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captain yesterday wrote:
I'm a lovable scallywag, a Y-Wing lover, a grognard, and have aliases by Yesterday!

you love y wings?



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(Why wasn't this my response to Aranna?!?)

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Huzzah! Breaking news Rogue One sequel announced !

Great joke. I'll have to remember it. :)

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"My Gingerbread house isn't a piece of crap!" - Tiny T-Rex, telling Grandpa the merits of his Gingerbread house over Pea Bear's.

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(Also, Freehold, if you could pester him - and/or get the ever-mysterious John to pester him - for me, that would be awesome.)


I love all you guys so much! God bless you!

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captain yesterday wrote:
By the way, Aliases Of Yesterday, the scent, coming to a Macy's near you! Assuming they don't go under.

My wife and I agreed this sounded way too realistic...

EDIT: And though my internet is slow enough that I didn't share it the first post, I immediately told her what the official song was.

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Okay, so, now that they've put up a GoFundMe campaign, I can share about my niece: if you're the praying kind, please pray for my niece who begins chemotherapy this coming Tuesday - she had her port put in yesterday.

I just deleted a bunch of personal stuff - suffice it to say that she is one of the kindest people I know, and it's hard to accept that, after a lifetime of going through stuff due to having a premature birth, this is... rough.

She is wonderful, tough, and filled with determination. And I'm proud of her.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Wraithguard wrote:

I believe I found it here.

... and sent.

I cannot thank you enough. I have always wanted to read this work, it may give me stuff for my campaign setting. Cheers!

Yay! I hope you like it.

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That is some terrible stuff for anyone to go through, especially someone so young! We'll pray for her!

Best of luck!

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Tacticslion wrote:

Okay, so, now that they've put up a GoFundMe campaign, I can share about my niece: if you're the praying kind, please pray for my niece who begins chemotherapy this coming Tuesday - she had her port put in yesterday.

I just deleted a bunch of personal stuff - suffice it to say that she is one of the kindest people I know, and it's hard to accept that, after a lifetime of going through stuff due to having a premature birth, this is... rough.

She is wonderful, tough, and filled with determination. And I'm proud of her.

I'll keep her in my thoughts.

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Pea Bear (to Tiny T-Rex): Don't eat the frosting!

Tiny T-Rex: That's okay, it's your gingerbread house.

It occurs to me the gingerbread house competition episode of Bob's Burgers might've had a bigger effect then anticipated.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Okay, so, now that they've put up a GoFundMe campaign, I can share about my niece: if you're the praying kind, please pray for my niece who begins chemotherapy this coming Tuesday - she had her port put in yesterday.

I just deleted a bunch of personal stuff - suffice it to say that she is one of the kindest people I know, and it's hard to accept that, after a lifetime of going through stuff due to having a premature birth, this is... rough.

She is wonderful, tough, and filled with determination. And I'm proud of her.

You forgot to link the GoFundMe campaign.

Just sayin'.

EDIT: Yeah, yeah, privacy and all that. I promise that if you PM it to me, I will not send her harassing e-mails...

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Aranna wrote:

Maybe... hard to tell when I only see her in uniform. I pegged her for a good dominatrix because she LOVES doing mean things to people (like tricking Jews into eating pork)

That's less like being a dominatrix and more like being extremely unpleasant, to my mind. Particularly poor behaviour. Very poor indeed.

On another note, sorry to hear about your niece, TL.

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So, headphones, they sure are expensive.

I blame Dr. Dre.

Shadow Lodge

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Apple gifted me with a beats headset when I bought my laptop.

They're heavy pieces of garbage.

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Cancer is rough at any age. My thoughts go with her.

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We got her something with pink skulls, because that's what twelve year olds want.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Pea Bear (to Tiny T-Rex): Don't eat the frosting!

Tiny T-Rex: That's okay, it's your gingerbread house.

It occurs to me the gingerbread house competition episode of Bob's Burgers might've had a bigger effect then anticipated.

My, some very cutthroat competition at such early ages.

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He's very good at teasing.

It wouldn't surprise anyone if he became a comedian. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:

So, headphones, they sure are expensive.

I blame Dr. Dre.

So... even around here, you can find some nice uber-crappy ones.

The kids abuse theirs so horrifically (I don't think a day goes by that Impus Major doesn't knock his off the desk onto the hardwood floor) that we go for the Fry's "$9.99 specials". They're cheaply-made, they don't last more than a few months, but they work, and heck if I'm paying $300 for a pair that the kids'll just break in a year anyway.

(When Impus Major hit 14 we got him an $80 pair. They didn't last any longer than the $9.99 pairs, so we determined that buying good headphones was just money down the drain.)

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Yeah, we're not putting out a second mortgage on Ned Flanders' house just to buy headphones. We got her something for 24 bucks and that was our limit.

Her uncles showered her with gift cards so if she breaks them she can get her own. :-)

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We did not get the kids Hatchimals.

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Cayden Cailean save our souls. Last shopping day before Christmas, and we're down to 6 employees in the store. I'm on 3 hours of sleep and I feel like s&*~ (I chugged a whole pot of coffee to counteract my sleep deprivation and it made me puke), the manager is untrained and doesn't have any idea what he's doing, my best friend is passed out in the stockroom because he drank half a a bottle of tequila last night and didn't have the sense to just call in sick, our registers are particularly sluggish today, and our price systems are losing radio link every few minutes.

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"You should have paid the 100 dollar, Frank Tanner"

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Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Well home from work at last!

I overheard my Russian assistant chatting with some of the boys at work... She was trying to convert them to Satanic worship! What do they teach girls in Russia?! SO WRONG.

...Goth subculture?

Maybe... hard to tell when I only see her in uniform. I pegged her for a good dominatrix because she LOVES doing mean things to people (like tricking Jews into eating pork) and others pain is like candy to her. She once twisted my hand (the one I hurt recently) and I caught the little smile she had as I screamed out in pain. She played it off as an accident and was sweet to me for days afterwards... but that smile... ~shivers~

Still I hope she was joking about Satanic stuff, that is dangerous.

I'd worry about her, not the satanism. There are basically three flavors of satanism: teenagers who call themselves satanists to be edgy and rebel against their parents, people making a statement about Christian privilege and what freedom of religion means, and the occasional sadist or psycho who uses "the Devil made me do it" as an excuse.

This is getting into the verboten though, so I'll just repeat that I'd keep a sharp eye on such a woman, rather than her metaphysics. It sounds like she may fall into the last category.

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I wouldn't say I wrapped the presents, as it more physically attacked them into their wrapping.

The important thing is they're "wrapped"

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I know that it's a couple hours early, but I'm tired.
So I'd like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas. :)

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>Autumn Swirl<, an otherworldly swarm of fey leaf-spirits dancing on the winds...

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
This is getting into the verboten though, so I'll just repeat that I'd keep a sharp eye on such a woman, rather than her metaphysics. It sounds like she may fall into the last category.

A Russian Prison Guard, a sadist? No! What is the world coming to?

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Damn it all, it's almost Christmas!

Just firing a warning shot boss!

fires out lukewarm training bike.

Grand Lodge

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Happy Hanukkah!

Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it as well!

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X-Mas Joy Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

I wouldn't say I wrapped the presents, as it more physically attacked them into their wrapping.

The important thing is they're "wrapped"

My company's IT department sent me some repurposed hardware that arrived yesterday. In keeping with my company's fine quality control, I crumpled up a huge amount of wrapping paper and tape around it, wrote a drunken-looking, "To NobodysHome, from <the CEO>", and dropped it nonchalantly under the tree.

The kids should get a hoot finding it.

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When the General worked for American Girl (a division of Mattel) one year in her goodie bag everyone got a collectible hot wheels car with the CEO's face on it.

I'm tempted to take it work to flash at the hot wheels collectors, like a sad version of a super bowl ring. :-)

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Merry Christmas!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Christmas it be.

I celebrated with Pathfinder.

Dark Archive

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This custom built lightsaber has a 'Kyber crystal' in it!

And Happy Christmas!


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And so ends an era:

Major Christmas Spoiler:

While I knew that, at 12 and 15, the kids likely didn't believe in Santa any more, I figured I didn't want to ruin things for Impus Minor. So a couple of days ago I asked Impus Major when he stopped believing, and he said it was around 4 years ago. I was pretty pleased with him for being so subtle about it, not ruining anything for his younger brother.

So last night for the first time ever, we let him sleep in the living room (his "room" is a garage that has yet to be insulated, so it's a wee bit chilly in there right now). I was performing magnificently; I had the stockings hung from the table, and was 2/3 of the way through the gift baskets on the tree.

Then, one of the stocking hangers gave, and with a loud CLUMP! one of the stockings clattered to the floor. Impus Major woke up, sat up, and looked around in the darkness. I froze. He has the Perception roll of a min-maxed paladin, so I figured I had a decent chance.

He stared over at the table for a moment, with me only 3 feet away from him, motionless.

Unfortunately, for the ONE time in his life I wanted him to fail his Perception roll, he finally made it (he was taking 20, after all), and I was caught red-handed.

I'm just thankful he'd already told me he knew.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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Damn, I had to hide for hours behind the couch with a baseball bat when I found out.

But, in fairness, I got the idea from the Humburgler.

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"I wasn't tattling, just saying!" - Tiny T-Rex, tattling on Pea Bear.

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Merry Christmas everyone!

Pea Bear woke up at five made us coffee (with half the grounds) so we could tell her to go back to bed.

Sometimes with her, I feel like I've Quantum Leaped into my dad and I'm reliving my own childhood from a different perspective.

But then I redo the coffee and have a cup of real coffee.

RPG Superstar 2012

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Happy Hanukkah!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Holdiays, in general!

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Happy Christmahannukwanzaakuhyuledaymas, all.

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A merry Yulemas and Seasonal Seasonings to everyone!

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The kids got me Wakko's Wish on DVD.

The General said as they were picking it out "is it a little immature" to which Pea Bear said "of course, this is dad we're talking about" "great point!"

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Freehold DM wrote:



Freak on, brother, freak on! :-P

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Happy holidays, all!

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Happy holidays, all!

Tequila Sunrise the first man I met from the message boards!

So glad you are here man.

Merry Christmas to you!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Huh, not sure who I met first. I think it's a tie between Gavgoyle and Beckett, since they were local in Texas before I knew them here.

Also, you have a message awaiting your convenience Freehold.

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assigns Potion Brewing Poppa Smurf, Stoned Elmer Fudd (with his gun tied in a knot), Moonguy Earth Avenger, and Minecraft Spider (now armed with a catapult) to guard duty of Action!Town!

To the country!

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