Tequila Sunrise |
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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:There's a BIG difference between, "We choose to worship God in different ways", and "There is no God."
Aranna wrote:Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.I dunno. My mom is Roman Catholic and dad is Methodist. The lady I house-/pet-sit for is RC and her husband is Baptist. I know an Episcopalian married to a non-Orthodox Jew. They seem to make it work.
I think open communication and mutual respect goes a long way in smoothing over the differences. A sense of humor helps too. After 36 years of marriage, my Dad still jokes about and halfheartedly complains about Mom's meatless days in Lent and similar; but he's always obvious that there is no meanness or ill-intent in his words. From the couples I know, they seem to have come to an early understanding that it's all different paths to the same Goal, and often they find ways for both partners to participate and share in the meaningful religious observances of both faiths.
This is very true, though some couples seem to make even that work. I'm an atheist dating a Wiccan. We've been together for eight months, and are planning to move in together in another two. *knocks on wood* I have an irreligious uncle who married a Christian, and they've been together for 40+ years.
I suspect that for some people, it's very very important to share the same ir/religion with their partner, and for other people other things are more important. Values, politics, personality, etc..
There is probably an underlying theme to people who really really need to be with someone of the same faith and even denomination, and people who don't; but speculating on those themes would be straying even further into all kinds of verboten topics.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Please remember the FAWLTY rules mantra.
1. No Politics
2. No Religion
3. No Sports
4. Respect each other.
So, Donald Trump and the Pope got together with the Boston Red Sox to beat up that idiot, Captain Yesterday...
More seriously, apologies that this stepped over the line. I was just trying to reassure Aranna that I hadn't intended any negativity towards her personally in my instigating post.

Aranna |
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Sharoth wrote:Btw to whoever starts the next FAWLT thread: Can we have the verboten topics in the OP? It was a bit of a shock to stumble upon them as a FAWLTY newcomer.Please remember the FAWLTY rules mantra.
1. No Politics
2. No Religion
3. No Sports
4. Respect each other.
You might also mention the naked the top of the page part too. I was quite shocked the first time someone commented on my nakedness as I hadn't known that at the time.

Aranna |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sharoth wrote:Please remember the FAWLTY rules mantra.
1. No Politics
2. No Religion
3. No Sports
4. Respect each other.
So, Donald Trump and the Pope got together with the Boston Red Sox to beat up that idiot, Captain Yesterday...
More seriously, apologies that this stepped over the line. I was just trying to reassure Aranna that I hadn't intended any negativity towards her personally in my instigating post.
I understand that it was just a poorly worded post now. Although at the time I thought that somehow I had offended you during my post to receive such a reply.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

There are few things that irritate me more than front offices intentionally lying to you to reduce their own workloads.
A couple of months ago, Impus Major needed an ultrasound. I called. The message machine said, "Leave your name, number, and a short message. DO NOT call back. DO NOT leave a second message!"
Since the matter was fairly urgent, I called back anyway, got a human being, and she quickly scheduled an appointment for me for that afternoon.
Today, Impus Minor needs an ultrasound. Same message. I decided to actually take them at their word. Over 3 hours later and not a peep from them.
Which makes it rather obvious that their modus operandi is, "Ignore all messages. If it's important they'll call back and ignore our warnings not to."

Tequila Sunrise |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Syrus Terrigan wrote:Just as it sounds; the poster at the top of each page is posting in the nude.Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:Well you see, when you don't wear clothes, they sometimes refer to that as being "naked"Very astute. Insightful, even.
But unclear.
That's what those clothing comments are about? I just thought that some FAWLTies had a weird thing about broadcasting their dress status.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Aranna wrote:That's what those clothing comments are about? I just thought that some FAWLTies had a weird thing about broadcasting their dress status.Syrus Terrigan wrote:Just as it sounds; the poster at the top of each page is posting in the nude.Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:Well you see, when you don't wear clothes, they sometimes refer to that as being "naked"Very astute. Insightful, even.
But unclear.
I'm sitting alone in in my mushroom pants... right... now!!
Oooh... baby!

Tacticslion |

EDIT: I have to say, I was the teammate that got you that thing... if this was our college courses. This happened to me the other way so many times. DANG IT. >:|
(In other words others' grades profited from my work for our group. I wasn't always the best student - not even close -, but I seemed to be consistently the best in whatever small group I was put in for some reason.)
EDIT 2: this seemed to be especially common in subjects that I wasn't as good in, and had to work harder in (such as chemistry). Dang it, guys, I'm not gifted at this stuff! Don't leave it all to meeee-hhheeeeee-hhheeeee~! [/flashbacks]

Tacticslion |

... well it is now.
So... do you use cheese graters, or does your employees discount allow you to score sweet adult-dozed gear...?
EDIT 1&2: or are your shorts only shorts because their like the Hulk's pants, and all ripped up 'cause their too small for your massively muscled calves (as they were originally sized for kids)?

Sharoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sharoth wrote:Please remember the FAWLTY rules mantra.
1. No Politics
2. No Religion
3. No Sports
4. Respect each other.
So, Donald Trump and the Pope got together with the Boston Red Sox to beat up that idiot, Captain Yesterday...
More seriously, apologies that this stepped over the line. I was just trying to reassure Aranna that I hadn't intended any negativity towards her personally in my instigating post.
Oh, I was enjoying your discussion. I just wanted to make sure that it did not go over the edge, that is all.

Sharoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Celestial Healer wrote:Getting called out for breaking unwritten rules is a Fawtl right of passage.Violate by-laws. Check.
Called out for same. Check.
Rite of passage completed. Check.So -- What do I get for all that?
~hands you a 2016 American Penny~ Here you are! Enjoy your reward!

Syrus Terrigan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

. . . still waiting for my cash prize, dude.
I will continue to hold your booze hostage against that payment.

Syrus Terrigan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You all make me sick.
Cap'n, do I optimize my characters??
Not to rez a long-dead thread, especially since we can't, but -- that was the first post I ever faved here on the forums. :)

Sharoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

. . . still waiting for my cash prize, dude.
I will continue to hold your booze hostage against that payment.
~shrugs~ Enjoy it! I rarely drink. OTOH, I am the designated blackmailer, errr..., driver! ~makes sure that my camera has a new SIMM card ready for Syrus' antics~