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Scarab Sages

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there. And the same to all you women who go by mom!

Wish I could say it was a perfect first Mother's Day for the missus, but our first lunch place turned us away because we didn't know we needed to make a reservation. Never had to before, and never will need to again since I refuse to ever set foot in the place again.

Plus, Charlie's not feeling too well the last day or so. Looks like he's got a bit of a cold.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Just received a response letter from HoustonDerek He says to say hello to everyone. More later.
please tell him I said hey. I do miss him and hope he gets our soon.
Uh oh; what happened?
Welcome back BT. HoustonDerek had some sort of parole violation. I just sent him a letter today in fact. His jail address is on his FB page

BT, welcome back man!! It was getting too liberal around here without you!!!!

Link to the FB page? I want to write him and send him my regards.

I tried the page just now. Looks like it's either friends-only, or you have to have a Facebook account to access it or something. Yeah, I don't know much about Facebook.

It's on the interwebs, right?


Derek Tallman #14833-180
Geo Val Verde Correctional Facility
253 FM 2523 Hamilton Ln
Del Rio, TX 78840

So you can, if you wish send a post card or something. It takes him over a week to get it so do not expect a rapid reply.

Thanks for the info, CJ.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Anybody have much experience moving long distances?

Not for quite a while, but I like the idea of the PODS or something similar.

Are you guys heading for the west coast?

Yeah. We're trying, anyway. Job hunting long distance is tough; a lot of companies don't want to talk to you unless you are already local. We might have to move without that. PODS is a must, I think.

Ever tried to move a car? We're trying to figure out how to get one of our cars cross country without driving it.

If anyone knows how, please share. The wife and I might be doing this as well.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Life sure seems to be hitting us FaWTLies hard lately. I hope there is an end soon to the SUX for all of us.

Weatherman goofed again. No rain today, so I spent 8 hours doing yard work. One tired tree here. And no Thor 'til tomorrow. Movie schedule conflicts with other stuff going on. Now to juggle the schedule so I can see the movie and still visit my Mom...

Wonder what the chance is I can score a back massage from the wife. Anyone's wife will do. Mine will likely tell me to take a hike. ;P

I may have missed it. Did your daughter make it to her prom last night? I saw you posted that another cyst was acting up.

Yep, though she didn't enjoy it much due to the pain. Pics posted on FB. Though she was miserable and complaining about only dancing to 2 songs (apparently a sin for a Varsity Dance Team member) she did get a flattering confession from a guy that's crushed on her for years. Apparently dancing with her was the highlight of his senior prom and he regretted not asking her as a date.

Now I have to go have my sons beat him up. ;P

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Emperor7 wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Life sure seems to be hitting us FaWTLies hard lately. I hope there is an end soon to the SUX for all of us.

Weatherman goofed again. No rain today, so I spent 8 hours doing yard work. One tired tree here. And no Thor 'til tomorrow. Movie schedule conflicts with other stuff going on. Now to juggle the schedule so I can see the movie and still visit my Mom...

Wonder what the chance is I can score a back massage from the wife. Anyone's wife will do. Mine will likely tell me to take a hike. ;P

I may have missed it. Did your daughter make it to her prom last night? I saw you posted that another cyst was acting up.

Yep, though she didn't enjoy it much due to the pain. Pics posted on FB. Though she was miserable and complaining about only dancing to 2 songs (apparently a sin for a Varsity Dance Team member) she did get a flattering confession from a guy that's crushed on her for years. Apparently dancing with her was the highlight of his senior prom and he regretted not asking her as a date.

Now I have to go have my sons beat him up. ;P

I saw the pics on FB. She looked lovely. You'd never know from the pics what she's been through lately. Too bad it was a let down. At least she is a junior so she still has next year.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

I saw the pics on FB. She looked lovely. You'd never know from the pics what she's been through lately. Too bad it was a let down. At least she is a junior so she still has next year.

Thanks. Between her low tolerance for pain, her constant need for affirmation/attention, her spoiled nature, and her daddy's temper she can be pretty trying. Teenage girls, ugh.

On the upside she did bake her mom a cake for today, so she can be pretty cool when she wants to be.

Yay for daughters! Pass the pain meds!


Goodnight, forum


The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Anybody have much experience moving long distances?

Not for quite a while, but I like the idea of the PODS or something similar.

Are you guys heading for the west coast?

Yeah. We're trying, anyway. Job hunting long distance is tough; a lot of companies don't want to talk to you unless you are already local. We might have to move without that. PODS is a must, I think.

Ever tried to move a car? We're trying to figure out how to get one of our cars cross country without driving it.

If anyone knows how, please share. The wife and I might be doing this as well.

If cost is less of a factor than mileage

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Anybody have much experience moving long distances?

Not for quite a while, but I like the idea of the PODS or something similar.

Are you guys heading for the west coast?

Yeah. We're trying, anyway. Job hunting long distance is tough; a lot of companies don't want to talk to you unless you are already local. We might have to move without that. PODS is a must, I think.

Ever tried to move a car? We're trying to figure out how to get one of our cars cross country without driving it.

If anyone knows how, please share. The wife and I might be doing this as well.

Why is that?

Celestial Healer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Anybody have much experience moving long distances?

Not for quite a while, but I like the idea of the PODS or something similar.

Are you guys heading for the west coast?

Yeah. We're trying, anyway. Job hunting long distance is tough; a lot of companies don't want to talk to you unless you are already local. We might have to move without that. PODS is a must, I think.

Ever tried to move a car? We're trying to figure out how to get one of our cars cross country without driving it.

I don't know what vehicles you have, but you might be able to tow one on a flat bed trailer of a half trailer.

lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
Today was a total loss. Spent the whole day dealing with IEP crap. They sent us a seventeen page document relevant to this afternoon's meeting at midnight last night, so spent this morning reading through it and then calming down before the meeting so I didn't do physical harm to anyone. Yes, let's blame the autistic seven year old for making bad choices and being oppositional after we put him in a stressful environment and keep changing his routine until he snaps. F@&%ing bastards. We were able to get a working IEP in place again, but have to sort out the mess over classification within the next week. (They are bending over backwards not to change his classification to ASD from OHI.) And I so love reading laws. They're so clear and straightforward. :/
I'm sorry Lynora. I do wish I could do something more to help. What do the changes from ASD to OHI entail?

Agh. You're the second person to reverse it. I've checked it. Yes, I did type it correctly. Get it right people! ;P

It's to ASD from OHI. Basically he has to meet a particular checklist of highly subjective criteria, and they refuse to define them. I start asking questions like what is considered clinically significant and all I get is waffly gobbledygook. And then there's the fact that if he doesn't qualify as ASD, he does qualify under EI, but they still want to keep him as OHI. So now we have to figure out what EI entails and what protections that gives him that OHI doesn't and if that's a good option to fight for or not. Anyway you look at it it's a mess right now and involves a lot of reading of laws and regulations. :(

I'm sorry the school system sucks, and I'm sorry it's hurting you and yours.

BTW, I'm throwing our Magnificent 7 FaWtl for the next thread.

I like beer....................

Liberty's Edge

Hello all.

Wow, what a hectic weekend, with Mother's Day, a nephew's birthday, work stuff, other stuff.

And work is lookng just as busy as last week. Still have most of the afternoon ahead of me and I am feeling so tired.

Liberty's Edge

So I had to go and measure up a shop in a food court way, waaaay out in the suburbs – our client is looking at renovating. It would be a three to four hour round trip if I drove from work during the week, so I volunteered to go out and do it on the weekend – I was going to be about twenty minute’s drive away for my nephew’s birthday. Checked with the client first to make sure it would be ok to go on a weekend, around lunchtime, and that the staff would be informed I was coming.

So get to the place, the shopping centre is completely packed – who knew the day before mother’s day is the busiest shopping day of the year? I got there just before midday but already the food court is chockers and the shop is really busy. Have to wait for about twenty minutes before I can speak to the manager ... and when I do, apparently no one has told her I’m coming, and no, I can’t take measurements, I will be in the way of staff and customers and it is an OH&S issue. She was a b#~#~ about it, but I kind of don’t blame her if she was really not told / consulted that I would be coming. Tried to get the client on the phone but couldn’t ... so ended up missing half my nephew’s party, on my own time (I was not being paid any extra for going there on a weekend) for nothing.

The Exchange

Just saw Thor tonight.

I fraking hate shaky cams. I will start kicking Hollywood asses on shaky cam work.

Otherwise not bad.

Liberty's Edge

Posted this on the ‘what are you listening to’ thread. Not sure how many people might have already seen this, but I’m quite liking this D&D parody song, Roll a d6.

Liberty's Edge

Crimson Jester wrote:

Just saw Thor tonight.

I fraking hate shaky cams. I will start kicking Hollywood asses on shaky cam work.

Otherwise not bad.

Yeah, that shaky camera thing works in a few specific situations, but it’s quite frustrating that it seems to be used in everything now.

I really loved that shaky-cam when they started to use it on Homicide, but it's definitely getting old.

I actually fixed a plumbing-problem by myself. Now I feel really... grown up.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Anybody have much experience moving long distances?

Not for quite a while, but I like the idea of the PODS or something similar.

Are you guys heading for the west coast?

Yeah. We're trying, anyway. Job hunting long distance is tough; a lot of companies don't want to talk to you unless you are already local. We might have to move without that. PODS is a must, I think.

Ever tried to move a car? We're trying to figure out how to get one of our cars cross country without driving it.

If anyone knows how, please share. The wife and I might be doing this as well.
Why is that?

My wife and I might be getting a car from family in california. I'm not sure if this is going to happen or not. Originally we were thinking of going out to california and driving the car back, but gas is more than a bit expensive, and I'm not sure if I can get the time off work.

One thing I really dislike about taking meat out of the freezer is that if I don't sleep after work, I'm having a really hard time staying awake by the time it has thawed enough for me to start doing something worthwhile with it.

Scarab Sages


Silver Crusade

Morning all. What did I miss?

Mothman wrote:

So I had to go and measure up a shop in a food court way, waaaay out in the suburbs – our client is looking at renovating. It would be a three to four hour round trip if I drove from work during the week, so I volunteered to go out and do it on the weekend – I was going to be about twenty minute’s drive away for my nephew’s birthday. Checked with the client first to make sure it would be ok to go on a weekend, around lunchtime, and that the staff would be informed I was coming.

So get to the place, the shopping centre is completely packed – who knew the day before mother’s day is the busiest shopping day of the year? I got there just before midday but already the food court is chockers and the shop is really busy. Have to wait for about twenty minutes before I can speak to the manager ... and when I do, apparently no one has told her I’m coming, and no, I can’t take measurements, I will be in the way of staff and customers and it is an OH&S issue. She was a b*@@$ about it, but I kind of don’t blame her if she was really not told / consulted that I would be coming. Tried to get the client on the phone but couldn’t ... so ended up missing half my nephew’s party, on my own time (I was not being paid any extra for going there on a weekend) for nothing.

Sympathies. I'm in corporate design and construction mgmt. One company with fewer locations recently. Don't miss the days of the long field trips, but I do like getting away from the desk once in a while. Now I just stress over our company shrinking.

Aberzombie wrote:



Hope it gets better.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?

I heard tell that there was a brief period of nekkid posting going on but the FCC put a stop to it. ;P

~sighs~ Thanks to the unexpected (and large) bill that my ex-'s a-hole son dropped on me, I am thinking that I might have to cancel my Pathfinder AP after Carrion Crown is over with. ~sighs again~ Goodbye Charter Subscriber tag. I will miss you. I will also have to go through any other subscriptions and seriosly think over keeping them or not.

Mothman: Hahahaha!

Sharoth: Very sorry. :(

Good morning to all you FAWTLY & LOAN pals. Today I give the Final to first section bound for slaught- er, I mean, bound for summer, and hopefully some for summer school.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Thor continues the grand tradition of great Marvel Studios movies.
Grand tradition? Like Daredevil?
Marvel Studios did not make Daredevil, or Elektra, or the Original Hulk... 20th Century Fox did. :P

Oops. revokes gigglesnort

I am one of the few people who enjoyed the first Hulk. The only other people I know who did all have degrees in psychology, like myself.

Someone enjoyed that movie?? I admit there are parts of it I liked but damn, it just did not live up to the hype.

I am wondering what the "next" Hulk will be like since Ed Norton was supposedly so hard to work with they did not want him back and cancelled the sequel. Or so the internet rumors say, and we all know the internet never lies.

He will be back in Joss Whedon's Avengers movie,played by Mark Ruffalo.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Celestial Healer wrote:
Anybody have much experience moving long distances?

Give yourself enough time on the trip. We tried to make the move from WI to FL in one day and almost killed ourselves.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My wife seemed to enjoy her first Mother's Day until Jude had a little I don't want to go to sleep even though I am incredibly tired breakdown last night.

We used to turn on the TV, put J11 in the middle of the floor with a bunch of her toys to play, and say, play your heart out, kiddo. Sometime later, she'd be drooling and dreaming amidst her toys. Those odd positions kind of worried could she be comfortable, but she'd saw away. I guess you have to have a really flexible schedule or a stay-at-home parent for these kinds of solutions to work.

Justin Franklin wrote:
My wife seemed to enjoy her first Mother's Day until Jude had a little I don't want to go to sleep even though I am incredibly tired breakdown last night.

Bless her heart. That's no picnic.

Man, Mondays are actually pretty awesome if you don't have work.

@Mairkurion-I got wiser with age, I remember pushing toys aside then laying down on the floor for a nap. ;3

Gotta start cooking soon. Making some birthday cake for the BF and sides to bring over to his brother's house later today!

Sharoth wrote:
~sighs~ Thanks to the unexpected (and large) bill that my ex-'s a-hole son dropped on me, I am thinking that I might have to cancel my Pathfinder AP after Carrion Crown is over with. ~sighs again~ Goodbye Charter Subscriber tag. I will miss you. I will also have to go through any other subscriptions and seriosly think over keeping them or not.

Edit - That also means that unless the SOB pays the bill, I will probably be unable to attend the MB FAWTL Con. ~grrrrrrrr~

I hate to bring this up Sharoth, the situation really sucks, couldn't you sue him for the bill in civil court?
Sorry if I am out of line for posing such a question but if it is your ex's ex is an ex for a reason.

Jyu1ch1 wrote:

I hate to bring this up Sharoth, the situation really sucks, couldn't you sue him for the bill in civil court?

Sorry if I am out of line for posing such a question but if it is your ex's ex is an ex for a reason.

~grimaces~ Well, I plan on seeing a lawyer, but... ~sighs~ I can guess what the eventual outcome will be. As for my ex-'s son, I tried my best to treat him as my own. I also fooled myself more than a bit.

Scarab Sages

I'm so frustrated right now. Finances are very tight for us and our DSL modem went out yesterday. I really didn't need that.

Money seems to be getting tight all the way around.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
I'm so frustrated right now. Finances are very tight for us and our DSL modem went out yesterday. I really didn't need that.

I am sorry to hear that. I wish you the best on getting this issue fixed ASAP and as inexpensively as possible.

Sharoth wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:

I hate to bring this up Sharoth, the situation really sucks, couldn't you sue him for the bill in civil court?

Sorry if I am out of line for posing such a question but if it is your ex's ex is an ex for a reason.
~grimaces~ Well, I plan on seeing a lawyer, but... ~sighs~ I can guess what the eventual outcome will be. As for my ex-'s son, I tried my best to treat him as my own. I also fooled myself more than a bit.

Well I had a pretty good relationship with my ex step father til the end, but we are still nice to each other and talk on FB. I'll keep you in my prayers. It's a tough decision, but it is also some tough love. I hope everything works out for you.

Dark Archive

Hey Zombie listened to the podcast.

I spend a lot more per year than those guys quoted :P

Agreed. I like Monday mornings better when there is no AM class to get to.

And I'm not just saying that because of the late sleep, the time for coffee + coffee cake, the PIE...oh wait, YES I am!

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

Hey Zombie listened to the podcast.

** spoiler omitted **

Hi, my names' Jeremy. I'm addicted to minis. And lead. And terrain. And Hero Forge.

Hi Jeremy!

blogberry PIE isn't done yet?!

Anybody else out there still singing the "Like a d6" song? Nah, not me either... :3

Jyu1ch1 wrote:
blogberry PIE isn't done yet?!

It will arrive on Monday, but later.

Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Anybody have much experience moving long distances?

Not for quite a while, but I like the idea of the PODS or something similar.

Are you guys heading for the west coast?

Yeah. We're trying, anyway. Job hunting long distance is tough; a lot of companies don't want to talk to you unless you are already local. We might have to move without that. PODS is a must, I think.

Ever tried to move a car? We're trying to figure out how to get one of our cars cross country without driving it.

If anyone knows how, please share. The wife and I might be doing this as well.
Why is that?
My wife and I might be getting a car from family in california. I'm not sure if this is going to happen or not. Originally we were thinking of going out to california and driving the car back, but gas is more than a bit expensive, and I'm not sure if I can get the time off work.

If you drive cross country you are welcome to crash here. The I70 drive through the mountains is beautiful.

EDIT: Crash is not the ideal term, but I think you know what I meant.

Sovereign Court

Celestial Healer wrote:
Anybody have much experience moving long distances?

Moved to and from Japan from Michigan, and then from Michigan to Texas.

I've always thrown away 90% of my stuff and moved the sentimental important stuff, and rebuilt from the ground up.

Generally I took what I could in suitcases (between the States and Japan) or my car (from Michigan to Texas), with friends/family/coworkers at one place mailing some boxes I couldn't fit in said transporation container later.

Preprinted media (books, magazines, cds, dvds, vhs, blueray discs) can all be mailed within the States at the library rate through the US post office - it was a special media rate set up for libraries to exchange media back and forth. It's somewhat slow, but a lot less expensive - and books and other media usually make up the lion's share of stuff I can't stand to lose for sentimental reasons, or things that are difficult to replace (out of print books, etc.).

I've also found that getting an apartment locator was a help moving to Houston - got me a decent apartment in less than a week. Hard to beat that.

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