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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Hey: Turtles wasn't all that bad... but.. uh... otherwise... yeah.

(Also, he was producer instead of director, put Fox in a role that she almost successfully emoted with, and still got a needless car explosion.)


My biggest problem with the film was the inordinate amount of bay hate aimed towards it. Can anyone even name the *director* of the film? The people in it? I am patiently waiting for the day a group of people kill themselves to the applause of the internet because it is revealed bay breathes oxygen/eats food/drinks water and they abstain out of protest.

Yes movie Bob, I'm looking at you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

F$+% yeah, I'm naked for this one. It's been an awful day at work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What was foretold has come to pass...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
This came up because I was wandering what others thought of the irritating ending to Fran Bow (not a game for you, Orthos), and so often Kubrick's name comes up as an excuse/defense for having a half-complete or ultra-vague ending. It's... innane. Enjoy it as you like, sure, that's fine: doesn't stop me from falling out a story that purposefully invalidates any kind of cohesive conclusion as "feeling lazy to me" and "irritating".

Funny enough, I'm familiar with it. I saw someone I follow on Youtube playing a middle section - lots of talking trees and junk - and though it was some really surreal fantasy thing so went looking for a playthrough from the beginning and... yeah @_@ that's a thing.

EDIT: ninja Orthos!

Responding to:

Freehold DM wrote:


My biggest problem with the film was the inordinate amount of bay hate aimed towards it. Can anyone even name the *director* of the film? The people in it? I am patiently waiting for the day a group of people kill themselves to the applause of the internet because it is revealed bay breathes oxygen/eats food/drinks water and they abstain out of protest.

Yes movie Bob, I'm looking at you.

I tend to agree, partially. Bay made some terrible decisions about how he dealt with the fans prior to the film's creation, and I believe that negatively poisoned the general attitude toward the film. It had flaws (I found Ms. Fox never actually breathing with her mouth closed even when she was sneaking to be distracting; the bizarre appearance of the turtles - great to separate them, but strange decisions to do so; and the villainous bait-and-switch without real traction, for example), but it also has a lot of little merits that people tend to downplay that actually form a fairly solid film.

Vernan might not be smooths or always likeable, but he was genuinely heroic and kind, and very helpful, regardless.

Tacticslion wrote:

EDIT: ninja Orthos!

Responding to:

Freehold DM wrote:


My biggest problem with the film was the inordinate amount of bay hate aimed towards it. Can anyone even name the *director* of the film? The people in it? I am patiently waiting for the day a group of people kill themselves to the applause of the internet because it is revealed bay breathes oxygen/eats food/drinks water and they abstain out of protest.

Yes movie Bob, I'm looking at you.

I tend to agree, partially. Bay made some terrible decisions about how he dealt with the fans prior to the film's creation, and I believe that negatively poisoned the general attitude toward the film. It had flaws (I found Ms. Fox never actually breathing with her mouth closed even when she was sneaking to be distracting; the bizarre appearance of the turtles - great to separate them, but strange decisions to do so; and the villainous bait-and-switch without real traction, for example), but it also has a lot of little merits that people tend to downplay that actually form a fairly solid film.

Vernan might not be smooths or always likeable, but he was genuinely heroic and kind, and very helpful, regardless.

if you had to deal with the level of stupid he had to, I'm sure you would have dealt harshly with the fans too.

Arg! Post eaten. I'll get back to this convo later, maybe.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I liked the movie, I thought they did a great job giving the turtles personality, and splinter fighting was epic, otherwise the rest of the cast was forgettable but competent.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Puts on bike-proof armor. Scouts around for Freehold.
Looks good! Let's go!

It's that time of year again: The time when NobodysHome has to turn off the radio because he finds the ads so patently offensive:

Warm, smarmy voice of Asmodeus sales guy: "So, Joe Average, what are you getting your female companion for the holidays?"
Joe: I was thinking of something practical-but-obviously-derogatory, like a dishwasher or a vacuum cleaner. Or maybe an actually-not-too-bad-of-an-idea: a nice sweater.
SG: Well, Joe, I just happen to have your female companion on the line, and here's what she has to say!
Joe: What? NO!!!
FC: Joe, you complete %&%$^@*#!!! I don't want something practical! I want a shiny, crystallized rock! Or perhaps some shiny metal! It must be shiny! It must serve no purpose! Otherwise I'm leaving you because you are no longer a worthwhile human being!
SG: That's right, Joe! The *only* proper gift to a female companion this time of year is a shiny rock! And don't forget! It has to cost two months' salary!
Joe: WHAT?!?!?! But what about food? Shelter? Heating? Why am I spending over 10% of my income on an inert rock?
FC: Waaaaaaaaaah! I want a divorce!
Ditzy Female: My boyfriend doesn't have time to shop, so I make a list for him at the consignment center! They sell Gucci, Prada, Tiffany, and all kinds of other high-end brands! I wonder what he'll get me?
Announcer: So, BF, what do YOU want for the holidays?
BF: A new, non-materialistic girlfriend?
DF: Waaaaaaaaah!!!!

NobodysHome wrote:

Puts on bike-proof armor. Scouts around for Freehold.

Looks good! Let's go!

It's that time of year again: The time when NobodysHome has to turn off the radio because he finds the ads so patently offensive:

Warm, smarmy voice of Asmodeus sales guy: "So, Joe Average, what are you getting your female companion for the holidays?"
Joe: I was thinking of something practical-but-obviously-derogatory, like a dishwasher or a vacuum cleaner. Or maybe an actually-not-too-bad-of-an-idea: a nice sweater.
SG: Well, Joe, I just happen to have your female companion on the line, and here's what she has to say!
Joe: What? NO!!!
FC: Joe, you complete %&%$^@*#!!! I don't want something practical! I want a shiny, crystallized rock! Or perhaps some shiny metal! It must be shiny! It must serve no purpose! Otherwise I'm leaving you because you are no longer a worthwhile human being!
SG: That's right, Joe! The *only* proper gift to a female companion this time of year is a shiny rock! And don't forget! It has to cost two months' salary!
Joe: WHAT?!?!?! But what about food? Shelter? Heating? Why am I spending over 10% of my income on an inert rock?
FC: Waaaaaaaaaah! I want a divorce!
Ditzy Female: My boyfriend doesn't have time to shop, so I make a list for him at the consignment center! They sell Gucci, Prada, Tiffany, and all kinds of other high-end brands! I wonder what he'll get me?
Announcer: So, BF, what do YOU want for the holidays?
BF: A new, non-materialistic girlfriend?
DF: Waaaaaaaaah!!!!

My wife, in addition to being all kinds of physically sexy, agreed to a limit on how much we spend on each other for each holiday, and has stuck to it for the ten years I've known her, and didn't even go crazy amd change up once I put a ring on it seven years ago.

Gonna be honest, that's way sexier than the physically sexy, which is, as I previously mentioned, up there.

Golddiggers deserve the lonely nights and lack of certainty they will forever have as their significant others cheat on them with less attractive but more substantial counterparts. I understand treating VD isn't free, and maintaining a lack of personality with material items doesn't pay for itself, but I have a small amount of perverse pleasure when I realize how they never attain true love, but only a shadow of a mockery.

Wow. Crap, I'm evil today. Yep, this deserves my DBT alias, at the least.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

.... And this is why I hate this time of the year. It reminds me that I'm single. Still.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have kids, those are the real golddiggers. :-)

"I want a camera!"

"I want every variation of teenage mutant ninja turtles the market can handle" (oh my god, it's nearing star wars saturation!)

"Santa can only afford so much kids"

"Nope, he has the titanium card, the credit card commercials all say so!"

"That's not my Santa, I voted for Kodos!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll say it a million times if I must.

Captain Yesterday does not train people at a toy store. Ever.

Never ever, non negotiable.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wake up. Commute. Work. Commute. Go to bed. Sleep. Repeat ad infinitum.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We don't have a limit exactly but let's put it this way I overheard someone talking about how "little" a ring cost they wanted their bfto buy them. It would only require him to take out a loan. Before thinking I said "Thank god my wife's not like that" office goes silent.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's just cold.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I concur.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It feels like Snowdin! Perhaps we should away to Grillby's!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

not feelin like cookin tonight, bro?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I...uh...didn't completely burn down the kitchen! Yes! I am not feeling like cooking!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

we could just blame undyne again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't you think she might get upset?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

it's all in how you word it.

say somethin like "fierce burnin passion" or somethin and she'll probably let you off.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Of course! I knew that.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I have kids, those are the real golddiggers. :-)

"I want a camera!"

"I want every variation of teenage mutant ninja turtles the market can handle" (oh my god, it's nearing star wars saturation!)

"Santa can only afford so much kids"

"Nope, he has the titanium card, the credit card commercials all say so!"

"That's not my Santa, I voted for Kodos!"

Tell them that Santa died of overwork and now Dziadek Mroz will bring presents, and those will be warm socks and sweaters because otherwise they won't survive Siberian winter.

It's only better that his name transforms into "dead morose" when anglicanized.
Edit: better alias, slightly more in-character.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I have kids, those are the real golddiggers. :-)

"I want a camera!"

"I want every variation of teenage mutant ninja turtles the market can handle" (oh my god, it's nearing star wars saturation!)

"Santa can only afford so much kids"

"Nope, he has the titanium card, the credit card commercials all say so!"

"That's not my Santa, I voted for Kodos!"

My four year old just made his first-ever requested Christmas present. He requested a video game. I am so incredibly proud.

(Proud enough to post this on my thread, too: right about now...)

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

I will say that 2001: A Space Odyssy has some really test music, and a solid story (at least until it tries to go artsy and hyper-navel-gazing at the end which is... fine, but definitively neither the pinnacle of intellectual cinema nor as satisfying as just writing an actual ending).

What's so hot about the music? Choosing particularly good classical music is not exactly an artistic achievement.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I was drinking Manhattans.

In Manhattan.

I'm so clever.

And drunk.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

I was drinking Manhattans.

In Manhattan.

I'm so clever.

And drunk.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I was drinking Manhattans.

In Manhattan.

I'm so clever.

And drunk.



1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freebird DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I was drinking Manhattans.

In Manhattan.

I'm so clever.

And drunk.



1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gaius Claudius Urbanus wrote:
Freebird DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I was drinking Manhattans.

In Manhattan.

I'm so clever.

And drunk.



1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jebediah, Puritan Jerk wrote:
Gaius Claudius Urbanus wrote:
Freebird DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I was drinking Manhattans.

In Manhattan.

I'm so clever.

And drunk.



For those males who can't figure out what jewelry is for... it is FASHION! Yes I know you clearly have a closet full of burlap sacks that you wear every day... what? you wear fashionable outfits?! ~shocked look~ They why on earth would you criticize your woman for wearing something fashionable, like a ring or necklace?! And NO no one is suggesting you spend thousands on jewelry at least not more than you usually spend on fashion; If a $300 suit seems normal to you then that's not a bad spending point for jewelry... now if you are rich and routinely drop a few thousand for luxury items than you should probably be spending that on the gifts for her as well.

In case you never shopped for fashion accessories, they do indeed come in ALL price levels from super cheap to super expensive. Now that being said not all women want their men buying them fashion accessories... especially if these men have no fashion sense.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, because it's the accessories we're looking at.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Delayed Blast Threadlock wrote:
Yeah, because it's the accessories we're looking at.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Wow, that is one sexy pair of earrings!" said no heterosexual male ever....unless his gf/fiance/wife/etc pointedly asked, "what do you think of my earrings?" And he really just didn't need the headache that comes with responding, "They're earrings. They're like a quarter inch long and accessorize your ears. It's not like I even noticed them."

"Oh, just look at the way that ring on her finger draws attention to the knuckles curvature." Nope.

A case can be made for necklaces. I'm not unaware of putting a frame around, or in this case above, a work of art.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:


For those males who can't figure out what jewelry is for... it is FASHION! Yes I know you clearly have a closet full of burlap sacks that you wear every day... what? you wear fashionable outfits?! ~shocked look~ They why on earth would you criticize your woman for wearing something fashionable, like a ring or necklace?! And NO no one is suggesting you spend thousands on jewelry at least not more than you usually spend on fashion; If a $300 suit seems normal to you then that's not a bad spending point for jewelry... now if you are rich and routinely drop a few thousand for luxury items than you should probably be spending that on the gifts for her as well.

In case you never shopped for fashion accessories, they do indeed come in ALL price levels from super cheap to super expensive. Now that being said not all women want their men buying them fashion accessories... especially if these men have no fashion sense.

You misunderstand me.

I did not state that accessories are pointless; most of the "rock" and "shiny" statements were for comic exaggeration. I rather object to the method their salespeople always invoke: "You are a worthless man unless you spend more than you can afford on a trinket devoted solely to fashion."

If I were to spend two months' salary on a full three-piece suit, my wife would kill me... so how does the accessory industry get away with stating that as the "standard" by which women should be accessorized? A more apropos comparison might be a tie or a fine pair of shoes. The most expensive such item I ever bought for myself was a bit under a week's salary. Our custom-made wedding rings in platinum combined were about a month's salary for me as a grad student. The handful of Tiffany items I've purchased over the years all told don't amount to a month.

It's the sheer greed and cynicism shown by the salespeople of that industry that depresses me.

And now we're so far into politics that Freehold shall ride forth on his flaming bicycle and smite us down with his air pump of nontalkiness!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Besides clothing.

I wear no adornment, no jewelry, watch, tattoo or piercing.

I barely remember to wear my wedding ring (which is a five dollar mood ring from a flea market) but in my line of work (landscaping, not toy store) unless you do throw down serious cash ($2,000+ for titanium), your wedding ring won't last (tho i have twice had it save me from serious or catastrophic injury).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I know I am not comfortable wearing stuff worth thousands of dollars. Sweden isn't a dangerous country by any means, but just as I wouldn't wear rings, watches etc worth several months' salaries, I wouldn't buy a sports car for the same reason. And seriously, it's not the ring that makes you married. Even if it were, it isn't the price that would do it either. I would much prefer something that looks good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Aranna wrote:
I am in peppermint hell... A nice guy at work bought me a peppermint mocha from Starbucks and it was good for about 1/4 of the cup. After that the peppermint flavoring grew SO strong that it's all I can taste... Like being force fed a heaping pile of peppermint in every sip. I don't want to make him sad that I am no longer liking it... Do you think he will notice if I don't finish?
Just add some peppermint schnapps. You won't be able to taste anything after a few good slugs.
This suggestion is made of wrong.not only does it sound like a horrible idea to add peppermint to a drink that has way too much already, but I am what they like to call a cheap date, and it would be a bad idea to be drunk at work.

Don't you carry a gun at work?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Besides clothing.

I wear no adornment, no jewelry, watch, tattoo or piercing.

I barely remember to wear my wedding ring (which is a five dollar mood ring from a flea market) but in my line of work (landscaping, not toy store) unless you do throw down serious cash ($2,000+ for titanium), your wedding ring won't last (tho i have twice had it save me from serious or catastrophic injury).

Wedding ring of protection?

Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Aranna wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Aranna wrote:
I am in peppermint hell... A nice guy at work bought me a peppermint mocha from Starbucks and it was good for about 1/4 of the cup. After that the peppermint flavoring grew SO strong that it's all I can taste... Like being force fed a heaping pile of peppermint in every sip. I don't want to make him sad that I am no longer liking it... Do you think he will notice if I don't finish?
Just add some peppermint schnapps. You won't be able to taste anything after a few good slugs.
This suggestion is made of wrong.not only does it sound like a horrible idea to add peppermint to a drink that has way too much already, but I am what they like to call a cheap date, and it would be a bad idea to be drunk at work.
Don't you carry a gun at work?

Yes I carry a gun at work.

NobodysHome wrote:
Aranna wrote:


For those males who can't figure out what jewelry is for... it is FASHION! Yes I know you clearly have a closet full of burlap sacks that you wear every day... what? you wear fashionable outfits?! ~shocked look~ They why on earth would you criticize your woman for wearing something fashionable, like a ring or necklace?! And NO no one is suggesting you spend thousands on jewelry at least not more than you usually spend on fashion; If a $300 suit seems normal to you then that's not a bad spending point for jewelry... now if you are rich and routinely drop a few thousand for luxury items than you should probably be spending that on the gifts for her as well.

In case you never shopped for fashion accessories, they do indeed come in ALL price levels from super cheap to super expensive. Now that being said not all women want their men buying them fashion accessories... especially if these men have no fashion sense.

You misunderstand me.

I did not state that accessories are pointless; most of the "rock" and "shiny" statements were for comic exaggeration. I rather object to the method their salespeople always invoke: "You are a worthless man unless you spend more than you can afford on a trinket devoted solely to fashion."

If I were to spend two months' salary on a full three-piece suit, my wife would kill me... so how does the accessory industry get away with stating that as the "standard" by which women should be accessorized? A more apropos comparison might be a tie or a fine pair of shoes. The most expensive such item I ever bought for myself was a bit under a week's salary. Our custom-made wedding rings in platinum combined were about a month's salary for me as a grad student. The handful of Tiffany items I've purchased over the years all told don't amount to a month.

It's the sheer greed and cynicism shown by the salespeople of that industry that depresses me.

And now we're so far into politics that Freehold shall ride forth on his flaming bicycle...

Ah ok.

Maybe I am missing something in jewelry ads? The ones I have seen usually imply "make her feel special with expensive jewelry" or "win her love with expensive jewelry" I don't recall any that imply "Your a loser if you don't buy her expensive jewelry" I mean if she married you it's a safe bet that she doesn't think you are a loser. Although it could also be a product of the sex sells marketing approach "You won't have a chance with a girl this attractive unless you buy our product" which sadly really does work... I guess men really will buy anything from a pretty girl.

As for greed of salespeople... it's built into the system. They usually get paid on a commission so they only earn good money if they can move a lot of product. That alters your behavior. I was a waitress once and you quickly learn to read a table. If it looks like they will tip a lot you spend way more time attending to that table than the table of the person who seems unfriendly or unlikely to tip much if anything. I mean why waste the effort? Just get that cheap table their food quickly and ignore them and hopefully they will leave quickly freeing that table up for a more generous customer. Nobody wants to earn less money.

Oh and fashion isn't politics, I am sure Freehold will not launch flaming bikes at us.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

alarm goes off
hits communicator next to bed
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Sir! We have reports of fashion politicking in thread!
ME: hmm. Technically not politics. Still, take us to yellow alert.
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Yellow alert, aye! Request permission to set bikes aflame, sir!
ME: pensive No..not yet. Still...have engineering go over the schematics we acquired for that bike-proof armor. We need an edge against NobodysHome's enhanced technology.
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Sir, what if he has a psychommu?
ME: Then god help us all, son.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Aranna wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Aranna wrote:
I am in peppermint hell... A nice guy at work bought me a peppermint mocha from Starbucks and it was good for about 1/4 of the cup. After that the peppermint flavoring grew SO strong that it's all I can taste... Like being force fed a heaping pile of peppermint in every sip. I don't want to make him sad that I am no longer liking it... Do you think he will notice if I don't finish?
Just add some peppermint schnapps. You won't be able to taste anything after a few good slugs.
This suggestion is made of wrong.not only does it sound like a horrible idea to add peppermint to a drink that has way too much already, but I am what they like to call a cheap date, and it would be a bad idea to be drunk at work.
Don't you carry a gun at work?
Yes I carry a gun at work.

replaces arranas work beers with odouls

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Someone on my (perfectly respectable) dating site with the username 'busty[vaguely French sounding word] wants to meet me.

Too good to be true, perhaps.

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