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Sissyl wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:

In Cartography, is it generally considered acceptable to create a dot density map in which one dot represents that 10% of a given population has X attribute in the census tract the dot is in, as opposed to a map where a dot is Y number of people with X attribute?

I mean, I'm going to do it anyway. I'm just wondering if it's technically supposed to be done.

NOOOOOOO!!! Don't do it! You'll change the hyperchronic equilibrium, resulting in a destabilization of the quantum shift! Who knows what the consequences could be?

No, that's only if you don't account for the universally local Hyperdimensional Resonance along all eleven dimensions. And also, be sure to account for the graviton particle density at that point in time, with time being relative to a specific frame of reference, of course.

Edit: Of course, I'm undressed. It's bedtime, after all. G'night, all.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Rogue One was good.

I agree.

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Three nights down, one to go!

And I get to miss my family Christmas, the General and kids are still going, but my super d+%&%ead brother and his wife and obnoxious kids are going to be there.

So, work six hours or get cut down for four...

Of course, this means I have to go to the General's family on Christmas day, where I can hear about how country they are, and hear about their flags, and NASCAR.

Still worth it, even if barely, at least that's what I tell myself.

Dark Archive

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Sissyl wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:

In Cartography, is it generally considered acceptable to create a dot density map in which one dot represents that 10% of a given population has X attribute in the census tract the dot is in, as opposed to a map where a dot is Y number of people with X attribute?

I mean, I'm going to do it anyway. I'm just wondering if it's technically supposed to be done.

NOOOOOOO!!! Don't do it! You'll change the hyperchronic equilibrium, resulting in a destabilization of the quantum shift! Who knows what the consequences could be?

Do it and join the Dark Side. Then we can rule the world together!

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Rogue One was good.
I agree.

I thought the Battle of Scarif, both on the ground and in space, was very well done.

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Hey Cap'n,

Do what you gotta do.

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I do believe my spatial analysis within ArcMap has definitively shown that Manhattan is filled with rich white people.

Fascinating. Whosoever would have thought?

Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I don't know what I want. I've 6 different large format bottles of English beer (2 Wychwood Hobgoblins, 4 Samuel Smith [Chocolate Stout, India Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Winter Welcome Ale]). Seeing as I leave for England 31 December, it may well be prudent to consume this supply aforehand. On the other hand, I've four open bottles of whiskey and a bottle of apple old fashioned mix I've yet to try (it's not even artificially flavored, they just use apple juice as the main source of sugar). It should probably be one or the other tonight, but I want both. I have to do my last paper, and I tend to be reasonably productive on whiskey and less so on beer, so that leans things towards the whiskey, but I also really want a beer right now. But I also want a whiskey right now. And it's a short and easy paper...

I was going to vote for the Sam Smith oatmeal stout, but it looks like I'm 6 hours and 57 minutes too late.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:

In Cartography, is it generally considered acceptable to create a dot density map in which one dot represents that 10% of a given population has X attribute in the census tract the dot is in, as opposed to a map where a dot is Y number of people with X attribute?

I mean, I'm going to do it anyway. I'm just wondering if it's technically supposed to be done.

I suppose it could be done. It may be misleading since people are conditioned to view two same size dots as the same number rather than the same percentage but I could see the usefulness if you are trying to show distributions that include both highly and lightly populated areas.

Limeylongears wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I don't know what I want. I've 6 different large format bottles of English beer (2 Wychwood Hobgoblins, 4 Samuel Smith [Chocolate Stout, India Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Winter Welcome Ale]). Seeing as I leave for England 31 December, it may well be prudent to consume this supply aforehand. On the other hand, I've four open bottles of whiskey and a bottle of apple old fashioned mix I've yet to try (it's not even artificially flavored, they just use apple juice as the main source of sugar). It should probably be one or the other tonight, but I want both. I have to do my last paper, and I tend to be reasonably productive on whiskey and less so on beer, so that leans things towards the whiskey, but I also really want a beer right now. But I also want a whiskey right now. And it's a short and easy paper...
I was going to vote for the Sam Smith oatmeal stout, but it looks like I'm 6 hours and 57 minutes too late.

On the 'morrow, then!

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John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Rogue One was good.
I agree.
I thought the Battle of Scarif, both on the ground and in space, was very well done.

I had one issue with the space battle over Scarif... but it's just a minor point of cinematics winning over physics. It was still amazingly good.

The collision between the active and inactive Star Destroyers made no sense. You have two equally massive objects. One is being shoved toward the other by a much smaller ship.
a) The active ship makes no attempt to move out of the way even though it's thrust would be significantly better than that of the little ship.
b) The active ship takes catastrophically more damage than the inactive one... They are literally the same class of ship the damage should have been equal.
c) They collide with the force expended by the smaller ship... Are Star Destroyers made of tin foil?! That is WAY too much damage.

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Based on my desire to rewatch it I am placing Rogue One at the second best Star Wars ever made, right behind a New Hope.

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Concerning point a, one, the two cruisers were in close proximity, since they had to defend the shield aperture. Two, the disabled cruiser would still have forward momentum. And three, The two cruiser commanders were likely not paying attention, typical Imperial overconfidence.

Concerning point b, It may be possible since Star Destroyers are wedge-shaped. Being broadsided would be similar to being cut by a knife.

Concerning point c, I concede the point. Warship hulls are much tougher than what was shown. The active ship would simply have been pushed aside.

But still, since we've thrown Newton's laws out the airlock, what's a few more instances of "rubber" physics? :)

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Darn it! Now it's spoiled for me! It's The Titanic all over again!

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How to not get s~$$ done in the winter in one easy step.

1) Have a beagle in the family. As soon you sit down anywhere, he's there, curling up and laying his head on your lap.

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Rattles around a bit...
...look at all the SPACE!!!
Strips down to his skivvies, cranks the heat to a toasty 72, nonchalantly kicks over some nearby bean curd...
I guess I wasn't the only one who took today off!

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I'm waiting for my pants to get out of the dryer.

throws a bushel of kidney beans on the floor.

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I miss lemon grass in every grocery store. That's what I miss most about Seattle right now.

Edit: "lemon? Grass? We don't have grass..."

It seems the only option is the hippie co-op with the 20% markup for non members on top of their already 20% markup. :-(

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We're at a sweltering 32 degrees, after the Siberian Express of the previous week and a half it feels way warmer than it sounds.

Shorts it is!

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Sneaks into the thread and adds political commentary while Freehold is distracted...

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If there's a better way to spend Christmas shopping then standing in Victoria's Secret judging whether your wife's breasts will fit in various bras, I haven't heard it.

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With or without the said wife?

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Without. I have a impeccable memory and eye for such things. :-)

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Oh thank goodness! We got a surprise snow storm, so now I don't have to drive the family clear across town, through downtown to the party.

Driving across Madison in the snow, during rush hour, with everyone trying to get home to start Christmas vacation.

Not a torture I have any desire to be a part of.

Hmp. So that extreme bout of exhaustion and... other things... a couple days back seems to be due to medication. Welp. I'm off of that until I talk with my doctor.

Now if only my internet were so easy to fix.

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To account for the snow I left for work at the time I would if I didn't want to be late.

But I failed to account for my awesomeness, so I got to work 7 minutes early, now I'm waiting in my car so I can be 12 minutes late.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Sneaks into the thread and adds political commentary while Freehold is distracted...

fritzy, aim for the knees! Also, prepare my Lulu-wooing device!

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Who is Stupendous Train Set Maintenance Man?


Afterwards, I watched 'The Desolation of Smaug'

Not that keen.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:

Apologies for the long silence. Night shift work was a pain, mostly due to the unusual sleep schedule.

Job contract ended today, so now I can take some time off to get all my errands out of the way before the holidays.

Icy! Good seeing you! Go sign up for taig's thing!

Taig's thing? *Late reply is late*

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I had to hug, cuddle and put out a box of stuffed bunnies.

I'm not saying I'm a hero, that's for others to determine.

polishes Brute Squad of the year award.

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taig's thing! See if you can get in before he rolls tomorrow! :D

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The Friday before Christmas shall forever be known henceforth as The Great Play Kitchen Pillage.

No big ticket item is safe from the ravenous hordes, flush with pre Christmas payday cash.

But with all the hoverboards and video game consoles already pillaged, the kitchens and drones will be the last to fall.

So it is written.

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Well home from work at last!
I overheard my Russian assistant chatting with some of the boys at work... She was trying to convert them to Satanic worship! What do they teach girls in Russia?! SO WRONG.

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Aranna wrote:

Well home from work at last!

I overheard my Russian assistant chatting with some of the boys at work... She was trying to convert them to Satanic worship! What do they teach girls in Russia?! SO WRONG.

...Goth subculture?

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Freehold DM wrote:


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Just remembered something a minute ago concerning:
c) They collide with the force expended by the smaller ship... Are Star Destroyers made of tin foil?! That is WAY too much damage.

The Hammerhead Frigate appeared to have "Firewalled" its engines.

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Well home from work at last!

I overheard my Russian assistant chatting with some of the boys at work... She was trying to convert them to Satanic worship! What do they teach girls in Russia?! SO WRONG.

...Goth subculture?

Maybe... hard to tell when I only see her in uniform. I pegged her for a good dominatrix because she LOVES doing mean things to people (like tricking Jews into eating pork) and others pain is like candy to her. She once twisted my hand (the one I hurt recently) and I caught the little smile she had as I screamed out in pain. She played it off as an accident and was sweet to me for days afterwards... but that smile... ~shivers~

Still I hope she was joking about Satanic stuff, that is dangerous.

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John Napier 698 wrote:


Just remembered something a minute ago concerning:
c) They collide with the force expended by the smaller ship... Are Star Destroyers made of tin foil?! That is WAY too much damage.

The Hammerhead Frigate appeared to have "Firewalled" its engines.

What makes you think so? The admiral only asked for a Hammerhead, and the only other thing you see about the ship is the scene where they begin shoving the bigger ship.

Dark Archive

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Huzzah! Breaking news Rogue One sequel announced !

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for like 3 seconds I was like but but but... then I was like oh you don't mean...

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE and (just in case I miss you) MERRY CHRISTMAS~!

God bless you all, and I hope your holidays are awesome!

Dark Archive

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Merry Christmas all you lovable Scallywags, Y Wing lovers, Grognards, liked by Tacticslion and Aliases of Yesterday!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm a lovable scallywag, a Y-Wing lover, a grognard, and have aliases by Yesterday!

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By the way, Aliases Of Yesterday, the scent, coming to a Macy's near you! Assuming they don't go under.

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Aranna wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:


Just remembered something a minute ago concerning:
c) They collide with the force expended by the smaller ship... Are Star Destroyers made of tin foil?! That is WAY too much damage.

The Hammerhead Frigate appeared to have "Firewalled" its engines.

What makes you think so? The admiral only asked for a Hammerhead, and the only other thing you see about the ship is the scene where they begin shoving the bigger ship.

I remember seeing massive exhaust plumes when the frigate was pushing against the Star Destroyer. I think it was right before the inactive ship crashed into the active one. Will see the movie again later to refresh my memory, unless someone else can corroborate this. But then, I'd see it again anyway, just because. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Well home from work at last!

I overheard my Russian assistant chatting with some of the boys at work... She was trying to convert them to Satanic worship! What do they teach girls in Russia?! SO WRONG.

...Goth subculture?

Maybe... hard to tell when I only see her in uniform. I pegged her for a good dominatrix because she LOVES doing mean things to people (like tricking Jews into eating pork) and others pain is like candy to her. She once twisted my hand (the one I hurt recently) and I caught the little smile she had as I screamed out in pain. She played it off as an accident and was sweet to me for days afterwards... but that smile... ~shivers~

Still I hope she was joking about Satanic stuff, that is dangerous.

yikes. None of that is good(caveat: I do not care what religion one follows).

She will no longer be considered for my left hand position once I take over your company. Aranna, you will have to be my Hand.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Merry Christmas all you lovable Scallywags, Y Wing lovers, Grognards, liked by Tacticslion and Aliases of Yesterday!

This grognard thanks you and wishes a Merry Christmas to you too.

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Freehold DM wrote:
She will no longer be considered for my left hand position once I take over your company. Aranna, you will have to be my Hand.

She could be your Inquisitor, though. Just give her a red lightsaber. :)

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