FAWTLhouse Five

Off-Topic Discussions

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Nekkid Pole dance.

RPG Superstar 2012

The Jade wrote:

Morning all,

I'm about to go spend three dull hours in a room forty minutes south of here today. The last and only time I ever spent three hours in that room I wrote the Cult Killer core class for the book that won the gold ENnie for best electronic book.

I prefer to consider myself a rational person capable of critical thought, and not a baboon wearing a clown nose afraid to have a black cat cross his path, but there's this superstitious tingle welling inside that says, "Bring a pad and a pen."


I look forward to your next ENnie-award winning work!

Hopefully, we won't be reading about a Rone Barton boredom-inspired crime spree.

RPG Superstar 2012

Treppa wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Good morning! Another lovely Saturday at work. Popcorn still alive and kicking. Hope all is well. Might get a chance to read Savage Fetishes today woo!
Taig, they broke your article into two pieces! Wah! I wanna know more. Damned Procrusteans!

Yeah, I knew that was going to happen. Sorry.

I guess the description of the feats was confusing, since I included the cost in the "Benefit" section. I still have so much to learn. :)

RPG Superstar 2012

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Dang, we're at work and we can't find the adapter for our camera. No pics of Popcorn yet.

Cameraphone! Cameraphone!

I *need* cute pictures of baby bunnies right now...

(Damn, I think I need to hit a strip club and get my manliness back, too.)

I, too, would like cute pictures of baby bunnies!

RPG Superstar 2012

Celestial Healer wrote:
Had my game night last night. It was the last session for one of our players. Realistically, one of the two players that I really like gaming with, the other of whom moved away in August. I'm not sure how I feel about the group now.

Give them a chance. Plus, you'll be moving soon, right? :)

RPG Superstar 2012

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

As promised, here is Abyiram's Obituary

Watch for Rise of the Runelord spoiler.

Awwww, poor guy.

RPG Superstar 2012

Solnes wrote:
Think I may head out tonight, hang out with friend.

Have fun!


Scarab Sages

Today was a good day:

Went over to my friend's house to DM Kingmaker, ate bacon and pancakes for breakfast, drank beer, drank mead, and ate more bacon on a sandwich for lunch.

Came home. Had chinese for dinner, watched LSU beat Vanderbilt, and watched Alabama beat Penn St. Drank more beer, and more mead.

Scarab Sages

AND.....we recorded our second podcast, although it's not up yet. Not sure when it will be, but I'm guessingmy buddy'll put a link to it in the Gamer Talk section, in the thread he started.

And, I remember someone asking, but the first one is on I-tunes.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Im glad your schools won. Miami didn't. It's kinda difficult to overcome 4 interceptions that drop the opposing team in field goal range to start their drive.

Scarab Sages

Yeah, I saw some highlights from the Miami game. Bummer.

I was happy to see LSU play well against Vandy, but they still have a lot of work and a lot of room for improvement.

Bama still looks good, and they handled Penn State pretty easily. But that's what I expect from an SEC team.

Liberty's Edge

I just gained some respect for Vanilla Ice.

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
You Houston guys didn't respond to my earlier query. Maybe that just means I'm right. Yeah, it'd have to...
No idea what you're talking about... but sure, why not?

I figured. The entire Houston contingent has been brought into Fawtlyland.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
You Houston guys didn't respond to my earlier query. Maybe that just means I'm right. Yeah, it'd have to...
No idea what you're talking about... but sure, why not?
I figured. The entire Houston contingent has been brought into Fawtlyland.

Hey Mairkurion. Do you think you could be finished with the first two sets of FMA - Brotherhood in three weeks? I just finished them and would be willing to lend them to you.

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
You Houston guys didn't respond to my earlier query. Maybe that just means I'm right. Yeah, it'd have to...
No idea what you're talking about... but sure, why not?
I figured. The entire Houston contingent has been brought into Fawtlyland.

From Houston to Myrtle Beach to parts waaaaay up north, Fawtl spans the continent and even the globe.

Soon our plans for world domination, or is that Dominatrix?, will be complete! ;)

The Exchange

And with that I bid thee good night, Leafy, Dragon, and anyone else still up, have a good one guys.

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
You Houston guys didn't respond to my earlier query. Maybe that just means I'm right. Yeah, it'd have to...
No idea what you're talking about... but sure, why not?
I figured. The entire Houston contingent has been brought into Fawtlyland.

Ah, whew. After posting I was afraid I may have consented to drunken sexual favors...

I don't think Silverhair has posted here. I recently had to explain to him, 'Just what the hell FAWTLy was'. Other than that, yeah. I think all active Houstonians have posted in at least one FAWTL.

The Exchange

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
You Houston guys didn't respond to my earlier query. Maybe that just means I'm right. Yeah, it'd have to...
No idea what you're talking about... but sure, why not?
I figured. The entire Houston contingent has been brought into Fawtlyland.

Ah, whew. After posting I was afraid I may have consented to drunken sexual favors...

I don't think Silverhair has posted here. I recently had to explain to him, 'Just what the hell FAWTLy was'. Other than that, yeah. I think all active Houstonians have posted in at least one FAWTL.

I wonder how many folks have peeked in on our little madhouse and never posted though? And how many of the admins have seen and shake their heads in confusement?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Good Morning FAWLT.. Well yesterday was a productive day, put a new entry door on the garage. Today we have the block get together to celebrate (?) the fact that a year ago today the house 3 down had a gas explosion, but everyone was ok and the house has been rebuilt. Actually it is also my 1 year anniversary of playing Pathfinder.

The Exchange

Justin Franklin wrote:
Good Morning FAWLT.. Well yesterday was a productive day, put a new entry door on the garage. Today we have the block get together to celebrate (?) the fact that a year ago today the house 3 down had a gas explosion, but everyone was ok and the house has been rebuilt. Actually it is also my 1 year anniversary of playing Pathfinder.

Sounds like a fun day. And that's as good a reason as any to celebrate.

Moorluck wrote:

I wonder how many folks have peeked in on our little madhouse and never posted though?

I have and i never will

Scarab Sages

rummages through the thread looking for a snack

The Exchange

Pual wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

I wonder how many folks have peeked in on our little madhouse and never posted though?
I have and i never will

Uh-huh. I don't believe you. :P

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
rummages through the thread looking for a snack

I baked a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies this morning.

Scarab Sages

Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
rummages through the thread looking for a snack
I baked a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies this morning.


Scarab Sages

begins to eye Moorluck's skull and drools

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
rummages through the thread looking for a snack
I baked a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies this morning.

Having posted that I thought back to a time I would still be in bed sleeping of a drunk night of debauchery instead of up baking cookies for the kids on a Sunday morning. I love the way life turns out sometime.

How's y'alls bun in the oven coming along?

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
begins to eye Moorluck's skull and drools

Dude, I'm married with three kids.... my mind fled in terror a long time ago.

Scarab Sages

Moorluck wrote:
How's y'alls bun in the oven coming along?

Doing well, thanks for asking. The wife is over the morning sickness (which was really like all day sickness), and is getting her appetite back. The other day she ate an entire burger for dinner, and was very happy. She's also getting back her taste for orange juice and water.

Thursday she went to the doctor and they said baby was healthy. She got to hear the heartbeat - 160 per minute, which they said was good. They're going to call with an appointment for another 5 or so weeks from now for the second ultrasound, and then we should be able to find out the sex. I'm hoping for a man-child, but I'll be satisfied if it's healthy, has 10 fingers, 10 toes, and at least 2 eyes.

Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
How's y'alls bun in the oven coming along?

Doing well, thanks for asking. The wife is over the morning sickness (which was really like all day sickness), and is getting her appetite back. The other day she ate an entire burger for dinner, and was very happy. She's also getting back her taste for orange juice and water.

And brains? It's brain food after all .. *ba dum tish*

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

OK folks, I'm out of here for now. Gotta go get ready and head on out to the grocery store for the weekly supplies. Later, dudes.


Can I come out now?

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
How's y'alls bun in the oven coming along?

Doing well, thanks for asking. The wife is over the morning sickness (which was really like all day sickness), and is getting her appetite back. The other day she ate an entire burger for dinner, and was very happy. She's also getting back her taste for orange juice and water.

Thursday she went to the doctor and they said baby was healthy. She got to hear the heartbeat - 160 per minute, which they said was good. They're going to call with an appointment for another 5 or so weeks from now for the second ultrasound, and then we should be able to find out the sex. I'm hoping for a man-child, but I'll be satisfied if it's healthy, has 10 fingers, 10 toes, and at least 2 eyes.

All very good news. Solnes had all day sickness too, but I'm glad to hear she's over it.

~Crosses fingers for a boy-zombie.~

The Exchange

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
How's y'alls bun in the oven coming along?

Doing well, thanks for asking. The wife is over the morning sickness (which was really like all day sickness), and is getting her appetite back. The other day she ate an entire burger for dinner, and was very happy. She's also getting back her taste for orange juice and water.

And brains? It's brain food after all .. *ba dum tish*

~Throws a banana cream pie at the monkey.~

Big Juicy Brain wrote:


Can I come out now?

Mmmm, why yes. Yes, you can... POUNCE!

I'll be sure to save you some AZ.


Liberty's Edge

Popcorn died last night.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Pual wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

I wonder how many folks have peeked in on our little madhouse and never posted though?
I have and i never will

Welcome to the thread!

RPG Superstar 2012

Studpuffin wrote:
Popcorn died last night.

My condolences. :(

Dark Archive

Studpuffin wrote:
Popcorn died last night.


Dark Archive

pours one on the ground for the rabbit homey...

taig wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Popcorn died last night.
My condolences. :(

Awww. Condolences.

Studpuffin wrote:
Popcorn died last night.

Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

Studpuffin wrote:
Popcorn died last night.


Silver Crusade

taig wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Had my game night last night. It was the last session for one of our players. Realistically, one of the two players that I really like gaming with, the other of whom moved away in August. I'm not sure how I feel about the group now.
Give them a chance. Plus, you'll be moving soon, right? :)

Well, maybe they'll get some more people, and those people will be less annoying.

But yes, we're debating between moving in November and waiting until January (after the holidays). If it weren't for that, I might be shopping around for a different game. Believe it or not, I have two different friends who run games in LA.

The plan right now is thus: I don't have my shit in order to make any sort of decent grad school application in the next three months, in time for a Dec 1 deadline, so I am going to take an extra year to keep writing, attend some conferences, and all that sort of thing, to have plenty lined up for the following year. By then, we'll either know we love California and want to stay there or will be sick of it and ready to move, and I can consider all the options before me.

Edit: Also, all this writing has been interesting. I need to work on knowing what to leave out. Right now, all of my musicological writing projects seem to be getting bigger and bigger...

Silver Crusade

Mac Boyce wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Popcorn died last night.


I'm very sorry to hear this. He must have just been too young to make it without his mother. That's very sad, though.

@studpuffin sorry about popcorn
@az good to hear the start of your zombiepocalypse is doing good

to all have a great sunday.
solnes & moorluck I will try to give you a call this evening

Dark Archive

Gah, more work today. My last day off was in June and I think it's starting to take a toll on my sanity.

Studpuffin wrote:
Popcorn died last night.

I am sorry to hear that. My thoughts go out to you and Treppa.

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