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Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Celestial Healer wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Quick update on me since aeglos asked.

1) I'm doing fine.
2) GenCon 2016 badges purchased and hotel procured. Indy here I come.
3) I've traded insane work hours for insane travel. Just returned from 10 days in China. That was fun, educational, and tiring.
4) Fortunately, we are in a hiring mode at work so I've gotten some help which has given me a little more time. Therefore, more time to post!

Good to be back.

Do you still run your own consulting practice?

consulting went into hiatus once I joined this company full time. I still keep my company active just in case however.

Edit. Oops, it's a bit drafty all of a sudden

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I have an idea for a Half-Orc Occultist too, but that'll have to wait. honestly without Herolabs, i don't think i'd be able to figure out half of what some of these classes do.

Or at the least, i'd burn thru a lot more character sheets trying to figure it out. :-D

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So much for the stuffy dwarf stereotype. :-)

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Rawr! wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Quick update on me since aeglos asked.

1) I'm doing fine.
2) GenCon 2016 badges purchased and hotel procured. Indy here I come.
3) I've traded insane work hours for insane travel. Just returned from 10 days in China. That was fun, educational, and tiring.
4) Fortunately, we are in a hiring mode at work so I've gotten some help which has given me a little more time. Therefore, more time to post!

Good to be back.

I'll see you at GenCon, assuming you play some PFS again. We'll have to get together for lunch or dinner otherwise. :)

Yes, we will definitely get together. This time Acorn's girl friend will be joining us. PFS planning has already begun. :-D

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captain yesterday wrote:
So much for the stuffy dwarf stereotype. :-)

If ye ain't so emotionally repressed that you can't admit to not particularly feeling like hitting somebody in the face with an axe and then getting rip roaring drunk, what kind of dwarf are ye?

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Ha ha! i blanket favorite'd the whole page before Tacticslion!

Wait, was i not supposed to favorite my own post..

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, yea? You wanna play that game? Well, I can blanket favorite all the posts, too!

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

I liked almost all of my teachers, save for my 4th grade teacher who is responsible for my hatred of math.

Will never forgive the multiplication table for existing, or the school system for throwing out everything I learned about multiplication in 3rd grade ahead of schedule(which resembles what's being done in kumon and those other weird advanced placement extra curricular fancy-schamncy semi-schools with their focus on concepts, as well as a bit of the common core thing people seem to be complaining about today).

I tried to do long multiplication in my navigation lecture today. I couldn't. It's been so long I no longer remember how. And forget about long division.

It's just multiplication that causes the bad flashbacks. It was perhaps the first time in my life where I had my mom believe someone else's version of events over my own, which may be the cause of some deep-seated issues.

Division, I have no problem with. Love doing long division, probably because I was only taught one way to do it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Quick update on me since aeglos asked.

1) I'm doing fine.
2) GenCon 2016 badges purchased and hotel procured. Indy here I come.
3) I've traded insane work hours for insane travel. Just returned from 10 days in China. That was fun, educational, and tiring.
4) Fortunately, we are in a hiring mode at work so I've gotten some help which has given me a little more time. Therefore, more time to post!

Good to be back.

Do you still run your own consulting practice?

consulting went into hiatus once I joined this company full time. I still keep my company active just in case however.

Edit. Oops, it's a bit drafty all of a sudden

Good to see you back man.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Ha ha! i blanket favorite'd the whole page before Tacticslion!

Wait, was i not supposed to favorite my own post..

Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Oh, yea? You wanna play that game? Well, I can blanket favorite all the posts, too!

Ooh, ooh!!!! Favorite our blanket! Favorite our blanket!!!!!!

*2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5 Slaadlings are snuggled under a duvet.*

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If this is simplified, I don't want to see complicated

My head hurts.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

If this is simplified, I don't want to see complicated

My head hurts.

~laughter~ I love the turtling comment.

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"Where is Scandinavia?" was a good one. Good to know stuff about Sweden and the gang.

Limeylongears wrote:
Aranna wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
If it helps, I think all beer tastes terrible.
I've never drank it so I can't vouch for the taste, but I'll say that all beer smells terrible, which does not bode well for taste.

I went through my teens convinced that beer was a terrible practical joke played on everyone by aliens; who would willingly drink that stuff?

Then my German professor gave me German beer, and I could actually see drinking it for the taste. A few months later, traveling in England, a Londoner bought me a pint of draft Guinness from a London pub. Divine!

There are still very, very, VERY few beers I will drink for pleasure, but if you get a good one, you finally understand the obsession

Trader Joe's Oatmeal Stout is the cheapest one I can think of that I really like. But I'm a stout kinda guy. I like reds and lagers. I've never met an IPA nor a wheat beer that I liked, or could even tolerate.

Your taste in beer is similar to mine, I prefer reds and lagers as well and find IPAs to be nasty as well as most wheat beers... There was an amazing wheat beer made by Sam Adams, Cherry Wheat, made with Michigan cherries that was divine... It was like alcoholic dessert in a bottle. But they changed the recipe and now it is a pale imitation of the masterpiece it used to be.

IPAs have their place (EDIT: as does NUDITY) - pale ale and stout is a nice combo, depending on which ones you use. I drink stout in preference to anything else, providing it isn't made too sweet, as, personally, I do not want my beer to taste like pudding (I'm looking at you, Young's Double Chocolate); that's the same reason why I don't drink fruit beers or alcoholic soft drinks. Still, YBMV.

Black lagers are nice (schwarzbier? Aeglos'd know...), but other lagers aren't generally to my taste. Most of the lagers on sale in the Great British pub are more like carbonated horse whizz than anything adult human...

Have you been to the 'Head of Steam' in Leeds, better than the Tapped for price & a good selection of beers (& music).

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Road trip!!!

I think I broke my Spiritualist's character sheet, seems like inflict light wounds should have a higher DC then 12... wait a minute, Spiritualist's use wisdom, not Charisma for spells... D'oh!

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My favorite teacher was an old man about to retire in 11th grade who taught honors English.

He never took roll. He didn't give a f*** if idiots skipped class or slept, as long as they STFU and let those of us who cared to learn do so unimpeded. He literally deadbolted the door shut after the bell rang to prevent late arrivals and force them to get the office to call and let them in. He pissed the administration off because he gave zero craps about students who didn't want to learn. He would kick you out for the slightest disruption.

For those of us who did want to learn, he was amazing. He taught me shortcuts and formulas for writing papers that got me straight As in college.

I hope Mr. Carlton is enjoying his retirement.

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For those of you who've never worked education, that attitude, by the way, is unheard of. It's all coddle the slow and ignore the smart because we'll work independently, which if you can't guess by my attitude, I'm not a fan of. The smart get done in two minutes when working alone, bored, and then we disrupt the hell out of the average while the slow are being tended to.

It was my bane while teaching, and why I think it's idiocy that we don't have classes separated based on abilities so teachers can teach to the levels that need it.

But as I said, Mr. C WAS retiring, so he gave zero f***s about the system. God bless him.

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My favorite teacher was my dad, but then, my only other teacher was my mom, and she made me do math.

I was home schooled my whole life, except for that one magical semester I was able to take driver's ed when I refused to speak to my mom until she allowed it (two weeks before she caved).

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I also forgot to equip armor on Pomeroy before I output it.

Hilarious enough, the only two I got right were the halfling and dwarf.

Egads, maybe I do have a problem...

How can you afford Herolab but not Pdfs of systems you've never played? Herolab is bloody expensive to keep up with.

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It was a Christmas present a couple of years ago, from a really good friend (which to this day is the most generous present anyone other then my wife has ever gotten me) I only recently got the Occult Adventures add on, mostly so I could figure out Occult Adventures. :-)

Edit: I also don't buy every expansion, I can pick and choose which ones I want or need.

Edit 2: The editing: And I was actually going to check out used bookstores (living in a college town has advantages, such as a robust secondary RPG market) for mutants and masterminds this spring, so I do listen, occasionally (I'm sure it'll pass).

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
How can you afford Herolab but not Pdfs of systems you've never played? Herolab is bloody expensive to keep up with.

LOL. Just try doing all your prep work using HeroLabs and the community repository.

"Oh, wait! This time we used THIS $10 book. Next time we'll use the $5 variant of that book because it had that one ability that we couldn't find anywhere else."

At the moment, I think that little "$30" HeroLab program has run me a grand total of around $400 or so...
...of course, considering I was totally unwilling to post in the "What are your monthly expenses?" thread, I'll just say my monthly allowance for myself is $300, and over 2/3 of that goes straight into gaming/Pathfinder stuff. And some of that is inevitably HeroLabs...

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Yeah, I play tabletop because it's cheap. If I wanted to spend money, I'd buy a PS4 and stay away from other human beings.

My budget fluctuates too much to have a monthly budget, although I could see me spending that if I could. :-)

So far I've been getting one or two expansions every few months or so.

My biggest accomplishment so far is getting the General hooked on it. :-)

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Don't get me wrong, you folks seem cool, but most other adult members of my species make me want to do new and inventive things to them with a cheese grater and some salt water.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sad thing about cheese graters and salt water is that adult people of your species have been thoroughly exploring how to do things with them to other such people since cheese graters and salt water were invented...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Now I want some cheese.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Now I want some cheese.

Don't eat the red drippy cheese. It's too salty.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Great! Now I want salt water taffy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anyone else see the trailer for Dudes and Dragons, looks pretty stupid (funny), has Jeff Bridges and Luke Perry.

My favorite part is, Luke Perry making fun of Jeff Bridges "what did your horsey get scared and run away" Jeff Bridges (threatening) "You leave horsey out of this!"

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It won't be as good as my oscar nominated role in 8 seconds

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:

Anyone else see the trailer for Dudes and Dragons, looks pretty stupid (funny), has Jeff Bridges and Luke Perry.

My favorite part is, Luke Perry making fun of Jeff Bridges "what did your horsey get scared and run away" Jeff Bridges (threatening) "You leave horsey out of this!"

I'll watch anything with Jeff Bridges

Silver Crusade

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and or Kurt Russell

Lemme know if this works, won't for outside of U.S. probably

otherwise just do a search on youtube for it, i don't have an account so it won't play for me (for some reason youtube has an age restriction on the trailer, and i don't have an account.

R. Tam Sessions

Wow. So good.

Shadow Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

My wife's grandmother passed away yesterday. It's turned our plans for the week upside down for the most part. But it looks like she will still be able to make it to Disney next weekend. After this weekend with family, I imagine she'll need it.

captain yesterday wrote:

Lemme know if this works, won't for outside of U.S. probably

otherwise just do a search on youtube for it, i don't have an account so it won't play for me (for some reason youtube has an age restriction on the trailer, and i don't have an account.

Sadly, it does not. Sorry.


TOZ wrote:
My wife's grandmother passed away yesterday. It's turned our plans for the week upside down for the most part. But it looks like she will still be able to make it to Disney next weekend. After this weekend with family, I imagine she'll need it.

I'm so, sorry. Please give her my condolences and empathy. I know exactly how devastating that can be.

Peace and even - hard as it can be to imagine - joy to you both and her whole family during this time.

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

For those of you who've never worked education, that attitude, by the way, is unheard of. It's all coddle the slow and ignore the smart because we'll work independently, which if you can't guess by my attitude, I'm not a fan of. The smart get done in two minutes when working alone, bored, and then we disrupt the hell out of the average while the slow are being tended to.

It was my bane while teaching, and why I think it's idiocy that we don't have classes separated based on abilities so teachers can teach to the levels that need it.

But as I said, Mr. C WAS retiring, so he gave zero f***s about the system. God bless him.

I used to tutor. The smart kids were a!#*~$$s who flipped out the instant their innate genius exhausted. The average kids who paid attention did fine, possibly because they had no shame in asking for help, although they may have had problems with paying attention. The kids who neither paid attention nor asked for help tended not to bother anyone, so they rarely crossed paths with me. Those that did usually just learned in a radically different way than I or other people did- very much like my father that way.

The old "different levels" thing has been disproven in practice so many times it is funny- I forget that kid n play movie that did it first, but there was an episode of Clarence that did it best imo. I get that teaching is nonsencially difficult, but teacher are also more human than human, and it is the rare teacher that is going to take the difficult and/or dumb kids and be paid the same rate as those who have kids who teach themselves without complaint.

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That's weird, I just tried it on my phone, worked for me.

Hulu's weird sometimes.

Silver Crusade

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Sorry about that TOZ, May she rest in peace. Disneyland should provide a much needed infusion of happiness. I know I can't stop smiling everytime I go.

Shadow Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

She'd already said goodbye long before. This is just seeing the body off, as her mind had departed years ago.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
My wife's grandmother passed away yesterday. It's turned our plans for the week upside down for the most part. But it looks like she will still be able to make it to Disney next weekend. After this weekend with family, I imagine she'll need it.

damn. I literally just spent three days with my own wife's grandmother. She is in her 90s and i enjoyed every moment. She has no fear of death, and is waiting for her time with patience, and is caring for her great grandchild happily and spends the rest of het time watching daytime tv. I will miss her when she goes.

Happy belated birthday Lynora.

Also: DSX sighting! Yay!!

Grand Lodge

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Freehold DM wrote:
damn. I literally just spent three days with my own wife's grandmother. She is in her 90s and i enjoyed every moment. She has no fear of death, and is waiting for her time with patience, and is caring for her great grandchild happily and spends the rest of het time watching daytime tv. I will miss her when she goes.

I'm glad. My own grandmother deteriorated before I could introduce her to my wife. She got to meet her, but it wasn't the same Grandma Shoppy I knew growing up. It's a terrible thing.

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Fat Thursday... Omnomnom pączki. Bought two, got two extra.

DSX Machina wrote:

Have you been to the 'Head of Steam' in Leeds, better than the Tapped for price & a good selection of beers (& music).

I've been to the one in Hudds, but not Leeds - mind you, boozers tend to come and go at a dizzying rate there. Where's the Leeds one?

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My great grandmother on my stepdad's side was 105 when she passed away. Lucid right up to the end, too. Only person I know who got to hold one of her grandchildrens grandchildren. I wasn't there, but I hear she went to the end content.

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My grandparents were smokers, none lived past my teens.

I'm very grateful our kids have a very close bond with both their sets of grandparents.

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Dude. Financial aid comes in, and within a day I've already taken out a sizeable chunk:

Google Nexus 9 (Old tablet is fin)
Carrying case
Two Kate Ascher books related to my university major
4 textbooks (soon I'll buy a 5th, the most expensive)
Box cutter (the orange disposables at work go dull after two uses)
Box cutter blades
64 GB USB/Micro USB flash drive (for the tablet and for moving stuff between university computers)

All of that was over $400. Still, given the number of textbooks, that's probably pretty cheap.

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