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3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah... the only people fooled are the ones that forget what day it is.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh dear...
Looks like the joke is on me.
Now where did you guys hide my clothes?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't like April Fool's day, too obvious.

Yeah it's probably my least favorite holiday of all time. -_- But then again I'm not a big fan of pranks in the first place, so that's probably the main reason why.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This on the other hand is NOT a prank.

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Aranna wrote:

Oh dear...

Looks like the joke is on me.
Now where did you guys hide my clothes?

They were donated to the Empress's New Clothes consignment shop that just opened down the block. It's their grand opening, so everything's half off or more.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Pranks are just an excuse to be an a&~*~#% to someone and justify yourself. They're mean spirited when you think about it. If "it's all in good fun" why is the other person mad at you? Oh that's right, because your amusement was at their expense.

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My favorite long johns (this year) have failed.

And they were literally two days away from retirement.

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captain yesterday wrote:


My favorite long johns (this year) have failed.

And they were literally two days away from retirement.

They were just getting too old for this sh!t.

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So far the evil characters we have made or thought out.

Tammy - Halfling Psychic.
Django - Varisian Warpriest of Urgathoa, has a coffin. And issues.
Stabbyface - Goblin Magus
Pepe Benoit - Halfling Murderhobo (Swashbuckler)
Mistletoe - Ghoran Witch, angry about the whole being bred for food thing, wants to turn the tables (the General is making her)

I'd like to make one more, just to have the same number as Hell's Vengeance, but we'll see. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't like April Fool's day, too obvious.

My feeling is that a prank that sets out to make someone look like a fool publicly, or to disappoint them is annoying, but one that just irritates someone can be very fun. Though relegating it to a specific day is just not nearly as fun.

  • One year I, being much stronger than my brother, quietly blocked his door with a heavy, heavy bookcase. So when he woke up, he opened his door and found it completely blocked. Didn't bat an eye. Just spent the entire day going in and out of his second-floor window. Didn't say a word. At the end of the day, I quietly removed the bookcase. We both feel like that one was a well-played prank and response.
  • After a road trip, I came back to work to find that my office name card had been replaced with #6 (amazingly, they found the Prisoner font and exactly matched the placard from the show) and Rover was sitting in my office. Yes. They filled a weather balloon in my office. Awesomeness.
  • Shiro's player has epic stories of office pranks, including filling one co-worker's office with styrofoam peanuts. My feeling would have been, "Wow! I get a day off to clean my office!"

  • But yeah, a day dedicated to pranks is kind of pointless. Kids love it, and I like Google's subtlety about it. "Here's a prank product and one day of prank news. And everyone knows it, so we write it for humor."

    The only prank post I'll make on Paizo is on the kids' thread. Because they expect such things.

    In other news, today we get fiber optic internet.... I hope.

    If I'm not back in 7 days, it's all AT&T's fault!

    EDIT: I just realized a simple paradigm: If you have to say, "April Fool's!", then whatever you just did isn't funny...

    I think the General and Pea Bear forgot, I'm certainly not reminding them.

    Working in construction fields, you see some pretty f~+#ed up pranks.

    The worst was one guy put a boulder in this other guy's parking space, so that guy then s@~* in the first guy's lunch.

    And now I see that you publicly declare it here. Now I just look weird in the other thread... >.>

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Sigh. That moment when you realize that you are more than halfway through a book because you were hoping it would get better and you realize that all the characters are stupid stupidheads and the only way it could get better is if they all died in a house fire and the second half of the book was about the arson investigation...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I'm definitely in the non pranking camp. I just don't find most of the April fools stuff funny. Sometimes the joke products and articles people put up are cute, but actual pranks usually suck.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The only time I had fun on April Fool's day at work was when I worked at a thrift store with one of my best friends. One year we brought in a bulk thing of oregano and a box of sandwich bags, then drop a bag of oregano in the furniture department where we could watch it from the dock.

    We went through half the thing of oregano and twenty some bags. :-D

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    And now I see that you publicly declare it here. Now I just look weird in the other thread... >.>

    Wait, Pinky Pie isn't going to die...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    And now I see that you publicly declare it here. Now I just look weird in the other thread... >.>
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Wait, Pinky Pie isn't going to die...

    And I was ninja'd in this one... >.>

    captain yesterday wrote:

    The only time I had fun on April Fool's day at work was when I worked at a thrift store with one of my best friends. One year we brought in a bulk thing of oregano and a box of sandwich bags, then drop a bag of oregano in the furniture department where we could watch it from the dock.

    We went through half the thing of oregano and twenty some bags. :-D

    Growing up, we lived across the street from a large park. When we were bored, we would take Sharpees, draw faces on raw eggs, put them in the walkway, and watch from the comfort of our living room.

    The amazing reactions of people finding eggs with faces drawn on them was side-splitting. I highly recommend it! (The best two I can recall were the angry old man who insisted on smashing every single one with his cane while getting visibly angrier and angrier, or the little girl who "adopted" one, picked it up, cradled it, and put it gently in her doll stroller, then rolled happily away with it.)

    (I'm a very boring human being. If you didn't put it there, and you don't understand why it's there, leave it alone. It's probably someone else's project of some sort.)

    This is pretty amazing. It's even better if you have it playing in the background while you do something else, while only checking every once in a while, as it's kind of amazing to see how engrossed they are.

    Beware jump-scares, though.

    'Cause daaaaaaannnnnnnnng.

    EDIT: Just to clarify, if I were them, I'd be jumping like a mexican jumping bean on a trampoline with the spring coil power up from Super Mario Galaxy. I know, because I do anyway. Heh.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Star Wars spoiler:
    The former general sustained massive injuries after he was stabbed through the heart by a lightstaber, thrown into a bottomless pit, then exploded into a star.

    Kajehase wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **



    Link me. I can take it!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    thegreenteagamer wrote:
    Pranks are just an excuse to be an a~&$%+! to someone and justify yourself. They're mean spirited when you think about it. If "it's all in good fun" why is the other person mad at you? Oh that's right, because your amusement was at their expense.

    yeah. Pranks are childish and stupid.

    rings thegreenteagamer's doorbell, runs away

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    thegreenteagamer wrote:
    Pranks are just an excuse to be an a~&$%+! to someone and justify yourself. They're mean spirited when you think about it. If "it's all in good fun" why is the other person mad at you? Oh that's right, because your amusement was at their expense.

    yeah. Pranks are childish and stupid.

    rings thegreenteagamer's doorbell, runs away

    oh my god.

    My new coworker, who was a secretary in an attached program before coming over here, just informed us that she had to return to her old position as a secretary. We all flipped out, angry at the job and the damn luck, until she told us it was April fool's.

    She got us GOOD.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    The best April Fools jokes are ones the victim can look back on and laugh.

    If you are doing damage or harm then it isn't an April Fools joke it is assault or vandalism.

    Good examples are misinformation pranks or situational humor you already know the target will appreciate.

    Bad ones are mouse traps which can break fingers and toes and just plain hurt or pranks which wreck someones car, office, house, or even favorite doll.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    And now I see that you publicly declare it here. Now I just look weird in the other thread... >.>
    Wait, Pinky Pie isn't going to die...

    No. No she isn't.

    Pinky Pie?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Aranna wrote:

    The best April Fools jokes are ones the victim can look back on and laugh.

    If you are doing damage or harm then it isn't an April Fools joke it is assault or vandalism.

    Good examples are misinformation pranks or situational humor you already know the target will appreciate.

    Bad ones are mouse traps which can break fingers and toes and just plain hurt or pranks which wreck someones car, office, house, or even favorite doll.

    I would never harm your favorite doll, aranna. Primarily because there is a good chance it is a gundam plush and I would want it.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Aranna wrote:

    The best April Fools jokes are ones the victim can look back on and laugh.

    If you are doing damage or harm then it isn't an April Fools joke it is assault or vandalism.

    Good examples are misinformation pranks or situational humor you already know the target will appreciate.

    Yeah, this is the part where I'm a spoilsport, because there aren't any pranks I'll appreciate. At best you'll get an annoyed look and a "Really?" response.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Aranna wrote:
    Pinky Pie?

    yes. She will be just fine.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Now this is the kind of prank I just don't appreciate...

    ...because now I desperately want one (or two)...
    ...and they DON'T EXIST!!!!

    (I sent the link to Shiro's player and he promptly decided that his new project is going to be to build one. He's like that. I bought a projector for my roll20. He hand-built a mahogany table with a built-in flat-screen TV and a tiny computer...)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    For those of us at work who can't follow the link, what is it?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    It's a Voltron Cat condo.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Pies are almost done. :-)

    Nothing weird in them, just pies.

    Edit: the crusts are especially good this time tho. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Now this is the kind of prank I just don't appreciate...

    ...because now I desperately want one (or two)...
    ...and they DON'T EXIST!!!!

    (I sent the link to Shiro's player and he promptly decided that his new project is going to be to build one. He's like that. I bought a projector for my roll20. He hand-built a mahogany table with a built-in flat-screen TV and a tiny computer...)

    That is too cute!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Now this is the kind of prank I just don't appreciate...

    ...because now I desperately want one (or two)...
    ...and they DON'T EXIST!!!!

    (I sent the link to Shiro's player and he promptly decided that his new project is going to be to build one. He's like that. I bought a projector for my roll20. He hand-built a mahogany table with a built-in flat-screen TV and a tiny computer...)

    OMG, that is so cute! I love it! And now I'm trying to figure out if I can make it even though I am crap at woodworking. :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Stuff like that is more about creativity then skill, you'll do just fine. :-)

    Keep it cool Cap, it'll take her months to figure out the green lion conundrum.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    All you need are some thick ass PVC pipe, pet safe paint and two canisters of PVC glue. I bet I could knock that out in an afternoon.

    It would probably cost less then 50 bucks.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    That moment as a parent when you want to play a game, and have the time to play a game, and have the game, but you cannot play the game. Because you have children. :/

    EDIT: I still totally love my kids and like them! I just want to be irresponsible and play some terrible something or another that isn't appropriate for them. Alas! Adulthood!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Been there.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The General, on why she never casts spells like Bear's Endurance: why would I want to boost an ability score when I can make it Rain (of Frogs)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Due to mom illness, I am going to the gym for cardio today instead of on Tuesday.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I hope she gets well soon!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I second that.

    So far, 'Siege of Dragonspear' is alright. I have a kakky sword, but there's a stern and authoritative lady in plate mail to help me overcome that problem, so everything's fine.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Oh she's fine, it's why we're at the gym today.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So are you laying siege to the pit of the pit where Dragonspear castle used to be.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    No - I'm pissing about in Baldur's Gate. I have no money, 'cause the Grand Duke's treasurer has pinched it and given it to the Poor, and the tavern has nothing but wine on sale.

    I could easily cope with the former were it not for the latter.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:
    Sigh. That moment when you realize that you are more than halfway through a book because you were hoping it would get better and you realize that all the characters are stupid stupidheads and the only way it could get better is if they all died in a house fire and the second half of the book was about the arson investigation...

    If the piece of poop Twilight series inspired the bigger piece of poop 50 Shades, and everyone involved got stinking rich...

    Then maybe you could write a book inspired by what you're reading, and all the stupid stupidheads would die in a house fire (and/or other creative ways)... and it'd be a huge best seller, and they made a movie from it, and you got filthy rich from both?

    After all, you're supposed to put poop on (toilet) paper! :D

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    This is pretty damn cool!!!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    ~shrugs~ I have seen worse vampire movies than the Twilight series. Overall, they could have been better. But the baseball scene from the first one made it worth watching. Plus Ashley Green is hot.

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