lynora |
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Over Caffeinated Capn Yesterday wrote:There are times I REALLY miss caffeine.lynora wrote:Also, there is a slight chance that I might have possible overdone the caffeine a little bit.These words, is it possible to use them in a sentence like that.... nope, still doesn't make sense.
I know that feel. I went without it for a year. Like couldn't even have chocolate or anything. And then they determined that it wasn't actually helping.

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:I know that feel. I went without it for a year. Like couldn't even have chocolate or anything. And then they determined that it wasn't actually helping.Over Caffeinated Capn Yesterday wrote:There are times I REALLY miss caffeine.lynora wrote:Also, there is a slight chance that I might have possible overdone the caffeine a little bit.These words, is it possible to use them in a sentence like that.... nope, still doesn't make sense.
Well, at least in my case I can definitely say it has helped. My insomnia is better - not gone completely, but now manageable with melatonin and the occasional Tylenol PM - and I've lost a significant amount of weight due to getting off soda.

lynora |
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lynora wrote:Well, at least in my case I can definitely say it has helped. My insomnia is better - not gone completely, but now manageable with melatonin and the occasional Tylenol PM - and I've lost a significant amount of weight due to getting off soda.Orthos wrote:I know that feel. I went without it for a year. Like couldn't even have chocolate or anything. And then they determined that it wasn't actually helping.Over Caffeinated Capn Yesterday wrote:There are times I REALLY miss caffeine.lynora wrote:Also, there is a slight chance that I might have possible overdone the caffeine a little bit.These words, is it possible to use them in a sentence like that.... nope, still doesn't make sense.
Well, sorry for your luck with the caffeine, but glad to hear that your health is at least improved because of it. :)

Drejk |
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Good news is that Witcher 3 does run on my laptop. The frame rate is unimpressive but the game seems playable. I'll know for sure when I reach first combat.
Regretfully, it is too slow to actually play :(
Anyone wants me to write a monster or hundred for cash for a new computer? I can also write new races, spells, feats, magic items, base classes...

David M Mallon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

This is the North. That's not in my repertoire
Evidently not far north enough. It's my firmly-held belief that New York and Vermont north of Whitehall/Rutland is what you'd get if you tried to cross Canada with the Deep South.
"I'll have the sawmill gravy with grits and ketchup, eh?"

Rosita the Riveter |
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Chopsticks are so much easier to use once you grasp the concept that the inner chopstick should never move, only the outer chopstick. You are using the moving one to pin food to the nomoving one. I've been trying to teach my supervisor this, and she just don't understand. Meanwhile, I have a set of white and blue ceramic chopsticks, because these are basic silverware for things I cook, not disposable exotic wooden things.

Rosita the Riveter |

Celestial Healer wrote:This is the North. That's not in my repertoireEvidently not far north enough. It's my firmly-held belief that New York and Vermont north of Whitehall/Rutland is what you'd get if you tried to cross Canada with the Deep South.
"I'll have the sawmill gravy with grits and ketchup, eh?"
Ketchup is foul. Not as foul as mustard, but more foul than mayonnaise.

gran rey de los mono |
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Sharoth wrote:Celestial Healer wrote:Hey, Freehold. Care to explain why I had to scrape frost off of my car this morning?I would be sending some hot weather your way, but Freehold DM messed up my Anti-Weather Dominator. It is in the shop and the technician said that it will be at least 4 to 5 months before I can get it back. ~grumbles~ Thanks Freehold DM.I use an El Nino generator, keeps some of it at bay, by *snicker* funneling it thru Illinois.
Just stop it. Some of us don't appreciate being funneled through.

El Nino Winter Cap'n Yesterday |

El Nino Winter Cap'n Yesterday wrote:Just stop it. Some of us don't appreciate being funneled through.Sharoth wrote:Celestial Healer wrote:Hey, Freehold. Care to explain why I had to scrape frost off of my car this morning?I would be sending some hot weather your way, but Freehold DM messed up my Anti-Weather Dominator. It is in the shop and the technician said that it will be at least 4 to 5 months before I can get it back. ~grumbles~ Thanks Freehold DM.I use an El Nino generator, keeps some of it at bay, by *snicker* funneling it thru Illinois.
But i'm from Illinois, and i hate it, so very much! can't i just wreck it up a little.

Kaf'Eene the Wicked, Demon Lord |
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lynora wrote:Well, at least in my case I can definitely say it has helped. My insomnia is better - not gone completely, but now manageable with melatonin and the occasional Tylenol PM - and I've lost a significant amount of weight due to getting off soda.Orthos wrote:I know that feel. I went without it for a year. Like couldn't even have chocolate or anything. And then they determined that it wasn't actually helping.Over Caffeinated Capn Yesterday wrote:There are times I REALLY miss caffeine.lynora wrote:Also, there is a slight chance that I might have possible overdone the caffeine a little bit.These words, is it possible to use them in a sentence like that.... nope, still doesn't make sense.
{coos seductively} You'll never forget how to summon me, or the wonders we can work together.

Kaf'Eene the Wicked, Demon Lord |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Also, there is a slight chance that I might have possible overdone the caffeine a little bit.
I DID IT!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finished my NaNo novel! :DSure it's a mess and needs so much work, but screw that. I've actually got a finished first draft! Wooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I go collapse, cause tired.
Look at you! Seriously, congrats! WOO-HOO!
Now, what say we brew another pot of coffee and startonscrapingoffthatannoyingpopcornceiling or maybe seeifwecanburnthroughthatnewbookyouboughbuthaven'treadyet? You don't need sleep...
{scoots up closer, whispers:} Or maybe I should call over my sister, the Succubus of Cacao, and we can have a late-night threesome? Mmmmmm, that sounds truly decadent.

![]() |
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Nothing special planned, outside of the fact that all time spent with him is special. :) We'll play puzzles, sing nursery rhymes, and he will run about, wearing me out. :P Can't wait. ^_^

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Celestial Healer wrote:This is the North. That's not in my repertoireEvidently not far north enough. It's my firmly-held belief that New York and Vermont north of Whitehall/Rutland is what you'd get if you tried to cross Canada with the Deep South.
"I'll have the sawmill gravy with grits and ketchup, eh?"
...what would I be? The Florida Keys?

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I DID IT!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finished my NaNo novel! :DSure it's a mess and needs so much work, but screw that. I've actually got a finished first draft! Wooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I go collapse, cause tired.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:I know that feel. I went without it for a year. Like couldn't even have chocolate or anything. And then they determined that it wasn't actually helping.Over Caffeinated Capn Yesterday wrote:There are times I REALLY miss caffeine.lynora wrote:Also, there is a slight chance that I might have possible overdone the caffeine a little bit.These words, is it possible to use them in a sentence like that.... nope, still doesn't make sense.
Celebratory nudity!

Freehold DM |
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Thanksgiving plans are in.
I am going to dip into the bike fund to get the Xbox one at target today, as it comes with gears of war and had a 60 dollar gift card that I will use to purchase assassins creed syndicate. Depending on the price, I may also get a used copy of assassins creed unity.
Best price available for the stuff. Time to step into next generation gaming.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
leaps of faith into black Friday shopping madness

![]() |
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I just want to mention something here:
Somebody has a blog titled I'm Hiding In Your Closet, and there is also a YouTube channel Hiding In Your Closet.
Neither of them is me.
Dear gods...have I become a meme???

NobodysHome |
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Sometimes, it's the little things that are the most satisfying.
This morning I opened my drawer to find a pair of black slacks, only to find that, due to multiple trips to HQ over the last couple of weeks, they're all in the wash... except for the two "too small to fit" pairs.
So I tried 'em both, and one of them fits me!!!
Small steps, small victories...

Cuddly Hugs Cap'n Yesterday |
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Freehold DM wrote:But it's Thursday.HAPPY THANKSGIVING FAWTL!
leaps of faith into black Friday shopping madness
Get with the times, black Friday swallowed thanksgiving in a goretastic orgy of over consumerism three years ago. :-)
At least this year I've had cuddle, hug, fluff training, I just wish the bear in the picture didn't look so uncomfortable :-D