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3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Does that make me commitably insane?

No, that isn't what makes you insane.

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Oh! Oh! i know!

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Pipe down, you!

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Yes, sir.

You're the one with the plan after all.

Or so I'm told.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I feel that the space in front of a persons house is their space. Parking in that space should be limited to necessity, and vacated as soon as able. Leaving your broken-down beater there for months is not acceptable. An overnight stay because you are sleeping off the party at your friends house is cool.

This one, generally.

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Tacticslion wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I feel that the space in front of a persons house is their space. Parking in that space should be limited to necessity, and vacated as soon as able. Leaving your broken-down beater there for months is not acceptable. An overnight stay because you are sleeping off the party at your friends house is cool.
This one, generally.

This is how I feel too.

Hm. Stuck in a parking lot. Waiting for rain to lessen... oh! Chance came while I was typing this!

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Went to Target during my lunch break. Gone almost exactly 1 hour.

Tan SUV took my space.


EDIT: And in case anyone's wondering, "Why don't you start the 'neighbor war' right now?", three very good reasons:
(1) Impus Major is illegally sleeping in our garage. So if we start a war, he loses his "room". Albany requires that every house maintain TWO off-street parking spaces (garage and driveway). So you're not legally allowed to do anything in the garage that would preclude a car from fitting into it. It's a legal grey area (we CAN move his bed and dresser out any time we need the space, so I think we're within the letter of the law), but I don't want to have to move all that furniture.
(2) Our cats go out on harnesses in the back yard. All too often, the moment neighbor hostilities break out, it's the pets that suffer. While our "original" neighbors would never do that, the disabled guy in the tan SUV is one surly S.O.B. and I wouldn't put it past him.
(3) As my wife says, cordial neighbor relations are worth a lot more than a 'parking war'. I work from home and I own a Celica I drive once or twice a month. I can pounce the moment the SUV leaves and perma-park the Celica in front of the house. So it'll be MY OWN abandoned car in front of the house.

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"I'm a Halloween Specialist, I judge what is good and what isn't" - Pea Bear marching around the Halloween department, waving her arms and making dramatically cutting remarks like she's the judge on any number of reality t.v. competitions.

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Park the Celica there. least until I'm digitized and uploaded into a Tachikoma. Then I can solve parking and traffic problems quickly, all for a six-pack of natural oil and a belt of 7.62mm ammunition.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Park the Celica there. least until I'm digitized and uploaded into a Tachikoma. Then I can solve parking and traffic problems quickly, all for a six-pack of natural oil and a belt of 7.62mm ammunition.


New, lulu-ized wife.

Huggable tachikoma slaad-kick.

Neighbor ready to be dispatched in a display of power.

No reason to not take over as NobodysHome 2.0 asap.

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...aaand, the space is reclaimed.

That'll teach 'em to play "who's got more time to monitor parking?" with the stay-at-home dad!

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Hmmm.... I may have to turn in my "Lawful Good" status.

I was sitting here at the computer, I heard the tan SUV pull up outside, idle next to the Celica for a couple of moments, then turn around and park across the street...
...and little birds sang in my heart.

Definitely NOT "Lawful Good".

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You don't have to turn in your LG status for stopping someone from using something you actually 1) are entitled to, and b) need to use. If the renters/BnBers want more parking spaces, they should work with their owner/landlord and you, not just take yours without asking and without any attempt at compensation. {grants NH a +2 Aid Another bonus on checks vs. guilt}

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NobodysHome wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I feel that the space in front of a persons house is their space. Parking in that space should be limited to necessity, and vacated as soon as able. Leaving your broken-down beater there for months is not acceptable. An overnight stay because you are sleeping off the party at your friends house is cool.

Well-said. That's pretty much exactly my opinion. I just wanted to get some opinions from around the internet before I spoke to my neighbor about the issue.

Yes. I am soliciting opinions from the internet before performing an action.

Does that make me commitably insane?

You and half the internet.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
You don't have to turn in your LG status for stopping someone from using something you actually 1) are entitled to, and b) need to use. If the renters/BnBers want more parking spaces, they should work with their owner/landlord and you, not just take yours without asking and without any attempt at compensation. {grants NH a +2 Aid Another bonus on checks vs. guilt}

It's not the action that imperils me; it's the joy I took in hearing the the fruits of my labors rewarded. :-P

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"The floaty parts should float, and the sinky parts should sink" - the only part I caught of the General describing what she was cooking in the pot on the stove.

Why, yes, Witch is her favorite pathfinder class.

I should also probably give her a chef nickname...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
You don't have to turn in your LG status for stopping someone from using something you actually 1) are entitled to, and b) need to use. If the renters/BnBers want more parking spaces, they should work with their owner/landlord and you, not just take yours without asking and without any attempt at compensation. {grants NH a +2 Aid Another bonus on checks vs. guilt}

It's not the action that imperils me; it's the joy I took in hearing the the fruits of my labors rewarded. :-P

I'm afraid that little bit of joy you felt is deeply wired into the lizard-brain meat of humanity. You are very likely stuck with it until you transcend this mortal existence to a higher consciousness.

Perhaps you might console yourself that you have taken a subtle non-judgemental approach that may actually teach someone a good lesson about being considerate toward others? Parking farther away will actually increase their exercise walking to and from their home, which will be good for the health.

Also, I have max ranks in Rationalization.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Family stuff

Evidently my brother and his wife have started a dating website and in order to drum up support or something are trying to get me to join.

I'm like "you know i'm married right? you were at my wedding"

At least they're sending me emails, i guess...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
You don't have to turn in your LG status for stopping someone from using something you actually 1) are entitled to, and b) need to use. If the renters/BnBers want more parking spaces, they should work with their owner/landlord and you, not just take yours without asking and without any attempt at compensation. {grants NH a +2 Aid Another bonus on checks vs. guilt}

It's not the action that imperils me; it's the joy I took in hearing the the fruits of my labors rewarded. :-P

I'm afraid that little bit of joy you felt is deeply wired into the lizard-brain meat of humanity. You are very likely stuck with it until you transcend this mortal existence to a higher consciousness.

Perhaps you might console yourself that you have taken a subtle non-judgemental approach that may actually teach someone a good lesson about being considerate toward others? Parking farther away will actually increase their exercise walking to and from their home, which will be good for the health.

Also, I have max ranks in Rationalization.

Yes it is only natural to feel good when someone who has been bad to you gets what they deserve. No need to even rationalize.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Family stuff

** spoiler omitted **

At least they're sending me emails, i guess...

Um... wow. If I was your wife I would be sending them some VERY harshly worded replies. Complete with words carefully chosen to get them angry.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Family stuff

** spoiler omitted **

At least they're sending me emails, i guess...

You know, my father was at least open enough to tell me and my wife to our faces that he didn't approve of her instead of being subtle like, er, sending me on dates.

And true story time: Once she decided she was sick of his bullpuckey and didn't have to be polite to him any more, THEN he decided he liked her.

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Aranna wrote:

Um... wow. If I was your wife I would be sending them some VERY harshly worded replies. Complete with words carefully chosen to get them angry.

NobodysHome wrote:

You know, my father was at least open enough to tell me and my wife to our faces that he didn't approve of her instead of being subtle like, er, sending me on dates.

And true story time: Once she decided she was sick of his bullpuckey and didn't have to be polite to him any more, THEN he decided he liked her.

Wow. I completely misread the situation, just that they thought it was perfectly reasonable to join a dating site and misrepresent yourself for the sake of your brother's business. What are you expected to do if women start messaging you as interested, just lead them on?! And also, it makes me slightly suspect that the brother & his wife might be closet swingers; there's a ton of dating sites already available, so who decides to build another unless they would want to use it?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Um... wow. If I was your wife I would be sending them some VERY harshly worded replies. Complete with words carefully chosen to get them angry.

NobodysHome wrote:

You know, my father was at least open enough to tell me and my wife to our faces that he didn't approve of her instead of being subtle like, er, sending me on dates.

And true story time: Once she decided she was sick of his bullpuckey and didn't have to be polite to him any more, THEN he decided he liked her.

Wow. I completely misread the situation, just that they thought it was perfectly reasonable to join a dating site and misrepresent yourself for the sake of your brother's business. What are you expected to do if women start messaging you as interested, just lead them on?! And also, it makes me slightly suspect that the brother & his wife might be closet swingers; there's a ton of dating sites already available, so who decides to build another unless they would want to use it?

Just because Aranna and I are reading something into it doesn't make us right. Just suspicious. :-P

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Hahah, yeah, I just kind of thought they figured what Ambrosia figured: you should misrepresent yourself as a single guy (and or your wife for as a single gal) for their site. I figured they meant it in a goofy non-serious way with full intent of, "Please don't hang out there long, m'kay?" kind of thing implied with the requests.

(And/or they were swingers, I suppose. That was a possibility, but I kind of dismissed it, shortly thereafter.)

I never even once considered it a hint for any other purpose - guess it was too subtle for me! XD

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
You don't have to turn in your LG status for stopping someone from using something you actually 1) are entitled to, and b) need to use. If the renters/BnBers want more parking spaces, they should work with their owner/landlord and you, not just take yours without asking and without any attempt at compensation. {grants NH a +2 Aid Another bonus on checks vs. guilt}
NobodysHome wrote:

It's not the action that imperils me; it's the joy I took in hearing the the fruits of my labors rewarded. :-P

Yeah, no, you're still firmly LG.

The fact that you feel conflicted about feeling so daggum good (at least conflicted enough to make a comment about it) notes that your conscience is still alive and well.

You did nothing wrong, and your sensation of, "Hah!" isn't actually wrong, in this case. Just don't get too comfortable in the seat of judgement, and you're golden. ;D

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Proud poppa moment:

Impus Major is doing a major frigging art project for his World History class. (Have I mentioned that EVERY major assignment in EVERY class is an art project? Apparently you can't graduate from high school any more if you're not an artist, but now I'm running far, far off on a tangent.)

Anyway, he needs a quote and someone he admires. I suggested Dexter Holland, since I.M. is a huge Offspring fan and it's not often you have a Ph.D. candidate turn into a punk singer. He argued that everyone else was choosing people like Malcolm X or Ghandi, and Dexter really hadn't accomplished much.

I said, "So what? Don't follow the crowd. The crowd are lemmings and will lead you off a cliff."

He promptly chose that as his quote for the project.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Family stuff

** spoiler omitted **

At least they're sending me emails, i guess...

are they asking you to swing or something? Because I think your wife should be a part of that groovy conversation.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Family stuff

** spoiler omitted **

At least they're sending me emails, i guess...

You know, my father was at least open enough to tell me and my wife to our faces that he didn't approve of her instead of being subtle like, er, sending me on dates.

And true story time: Once she decided she was sick of his bullpuckey and didn't have to be polite to him any more, THEN he decided he liked her.

if your (read: our) father doesn't like your (read: my) lulu-ized wife, he needs to either play more final fantasy, less phantasy star, or both.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
"The floaty parts should float, and the sinky parts should sink" - the General

Is she Multiclassing to Admiral?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
I said, "So what? Don't follow the crowd. The crowd are lemmings and will lead you off a cliff."

That's a popular misconception due to a Disney comic and film.

(Its origins lie in other places, but it's as popular and persistent as it is due to the film.)

((It has been reinforced by other media as well.)) :D

6 people marked this as a favorite.

But, but...


Also true...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I had a Lemming, once.

Turned out to be a hamster.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
I said, "So what? Don't follow the crowd. The crowd are lemmings and will lead you off a cliff."

That's a popular misconception due to a Disney comic and film.

(Its origins lie in other places, but it's as popular and persistent as it is due to the film.)

((It has been reinforced by other media as well.)) :D

Thanks. Both he and I know that one, which is what makes it all the funnier for us...

...he usually responds, "But only if you're being chased by a Disney helicopter!"

5 people marked this as a favorite.

As long as we're all piling it on Microsoft, why is it that some people can neither listen nor learn?

My standard tech support conversation now goes thusly:
Imperiled Co-Worker: Help, NobodysHome! I have to do all this work in this web-based client, and none of the pages are working!
NobodysHome: What browser are you using?
ICW: Internet Explorer.
NH: *sighs deeply*. NEVER use Internet Explorer. EVER. For any reason. Period. Unless you're specifically a tester testing browser compatibility (which you aren't), delete all your Internet Explorer shortcuts, remove it from your Start menu, and NEVER USE IT AGAIN.
ICW: Gee. You're right. I tried the same page in Google Chrome and it works just fine!
NH: *long-suffering sigh*
One week passes
Imperiled Co-Worker: Help, NobodysHome! I have to do all this work in this web-based client, and none of the pages are working!
NobodysHome: What browser are you using?
ICW: Internet Explorer.
NH: *Bangs head against desk repeatedly*

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FFVI Minor Spoilers:

From an aspiring game designer, you have to admire FFVI at least purely from a design perspective. The part I'm at now (mowing through Kefka's forces) gives an impression of an epic, awesome battle without resorting to overblown cutscenes or making it overeasy-although they didn't have the tech for the first, or the mindset for the second. You get easily introduced to each character's special ability rather organically, and it feels good to kick somebody's ass with Cyan or Sabin, or to absorb magic with Celes.

From a narrative perspective, the plot is amazing, and so is the craft, if not the moment-to-moment writing. Kefka's poisoning of Doma wouldn't have been so heartwrenching and abominable if it wasn't juxtaposed with General Leo's honor and that segment where Cyan and the one remaining guard desperately search for survivors.

Pretty much the only thing I can complain about so far is the writing for Terra. Although it makes sense that she doesn't really have a personality and her will is somewhat malleable due to her amnesia-it actually makes more sense for me than Geralt's-it's still rather jarring. I also didn't particularly like Celes' writing at first, since at first she didn't exactly give the impression of a badass general, but after she got her confidence back, even with a few lines, she became really cool. So, yeah, after reasoning out the stuff I could complain about, I can't complain about it anymore!

Badass game so far. Now the only problem is that I have to tear myself away from it long enough to plan for this week's session...

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If you have a problem with Celes, you may not be happy after "The Floating Continent" stuff - but don't worry, it'll get better.

(To be clear, from a personal perspective, it always worked for me. But to each their own. :D)

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Drejk wrote:

But, but...


I'm now hearing an 8-bit arrangement of 'Orpheus in the Underworld' in my head...

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FFVI is a very good game. It is not a perfect one. The biggest problem is too many characters (12!!!), but they did learn from that. At times the dialogue is all over the place, almost as if it is trolling itself. And finally, I would say it is too long. What is good in it, though, is amazing.

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Sissyl wrote:
FFVI is a very good game.


It is not a perfect one. The biggest problem is too many characters (12!!!)

Sissy, when will you learn to not drink and post?

Bad sissyl.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:
FFVI is a very good game. It is not a perfect one. The biggest problem is too many characters (12!!!), but they did learn from that. At times the dialogue is all over the place, almost as if it is trolling itself. And finally, I would say it is too long. What is good in it, though, is amazing.
Freehold DM wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
FFVI is a very good game.


It is not a perfect one. The biggest problem is too many characters (12!!!)

Sissy, when will you learn to not drink and post?

Bad sissyl.

Yeah, I actually disagree with her on the character number, as well. I actually felt that the characters were given room to breath due to the very length that she didn't like.

That said, I feel her on the length, and feel that it shouldn't have that many characters if it were shorter, which, in my current life, I don't think it could be that long and still have become as important to me as it did when I was younger. I just don't think it's possible, just because, as much time as I have, my time is structured differently, and I don't have that kind of freedom with it.

So it's an interesting conundrum/balance point to ponder.

I love FF6's length and it's number of characters. I feel the two matched each other quite well.

I don't know that I could do that kind of game today. I would likely need a bit of a shorter game, which would usually compel fewer characters (ala Chrono Trigger).

As an example, I think Chrono Cross had some potentially phenomenal characters... that it never took the time to develop. Which is frustrating, considering that it dragged over-long at its current length. Even though it left a ton of interesting plot hooks dangling and questions unanswered in frustrating ways. The game was fun, but it had several problems where it clashed with itself - its length didn't mesh with its number of characters or multiple endings or plot hooks and threads which didn't answer its own questions which left several of its characters undeveloped, and so on.
(It had phenomenal music, though!)

Point being, I think FF6, over-all, synced up well. I don't think it'd be the game for me at this point in my life (pretty much exclusively due to time commitments), but I'm super grateful I got it when I did - it was perfect for me when it arrived. I loved the characters, dialogue, story, music, and pretty much everything else. So... yeah. Awesome. :D

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Binge watching Parks and Rec on a rainy day.

Terrible idea!

Got myself into a melancholy funk.

Gonna walk the dog to try to break out of it, but he's a hound dog, so I'm doubtful. :-)

Should also watch some Archer or It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia before I pick up the kids. :-)

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C Yesterday's Autumn Melancholy wrote:

Binge watching Parks and Rec on a rainy day.

Terrible idea!

Got myself into a melancholy funk.

Gonna walk the dog to try to break out of it, but he's a hound dog, so I'm doubtful. :-)

Should also watch some Archer or It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia before I pick up the kids. :-)

These seem like exactly the opposite of what is the correct thing to invoke the emotional responses you cite.

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It's season four, which is all about personal growth, not letting life pass you by, making financial sacrifices for personal happiness, etc.

So, as i sit with rain pouring outside, a hound dog sleeping on the couch, and both kids off at school, it put me in a bit of a melancholy funk.

now, i think i'll make cookies (oatmeal butterscotch chip) and laugh at people being a%#&~+~s to each other. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

It's season four, which is all about personal growth, not letting life pass you by, making financial sacrifices for personal happiness, etc.

So, as i sit with rain pouring outside, a hound dog sleeping on the couch, and both kids off at school, it put me in a bit of a melancholy funk.

now, i think i'll make cookies (oatmeal butterscotch chip) and laugh at people being a~!@&&+s to each other. :-)

I like rain.

It is one step removed from snow.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
FFVI is a very good game.


It is not a perfect one. The biggest problem is too many characters (12!!!)

Sissy, when will you learn to not drink and post?

Bad sissyl.

Planescape: Torment was far, far better.

Come at me.

... meh.

I'm ambivalent about which one was "better" - comparing the two is akin to comparing Macbeth to The Illiad: by this point, they're both considered masterpieces for their times and cultures, they both have excellent points and flaws, and various arguments about which one is superior just kind of come off as attempts to out-nerd each other.

I never developed a connection to P:T that I did to FFIII FF6 because I didn't play it. But I've become aware of it, it's major cultural impact, and how it's influenced pretty much everything we take for granted today... exactly like FF6.

And because of those, you can't really pick between them. Well, you can, but it's usually just which one you happen to like better, personally. And there's nothing wrong with that.

(But, uh, Diablo II, no matter how important it was, did not age well. It's not terrible, it's just... it's just so samey. I don't remember it being so samey. It's fun, but... huh. It's kind of like Nox, only harder and with more randomization/less strictly coherent story/less humor.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
FFVI is a very good game.


It is not a perfect one. The biggest problem is too many characters (12!!!)

Sissy, when will you learn to not drink and post?

Bad sissyl.

Planescape: Torment was far, far better.

Come at me.

roars, charges sissyl

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Yay! The Thrushmoor Terror shipped!

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