Tacticslion |

Our Sunday D&D group has moved back to 4e, and I'm enjoying it.
I feel slightly guilty.
I'm glad you're enjoying it!
4E is a very "less-than-the-best" system for me, but it certainly has its benefits, and I'm glad that people enjoy it.
To me, the "best" version of 4E is MM3 on a business card - it epitomizes the "generic ruleset" of 4E, and cleanly describes how everything functions.
Having an internet resource also makes the game better, I'd say.
No reason to feel guilty if you feel differently than I, though: everyone has their own tastes and preferences! :D
No ingredients for nightmares here.
That is awesome~! Octowinning~!
EDIT: Naturally. *ka-dressed*

Tacticslion |

I ran 4th edition, once.
That's all it took. I steadfastly refuse to even consider making a cursory examination of 5th edition.
Nothing wrong with either one, just not my thing. :-)
I'm not here to judge.
(I'm not trying to change your mind, but 5E is a very different beast than 4E.)

Pulg |
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I liked 4e for the little bit of time that I payed it. Having said that, I despise Weasels of the Coast for what they did to Dragon and Dungeon. Plus they alienated a lot of people because of their attitude during 4e.
Note - I am sorry to insult any weasels out there. I like you and respect you.
Likewise, Sharoth, Likewise. :)

captain yesterday |
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Pea Bear (giving the inside dirt on middle school): nobody uses Facebook anymore, it's all Instagram.
Ha! F!++ you Zuckerburg!... oh, I should totally Instagram that... as soon as I find out what Instagram is. Other than something half the narrators of Drunk History claim to do when they're filming that is.

thegreenteagamer |
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I just don't like how they stopped printing or offering support for 3/3.5, but continued to sue the living crap out of websites for keeping the rules posted for non-OGL stuff.
So you don't actually want our money, but you also don't want anyone else to use the product you completely abandoned for free?
It would make sense if they kept supporting it, but as it is its just a dick move.

Redbeard the Scruffy |
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Instagram is just a photo sharing program, not even a full social media service. Its like saying nobody uses the hospital anymore, its all the eastern wing inside the hospital these days.
If you wanna stick it to Facebookers, use Google+. It's actually capable of more, but much less people (comparatively speaking) use it.
Or Twitter, where absolutely everything is public.

Tacticslion |

So awesome!
(Hilariously, Blue Falcon is all grim-dark, too.)
Quest Industries was purchased by Destroido?! Daggummit. Everything sucks.
(Truly, this is a Grimdark world.) Q.Q
Velma: "Volcano Island? Funny. You'd think we know about a smoking volcano just off the coast of our town."
Hah! Awesome!
Shaggy: "Nuh-uh, Fred. My dog. I'm drivin'."
Baddy: "You LIVE?!"
Velma: "Thanks to Shaggy's fancy flying! As soon as he saw your attack, he flipped it all upside down, dumping us all safely in the water!"
Shaggy: "Actually that was, like, totally an accident! I am not a great driver! :D"
First (sort of second) definitive "supernatural" thing, confirmed?
I... don't know how to feel about that.
Sheriff: "A Nordic Alien! Don't be confused by their good looks and pleasant demeanor! They're out to get us~!"
I have to wonder what, exactly, it is, though. Not aliens. Doesn't make sense.
Back to form. Well played...

captain yesterday |
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Aww s*&~!
Our garden (and by extension, our yard) is looking super phat this spring.
I'm going for a sunburst inside the triangle thing. With the bird bath the center. Stone tiers separate the rows as one goes up the hillside with tiger lilies at each corner. Sweet!
Tomorrow I'll get the seeds and tomato plants (tomato is way easier to get in plants, pay someone else to start them I say)

Drejk |
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Pea Bear (giving the inside dirt on middle school): nobody uses Facebook anymore, it's all Instagram.
Ha! F@++ you Zuckerburg!... oh, I should totally Instagram that... as soon as I find out what Instagram is. Other than something half the narrators of Drunk History claim to do when they're filming that is.
Well... Instagram was bought out by Facebook in 2012.

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Instagram is just a photo sharing program, not even a full social media service. Its like saying nobody uses the hospital anymore, its all the eastern wing inside the hospital these days.
If you wanna stick it to Facebookers, use Google+. It's actually capable of more, but much less people (comparatively speaking) use it.
I "use" that. And by "use" I mean I post links to blog once a week and get stressed by the Google making the interface worse with each change they made. Like having to switch to older version just to be able to turn off "suggested/popular" posts I have absolutely no interest in and no reason to see them...
Or Twitter, where absolutely everything is public.
I never could actually understand that one - whenever I look on someone's Twitter feed all I see is a bunch of short and usually incomprehensible messages... Yes, more incomprehensible than on Facebook...

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Well... Instagram was bought out by Facebook in 2012.Pea Bear (giving the inside dirt on middle school): nobody uses Facebook anymore, it's all Instagram.
Ha! F@++ you Zuckerburg!... oh, I should totally Instagram that... as soon as I find out what Instagram is. Other than something half the narrators of Drunk History claim to do when they're filming that is.

NobodysHome |
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Ah, misery! Nothing like a solid 80-degree sunny day with a strong wind to kick up and distribute every allergen within a 100-mile radius.
My sinuses Do Not Approve.
And since I'm lab testing and require focus, the stronger anti-allergy medications that are actually effective for me (i.e. diphenhydramine) are disallowed 'til after work and the kids' homework is done.

NobodysHome |
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In total other news, the weather is affecting me in a Spring cleaning kind of way. Every bed in the house is stripped and the outside clothesline is littered with comforters.
Honestly, it was Impus Minor's "nest" that I built for him in the living room after he broke his arm. After a few days, it was getting VERY ripe. So I washed it all. Then I thought, "Oh, I can wash his bedding, too, since he's not sleeping there. And since my brother was here over the weekend, I can wash the studio bedding. Ah, heck. That leaves just our bedding and Impus Major's. Might as well do it all..."

NobodysHome |
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Sounds dreamy. Except for the allergies.
My "official" thermometer (the one that most closely aligns with the National Weather Service's statements of highs for the day in an area) currently says 85.
So, Mr. Summer Dreams, how hot is "too hot" in an uninsulated house with no air conditioning?

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ah, misery! Nothing like a solid 80-degree sunny day with a strong wind to kick up and distribute every allergen within a 100-mile radius.
My sinuses Do Not Approve.
And since I'm lab testing and require focus, the stronger anti-allergy medications that are actually effective for me (i.e. diphenhydramine) are disallowed 'til after work and the kids' homework is done.
worry not.
Every day that passes is another day closer to winter.

Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams |
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NobodysHome wrote:Ah, misery! Nothing like a solid 80-degree sunny day with a strong wind to kick up and distribute every allergen within a 100-mile radius.
My sinuses Do Not Approve.
And since I'm lab testing and require focus, the stronger anti-allergy medications that are actually effective for me (i.e. diphenhydramine) are disallowed 'til after work and the kids' homework is done.
worry not.
Every day that passes is another day closer to winter.
It is true. Savor every moment of warmth.

Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:Sounds dreamy. Except for the allergies.My "official" thermometer (the one that most closely aligns with the National Weather Service's statements of highs for the day in an area) currently says 85.
So, Mr. Summer Dreams, how hot is "too hot" in an uninsulated house with no air conditioning?
About 90. After that the clothes start to shed, and then various international organizations get involved. It's a big mess.

Nordom Whistleklik |
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Drejk wrote:ZUCKERBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERG!captain yesterday wrote:Well... Instagram was bought out by Facebook in 2012.Pea Bear (giving the inside dirt on middle school): nobody uses Facebook anymore, it's all Instagram.
Ha! F@++ you Zuckerburg!... oh, I should totally Instagram that... as soon as I find out what Instagram is. Other than something half the narrators of Drunk History claim to do when they're filming that is.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:It is true. Endure every moment of warmth.NobodysHome wrote:Ah, misery! Nothing like a solid 80-degree sunny day with a strong wind to kick up and distribute every allergen within a 100-mile radius.
My sinuses Do Not Approve.
And since I'm lab testing and require focus, the stronger anti-allergy medications that are actually effective for me (i.e. diphenhydramine) are disallowed 'til after work and the kids' homework is done.
worry not.
Every day that passes is another day closer to winter.

Nordom Whistleklik |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:fifyFreehold DM wrote:It is true. Endure every moment of warmth.NobodysHome wrote:Ah, misery! Nothing like a solid 80-degree sunny day with a strong wind to kick up and distribute every allergen within a 100-mile radius.
My sinuses Do Not Approve.
And since I'm lab testing and require focus, the stronger anti-allergy medications that are actually effective for me (i.e. diphenhydramine) are disallowed 'til after work and the kids' homework is done.
worry not.
Every day that passes is another day closer to winter.

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ahoy, FaWtL~!
I wrote stuff!
Now, you should read stuff!
(And comment. I thrive on comments.)
Introduction to Concept!
Expansion and note about 8-bit!
Description of the Blackguards!
Assassins made new!
Limey pokes holes in my world (and I patch them)! Thanks, Limey~! :D
A sampler of more countries (and a whole lotta Provoka)!
Linguistics! Everybody loves Linguistics*!
* for a particular, and exceedingly ecclectic definition of "everybody"
Burka Ninjas!
A character I wanna play- wait, that has nothing to do with anything!
The Twenty Houses!
Please tell me what you think about stuff!

Sharoth |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:Sounds dreamy. Except for the allergies.My "official" thermometer (the one that most closely aligns with the National Weather Service's statements of highs for the day in an area) currently says 85.
So, Mr. Summer Dreams, how hot is "too hot" in an uninsulated house with no air conditioning?
I don't care if I move to Alaska, EVERY house I live in will be insulated and have an AC unit.

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:I don't care if I move to Alaska, EVERY house I live in will be insulated and have an AC unit.Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:Sounds dreamy. Except for the allergies.My "official" thermometer (the one that most closely aligns with the National Weather Service's statements of highs for the day in an area) currently says 85.
So, Mr. Summer Dreams, how hot is "too hot" in an uninsulated house with no air conditioning?
Wow... that pretty much keeps you out of the entire East Bay and peninsula. Of course, not that you'd want to pay $1.2 million for a 900-square-foot house. (Yep. My house is now worth over a million dollars. In spite of a roof that's basically covered with bicycle tubing to keep it from leaking. Will the madness never end?)

thegreenteagamer |
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A lack of air conditioning does for Sharoth what simply "being California" does for me. (Though as a Floridian, we celebrate air conditioning more than we celebrate...anything or anyone, really.)
To be fair to both sides of crazy cultures, I would go to California before I'd EVER go back to Texas.
I think I've said this before, but I have a cousin who lives in (and ran for political office once in) Texas. He has said to me "if you're ever in Texas again, you'd be so welcome here."
To which I replied, "if I'm ever in Texas again, I've been kidnapped."