Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Also...good morning!

Quiet morning....

sorry I was meditating
with gin

I take it all the rum is gone?

man what it is not pirate time it is gin time

Rum by the keldrum
Whiskey by the jar
At Liars' Bar

A Nord without his rum is like a Nord without his axe! Where's that kitty Mi'aq the Liar?

Silver Crusade

Man, these maple bacon cookies are addictive.

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I'll prepare a batch of methadone cookies for the inevitable, boss.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

So submitted my Visa on Sunday. And cause we both wanted this thing over with we just finished a 6 hour drive to Edmonton to have my Visa Biometrics and interview done tomorrow morning. Back to work on Wednesday.

Grand Lodge

Man, I thought you were talking credit cards for a moment. XD

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Taking care of business at second job, did something for wife at her direct request today and posted in fawtl 2 wor thread. Almost feel... okay.

Good night everyone.


Aberzombie wrote:
I hear Captain America did well at the box office. This makes me happy. I won't be seeing it yet. My nephew wants to go with his friends, his dad and his Uncle Scott. I think he wants to wait until around the time of his birthday, which is about a month away.

I thought it was pretty fun. Felt more intense than the original and the characters are treated more in-depth.

But mostly, it's the cool fight scenes, really.

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Runelords group has just damn near topped Kingmaker group in terms of ohgodwhat.

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It's glorious.

Hey scint.

Another day, more work, less creativity...

At least I know that late bills for my flat are covered for now, I will come to even with my debts after getting payslip this week and this week's work is for future living back in Poland.

Oh, sh**, I will probably need to save extra to pay tax from this money in Poland :/

Dark Archive

Grarg. Hail FaWtL. Hope all are well and have good day today.

So, that GURPS game I mentioned...

Summary: a sequel of sorts to our old GURPS sci-fi campaigns, this one taking place after some wars against both our fellow human beings as well as aliens. I no longer recall the current state of Earth in that setting, but it's probably not doing too well.

Our current player party consists of the crew of a spaceship, mercenaries who are ready to take pretty much any kind of job offered to them. The first one we got was to safely escort a celebrity (who seems to look exactly like Hatsune Miku) to a planet for her concert, and the one we're currently on is also an escort mission, this time taking some religious people on a pilgrimage to their destination while trying to avoid trouble with space pirates and other possible threats.

My character is the First Mate of the ship, a war veteran and cyborg (he lost his right arm and left eye in the war, both of which were replaced with bionic prosthetics) named Connor Tremaine. Harsh but fair as a person, he has a degree of natural charisma that makes it easy for him to order the troops on the ship into keeping things in order. He is fiercely loyal to his companions on the ship, and hardly ever questions the orders of the captain. He exhibits obsessive-compulsive behaviour on occasion, but does not suffer from the disorder itself. His weapon of choice in combat is an upgraded Gyrojet Carbine, and he's planning to have a back-up weapon hidden in his bionic arm.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Tuesday. All is busy here in Zombie's World, so my usual miniblitz will have to be foregone. I will, however, leave you with this.....

Scarab Sages

lalalala lalalala
Zombie's World!
lalalala lalalala
Zombie's World
Zombie loves his apocalypse
And those tasty braiinnnsssss
That's Zombie's World!

Scarab Sages

We now return you to your regularly scheduled FAWTLY.

Another day at work...

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For all interested

The youth behind the counter appeared no older than a school-leaver. His face was peppered with angry-looking acne and his thick black hair looked like it had been styled with a pair of secateurs and a pot of glue.

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
For all interested

John likes that song.

Silver Crusade

Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

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I opened the door

Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
For all interested
John likes that song.

one of my best friends uses this song with her on again off again bf. I apologized to her for yanking it for use in my own struggle, she said she didn't care.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

Is it afternoon already?

Grand Lodge

Lamontius wrote:
I opened the door

Why would you do such a thing?

because I want my delicious candy right now
not later

*Hands voodoo man a chocolate cupcake*

wait do you drive a windowless van

Rough day ahead. Lost another one of our dogs. Paintball was an affectionate, sometimes playful, wonderful Dalmatian that we were lucky to have with us for 2 of his 9 years of life.

Hard to handle after losing our other older dog a few months ago.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
ebon_fyre wrote:

Rough day ahead. Lost another one of our dogs. Paintball was an affectionate, sometimes playful, wonderful Dalmatian that we were lucky to have with us for 2 of his 9 years of life.

Hard to handle after losing our other older dog a few months ago.

Sorry for your loss Ebon. The loss of a pet is always difficult. Two in such a short time is even more so. Take care.


ebon_fyre wrote:

Rough day ahead. Lost another one of our dogs. Paintball was an affectionate, sometimes playful, wonderful Dalmatian that we were lucky to have with us for 2 of his 9 years of life.

Hard to handle after losing our other older dog a few months ago.

damn, I'm sorry ebon...

ebon_fyre wrote:

Rough day ahead. Lost another one of our dogs. Paintball was an affectionate, sometimes playful, wonderful Dalmatian that we were lucky to have with us for 2 of his 9 years of life.

Hard to handle after losing our other older dog a few months ago.

I too am sorry to hear about your loss, Ebon.

Silver Crusade

ebon_fyre wrote:

Rough day ahead. Lost another one of our dogs. Paintball was an affectionate, sometimes playful, wonderful Dalmatian that we were lucky to have with us for 2 of his 9 years of life.

Hard to handle after losing our other older dog a few months ago.

I went a good 10 years without having a dog just because of the feeling of when they pass. Take care


Man. I am drunker than I thought I would be by this time. I have work tomorrow, early. Bad Freehold.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss, ebon. :(

Dark Archive

Morning FaWtL folk. Hope ya'll are well today, had a nice sleep, and have a lovely day ahead. It's Wednesday, the hump of the week, halfway to another weekend of freedom.

Sympathies for your loss ebon. :(

Lamontius wrote:
wait do you drive a windowless van


My cupcakes are wholesome and nutricious and can be found at many outlets. And no, I don't drive a van, I drive a taxi.

I consider round 1 Wayfinder edits to be an intense test of endurance.

I'm cold. I'm wet. I'm hungry. Time to bring out the bacon!

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