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lynora wrote:

We have made it seven days without the cats knocking over the Christmas tree! A whole week! And we even left them alone with it totally unsupervised for a whole afternoon. So far they seem to be totally content with ripping off the ribbons....Weird.

~shakes my finger at the cats~ Bad cats! Bad! Don't you know that you are giving the rest of the cats of the world a bad name? Now go over and knock down that tree!


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Finally broke down and ordered a bread box. The Tupperware bin I'd been using kept all the moisture in so the bread kept getting moldy, and the smell bothered me so much that I didn't bake bread at all last week. Kidlet was sad getting GF bagel sandwiches all week, but that's the only kind of bread I can buy instead of make myself, so he had to put up with it. This was one of those times when I really missed being able to just buy bread. But gluten free bread at the store is mostly made from sadness and disappointment. They're the first two ingredients right before rice flour and corn starch. :P

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Naked cats knocking over trees? I am glad they have fur.

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Some people like to spring trips to the dentist while on the way (*snicker* c'mon Billy let's go get that puppy you always wanted! *snicker*exaggerated spousal wink*)

Not me, I like to spring it on them right before bed. "Goodnight! Sleep tight! Don't worry, I'm sure the dentist appointments tomorrow morning will go great! Okay then, goodnight!" "Wait... what!?!"

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Well, I'm well and pissed off. A warehouse illegally converted jnto housing and hosting a rave caught fire in Oakland the other night, and among 36 confirmed dead (there may be more) is a student at my school. I didn't know her well, but I did have a couple classes with her. I'm not super crushed (like, we didn't interact much and I had no particular opinion of her as a person), but it's still pretty upsetting, given that I can put a face, voice, and personality to the name. And why did so many people die? Fire code wasn't followed in the least. So that sizeable fire code violation at work I've notified management of more than once, to be told not to worry about it because we have no choice but to overpack the stockroom for the holidays? OSHA knows about it now. If that means we're in for a really bad time, I don't care. This fire code stuff matters.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Well, I'm well and pissed off. A warehouse illegally converted jnto housing and hosting a rave caught fire in Oakland the other night, and among 36 confirmed dead (there may be more) is a student at my school. I didn't know her well, but I did have a couple classes with her. I'm not super crushed (like, we didn't interact much and I had no particular opinion of her as a person), but it's still pretty upsetting, given that I can put a face, voice, and personality to the name. And why did so many people die? Fire code wasn't followed in the least. So that sizeable fire code violation at work I've notified management of more than once, to be told not to worry about it because we have no choice but to overpack the stockroom for the holidays? OSHA knows about it now. If that means we're in for a really bad time, I don't care. This fire code stuff matters.

absolutely right.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Well, I'm well and pissed off. A warehouse illegally converted jnto housing and hosting a rave caught fire in Oakland the other night, and among 36 confirmed dead (there may be more) is a student at my school. I didn't know her well, but I did have a couple classes with her. I'm not super crushed (like, we didn't interact much and I had no particular opinion of her as a person), but it's still pretty upsetting, given that I can put a face, voice, and personality to the name. And why did so many people die? Fire code wasn't followed in the least. So that sizeable fire code violation at work I've notified management of more than once, to be told not to worry about it because we have no choice but to overpack the stockroom for the holidays? OSHA knows about it now. If that means we're in for a really bad time, I don't care. This fire code stuff matters.

If your company is anything like mine they will temporarily fix or hide all the OSHA issues before the inspector arrives so that it just looks like a fake alert. After the inspector leaves it will go right back to the way it was.

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For the curious:

A good take on the situation where the fire happened

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Rawr! wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Oh! And reminding FaWtL to sign up for taig's Twelve Days of Third Partymas Year Two! Make it less likely (statistically) that I'll win anything and more likely (statistically) that you will*!

* By virtue of the fact that, at present, if you're not signed up, you're at 0%, and, therefore, any chance whatsoever increases from that. XD

NEW PAGE BUMP~! Doooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiit~!

(If you want to.)
Thanks for keeping the fires burning! :D

I'm glad to!

(Subtle part four bump!)

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Tammy isn't subtle.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Well, I'm well and pissed off. A warehouse illegally converted jnto housing and hosting a rave caught fire in Oakland the other night, and among 36 confirmed dead (there may be more) is a student at my school. I didn't know her well, but I did have a couple classes with her. I'm not super crushed (like, we didn't interact much and I had no particular opinion of her as a person), but it's still pretty upsetting, given that I can put a face, voice, and personality to the name. And why did so many people die? Fire code wasn't followed in the least. So that sizeable fire code violation at work I've notified management of more than once, to be told not to worry about it because we have no choice but to overpack the stockroom for the holidays? OSHA knows about it now. If that means we're in for a really bad time, I don't care. This fire code stuff matters.

Political rant:

Yeah, now we're stepping into political landmines, but one of the things that REALLY pisses me off around here is the whole, "Oh, housing is too expensive! We need to do SOMETHING to make sure that anyone who wants to live in the Bay Area can, because housing is a basic right!"

So Albany already has one of the highest population densities and lowest per-capita park space in the state. Our schools, built within the last decade, are already using temporary buildings due to massive overcrowding. And our city council is trying to figure out how to house a few thousand MORE people, increasing our population by 10-20%, because... why?

And that of course leads to exactly the situation we saw in Oakland: Buildings never intended for residential use get converted by greedy landlords, ignoring all fire and earthquake codes along the way, city enforcers are actively encouraged to look the other way because, "Low income housing", and eventually, massive tragedy strikes.

Building codes exist for a reason. Zoning laws exist for a reason. Saying, "Rents are too high so we need to ignore enforcement of building codes and zoning laws" is tantamount to, "We should murder the poor."

I mean, what's REALLY telling to me is all the headlines. "Other artist communities fear crackdowns."

"Oh, woe is me! They're going to insist I live in a safe location so I don't die in a similar tragedy! Curse them!"

Tammy the Lich wrote:
Tammy isn't subtle.

But I thought she was a Ranger...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

We have made it seven days without the cats knocking over the Christmas tree! A whole week! And we even left them alone with it totally unsupervised for a whole afternoon. So far they seem to be totally content with ripping off the ribbons....Weird.

They are lulling you into a false sense of security.

NobodysHome wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Well, I'm well and pissed off. A warehouse illegally converted jnto housing and hosting a rave caught fire in Oakland the other night, and among 36 confirmed dead (there may be more) is a student at my school. I didn't know her well, but I did have a couple classes with her. I'm not super crushed (like, we didn't interact much and I had no particular opinion of her as a person), but it's still pretty upsetting, given that I can put a face, voice, and personality to the name. And why did so many people die? Fire code wasn't followed in the least. So that sizeable fire code violation at work I've notified management of more than once, to be told not to worry about it because we have no choice but to overpack the stockroom for the holidays? OSHA knows about it now. If that means we're in for a really bad time, I don't care. This fire code stuff matters.
** spoiler omitted **...

On a less political and more parental note, I found it mildly amusing, because it's the exact same thing I see in young kids all the time, "Oh no! Someone got hurt! Now we're going to get in trouble! I didn't do it! Much!"

(Also, it's similar to the arguments why Menkerr must be evil, as he kicks out those poor people who live in his island experiment... because performing the law for the good of the community is evil, if a house is taken away, because you fail to uphold your obligations, after which you are set free to make your own way in the world, with a full (free) education, and are probably even given a job, since published NPC recruiters have been failed once-residents... Eheheh... that's from the game, but might be politics?)

That said, it's an understandable concern: most people aren't worried about tragedy that happens to someone else, because that sort of thing doesn't happen to them (*cough* >.>), but are worried about the more immediate threat of, "Where will I stay the night?"

It's a complicated question without easy answers, but I wish everyone the best.

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All you need is a million storage containers. And a few mangoes.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Tammy the Lich wrote:
Tammy isn't subtle.
But I thought she was a Ranger...

Rangers don't have to be subtle.

Sometimes you just have to find out how long those entrails stretch across the town, does it really matter if it's the middle of the day.

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Oh, I ramble on because I had to live that life for 3 years while I was a professor and NobodysWife was in school: A low-rent place with an electrical system that pre-dated circuit breakers, a whopping 15 amps per apartment, and a landlord whose solution to tenant complaints was to get adapters and put 30-amp fuses into the 15-amp slots. When the bathroom floor of one apartment rotted through, he threw down a piece of 1/4" plywood and called it "fixed".

And the local fire marshal just went along with it. We'd call in a complaint, he'd call the landlord and say, "I'll be there in 3 days."
So the landlord would come by, swap out the fuses, put up the fire alarms, and move the stuff that was blocking the door. The fire marshal would come by, say, "Oh, everything looks in order," and mosey off. When we said, "He just put all this stuff up just for your visit!", he responded, "Oh, he's an old friend of mine! I'm SURE he wouldn't do THAT!"
As soon as he was gone, out went the fire alarms and back came the 30-amp fuses.

When our clueless neighbors added an electric dryer, we were utterly sure the place was going to burn down, so we started looking for a new place. It took us 6 months, but we found an "old lady" place 10 miles north that was twice the size, in good repair, had a view of 4 bridges, and was all of 10% more rent. (You have to find places with elderly landlords who care more about the tenants than the rent.)

Amazingly, the place was built in the 1950's, and survived the dryer.

But it's left me bitter about landlords and inspectors who care more about their bottom dollar than the safety of their tenants.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Just dodged a bullet at work.

Always create a trail, folks. Always create a trail.

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creates house out of flaming bicycles, ensures wiring is up to code, subway tile in kitchen, new bathroom fixtures, makes sure local laundromat is open 24 hours, constructs "open house" sign out of non flammable material

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Oh wondrous and brilliant minds of FaWtL, what is some good anime for Pea Bear, it's come to my attention all her friends are "super into anime"

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captain yesterday wrote:
Oh wondrous and brilliant minds of FaWtL, what is some good anime for Pea Bear, it's come to my attention all her friends are "super into anime"

Not knowing her tastes makes it hard to give good recommendations, but I can try. If you have Netflix, maybe check out Nana for a drama, or Your Lie in April for a romantic drama (and probably some tears). Crunchyroll offers Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon for a comedy set in a fantasy setting with an interesting take on gods. For food stuff, check out Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma.

That's all I have for now.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Oh wondrous and brilliant minds of FaWtL, what is some good anime for Pea Bear, it's come to my attention all her friends are "super into anime"

Moribito and Rideback are good ones.

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I have a large collection. What genre is there an interest in? Also, what is the age category?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Oh wondrous and brilliant minds of FaWtL, what is some good anime for Pea Bear, it's come to my attention all her friends are "super into anime"

Elf Princess Rane is two episodes of utterly inappropriate, side-splitting humor.

If she's anything like the Impii, she'll LOVE it!

And it's short, and full of inappropriateness that a 12-year-old would love, and everything Pea Bear needs to impress her friends.

Escaflowne is a far more "mature" 28-episode saga that's pretty darned brilliant. Not mature as in, "Lots of gore and nudity", but mature as in, "A fairly complex plotline".
Another of my favorite "one season and it's over" series.

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Just finished listening to the ending music for escaflowne. Love that song.

I would suggest anything from your under arrest to Princess nine to hell girl to boys be to Diamond dustdrops.

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Well, since it's been an hour since my last post here, and I've not received any information to narrow down my 250+ title collection, I'll simply put forth a small sample of my personal favorites.

Maoyu ( Maoyu mao yusha ),
Lord Vanadis and Marksman,
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood,
Ghost Hunt,
Glass Fleet,
Higurashi - when they cry,
Tokyo Ghoul ( including Root A ),
and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Hope this list helps.

P.S. also Sword Art Online *D'oh*

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John Napier 698 wrote:

Well, since it's been an hour since my last post here, and I've not received any information to narrow down my 250+ title collection, I'll simply put forth a small sample of my personal favorites.

Maoyu ( Maoyu mao yusha ),
Lord Vanadis and Marksman,
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood,
Ghost Hunt,
Glass Fleet,
Higurashi - when they cry,
Tokyo Ghoul ( including Root A ),
and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Hope this list helps.

P.S. also Sword Art Online *D'oh*

The first season of Sword Art Online is amazing.

We could not stomach subsequent seasons for... reasons...

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I've got a wide and diverse taste in Anime. It helps when you volunteer for an Anime convention.

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Yeah, sorry! Just got the kids back to school from the dentist (successful all around) all those sound great, she's twelve, but she's a smart twelve and has been watching Archer and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for... awhile, and my brother was so kind to let her watch the entire Terminator saga by the time she was ten, so as far as language or violence goes, she can handle it.

It helps that she's been watching the making of documentaries since she was five and her uncles work in movie special effects.

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So evidently you can get posts removed just for saying you're never buying anything from WoTC ever again.

That just makes me want to ramp up the DnD bile even more. :-(

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Well, if she's twelve, then I'd recommend Azumanga Diaoh and Chi's Sweet Home (if you can find it).

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CY: Posts on this forum, or on the WoTC forum?

Because posting like that over there could arguably be them trying to 'protect their name'.

Personally think it'd be foolish if the reasoning was clearly lined out, and capable of being addressed --ie, not a troll

Separate item: Still waiting for the package with Blood of Beasts to show up.

It's been less than ten miles away from the house since... Friday.

Don't drive and the location is well removed from any public transportation...

NobodysHome wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Well, I'm well and pissed off. A warehouse illegally converted jnto housing and hosting a rave caught fire in Oakland the other night, and among 36 confirmed dead (there may be more) is a student at my school. I didn't know her well, but I did have a couple classes with her. I'm not super crushed (like, we didn't interact much and I had no particular opinion of her as a person), but it's still pretty upsetting, given that I can put a face, voice, and personality to the name. And why did so many people die? Fire code wasn't followed in the least. So that sizeable fire code violation at work I've notified management of more than once, to be told not to worry about it because we have no choice but to overpack the stockroom for the holidays? OSHA knows about it now. If that means we're in for a really bad time, I don't care. This fire code stuff matters.
** spoiler omitted **...

At the same time, affordable, low cost housing in urban areas doesn't really exist much like it did in the 50s, and it's largely because the options of the 50s weren't really safe or hygenic. We decided we weren't going to tolerate that, which is great, but we did pretty much nothing to address the fact that expecting much better construction was going to increase housing costs and eliminate most of those super cheap options the poorest relied upon. Low wage workers who would have easily found housing in the 50s and 60s can't really do so today. Now, there were and are things we could have and still can do to mitigate that and provide cheap housing that's actually safe, but we haven't done them. We've just left the poor to their own devices and said it's for their own good when they point out that they can't actually afford legal housing now, but desperate prople are going to do what they feel they need to do. Yea, we need to enforce the fire code and tear these places down as quickly as possible, but we need to remember why they're becoming so common and deal with the root of the problem, not just throw the poor out of their slums and then ignore them (so they either become homeless or find another unsafe slum) like we have a horrible habit of doing. Insisting that they live in a safe location and then doing nothing to address the fact that they don't actually have that option is just guaranteeing more slums and more fires.


I doubt we will ever see other seasons...

EDIT: MAN, was I ever ninja'd! But they didn't put music links!

As for anime, we really like Ouran Highschool Host Club (it features a "plain" girl who accidentally falls in with an exclusive "date-like service" club in which she pretends to be one of the guys of the club for "reasons"); and Princess Tutu* (a storybook tale about a duck that becomes a ballerina "princess"** quasi-super-hero).

As far as things that are interesting, this video is what got us into Princess Tutu (spoilers).

As for fun AMVs about OHHC... uh... thi-, no (good song, only okay video***), this-, no (better, but lacking that spark***), or maybe this o-***... eh, I dunno, choose your own?

Of course, then there's all three Full Metal Panics (though the middle one is just silly, and the last one has risque-parent-check-it-first parts which are alluded to in the video).

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya^ is a phenomenal show. Highly recommended.

Scrapped Princess is an excellent anime... to teach you not to set your expectations so high, because even though it starts great, it also ends up kind of going nowhere, even when the story is (or should be, or seems) otherwise epic. It's good, but it's vague and confusing at the same time, and does not explain itself well.

If you want to rid her of persistent pesky happiness, and ruin all magical girl stories forever, there's always Madoka Magica!
(Hint: don't choose that one.)

Or you could just enjoy great Christmas music!

Hope that helps!

* Technically, there is a moment of hypothetical male full frontal... but it's Ken-doll-like. The anime is... super clean in pretty much all other regards, and even in that one, weird as it is to say.

** "Princess" in terms of, "that's just what she's called," rather than, "she actually is the heiress of a kingdom of any sort." That said, it does kind of work within the storybook context of the anime; it's a trope, but it works.

*** Better than I could do, admittedly!

^ Warning: the last video s Japanese B-Boy music... but is a phenomenally edited video! (And, you know, I like the music, too, potential cultural insensitivity notwithstanding.) Extended version with "credits" stuff.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Well, I'm well and pissed off. A warehouse illegally converted jnto housing and hosting a rave caught fire in Oakland the other night, and among 36 confirmed dead (there may be more) is a student at my school. I didn't know her well, but I did have a couple classes with her. I'm not super crushed (like, we didn't interact much and I had no particular opinion of her as a person), but it's still pretty upsetting, given that I can put a face, voice, and personality to the name. And why did so many people die? Fire code wasn't followed in the least. So that sizeable fire code violation at work I've notified management of more than once, to be told not to worry about it because we have no choice but to overpack the stockroom for the holidays? OSHA knows about it now. If that means we're in for a really bad time, I don't care. This fire code stuff matters.
** spoiler omitted **...
** spoiler omitted **...

The more important and pertinent factor is that it transcends politics and falls into good ol' greed.

It slides *back* into politics when one considers alternative sociopolitical options to address the concerns.

Someone said up above in a spoiler essentially it was a passive-aggressive 'legal' way to 'deal' with a homeless problem. Spot on. But trying to address that concern costs the sort of money that see greed, above folks don't want to part with for Reasons. We see the 'residence lacking' every day at work and other customers continue to be amazed that they are, for the most part barring hygiene, better-behaved, respectful, and willing to pay a fair price than the other end of the spectrum.

Freehold DM wrote:


I doubt we will ever see other seasons...

Probably not. It seems to me that the major conflict within the series was resolved. While a continuation seems inferred, it wasn't specified.


Awesome, stuff, but let's go ahead and move this to a different thread! Thanks!

EDIT: To clarfigy what' I'm talking about because of a ninja!

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Rawr! wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
In other news, my FAWTL reading is behind by about 750 posts. Was there anything good in all of that?
I'm doing a Christmas giveaway again

You should partake! It could be an awesome wedding/Christmas gift!

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Tacticslion is right, but I'd stay away from the movie "The disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya." Kyon gets stabbed and nearly dies. That piece of violence may be ( highly ) unsuitable for a twelve year old.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I liked it. But I'm not a 12 year old.

Also, get your young ones started on Mobile Suit Gundam(the real thing, not the hipster crap that takes place in alternate universes) as soon as possible. The Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin is still up on YouTube.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

I liked it. But I'm not a 12 year old.

EDIT: I agree with this-! (I know you said she's mature, but still, we're recommending to you, so caution is in our best interests, along with transparency.)

Freehold DM wrote:
Also, get your young ones started on Mobile Suit Gundam(the real thing, not the hipster crap that takes place in alternate universes) as soon as possible. The Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin is still up on YouTube.


Ooooohhhhhh-eeeeeeiiiiiiiiigggghhhhttttthhhhhh Eeeeeeeemmmmmm-Eeeessssss Teeeaaaammmmm...

(08th MS Team.)

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I have owned that for years on both vhs and DVD. I loved every second of it. But the origin must be enjoyed for it truly updates the series with more modern sensibilities in mind and art appreciation.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

So many good recommendations, it's hard to add to it.

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
Fate Stay Night/Unlimited Blade Works (Maybe wait on Fate Zero)
Kaze no Stigma
Gurren Lagann

Shadow Lodge

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John Napier 698 wrote:
That piece of violence may be ( highly ) unsuitable for a twelve year old.

And Archer isn't? :P

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
That piece of violence may be ( highly ) unsuitable for a twelve year old.
And Archer isn't? :P

I should've also mentioned her second favorite super hero movie is Deadpool. :-D

Captain America Civil War is her favorite, or Ant-Man.

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Random lunchtime musing:
Is it my Old Manliness (TM), or are remixes the Tool of the Devil?

I listen to Pandora at work, and I unashamedly bask in "independent girl" bands: Lady Gaga, Madonna, Britney Spears(!!), Pink, Evanescence, Sia, etc.

Unfortunately, Pandora has this bizarre idea that if I "thumbs up" a song, I obviously want to hear 38 different remixes of it. I honestly couldn't believe how many different versions of "Like a Prayer" there were... ALL bad!

So I was mentioning this to NobodysWife, and she admitted that both she and Impus Major gave up on Pandora in favor of Spotify for exactly that reason -- too many remixes.

I sent Pandora an enhancement request (a "no remixes" button), and in the half hour after sending it I was subjected to THREE MORE remixes.

So is there anyone out in FaWtL-land that actually LIKES remixes?

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It depends for me, you really have to take them case by case.

Generally speaking, pop remixes are nothing more then blatant cash grabs to be avoided. :-)

edit: I'm personally a huge fan of The Pharcyde's remix of Doin' Time by Sublime

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captain yesterday wrote:

It depends for me, you really have to take them case by case.

Generally speaking, pop remixes are nothing more then blatant cash grabs to be avoided. :-)

edit: I'm personally a huge fan of The Pharcyde's remix of Doin' Time by Sublime

That's an interesting example, because he didn't change the original song, he just added his own vocals and a few scratches. So more of a "cover using the original song" than what I think of as a "remix" (modifying the original beat, chorus, or what-have-you). But it calls itself a remix, and it fits into the category, so I'll concede -- you've found ONE decent remix! :-P

EDIT: And there are a LOT of covers out there that I LOVE! So it's really, "Let's take a perfectly good song and add a bunch of techno beats to make it more danceable, then play it on the radio because...???"

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Nine Inch Nails is another great example of high quality remixes. :-)

I'm pretty sure I can find more...

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