay.

Meanwhile, my cats are celebrating boxing day by leaping in all the emptied boxes around here. I haven't had the heart to recycle their fun yet.


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Wow... talk about "the right tool for the job".

Shiro's player loaned me his "hammer drill" to drill bolt holes for my foundation (3/4" holes at least 10" deep). I am afraid it was a "hammer drill" in name only, intended for lighter-weight applications, and not up to penetrating 10" of concrete. This is what it looks like, if a bit older (it still has the yellow casing).

So drilling consisted of hard pressure for a minute or so until the bit got hot, then vacuuming out the hole, then waiting for the bit to cool, then drilling a bit more, then... for a good 30-40 minutes per hole. I only got 2 1/2 (of the 8 required) holes done before the Christmas break.

I jokingly put a "hammer drill for putting bolt holes in foundations" on my Christmas list. My brother, being my brother (and whose job is to break airplanes), said, "I know just what you need."

Cue this monster showing up on my doorstep. (Not advertising De Walt over Bosch, just what my brother got me.) Had to run off to the hardware store for an SDS bit and...
...holy good frigging carp!!!!

10" of concrete? Yeah, I'll clear that for you in... 23 seconds!!!

The holes are done, and my afternoon is looking up.

I love tools.

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I've used one of those, of course the temptation is trying to find any excuse whatsoever to use it.

"C'mon Bill, just let me drill another hole in your foundation!"

"I talked to a contractor, and he said 63 is enough"

Dark Archive

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This man took at least 2 levels in Druid. And the underused Feat Brass Balls.

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Rogue One was an awesome movie!

The CGI was a bit distracting... but it was also really well done, cleverly used, and a delight to behold at the same time!

Re: ships; I see the complaints, but figure it could have been a property of the smaller's engines.

Holy carp, though. 'Dat ending. And the visuals.

Blind dude and robot are the best!

Pan has some good news!

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Had a quick visit from the family at my new house today. Made a big pot of soup, which was a hit. Nice to see them, but also nice that the visit was only a couple of hours.

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I have been SO busy.
But a quick break today showed me The MOST Adorable Christmas Video!

Dark Archive

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Tacticslion wrote:
Rogue One was an awesome movie!

I am so happy you thought so, please comment on our humble Rogue One thread.

Have you heard of the fan Father Roderick?

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In a way, I can't wait to work tonight, it'll be interesting to see how many Hatchimals have been returned.

It's going to be the Flutterby Fairy fiasco all over again. :-)

Dark Archive

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I have to catch a flight and may need to fill up some forms, Freehold, will you kindly remind me which kind we are again?

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I have to catch a flight and may need to fill up some forms, Freehold, will you kindly remind me which kind we are again?

That is an impressive Venn diagram!!

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Am I the only one that wants to call themselves a Dweeb.

Perhaps I should find out what it is first.

To Google!

types in search engine "nude Dweeb"

Edit: boring, studious! I'm neither of those, I don't even know what studious means. Still, one must further research the nude Dweeb phenomenon.

For Science!!

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I have to catch a flight and may need to fill up some forms, Freehold, will you kindly remind me which kind we are again?

That's better than the one I used. Geek and proud of it!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I have to catch a flight and may need to fill up some forms, Freehold, will you kindly remind me which kind we are again?


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Spring wight

We hadn't real winter with snow and long periods of freezing temperatures yet this year, so maybe not many will spawn this spring...

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Drejk --

Were the feats for the 11th and 13th HD on the spring wight left blank on purpose?

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Argh, I though I filled them in with something...

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Thank you for pointing that out.

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Someone is actually reading my blogposts?!

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Damn it, worst time to catch a flu. I really hope this subsides before New Year's Eve...

Silver Crusade

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Drejk wrote:


Someone is actually reading my blogposts?!


Drejk wrote:


Someone is actually reading my blogposts?!

Yeah. The name "spring wight" caught my attention. My campaign is currently in early spring, and the crew is level 3 . . . . I think I might cut loose with a "wandering boss" fight. :)

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Icy -- as many times as you've come down with something lately, I'm beginning to wonder if Finland is bad for your health . . . . spocked eyebrow

Get better, dude!! New Year's is swift approaching!!!

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Ah, gotta love doing business with local shops.

So I ordered, quite literally, about a ton of building materials (a dozen sheets of 1/2" plywood, two dozen sheets of 1/2" drywall, insulation, etc.).

This morning, one guy in a truck showed up. No dolly, no forklift, no help. Just him and me, unloading a truck for about 20 minutes.

My ankle Did Not Approve.

Ah, well, to work, to work, to work! First, moving the wiring from under the rafters to over them. Whee?

Dark Archive

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Oh my God no!!! Princess Leia!

Damn you 2016! Damn you!

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And Richard Adams too. :(

Silver Crusade

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I am deeply, profoundly saddened. :( :( :(

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I just read...


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Fires twenty bike salute at the Death Star through his tears. Fires another at Captain Yesterday as a grief reflex.

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