Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Am I naked?

Worst. Post. Ever

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Seriously kiddies, do yourself a favor and work some exercise into your busy gaming schedule. You will thank yourself for it when you get old and decrepit like Monkey



Awlright. Time to do dome Yule shopping. Laters!

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It is my hope that Yule find some good gifts.

Something to keep the scalp shiny, perhaps?

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Orthos wrote:
I think when I hit 100 I'll have a party.

Yaaaaay! I'll bring the bedazzler!

Patrick Curtin wrote:
And happy Monday FAWTL!


Mabel Pines wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I think when I hit 100 I'll have a party.
Yaaaaay! I'll bring the bedazzler!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:
It is my hope that Yule find some good gifts.


You would like my sister; she loves puns.

Treppa wrote:
Eh, so you write freestyle. Your random thoughts are better reading than 99% of what's in the library.

I was just joking anyway.

What I am is flighty. That's what I've been, and I'm 44 so I'm at peace with it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
It is my hope that Yule find some good gifts.


You would like my sister; she loves puns.


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Ibrahim al-Aziz-Zaman Faysal wrote:
I think I've already created the ones I know I'll need, so if I need another one it'll be a bit unexpected.


So, anybody have a peanut?

I'm bored.

You decided if you're going to get in on Faceless's RotRL yet? =)

Also I like the newer Lilith picture, with the horns it matches her helmet.

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Lilith of the Wyld Wood wrote:
Ibrahim al-Aziz-Zaman Faysal wrote:
I think I've already created the ones I know I'll need, so if I need another one it'll be a bit unexpected.

AGreed. Family is a touchy subject hereabouts.

Lilith of the Wyld Wood wrote:
Ibrahim al-Aziz-Zaman Faysal wrote:
I think I've already created the ones I know I'll need, so if I need another one it'll be a bit unexpected.


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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
You decided if you're going to get in on Faceless's RotRL yet? =)

Can't decide if I want to stay arcane archer|hexcrafter magus or test out that shiny looking arcanist...

Orthos wrote:
You decided if you're going to get in on Faceless's RotRL yet? =)

Not sure. Pretty sure I've decided to limit myself to 1 game a week.

... and we've turned this into our personal chat room?

Silver Crusade

I think I'm pretty decided on sticking with Crusader, if only because Warder lacks the religious theme she's already built around.

No one else is using it.

ebon_fyre wrote:
... and we've turned this into our personal chat room?

Isn't the first time someone's done it.

And Orthos... you're grounded from aliases.

Might as well post.

Lantern Lodge

ebon_fyre wrote:
And Orthos... you're grounded from aliases.


I have Snapple and I'm not afraid to use it!

Nope to posting?


But I like posting.

I win?

I could, like, totally use this voice for like, alllll session tonight.

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When the pita bread has flour spots, it's a good thing.

When you can't tell if it's flour spots or mold... not such a good thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Tell it a joke, might be a fungi.

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I shall resist the urge to purge it all with fire. And lightning.

Holy Knight of the Valley wrote:
I could, like, totally use this voice for like, alllll session tonight.

I have a death beam and I'm not afraid to use it.

Darktower Ashlea wrote:
I shall resist the urge to purge it all with fire. And lightning.

Here we go again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Sometimes I think I'm better at the plotting than the writing.

I can outline things in intricate detail but have problems with motivating myself to do more than little bits of writing at a time. Especially noticeable in that I'll do bits here, here, and here, but filling out the middles between is agonizing.

I have certain major scenes visible clearly in my head, but I can't manage to get from scene A to scene B because the stuff in the middle is agaodshgasdhgasdifaosd


I think that's why I like PF/D&D so much, I can start the plot and the players will do the hard work of filling out the stuff in the middle for me.

Well, you just wrote story of my (writing) life.

Kefka Palazzo wrote:
Holy Knight of the Valley wrote:
I could, like, totally use this voice for like, alllll session tonight.
I have a death beam and I'm not afraid to use it.

Paladin hater. =P

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Alright, time for me to head home. See my game group folks in ~30 min or so.

Scintillae wrote:
Kefka Palazzo wrote:
Holy Knight of the Valley wrote:
I could, like, totally use this voice for like, alllll session tonight.
I have a death beam and I'm not afraid to use it.
Paladin hater.

Yeah? And?

Kefka Palazzo wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Kefka Palazzo wrote:
Holy Knight of the Valley wrote:
I could, like, totally use this voice for like, alllll session tonight.
I have a death beam and I'm not afraid to use it.
Paladin hater.
Yeah? And?





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♪Conjunction Junction, what's your function?♪

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I prefer interjections over conjuctions.

Aren't interrogatives better?

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