Deep 6 FaWtL

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

So this is what goes on while I'm asleep. I see.

EDIT: And you see much, much more than you bargained for, you lucky old things.

So far as *my* lucky old thing is concerned, the less said the better.

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You call that thing "lucky"?

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If you think I have a lot of nicknames, you should hear all the stuff I call it when no one's around.

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I should probably get some therapy.

So, our governor has declared tomorrow "Snowplow Driver Appreciation Day".

What the f%#@! We've had exactly one snowfall of 6 inches that was washed away with rain two days later, and considering how warm it was beforehand I can't imagine a lot stuck on the roads.


Silver Crusade

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So now CY is the Gorbacz avatar. Which still looks like male genitalia with teeth.

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I forgot how cold San Francisco can get at night. A homeless person died from exposure sometime last night or this morning while sleeping at a streetcar stop. My streetcar had to stop because the ambulance needed to be on the tracks, and we didn't realize it was a corpse until they covered the person's head. They weren't moving the body with any sense of speed, and the ambulance stayed in place for another ten minutes after loading the body while cops came into and out of the ambulance a bunch of times. No lights and sirens on the ambulance or the cop car. The real depressing part is how quickly I forgot about the whole thing and went into my workday.

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Bout time someone noticed!

Thought it would happen a lot sooner, can't remember my joke, now that you've come up with a better one.

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Campaign Idea: Taken To The Stars.

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Quiet night.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
So now CY is the Gorbacz avatar. Which still looks like male genitalia with teeth.

he's got bite, that guy....

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I forgot how cold San Francisco can get at night. A homeless person died from exposure sometime last night or this morning while sleeping at a streetcar stop. My streetcar had to stop because the ambulance needed to be on the tracks, and we didn't realize it was a corpse until they covered the person's head. They weren't moving the body with any sense of speed, and the ambulance stayed in place for another ten minutes after loading the body while cops came into and out of the ambulance a bunch of times. No lights and sirens on the ambulance or the cop car. The real depressing part is how quickly I forgot about the whole thing and went into my workday.

I did not know this.

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Drejk wrote:
Campaign Idea: Taken To The Stars.

so benevolent! I'm a bit suspicious, but that's just me, I actually like benevolent aliens showing up and humanity not attacking them. There are some things missing but I like it so far.

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*sigh* back to work....

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A rainy dreary day, still, better then the foot of snow getting dumped on southern Minnesota, which isn't very far away.

Also after Wednesday, it nothing but sun and 36-42 degree days as far as the eye can see (at least 4 days).

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Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Campaign Idea: Taken To The Stars.
so benevolent! I'm a bit suspicious, but that's just me, I actually like benevolent aliens showing up and humanity not attacking them. There are some things missing but I like it so far.

Well, it's just a campaign idea and not a campaign setting (like City Of Mists). I have some assumptions behind the aliens' motives that I haven't shared. And truth to be told, I was writing it down at 4 am when I realized that I forgot to write a blog post and that I am on the verge of breaking a three month streak of posting a blog post once a week.

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A vicious cycle:

Step 1: Feel depressed.
Step 2: Read Sinfest and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.

As you can see, this loops.

I am stuck in it right now.

Why does Sinfest make you depressed?

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Hi EveryFaWtL,

two days without water due to a broken main pipe two houses away, grmph

but you learn how much you are used to our cilvilizatipn comforts

water is back now

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I just picked random pages out of the last15 to read, so I hoper everyone is well

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
And people say New York is weird...
Because it is.
we don't go cutting ties off of people!

well, Germans do.

at the start of the peak of Fasching (also called Karneval or Fastnacht) in February there is a Thursday called Weiberfasching (wench-carnival) which is the start of the Tollen Tage - the last last weekend of Fasching before Ash wedensday and fasting time.

On that day hordes of badly costumed women storm the local townhall, steal the City Key from the Major and cut the ties of every man they encounter wearing one, traditionally in most companies the secretaries cut the ties from the bosses (but this changes with changing gender roles, female bosses and male secretaries)

oh, and everyone gets drunk of course

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aeglos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
And people say New York is weird...
Because it is.
we don't go cutting ties off of people!

well, Germans do.

at the start of the peak of Fasching (also called Karneval or Fastnacht) in February there is a Thursday called Weiberfasching (wench-carnival) which is the start of the Tollen Tage - the last last weekend of Fasching before Ash wedensday and fasting time.

On that day hordes of badly costumed women storm the local townhall, steal the City Key from the Major and cut the ties of every man they encounter wearing one, traditionally in most companies the secretaries cut the ties from the bosses (but this changes with changing gender roles, female bosses and male secretaries)

oh, and everyone gets drunk of course

oh and usually they kiss everyone they cut the tie from and beat up anyone refusing to get his tie cut - and because they are costumed the tie-cut-refuser can't press charges due to diffucult identification :-)

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Road trip to Germany!!

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I knew there was a reason to like Germany. You know, aside from the glory that is bratwurst.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Road trip to Germany!!

Just gotta cross that big blue road...

Silver Crusade

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I hope everyone had an awesome turkey day(if you do that sort of thing). Man it's hard to do work after 4 days off

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I'm not worried, according to Back to the Future 2, we're supposed to have flying cars sometime this year, only so much time left in 2015, so any day now...

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The date of BttF passed. It was earlier this month.

I'm arranging a Class Action lawsuit against Universal for not predicting the future correctly and ruining our hopes and dreams in this sad, flying car-less hoverboard-less world.

Silver Crusade

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In my 7th grade yearbook, the question was asked what will you be doing in the year 2000. Why I will be in my flying car doing loop de loops.

I think Lexus made the hoverboard so that's a start

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
And people say New York is weird...
Because it is.
we don't go cutting ties off of people!

well, Germans do.

at the start of the peak of Fasching (also called Karneval or Fastnacht) in February there is a Thursday called Weiberfasching (wench-carnival) which is the start of the Tollen Tage - the last last weekend of Fasching before Ash wedensday and fasting time.

On that day hordes of badly costumed women storm the local townhall, steal the City Key from the Major and cut the ties of every man they encounter wearing one, traditionally in most companies the secretaries cut the ties from the bosses (but this changes with changing gender roles, female bosses and male secretaries)

oh, and everyone gets drunk of course

Well, if I know in advance, I could wear a tie I don't want anymore.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:

In my 7th grade yearbook, the question was asked what will you be doing in the year 2000. Why I will be in my flying car doing loop de loops.

I think Lexus made the hoverboard so that's a start

By the time I was in high school, we figured we'd spend 2000 fighting with rocks and sticks over canned goods and heating fuel. Remember Y2K? Sometimes it's better when predictions don't come true.

Silver Crusade

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So, I can understand finding ties uncomfortable to wear, but I can't understand hating them so much that you want to see other people's neckwear destroyed.

People need to chill out.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:

In my 7th grade yearbook, the question was asked what will you be doing in the year 2000. Why I will be in my flying car doing loop de loops.

I think Lexus made the hoverboard so that's a start

By the time I was in high school, we figured we'd spend 2000 fighting with rocks and sticks over canned goods and heating fuel. Remember Y2K? Sometimes it's better when predictions don't come true.

I FORESEE... some FaWTLie will get nekkid in less than another two dozen posts.

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aeglos wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
And people say New York is weird...
Because it is.
we don't go cutting ties off of people!

well, Germans do.

at the start of the peak of Fasching (also called Karneval or Fastnacht) in February there is a Thursday called Weiberfasching (wench-carnival) which is the start of the Tollen Tage - the last last weekend of Fasching before Ash wedensday and fasting time.

On that day hordes of badly costumed women storm the local townhall, steal the City Key from the Major and cut the ties of every man they encounter wearing one, traditionally in most companies the secretaries cut the ties from the bosses (but this changes with changing gender roles, female bosses and male secretaries)

oh, and everyone gets drunk of course

oh and usually they kiss everyone they cut the tie from and beat up anyone refusing to get his tie cut - and because they are costumed the tie-cut-refuser can't press charges due to diffucult identification :-)

not sure if this is the one day I should visit Germany or the day i should avoid it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

CH, I hate ties. I wouldn't destroy someone else's, but it's BS they're required wear in so many places. They're symbolic leashes that serve no purpose. Oh no, my buttons are showing, how unprofessional!

The best customer service from a business I ever got was a girl with more tattoos and piercings than I've ever seen wearing a t-shirt and jeans. How about we judge people by their content over their appearance as adults, like we spend decades trying to teach our kids to do?

Professional dress is a bullcrap social construct. How does tucking my shirt in so you can see exactly how fat I am help my productivity? Uncomfortable dress shoes don't speed up my typing. I can't analyze data any better when my hair is cut to a certain style.

Edit...had to change aliases. This rant is so TDA.

Silver Crusade

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I'm all for letting people work in casual clothes in the vast majority of settings.

That said, formal standards of attire have existed for thousands of years of human civilization. I don't think we are going to stop drawing conclusions about people based on attire anytime soon, as much as I like the sentiment. Conventional wisdom is that what you wear is an expression of who you are, and how you regard the circumstances of where you are going. Formalwear makes one set of statements, casual wear makes another.

I have no client meetings today, and I am wearing jeans to the office as a result. When I meet a client, I wear business attire as a way of telling them that I take the meeting and their business very seriously.

TL:DR - stupid dress codes are stupid, but I think formal attire still has its place.

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Well, personally I'm more likely to do business with a place that has relaxed codes. I know I'm in the rare, but when I see an employee at a location defying conventional appearances and they give good service, I purposefully search out their bosses to commend them on valuing substance over appearance.

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I always have and will continue to hate business attire and formal wear due to the story I shared several pages back.

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I always suggest casual Fridays at every spring landscaping meeting.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
And people say New York is weird...
Because it is.
we don't go cutting ties off of people!

well, Germans do.

at the start of the peak of Fasching (also called Karneval or Fastnacht) in February there is a Thursday called Weiberfasching (wench-carnival) which is the start of the Tollen Tage - the last last weekend of Fasching before Ash wedensday and fasting time.

On that day hordes of badly costumed women storm the local townhall, steal the City Key from the Major and cut the ties of every man they encounter wearing one, traditionally in most companies the secretaries cut the ties from the bosses (but this changes with changing gender roles, female bosses and male secretaries)

oh, and everyone gets drunk of course

Well, if I know in advance, I could wear a tie I don't want anymore.

that is the way every men is doing it, some forget of course but on that day you can see some migthy aweful ties :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
aeglos wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
And people say New York is weird...
Because it is.
we don't go cutting ties off of people!

well, Germans do.

at the start of the peak of Fasching (also called Karneval or Fastnacht) in February there is a Thursday called Weiberfasching (wench-carnival) which is the start of the Tollen Tage - the last last weekend of Fasching before Ash wedensday and fasting time.

On that day hordes of badly costumed women storm the local townhall, steal the City Key from the Major and cut the ties of every man they encounter wearing one, traditionally in most companies the secretaries cut the ties from the bosses (but this changes with changing gender roles, female bosses and male secretaries)

oh, and everyone gets drunk of course

oh and usually they kiss everyone they cut the tie from and beat up anyone refusing to get his tie cut - and because they are costumed the tie-cut-refuser can't press charges due to diffucult identification :-)
not sure if this is the one day I should visit Germany or the day i should avoid it.

well both,

from that thursday it is a weekend and then Rose Monday and Faschings Tuesday with terrible music and terrible costumes and everyone drunk
it is kind of embarrassing and awesome at the same time

and you need to scream "Hellau" ( or in Cologne "Alaf") a lot, like every few minutes as a greeting,
and there are parades everywhere and they throw candy that the costumed children collect

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Ich bin ein Road trip!!

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Ugh! Forcing German through my phone's spell check was harder than it should've been.

I'm fairly confident it's still wrong, but at least I tried.

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"I am a road trip"

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My attitude, pre-SMBC: YAY GAMING! Who cares about schoolword?

My attitude, now: I might as well play some games and ignore my schoolwork, I guess, because nothing matters in the long run, I'm going to die alone, and this whole universe is probably a simulation run by some strange beings for a perverted purpose.

End result: the same.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
"I am a road trip"

yes, yes I am.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Road Trippin' Cap'n Yesterday wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
"I am a road trip"
yes, yes I am.

Yesterday is a winding road?

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Every day will be yesterday.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

I'm all for letting people work in casual clothes in the vast majority of settings.

That said, formal standards of attire have existed for thousands of years of human civilization. I don't think we are going to stop drawing conclusions about people based on attire anytime soon, as much as I like the sentiment. Conventional wisdom is that what you wear is an expression of who you are, and how you regard the circumstances of where you are going. Formalwear makes one set of statements, casual wear makes another.

I have no client meetings today, and I am wearing jeans to the office as a result. When I meet a client, I wear business attire as a way of telling them that I take the meeting and their business very seriously.

TL:DR - stupid dress codes are stupid, but I think formal attire still has its place.

Ties I can take or leave, but if they tried to make me wear a smashing uniform with brass buttons and epaulettes and stuff, how happy I would be.

I should have joined the Army. In 1862.

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Tally ho! Forward, men! Huzzah for the 41st Light Refreshments!

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