NobodysHome |
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Freehold DM wrote:Ditto. Happily immune to hangovers here. But for those of you suffering I will happily open all the shades to let the sun shine in and put on some upbeat music while waiting for sunrise. Just so I can cheer you up with a smile and a cup of coffee. :)John Napier 698 wrote:I wouldn't know anything about that.captain yesterday wrote:The last time I drank beer was August 20th 1996. I didn't start drinking until I got off work at 11, drank until 3 a.m. polished off 19 beers myself, and got up at 7 a.m. the next morning to go to Great America.I can't even drink as much as I used to when I was younger. More than two cans at a time and I run the risk of migraine-style hangovers. *sigh* Growing old does suck.
My friend's hangover "cure" was beer and Fruit Loops for breakfast.
Pour a bowl of Fruit Loops. Use beer instead of milk. Devour.
Perhaps watching him was why I didn't drink significantly until I was in my 30's.
Dealing with other people's kids was WHY I started drinking significantly in my 30's...
EDIT: Getting drunk. Going naked. Ah, I may be old, but I know the classics.

NobodysHome |
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As a side note, last night NobodysWife and I "celebrated" our 29th anniversary at Corso, Rivoli's sister restaurant.
If Corso is any indication, I would recommend never eating at a "sister restaurant" of one of your favorite places in the world.
NobodysWife wanted to do Corso because Rivoli would just be, "Eating there again", while Corso would be "unique" and "OUR place". Instead, we got:
Anyway, a deeply disappointing experience, so we won't be back.
But we did get to spend 2 hours in each other's company, so not all bad...

Freehold DM |
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As a side note, last night NobodysWife and I "celebrated" our 29th anniversary at Corso, Rivoli's sister restaurant.
If Corso is any indication, I would recommend never eating at a "sister restaurant" of one of your favorite places in the world.
NobodysWife wanted to do Corso because Rivoli would just be, "Eating there again", while Corso would be "unique" and "OUR place". Instead, we got:
Classic downtown Berkeley restaurant volume. I don't know what it is about Berkeleyites, but they feel that every conversation must be yelled at the top of one's lungs. As a result, even at our "intimate" table, we had to lean forward and yell at each other. It didn't help that a VERY loud group of stereotypical Berkeley old ladies (heavyset, extremely loud, and extremely strong in voicing their opinions on anything and everything) were put at a table right next to us, so close that if I extended my elbow while cutting my meat I'd poke one of them.
"Preferred seating" that wasn't. They kept telling us that because it was our anniversary, they'd gotten us a "really nice table by the window". Being a full row away is NOT "by the window". Don't make us wait extra time for a "special" table that isn't.
A waitress who seemed terrified of us. I've rarely been so under-served at a high-end place. We joked that we should have been in Japan, where you're supposed to yell at your server whenever you need them.
Finally and most disappointingly, extremely sub-par food. The salami plate was good, but while my salad was "good but not great", NobodysWife's salad was an absolute "meh". She left 2/3 of it on the plate. While I expect some fat on a lamb roulade, my meat was 70%+ fat. It was nearly inedible. NobodysWife's pasta was "fine", but I can make a better red wine sauce, and I have no training whatsoever in Italian cooking. Fortunately, dessert was excellent, but for our anniversary "present" they gave us both glasses of port. Not noticing that one of your guests hasn't touched alcohol all...
congratulations, you two.
I had wondered why you put in for last night as your night out of the tank filled with sparkling fluid. I thought you wanted to see Rogue one. I'm glad to know I was wrong.

Freehold DM |
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I... am unsure as to what to make of this.
I want one really bad.
Like... Really bad.
NobodysHome |
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I... am unsure as to what to make of this.
So... they've invented Krieger's wife?

NobodysHome |
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The Doomkitten wrote:I... am unsure as to what to make of this.I want one really bad.
Like... Really bad.
The saddest part is that we may actually start trolling the hordes for the $2500 the thing costs...
...because one of our friends NEEDS this!But seriously. $2500 for a gag gift? That's a little steep, even for us!

Aranna |
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I... am unsure as to what to make of this.
Is that real? My phone can't see the comments...
I could have a male anime character right?
Kajehase |
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Thinking of writing up a (heavily fictionalised) version of my home region, albeit based more on the medieval situation for a Dragon Age RPG pbp or over-skype campaign.

Kajehase |
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Kajehase wrote:Wouldn't be hard to fit in elves or dwarves - I live less than an hour's drive from a place called Alvhem (Elfhome), for one thing, and the dwarves can live in the four plateau mountains, but the Qunari might need a reskin.And where would you put the Vast Goths?
Near the trading port of Lödöse, so they'd have easy access to eyeliner and crushed velvet.

captain yesterday |
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The last thing I remembered was leaving my friend John's place, him asking if I was okay to walk home two blocks and saying sure, no problem.
Supposedly my girlfriend's best friend found me stumbling down the road 4 miles out of town four hours later and was kind enough to drive me home. :-)
Thankfully, it was summer. :-)

NobodysHome |
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Ah, nothing like sitting at your desk, getting ready for a meeting, listening to a car alarm go off again and again and again and again...
And seriously, I feel bad for the owners of the car. They're turning it off within 10 seconds every time. But it's going off every 1-2 minutes.
Obviously some kind of electrical problem with the car, and they're going to have to go to the shop TODAY, because the other option is annoying their neighbors 'til their battery runs out.
Neither option sounds fun to me...

Rawr! |
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Ah, nothing like sitting at your desk, getting ready for a meeting, listening to a car alarm go off again and again and again and again...
And seriously, I feel bad for the owners of the car. They're turning it off within 10 seconds every time. But it's going off every 1-2 minutes.
Obviously some kind of electrical problem with the car, and they're going to have to go to the shop TODAY, because the other option is annoying their neighbors 'til their battery runs out.
Neither option sounds fun to me...
That is no fun.
I had a car that developed a short somewhere in the electrical system that caused the horn to intermittently honk. I just wanted to get to the auto repair place before I pissed someone off.

Tacticslion |

I already have magic broadswords, longswords, and bows (and a few magic arrows). I... really don't care about hammers, as everything it could do is done better by literally all the other stuff I got just from the slums.
But I might check it out!
That said, after reading various guides I feel kind of sheepish about not "cheating" and altering their stats high. While I'm pretty survivable now (my dwarf is at AC -1 with banded mail and a shield +1!), I can't really hit worth anything.
I am slowly working my way up towards fireball. Eyes on the prize... eyes on the prize...
EDIT: I no longer remember the old AD&D rules, but I find it really lame that my magic users can't create scrolls or share their spells between them.
Pool of Radiance takes a certain frame of mind. They just did not put anything in they weren't sure how to code. The level caps are brutal, but high enough to let multiclassed characters get to max often. Thus, multiclass is win. However, all such characters are utterly useless in the next game for precisely that reason.
Random thoughts: Wait with going to the graveyard. You will need scrolls of restoration. The arena is neat, a few hundred xp for one character is very noticeable at certain levels. You will only get one chance to win the auction. To take on the kobold caves, you really want fireball. Wilderness encounters are not your friend.
In AD&D, spellcasters couldn't craft scrolls until they hit seventh level, if I remember correctly. To simplify gameplay, these games disallow crafting, regardless of level. It's been a while since I played "Pool", but I think that the random number generator was substandard.
And, I agree with everything Sissyl said.
Lame! XD
EDIT: (^about them disallowing crafting and the number generator!)I suspected it was far more about power balance than simplicity, but it could have been data storage and processing and similar as well.
Being a full six-member party of multiclassed, I'm going to be moving through the isle for quite some time to hit those caps.
... what "next game," though? Oh, right, I'd forgotten it was part of a series! That I own! Welp... this is gonna take a while...

Tequila Sunrise |
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Rogue one was the darkest star wars movie I have ever seen.
I loved it.
Y wings RULE.
...I am once again mildly interested in watching.
After checking out what Rogue One actually is though, I still want to know why the heck they're detouring into a side-story rather than giving us episode VIII.

Syrus Terrigan |
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Freehold DM wrote:Rogue one was the darkest star wars movie I have ever seen.
I loved it.
Y wings RULE.
...I am once again mildly interested in watching.
After checking out what Rogue One actually is though, I still want to know why the heck they're detouring into a side-story rather than giving us episode VIII.
Disney needs more time to make VIII a bigger disaster, so they're making $$$ instead.

Sissyl |
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TL: Curse of the Azure Bonds is the best part of the series. Secret of the Silver Blades is a HUGE corridor without a story, and Pools of Darkness is pretty disjointed. It is absolutely worth playing Curse. If you can, get the +5 longsword from Pool. However, to do that, you have to import the character carrying it AFTER starting the game (which loses you your equipment).

Tacticslion |

TL: Curse of the Azure Bonds is the best part of the series. Secret of the Silver Blades is a HUGE corridor without a story, and Pools of Darkness is pretty disjointed. It is absolutely worth playing Curse. If you can, get the +5 longsword from Pool. However, to do that, you have to import the character carrying it AFTER starting the game (which loses you your equipment).
Good to know! I kind of wish they had updated printed versions for third, or Pathfinder. I understand that these were based off of pencil and paper for AD&D.

Drejk |
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Issue with multi-class characters in 2nd and later games is that they are non-humans. Non-humans get a ridiculously low level caps for most of the classes, unlike humans who are not capped in their level progression.
However, the saves can be edited with simple hex editor. Once the racial level cap (not the level cap of the particular game itself) is reached, you can increase the xp above the cap allowing further development. I think it became an issue in Secret Of The Silver Blades... I don't remember doing that in Curse, though I don't remember playing Curse to the end so I might had just not reach the racial caps there.

NobodysHome |
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Wow... our dinner just keeps getting better and better.
NobodysWife was complaining that the meat in her dish had a really strong gamey flavor, and was really weird.
Turns out it was just spoiled.
She's got an uncomfortable case of food poisoning, and mine is "mild to the point that I wouldn't have thought about it except she's got it".
So yeah, bad atmosphere, bad service, subpar food, and food poisoning.
I think it's time for a Yelp review of Corso...

Wei Ji the Learner |
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Wow... our dinner just keeps getting better and better.
NobodysWife was complaining that the meat in her dish had a really strong gamey flavor, and was really weird.
Turns out it was just spoiled.
She's got an uncomfortable case of food poisoning, and mine is "mild to the point that I wouldn't have thought about it except she's got it".
So yeah, bad atmosphere, bad service, subpar food, and food poisoning.
I think it's time for a Yelp review of Corso...
...and probably dropping a line to the *Health Department*, perhaps?
You can't be the only ones who have had a subpar experience there, and if no one else has contacted, then what's to prevent say, some horrific disease outbreak?