Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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My friend and I had a favourite game when I was small called 'Dodge the Pointy Stick'. This involved person A throwing the Pointy Stick and person B getting out of the way of the Pointy Stick, then swapping places. Inevitably, someone even failed to dodge the Pointy Stick, and equally inevitably, that person was me. I escaped losing an eye by millimetres and still have a scar to remind me of quite how thick we were...

EDIT: Speaking of Pointy Sticks...

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Could you Point that Stick somewhere else?

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On the road~!
Two hours and a four and one year old! Nothing could possibly go wrong...


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Looked to me like it wasn't "little miss hates the world" so much as "little miss considers if you're going to try to take her chair, you monster".

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Sissyl wrote:
Looked to me like it wasn't "little miss hates the world" so much as "little miss considers if you're going to try to take her chair, you monster".

Nah. She knows the world all too well. If you're over 5 and you're not in a lab coat, you will bleed.

Around little kids and vets, she's all sweetness, as if she couldn't possibly be a vicious engine of blood and death.

My favorite moment? A few years ago when she was out front, twining around a 2-year-old's legs as the little girl giggled and bopped her (her best attempt at a pet, I'm afraid), and Dad reached in for a pet.

I am amazed Dad didn't need stitches. But she totally missed the little girl, and Dad picked up Little Girl and stormed off, bleeding...

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Jacksonville, here I come!

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Yeah my mom rescued a cat from a disaster. And that cat loved me and she loved children but she didn't like my mom for some reason and hated adult men. My mom would get so frustrated "I rescued you! You should love me more." She would say. Kitties are sometimes particular about who is ok to love.

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Captain Yesterday's obnoxiously adorable animal rescue story time: I was nine, or ten, and we had just moved into a new house, my Dad's business partner's old house actually, as we moved in, there was this sad little terrier mix dog, "She's untrainable, her name is Peaches, she can't be kept in the house" the piece of shit said dismissively.

A couple of weeks go by, the dog stays away from everyone, spring starts blossoming, and my mom says at breakfast one day "well if doesn't warm up to us in the next week, we'll call the pound"

A couple of days go by, the backyard thaws out, and as always my a%%*##~ older brother see's his chance to give me a good whupping, as i sat in the backyard, licking my wounds and crying, she came up to me, sat in my lap. and licked my face.

She was my dog from then onward, she never had an accident, and followed me everywhere.

My daughter loved that story so much, she named her dog Peaches.

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Of course my parents are having a surprise visit this weekend, I work all weekend, called in tonight, they weren't happy, now I just gotta figure out supper...

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Tacticslion wrote:
Jacksonville, here I come!

How long you going to be in my neck of the woods?

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captain yesterday wrote:
Of course my parents are having a surprise visit this weekend, I work all weekend, called in tonight, they weren't happy, now I just gotta figure out supper...

McDonald's is my go-to place for such behavior.

"Sorry you didn't give me any time to plan, but I've been working solid and I didn't get a chance to shop, so we're just doing McD's tonight."

Do it ONCE.

You will never get less than 24-hour notice again.

Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Jacksonville, here I come!
How long you going to be in my neck of the woods?

Sadly, only until riiiiiiiiight... now. I dropped my kids off with my parents* for the weekend! ... so the wife and I can go sleep on someone else's couches. Hm. "Romantic date weekend" seems to have been planned poorly**...

I thought about getting here earlier to have time to see you, but... nope. Kids. Never quite work out on schedule... ;D

* They are staying at a hotel for the weekend.
** It's actually my brother-in-law's house warming party, but it sounded funnier this way.

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My parents have been doing this for twenty years or more, at least once or four times a year.

They're also fine with McDonald's and then I'm out forty bucks, no thanks. :-)

Besides, if they stay, free babysitting makes up for every inconvenience.

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captain yesterday wrote:

My parents have been doing this for twenty years or more, at least once or four times a year.

They're also fine with McDonald's and then I'm out forty bucks, no thanks. :-)

Besides, if they stay, free babysitting makes up for every inconvenience.

Forty bucks!?!?!? At McDonald's?!?!?!

What the heck do you guys order? And why doesn't my McDonald's have it?

For the four of us (NobodysHome, NobodysWife, Impus Major, and Impus Minor) we tend to run around $18-$24. When we add Hi and Shiro, we sometimes break $30.

$40 at McD's. You, sir, are Living Large!


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in hindsight, that does seem a bit high, we're not used to eating out.

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Traffic sucks. You spend an hour carefully and legally shaving off five minutes or so off of your projected travel time, and spend five minutes watching the projected travel time increase by ten. :/

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Stupid weekend highway traffic!

For Tacticslion I mean.

Silver Crusade

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Of course my parents are having a surprise visit this weekend, I work all weekend, called in tonight, they weren't happy, now I just gotta figure out supper...

McDonald's is my go-to place for such behavior.

"Sorry you didn't give me any time to plan, but I've been working solid and I didn't get a chance to shop, so we're just doing McD's tonight."

Do it ONCE.

You will never get less than 24-hour notice again.

Maybe that's what we're doing wrong. We order pizza, but the pizza is really good, so people come back.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

We spent yesterday night being lashed by Gertrude.

There was also a storm.

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So Ireland is the Vegas of time travel.


Or did I get that wrong...

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Of course my parents are having a surprise visit this weekend, I work all weekend, called in tonight, they weren't happy, now I just gotta figure out supper...

McDonald's is my go-to place for such behavior.

"Sorry you didn't give me any time to plan, but I've been working solid and I didn't get a chance to shop, so we're just doing McD's tonight."

Do it ONCE.

You will never get less than 24-hour notice again.

Maybe that's what we're doing wrong. We order pizza, but the pizza is really good, so people come back.

Did someone say PIZZA?!? Party at Celestial Healer's house!!! He is buying!

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It is so quiet here...

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Pea Bear really loves the Suicide Squad trailer.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Pea Bear really loves the Suicide Squad trailer.

Good on her! I admit the trailer is nice, but there's still no way I'm going to go see it.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

Ugh. Anxiety attack triggered by letters from Treasure Office to my mother. I have no idea what is inside and I am (obviously) not opening them but that can't be good. I think I'll take them back unopened to their office to inform them that mother left Poland almost ten years ago and is living in England. They will probably ask question about her address, which I don't remember (I have no need for it myself, I know my way from the bus station to the house where they are living).

My mother birthday happens to be on Sunday so I will be calling her with birthday wishes and yet I will have to worry her with those letters. If she will want me to open them and read I won't be able to return unopened.

Damned shakes.

I sympathize... I had one last night as well. Spent the night in the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack and called 911.

Today saw the doctor, got put on antidepressants, and then promptly passed out for seven hours after being up all night. I only just woke up a couple hours ago and rushed around to get the errands done I was planning to do this afternoon.

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That's no fun at all Orthos, glad you're well! :-)

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mourge40k wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Pea Bear really loves the Suicide Squad trailer.
Good on her! I admit the trailer is nice, but there's still no way I'm going to go see it.

We will be watching it, I admit it will be fun to see, especially with what's his name from My So Called Life playing The Joker. Ah, memory lane! So rosy!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I am eating sushi.

That is all.

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Gotta love connected grandparents with IPhones, they spend half the night yelling "Siri!... Siri!... Siri!"

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I have been too sick to leave the house, much less meet a forum buddy. That's why I asked how long. Figured if you'd be a few days I'd have healed up by then.

Hey, I can walk for more than five minutes around the house. That's improvement!

8 people marked this as a favorite.

My dad looks great! The Parkinson's disease medication is working great, he looks better than he has in a couple of years. :-)

Silver Crusade

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5 dollar friday at the store featuring dungeness crab. mmmmm....I made a garlic chili sauce for it.

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Spammer in campaign journal section? Ugh...

Liberty's Edge

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Back from dinner *and* a movie! Livin' the dream!

The Revanant:
This movie is almost 3 hours of torture porn on Leonardo DiCaprio. Still, no Oscar.

Treppa wrote:

I am eating sushi.

That is all.

Fishies. *drool*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Ugh. Anxiety attack triggered by letters from Treasure Office to my mother. I have no idea what is inside and I am (obviously) not opening them but that can't be good. I think I'll take them back unopened to their office to inform them that mother left Poland almost ten years ago and is living in England. They will probably ask question about her address, which I don't remember (I have no need for it myself, I know my way from the bus station to the house where they are living).

My mother birthday happens to be on Sunday so I will be calling her with birthday wishes and yet I will have to worry her with those letters. If she will want me to open them and read I won't be able to return unopened.

Damned shakes.

I sympathize... I had one last night as well. Spent the night in the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack and called 911.

Today saw the doctor, got put on antidepressants, and then promptly passed out for seven hours after being up all night. I only just woke up a couple hours ago and rushed around to get the errands done I was planning to do this afternoon.

Damn. I'm sorry man.

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Treppa wrote:

I am eating sushi.

That is all.

I wish I was eating sushi...


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We lost Bradley...

His wife wrote on his facebook feed three hours ago. Bowel cancer which he was fighting with for some time now.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

We lost Bradley...

His wife wrote on his facebook feed three hours ago. Bowel cancer which he was fighting with for some time now.

Indeed. I just posted in his memorial thread.

I am going to miss that guy. Will never be able to look at Snow White without thinking of him.

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Yes, I just saw that thread when I was preparing to start one.

The Exchange

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Drejk wrote:

We lost Bradley...

His wife wrote on his facebook feed three hours ago. Bowel cancer which he was fighting with for some time now.

I just read that.

Lord receive you my friend.

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This is a dark day.

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Sad TOZ wrote:

Yeah, pretty much ... =(

Liberty's Edge

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A drink for all, in the name of a great dwarf and a great man.

Dark Archive

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My sentiments

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Silver Crusade

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Oh no! I didn't know he was unwell. I am saddened by this.

Dark Archive

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Drejk wrote:
We lost Bradley...

May the Soul Forger throw open the Gates wide and welcome you with a full tankard of his finest Good Master Dwarf.

That's horribly and sadly tragic. Even Happy is crying.

For those who were not aware, he was a great Tolkien fan and his user name is from the 8th Dwarf from The Hobbit, Glóin, son Gróin, father of Gimli.

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On a lighter note, 6-9 inches (of snow) is our first estimate for Tuesday into Wednesday.

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