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Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
May be getting about time to triangle up yet another set of forums.

I have more closed than open and that's with 20+ trolls posters on my blacklist

TOZ wrote:
All of them.


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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Orthos wrote:
May be getting about time to triangle up yet another set of forums.
I have more closed than open and that's with 20+ trolls posters on my blacklist

Yeah I've got about ten on mine. Never counted up how many forums I have closed, but at this point I'm pretty tempted to close everything except OTD and the individual AP forums.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Orthos wrote:
May be getting about time to triangle up yet another set of forums.
I have more closed than open and that's with 20+ trolls posters on my blacklist
Yeah I've got about ten on mine. Never counted up how many forums I have closed, but at this point I'm pretty tempted to close everything except OTD and the individual AP forums.

as usual, we are on opposite wavelengths here. I have untriangled things of late and have found that most people/forums are exactly as I remember them. It doesn't get to me anymore, but it's something I keep in mind in general when going certain places and dealing with certain folks. This is the internet. Eventually, stupidity will occur. This too shall pass.

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The funny thing is, when I've gotten pulled into closed forums via links or other ways, I too find the place exactly as I remember it.

And that's all the reminder I need to keep them closed.

I don't have the time these days to waste on people who ruin my mood, so rather than attempt to debate with them I simply choose to put them on ignore and remove the effect they have on my experience. I have better things to do with my life these days than let my mood be soured by some idiot on the internet.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I un-ignored everyone on my list to give it another go. So far it hasn't changed anything, so I keep the focus option turned on and only occasionally get drawn into stupid arguments.

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Yeah, looking at my list there are exactly zero people on it that I have any interest in ever seeing their input or opinions again. My life is infinitely less stressed and less frustrating thanks to their absence.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have one thread hidden, I never actually hid it, and it's not actually hidden. It just says it is (hidden) like that after it's title. I still see it on the feed whenever it comes up. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You probably have your hidden threads set as visible. There's a toggle at the top of each page next to New Thread and Focus that says something like "show hidden" and "hide hidden".

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The big problem I have is that not all of the browsers I use to waste my time around here have the script, so depending on where I am I may have to see those people anyway. :/

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah gotcha. Yeah I use Firefox regardless of my location so I always have the script.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just ignore them as is. Having a bunch of brothers I've gotten good at ignoring helps I think. :-)

Silver Crusade

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Sadly at work I have internet explorer and value my employment too much to download anything

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Does the script work on iOS I wonder? I also should see if I can get Firefox on it too.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Orthos wrote:
May be getting about time to triangle up yet another set of forums.
I have more closed than open and that's with 20+ trolls posters on my blacklist

Ooo! Ooo! Have I made it there yet? It's something I aspire to!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I just handed off my last major project several hours ahead of schedule, in spite of my manager's terror that it was going to spill into next week, so she gave me permission to quit early today so I could run off to Bats in the Sun early.

Unfortunately, NobodysWife works 'til 5, so no chance of hitting the road early.

But it DOES let me get everything ready without the kids around.

As I told my manager: "Kids: They're like your dim cousin Earl: They MEAN well, but things just run SO much more smoothly when they're out of the house... :P"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Does the script work on iOS I wonder? I also should see if I can get Firefox on it too.

I have no idea, my phone's an Android. I don't like using the forums on mobile anyway.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I just ignore them as is. Having a bunch of brothers I've gotten good at ignoring helps I think. :-)

This is not a talent I possess. I recognize this and have developed other strategies to compensate. Like taking advantage of the numerous offered mechanical aids to keep troublemakers from getting my attention.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

People - I like them, but they suck so much, and so I hate them, but sadly they're all I have until I discover a talking dog best friend.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
People - I like them, but they suck so much, and so I hate them, but sadly they're all I have until I discover a talking dog best friend.

That's why we socially-inept dorks have the internet. Being witty requires nothing more than a few drafts, and we get to connect with other dorks, since most dorks aren't in our neighborhood for whatever reason.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I just ignore them as is. Having a bunch of brothers I've gotten good at ignoring helps I think. :-)
This is not a talent I possess. I recognize this and have developed other strategies to compensate. Like taking advantage of the numerous offered mechanical aids to keep troublemakers from getting my attention.

I've been known to fail at it from time to time (usually when I'm at maximum stress).

I've found it helps to approach it with a detached train wreck mentality. "Don't mind me, I'm just here to watch, and maybe heckle a bit.. popcorn?"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
People - I like them, but they suck so much, and so I hate them, but sadly they're all I have until I discover a talking dog best friend.
That's why we socially-inept dorks have the internet. Being witty requires nothing more than a few drafts, and we get to connect with other dorks, since most dorks aren't in our neighborhood for whatever reason.

Did she just call us witty.. What do you like about my eyes.. kicks dirt bashfully

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On the one hand, I wouldn't have met or have maintained contact with almost all of my friends without the Internet.

On the other, 90% of my frustrations in life come with dealing with certain people who I would never have encountered if it weren't for the Internet.

On the gripping hand, I would be incredibly, incredibly bored without it. So advantage, Internet. But just barely.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love the internet! But, outside of here, I don't engage it, just passively use it for news gathering and watching stuff I wouldn't normally be able to. :-)

Dark Archive

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I like blondes but the Greene lady in red makes you think (and bonus points always for Anna).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I like blondes but the Greene lady in red makes you think (and bonus points always for Anna).

"Alison Brie is not actually made out of Brie cheese. A major disappointment"


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If anything, that only helps her.

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Depends how much you like cheese.

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I like women way more then women made of cheese.

Besides, Brie has gotta suck to keep molded like that.

Oh shit, am I a cheese nerd!

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I have been on the internet since the early arpanet days (no d once they first started making it available to the public) back in 1976 or so, with our killer 110-baud modem with a real live phone cradle.

I still remember, back in my 300 baud days, the best advice I ever received: "Imagine anything you ever write or send as being posted on a public bulletin board."
It really changes your approach. I even add, "With your name, address, and phone number attached." So I'm a wee bit paranoid.

As I've mentioned, on the internet for 40 years now, and still one of the lowest profiles my friend has ever seen...

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Here's an interesting little observation: If I had to honestly answer, "Why are you not a millionaire?", one of the top 5 reasons would be, "Because I like giving people extravagant gifts."
It's just my nature, and I really get a lot of satisfaction from doing so.

But it's amazing how much a lack of acknowledgement can eat at you. I'm not talking huge thanks, or hugs, or gushing, or whatnot. Three examples from this year come to mind:

  • I was wandering a toy store (a dangerous habit of mine), and just happened to see a really nice labyrinth toy exactly like the one my brothers and I grew up with, but much nicer (made by Brio). So I just bought it and shipped it to my nephews for no particular reason. My brother's first response was, "We got it. We already had one just like it, but this one is nicer, so I think we may use it."
    I was happy. I didn't mind at all that they might just give it away. Just, "I'm thinking of you, here's a gift. Oh, it's not what you need? Ah, well, better luck next time!"
    (The total aside being that once his kids started playing with it, they became obsessed with it and now he's a bit irritated at me for buying it.)
  • In a spontaneous bit of WTFery, I shipped off a nice bit of dishware to someone I only know over the interwebs. His entire response was, "I got it."
    Absolutely perfect. I'm happy. I know he wanted it. I know he got it. No further communication is necessary. Things are good.
  • As mentioned a couple pages back, I got Impus Major's music teacher a really nice bottle of scotch after noticing her drinking it at a restaurant. I hand-delivered the package. But she didn't open it there, nor have I heard anything since then. And it's bothering me. And the question is, "Why?"
    And I think it's simple: If I know she got it, and I know whether or not she liked it, I know what to try in the future. With no response at all, I don't know whether her reaction was, "Oh, this is embarrassingly expensive. I hope he doesn't do it again," or, "Well, crap. I don't even like scotch. How do I tell him?", or, "That was SOOOOO nice!"
    A reaction of, "Oh, er, thanks, but I can't use this," is more viscerally satisfying than no reaction at all.

  • Go figure. Psychology is interesting.

    Silver Crusade

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    May be getting about time to triangle up yet another set of forums.
    I have more closed than open and that's with 20+ trolls posters on my blacklist
    Ooo! Ooo! Have I made it there yet? It's something I aspire to!

    Not even close, It takes a special breed to make the list

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    It does make me wonder if that allows ignoring a person's aliases too.

    I hope not. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Are you really going to ignore the guy with the four thousand dollar suit.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.


    Traffic today has been horrible because of graduation. Will be even worse tomorrow. And we have to head back downtown tonight for karate. >.<

    I love Ann Arbor, but sometimes it's blasted inconvenient to live here...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    You know, they have subdivisions based on, and surrounding churches and such.

    Why couldn't you do so for nerd, dorks, and geeks (yes, even (especially?) the circus act geeks) seems like there's a market there.

    You could put a convention center in the middle, with a few shops and eateries.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Gob Bluth, Magician wrote:
    Are you really going to ignore the guy with the four thousand dollar suit.

    In fact, Gob had started to alienate some of the FaWtLees.

    On the next Arrested FaWtLopment, Freehold finally gets a call from the Bonchon Group with a life-changing opportunity. But Alton Brown had stolen his cellphone, and his life stays the same.

    Dark Archive

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Since it's Friday and some of you drink, and we don't have a food and drink sub forum.

    JELLO SHOT MASTER LIST if you ever want to host a party.

    *JAGER BOMB* boil 1 cup red bull (in place of water), add black cherry or orange jello, 1 cups jager.

    *NOEL'S MARGARITA* boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz pkg lime jello, 4 1/2 oz 1942 tequila, 3 1/2 oz sweet & sour margarita mix. sprinkle with salt just before firm. (substiture watermelon jello for lime for a melon margarita)

    *RUM & COKE* boil 1 cups coke, mix in dark cherry jello add 1 cups light rum

    *MIMOSAS* this one varies from the normal method Since champagne isn’t as strong as liquor, cut the water out of this one. boil one cup champagne, mix orange jello 2 min, add one more cup champagne and a splash of OJ.

    *SILK* Boil one cup champagne, mix in jello for 2 minutes, add one cup champagne and splash of lychee juice from the can.

    *ORANGE TIC TAC* Boil two cups red bull, mix jello two minutes, add two cups mandarin orange vodka

    *LEMON DROP* (boil 1 cup water, add lemon jello, citrus vodka, top with sugar sprinkles just before its fully set up)

    *GRAPE CRUSH* (boil 1 cups water, add grape jello, ½ cup plain vodka, ½ cup chambord)

    *HAWAIIAN* (boil 1 cup water, add pineapple or blueberry jello, 1 cup coconut rum)

    *LEMON LIME* (boil 2 cups sprite, add lemon and lime jellos, 2 cups citrus vodka)

    *BLUEBERRY* (boil 1 cup water, add blueberry jello, 1 cup blueberry vodka)

    *FRUIT PUNCH* (boil 1 cups water, add mixed fruit jello, ½ cup blueberry vodka, ½ cup raspberry vodka)

    *WATERMELON* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello,1 cup watermelon vodka)

    *BEER* (boil 1 cups water, add strawberry jello, add 1 cup any malt liquor)

    *CARIBBEAN* (boil 1 cup water, add strawberry-banana jello, Cruzan banana rum

    *CHERRY COLA* (boil 1 cup coke, add cherry jello, 1 cup cold cola, ½ cup amaretto, ½ cup spiced rum)

    *DREAMSICLE* (boil 1 1/3 cup water & 2/3 cup OJ, add orange jello, 1 cup vanilla vodka ½ cup raspberry or berry vodka, ½ cup KeKe Beach Key Lime Cream Liqueur)

    *LIME IN THE COCONUT* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello, 1 cup Malibu Coconut Rum)

    *RED HOTS* (boil 2 cups water, add jello, ½ cup cold water, 2 cups Cinnamon Schnapps)

    *SEX ON THE BEACH* boil 1 cup cranberry juice, add 3 oz pkg orange jello, 3 oz peach schnapps, 5 oz vodka

    *SOUR APPLE* (in microwavable container, mix 1 small box sour apple jello, 1 pkg knox gelatin and 1 tbs sugar. Stir in 1 cup Mt. Dew and mix well. Microwave on high for 1 min. Stir until powder is dissolved. Mix 2 cups vodka & ¾ cup Captain Morgan Coconut Rum. mix well and let sit 1 min. pour into cups and refrigerate.)

    *SQUIRM* (boil 2 1/4 cup water, add 3 small pkgs any flavor jello, 2 cups vodka, ¾ cup ice cold water. add 1 gummy worm to each shot before firm.

    *CARIBOU LOU* (½ cup boiling water ½ cup pineapple juice boiled, add pineapple jello, ½ cup Malibu Rum, ½ cup Triplesec)

    *GIN & TONIC* (boil 1 cup tonic water, add lime jello, 1 cup gin)

    *JOLLY RANCHER* (boil 1 cup water, add melon jello, ½ cup vodka, ½ cup apple pucker)

    *PURPLE PEOPLE EATER* (boil 1 cup water, add grape jello, ½ cup vodka, ½ cup watermelon pucker)

    *BAHAMA MAMA* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello, ½ cup Malibu rum, ½ cup peach schnapps)

    *COSMOPOLITAN* (boil 1 cup water with a splash of lime juice, add cranberry jello, ½ cup vodka, ½ cup triple sec)

    *CHERRY BOMB* (boil 1 cup redbull, add cherry jello, 1 cup vodka and drop in one maraschino cherry, step up before firmed.)

    *BLUE FIRECRACKER* (boil 1 cup water, add berry blue jello, ½ cup vodka, ½ cup peach schnapps)

    *WHITE LIGHTNING* (boil 1 cup water, add pina colada jello, ½ cup vodka, ½ cup triple sec)

    *FUZZY NAVEL* (boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz orange jello, 2 oz vodka, 6 oz peach schnapps

    *RED HEADED SLUT* boil 1 cup water, add cranberry jello, ½ cup peach schnapps, ½ cup jager

    *MOJITO* (1 cup boiling water, 3 oz box lime jello, 6 oz white rum, 2 oz cold water. top with mint leaves chopped and crushed. (or substitue mint leaves with a splash of mint extract in the the boiling water.)

    *STRAWBERRY DAQUIRI* (boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz package wild strawberry jello, 6 oz white rum, 1 oz sweet & sour or margarita mix.

    *DEVILS KISS* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 envelope of Knox Gelatin and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, ½ cup of Goldschlager, and ¼ cup of Bacardi-151. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups. if you double up the Knox Gelatin in this one you can eliminate the cup serve these up as jigglers!!

    *ANKLE BREAKER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 envelope of Lime Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of 151 Rum, and ¼ cup of Cherry Brandy. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *FIRECRACKER 2* ¾ cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Sloe Gin , and 1/3 cup of Spiced Rum and 1/3 cup of 151 Rum. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cup

    *KOMANIWANALAYA* 2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello and 1 box of Cranberry Jello (both 3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water, ½ cup of Amaretto, and ½ cup of 151 Rum. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *RAIN MAIN* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, ½ cup of Bacardi 151, and ¼ cup of Melon Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups

    *ADAM AND EVE* ¾ cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Brandy, and ¼ cup of Pomogranate Liqueur and ¼ cup of Gin. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *ALABAMA SLAMMER* ¾ cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Lemon Jello (3 oz) and stir until everything is completely dissolved and then add 1/3 cup of coldwater. Next, add 1/3 cup of Amaretto, ¼ cup of Southern Comfort, and 1/3 cup of Sloe Gin. Mix throuroughly until everything is well combined and the carefully pour into jello shot cups. Chill for 3 to 4 hours and serve.

    *ALL NIGHTER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Cherry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water and ½ cup of Watermelon Vodka. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *APPLE PIE* 1 1/2 cups ofboiling water. Dissolve 2 boxes of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water, ½ cup of Light Rum, ½ cup of Sweet Vermouth, ¼ cup of Apple Brandy and ¼ cup ofGrenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *BANANA BOAT* 1 cup of water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Coconut Rum , and ¼ cup of Banana Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *BANANA SPLIT 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Strawberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Vodka, and ¼ cup ofBanana Liqueur and ¼ cup of Creme de Cacao. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *BAT OUT OF HELL* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir for at least 2 minutes until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of Red Bull, ¼ cup of Rumand ¼ Blue Curacao. Stir until well combined and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *BERMUDA TRIANGLE* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Spiced Rum and ¼ cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot

    *BLACK CAT* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Raspberry Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, ½ cup of Black Vodka, and ¼ cup of Chambord. Stir well and wait until the liquid is about room temperature before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *BLACK WIDOW* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Grape Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, ¾ cup of Blackberry Vodka and 1/8 teaspoon of Ginger Powder. Stir well and cool slightly before pouring into jello shot cups. For a schnazzy garnish, drop a singleblackberry in each cup before chilling *COUGH DROP* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 3 oz package of Strawberry Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ½ cup of Jagermeister. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *CRYPTINI* 1 cup of HotCoffee. Dissolve 1 envelope of Knox Gelatin and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/3 cup of Iced Coffee, 1/3 cup of Vodka, and 1/3 cup of Kahlua. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *FRENCH TICKLER* 1 cup of boilingwater. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Cinnamon Schnappsand ½ cup of Vodka. Stir well and wait until the liquid has a chance to cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *HARVEY WALLBANGER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, ½ cup of Vodka and ¼ cup ofGalliano. Stir well until completely combined and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *JUICY FRUIT* ¾ cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Vodka, and 1/3 cup ofMelon Liqueur and 1/3 cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool

    *JAGERMASTER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Jagermeister, and ¼ cup of Amaretto, and a just a splash of Grenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *JAGERMONSTER* 1 cup of boiling water . Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water , ½ cup of Jagermeister, and ¼ cup of Grenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *LETHAL INJECTION* 2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and 1 package of Pineapple Jello (3 oz) and stir at least 2 minutes until completely dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water followed by ¼ cup of Amaretto, ¼ cup of Coconut Rum, ¼ cup of Dark Rum and ¼ cup of Spiced Rum. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring intojello shot cups.

    *LONG ISLAND ICED TEA* and measure 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 2 packages of Lemon Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of Cola and ½ cup of cold water. Now get ready to add the alcohol - ½ cup of Gin, ½ cup of LightRum, ½ cup of Vodka and ½ cup of Tequila. Stir until everything is well combined and let it cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *NINJA TURTLE* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Gin, and ¼ cup of Blue Curacao. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *PAIN KILLER* ¾ cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¼ cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Dark Rum, 1/3 cup ofCoconut Rum and 1/3 cup of Orange Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *PIXIE STIX* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Southern Comfort, and ¼ cup of Blackberry Brandy. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *RED SILK PANTIES* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Cranberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Vodka, and ¼ cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *KINKY MALIBU BARBIE* Boil 1 cup water, add peach jello, ½ cup Kinky Liquer, ½ cup Malibu Coconut Rum.

    *KILLER KOOL AID* 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 2 boxes of Cranberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ¾ cup of cold water, ½ cup of Vodka, ½ cup of Gin, ¼ cup of Rum, ¼ cup of Chambord and ¼ cup of Triple Sec. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *BROKEN HEART* 1 cup of boiling water . Dissolve 1 package of of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Vodka, and ¼ cup of Chambord. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *SCOOBY SNACKS* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add ½ cup of cold water, ¼ cup of Melon Liqueur, and ¼ cup of Coconut Rum . Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *TIJUANA TAXI* 2 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 2 packages of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir at least 2 minutes until fully dissolved.Next, add 1 cup of cold water, ½ cup of Tequila, ¼ cup of Blue Caracao and ¼ cup of Tropical Fruit Schnapps. Stir until completely combined and give it a chance to cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

    *RUMMY BEARS* 1 cup boiling water, add any random flavor jello and 1 cup berry vodka, 1 gummy bear in the center of each shot.

    *WOOWOO* 2 cups boiling water, add 3 pkgs grape jello, 3 pkgs cranberry/raspberry jello, 3 pkgs strawberry jello, 3 cups vodka, 3 cups peach schnapps, 1 can grape juice concentrate and 1 can cran-raspberry juice concentrate (both undiluted!)



    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The General (My wife) thanks you!

    Bravo! Spectacular even!

    I might just have to learn to like jello again. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    baron arem heshvaun wrote:

    Since it's Friday and some of you drink, and we don't have a food and drink sub forum.

    ** spoiler omitted **...


    we really need our own drinks.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Orthos wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    I just ignore them as is. Having a bunch of brothers I've gotten good at ignoring helps I think. :-)
    This is not a talent I possess. I recognize this and have developed other strategies to compensate. Like taking advantage of the numerous offered mechanical aids to keep troublemakers from getting my attention.


    Then again if I didn't have this talent in spades I wouldn't be able to live where I do.

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    we really need our own drinks.

    Go on ...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    'The Captain'

    1 x hard ginger beer
    1 x shot of (blended) Scotch
    Slice of root ginger
    Lemon juice

    Fill pint glass 2/3rds of way up with hard ginger beer
    Add Scotch & lemon juice
    Top up with water & ice.

    Drink. Repeat until you can't distinguish between yourself and your 9,999,999 other aliases

    'The Pruinamancer'

    1 x highball glass full of crushed ice
    Mint leaves.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Dang it. Just lost a huuuuge portion of the day to spontaneous napping.

    And here I thought the food would make me feel more energetic!
    (It did... and then I got home and fell asleep while trying to get my kids to nap. Today was not a shining success in napping children...)*

    * EDIT: It's because neither have slept. I know this because both have been loudly playing in my brief moments of, "oh, I woke up again, I should get u- *ssnnnnoooorrrrreeeee*"

    Grand Lodge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    TL has never heard of the itis.

    Limeylongears wrote:

    'The Captain'

    1 x hard ginger beer
    1 x shot of (blended) Scotch
    Slice of root ginger
    Lemon juice

    Fill pint glass 2/3rds of way up with hard ginger beer
    Add Scotch & lemon juice
    Top up with water & ice.

    Drink. Repeat until you can't distinguish between yourself and your 9,999,999 other aliases

    'The Pruinamancer'

    1 x highball glass full of crushed ice
    Mint leaves.

    I had to look up how many aliases I have to dispute your numbers.

    So, I'll just call it a draw. :-)

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Dang it. Just lost a huuuuge portion of the day to spontaneous napping.

    I wish I had picked that Trait at my character creation, instead of Proceed Like a Zombie Going through the motions.

    Of course now I wanna get drunk and go on an alias blitz, just to see if it's possible.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    They pulled the old reverse nap switcheroo.

    Check your wallet Tacticslion.

    TriOmegaZero wrote:
    TL has never heard of the itis.

    Alas, I'm going to have to ask for an explanation.

    Sorry, unlike the baron may believe, I'm kind of like a sleep zombie at present - I can understand basic commands, but I'm, "a little slow"...


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