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My kids can't even watch the original movies without adding Family Guy lines. :-)

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Bleached Otyugh wrote:

*swims around in DTSM's trash compactor*

*is hungries*

Soon. Soon, my friend. All the aliases you can eat.

For now, though, have some rancor.

tosses freshly cut rancor legs into trash compactor

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We all know who's the most powerful bad ass in Star Wars. The only thing that can take out Yoda is plot driven old age, but with Star Trek and X-Men providing alternate dimensions that's not the problem it used to be.

Darth Yoda wrote:
We all know who's the most powerful bad ass in Star Wars. The only thing that can take out Yoda is plot driven old age, but with Star Trek and X-Men providing alternate dimensions that's not the problem it used to be.

Do note that Master Yoda only fought Palpatine to a draw, Padawans.

I honestly don't care, Star Wars is okay but highly overrated, I much prefer Family Guy Star Wars as it greatly improved on it, mostly by cutting them in half. :-)

There's Star Wars threads around devoted to it, this isn't the place to start arguments of any kind, and I don't appreciate it.

captain yesterday --

I never meant for my bit of fun to piss you off, chief. We've executed some mutual snark attacks, made some solid personal observations, and otherwise done as we consistently have before. I understand that it is difficult to translate intent, implication, and connotation via posted text, but make no mistake -- there was no argument.

I'll leave it where it is.

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Personally, I like the Robot Chicken ones.

I do love that the Family Guy ones reference the Robot Chicken ones and that Seth Green, through Chris, expresses his annoyance. That was great crossover, especially since MacFarlane voices the emperor in the Robot Chicken ones.

"Stormtrooper...stormtrooper...stormtrooper...stormtrooper...stormtrooper.. ."

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It's alright, I've had a bad few days, today especially, and I get bored with endless Star Wars circles.

No harm done. :-)

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I'm going to watch that again now, just because I loved those so much.

Robot Chicken is awesome!

I also really miss Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

I have whatever season where the episode titles spell out a note for help from a worker at the DVD factory. :-)

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I miss Futurama.

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Is it selfish of me to be disappointed when my favorite barista isn't working? You know... The one that always gets me my drink for free.

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Tiny T-Rex: When I'm thirteen i'll call myself a Great Teenager Boy!

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Pounding headache. My wife has one, too. Blech.

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Found a combination of routes that shave off 3-5 minutes of my drive to work. :-\

Obviously, I can't take that way again.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

These collections people are pushy. I didn't even know they could break up the phone number differently to get around my block on it.

Thankfully, I was pretty sure a Cambodia number was not a legitimate caller.

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Everything has gone wrong today:
So, as many of you know, i am working Connecticon this weekend. The trip started off rough. Had to update the pickup time for the truck 3 times. They blew up the boss' phone over that. Then they told me off handedly that this truck is a commercial vehicle -no parkways, which you may not know is how new York is set up. So we take truck routes- and not a few gambles in areas where trucks aren't allowed, with at least one interaction with a traffic cop who gave us her blessing and her own best guess, cementing in my mind the fact that cops only enforce traffic laws when in trouble with their boss. We got lost horribly because of a discrepancy with the two map/nav programs we were using. We ended up in Yonkers because we cannot turn around at 65 mph really. So we got a tour of small town upstate new York, which has more furniture stores than eateries or grocery stores. We made our way through to 287 to 95. It was hard going on 95. Traffic came to a *complete* halt several times. When it wasn't halted, it was going at 5 miles per hour or slower, according to waze. We gave up, and took a break for lunch as we were getting hangry. It ended up being a good idea as when we got back in the road the traffic let up. Soon we were going full speed..but then the heavens opened up. Connecticut does not have good roads, and the rain made it worse. But people drove as if it were dry as ever. A few tough spots there, including almost losing control when going through a puddle that was actually due to flooding, not rain. That was terrifying, but I took my foot off the gas and didn't brake. It worked. We arrived at the convention center minutes to 8 after leaving brooklyn at 1 pm. We barely managed to drop everything off in the booth before they kicked everyone out. Then we attempted to return the uhaul. We were stuck for 10 minutes because a horrid bus driver who was also gassing up her vehicle at the same time we were boxed us in, almost driving headlong into us on manny's side of the car. That would have resulted in me beating her to death. Later on in the return trip, Waze betrayed us, and we ended up almost stuck on honest to goodness train tracks with my coworker crying and my nephew being hyper out of boredom. I called for quiet and a switch to Google maps, which got us through to the uhaul drop off lot, conveniently located across the street from an abandoned crack house and nothing else. We ubered it from there after a bit of confusion with the uhaul lights refusing to turn off. We arrive at the hotel to discover that it is not down the street from city steam, it IS RIGHT ABOVE CITY STEAM. Jubilant news after such an awful trip. We go to check in only to discover the boss' card is rejected. We knew it had problems before so we were too disheartened x and so we told the guy to use the card in a different manner, but it was truly rejected. We called the boss, who offered a new card over the phone, but they could not accept that due to their rules. He was livid. Coworker was crying. Nephew was trying to make light of the situation but it was not working. It turned out they were willing to accept a fax or emailed image of the driver's license and new card to use to bill room. Thanks to modern technology it was taken care of in a few minutes and the culprit was an overzealous bank company that shut down the card because it was used out of state. Exhausted beyond exhaustion, we went to our room, and called for an extra air mattress to accommodate us all to discover we did not get a room. We got a SUITE.
You can fit my apartment in here at least twice. One master bed that is in the *upstairs* portion of the room. Two foldout beds. One gigantic workstation. Three tvs, one for each guest. After a true baptism by fire, we are resting in truly luxurious enviorns.

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Make sure you pick up a Deluxe Edition of Connect 4, After Dark.

That is a THE Connect 4 convention of the northern eastern seaboard isn't it...

Sounds like a rough drive, be sure to pamper yourself. :-)

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I hope things go better for you Freehold. Google maps is way better than the silly GPS nav stuff that came before it. It's all I use now.


I guess the resounding silence on my earlier question says it all ... Yes I am being selfish and people are just too polite to point it out. ~sigh~ I guess I should get the nice guy a gift or do something nice for him as a proper thank you.

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Ohhh I love collections people.
I will eagerly answer and then ignore their demands and proceed to use their captive presence to rant on endlessly about the company they are collecting for. Usually by the second call they learn to avoid me.

It's win-win! I win by having someone to b!+$+ at over a bad situation who is being PAID to have to listen and The other soul they would have called wins because the poor agent is stuck on the phone with me.

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Two suns, that's pretty good. But a planet with THREE suns, now that's something!

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The kids discovered this summer that they're a natural on wheels.
Most recently they're picking up skateboarding.

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No one ever calls me, if they do I promptly hang up on them, unless it's work, then I tell them "No, I can't work" before I hang up.

If they really want to talk to me they can text me damn it.

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I have a lot of anxiety today, tomorrow is going to be excessively stressful.

My absolute least favorite day of the year, worse even then the first day of winter. :-(>

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I bought Broforce in the Steam Sale. Ash Williams was killed by a facehugger in Central America, to be replaced by Indiana Jones who fought his way through the xenomorphs and rescued Ellen Ripley, who knows exactly how to handle this mess.

10/10 best purchase of the sale.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I have a lot of anxiety today, tomorrow is going to be excessively stressful.

My absolute least favorite day of the year, worse even then the first day of winter. :-(>

What's up?

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Desk kitty is freaking out because I put a footstool under the desk. He has decided that he must now nap on the desk instead of under the desk because he doesn't want to share his space with strange new thing. :)

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Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I have a lot of anxiety today, tomorrow is going to be excessively stressful.

My absolute least favorite day of the year, worse even then the first day of winter. :-(>

What's up?

Renaissance Fair. >:-(>

Which wouldn't be so bad, except for all the bullshit that goes along with it.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I have a lot of anxiety today, tomorrow is going to be excessively stressful.

My absolute least favorite day of the year, worse even then the first day of winter. :-(>

What's up?

Renaissance Fair. >:-(>

Which wouldn't be so bad, except for all the b*+~&&$% that goes along with it.

Sorry, man. I won't claim to understand. I love Rennfaire. We go in full costume every year. I really look forward to it. But I know that some faires are better than others. So, sorry your experience is sucky and I hope that it at least sucks less than you're afraid it will.

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It's not the faire, it's all the crap with it.


- My parents insist on going to one three times as far then the other one, because it's more "authentic"
- Our car needs new belts, which aren't cheap.
- My most obnoxious brother and his cold distant wife are going, so i get to either hear him cut me down like an a@&*!*! all day, while he pays jesters to heckle me and my kids, or his wife stares daggers at us and his kids try to bully Tiny T-Rex.
- Everyone is meeting at their house, which means either I or the General (If i don't go) has to drive our car (which again needs new belts) an hour to his shithole crime riddled racist (the biggest concentration of the KKK in the midwest!) town.
- It will be midnight, at least before it's all over, because it's so far away.

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Cheer yourself up by buying yourself a rapier, then run around skewering the jesters, which is (probably) what people actually did in the 15th Century.

I'm not a historian.

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Oh yeah I forgot, we can't afford to really buy anything.

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captain yesterday wrote:

It's not the faire, it's all the crap with it.

** spoiler omitted **

I hate to say it, but the bullying is not right. I would tell your parents to F- off. You and your kids do not deserve that. I would also tell them "Go to the nearest one or forget it." You deserve better than that, CY. Good luck.

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I would also back your bother and his wife into the corner and tell them knock it off or I would "knock them off! These are my kids you are abusing!" I would then glare at your parents when they threw a fuss and tell them to grow up!

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Its not physically bullying him. He and Pea Bear are kind giving kids, they take advantage of that, and like their parents do little things to cut him down, while they have little to no oversight from their parents, with them saying "boys will be boys" or some such nonsense. As far as my brother and his wife goes, it isn't anything i haven't tried before. And my mom just pretends she doesn't notice anything (despite being a reporter still into her seventies).

It's best i just have work call me in for a few hours :-D But then there's the anxiety of the General driving an hour, carpooling, then having to drive home from an unfamiliar town in the dark.

I did get them to go to the other one one year, they spent the whole time complaining it wasn't like the other one (no jesters to pay) and then vowed never to return, it gets more obnoxious the more brothers there are, they all feed off each other's snark and sarcasm.

Also this the last chance for Pea Bear and Tiny T-Rex to see their other cousins from out of state until Christmas, so if i say no, i can say goodbye to sleeping without one eye open.

edit: added more, and a smurf for levity. :-)

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~sighs~ Good luck then! I hope it goes better than you are hoping it will.

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I hope so too. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
Oh yeah I forgot, we can't afford to really buy anything.

Activate ye the LIMEY BEACON (which closely resembleth a can of Guinness) and I shalt travel over ye Atlantick and do it for thee.

EDIT: Skewer jesters, that is.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings from the Florida Keys! Cudjoe Key to be exact. Enjoying the last full day of vacation before we pack up and make the long drive back to Texas.

Just thought I'd pop in say hi to all of my fawlty buddies and let you know I'm still alive.

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Ramsey is really channeling Shatner to milk suspense in the most recent episode of Masterchef. "I'm... sorry... to... say... your... Masterchef... journey... ends... here... maybe...

Independence Day film incoming! :D

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:
Ramsey is really channeling Shatner to milk suspense in the most recent episode of Masterchef. "I'm... sorry... to... say... your... Masterchef... journey... ends... here... maybe...

I could make a better lobster tortellini than those people.

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I'm surprised that this season's Rockabilly mom seems to be more cocky then competent.

I also miss Joe. :-)

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I may or may not time myself making pies.

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Making sure a chronically unprepared twelve year old is prepared for a day long trip is a painful experience... I just... yup... who knew putting away clothes could be so fraught with drama.

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:

I'm surprised that this season's Rockabilly mom seems to be more cocky then competent.

I also miss Joe. :-)

I don't normally watch, but I caught the most recent episode. It was reasonably entertaining.

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I watch it on Hulu when I fold laundry, which lasts an episode, more or less. :-)

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