Here is a question, how many of you have bought previous RPGSS modules?

RPG Superstar™ 2011 General Discussion

Just curious who have bought the past winners modules and what did you all think of it?

I myself haven't bought any yet, but then again I did just start lurking around the boards on a regular basis just after round one winners were announced.

That and the module from last year is a bit to high level for my gaming group currently.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

I didn't get the first one.

Realm of the Fellnight Queen looks excellent, but I haven't run it yet.

The Cult of the Ebon Destroyers is due for release this month, I think.

Edit- Looks like Feb for CotED.

Dark Archive Contributor , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Boxhead

Yep, every one of them. I didn't reaaly care for Clash of the Kingslayers, but it helped me look at what I like in modules, and I hope to run Realm of the Fellnight Queen and Cult of the Ebon Destroyers. Fellnight is great, and I have high hopes for Ebon Destroyers. I will admit that Kingslayers is a good module, just not to my tastes.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

Well I get them because of my subscription...

That said, I liked Kingslayers, Fellnight Queen definately is 'my kind of fae'.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I only bought Fellnight Queen so far. Though I haven't run it. I plan on getting Ebon Destroyers.

I don't always end up running modules as-is straight through, but I plunder ideas, monsters, npcs and such liberally.

Not yet, but starting up a Serpent's Skull here pretty soon with Neil's adventure at the end. Haven't read through it yet...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Clash of the Kingslayers was cool. Shame Christina didn't write more for Paizo.

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:
Clash of the Kingslayers was cool. Shame Christina didn't write more for Paizo.

Ditto. What's happened to her? Is she writing elsewhere?

Since I have bought each and every paizo product so far I own them, but haven't run any of them by now.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

I actually have no idea, but I always assumed she had moved beyond English language work after delivering her adventure. Watching her English skills progress so much over the short life of the contest was absolutely breathtaking, but I wouldn't be surprised if it left her feeling a little burnt out (especially after delivering a 32 page manuscript!).

That's nothing but pure speculation of course. I certainly hope she's still doing creative writing of some sort.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Bought 'em all.

Also bought stuff written by runner-ups Boomer, McCreary, and Nelson (in at least one case principally because of the name).

Dark Archive

Nicolas Quimby wrote:

I actually have no idea, but I always assumed she had moved beyond English language work after delivering her adventure. Watching her English skills progress so much over the short life of the contest was absolutely breathtaking, but I wouldn't be surprised if it left her feeling a little burnt out (especially after delivering a 32 page manuscript!).

That's nothing but pure speculation of course. I certainly hope she's still doing creative writing of some sort.

Ditto. That was a fun adventure. (Over the top? Heck, yeah!)

My personal feeling is that the first two modules suffered in transition from superstar idea to gaming module: SS1 was hit by the limitations of only 32 pages, and SS2 suffers from the tyranny of the expectation that the players must be able to kill/combat all the monsters - leaving Rhoswen a villain with a stat block that doesn't live up to her kickass (if you'll pardon the language) background, since a group of 7th-8th level PCs have to be able to mop the floor with her in a fight.
I've bought the first two SS modules, but without a current gaming group I haven't run either. That said, with a thorough read-through and adaptations for personal play/GM-style, both modules look to me that they could be tremendous fun to run, though tricky beasts if used 'straight off the shelf'.

I haven`t purchaced the clash of the kingslayers, but from the review in the 08 superstar it looks excellent, but i did purchace the realm of the fellnight queen, which after reading it through with a fine comb must say that everything is excellent, and plan to run it later this week should my group get together. Cult of Ebon Destroyers looks good aswell, and I look foward to reading that one aswell. They are a great refence to see just how far there concept and the final product of come and just to see HOW much work goes into 32 pages. You gotta get every little detail: height of the walls, thinkness of grass, etc etc, not an easy thing to do. But should I be lucky enough to advance to the final round I can`t wait to show just what I got planned. (yes i`m in the planning stages)

Liberty's Edge Dedicated Voter Season 6

Michael Wadden wrote:
...You gotta get every little detail: height of the walls, thinkness of grass, ...

thickness of grass? Holy cow, if that matters in an adventure, those characters might be in for it... I think I'm gonna go think of a reason why thickness of grass might be important, then I'm going to include it in my adventure submission (should I advance that far).

Thickness of grass is very important, never know when that 6 feet of grass will impair your moment speed enough for an assassin vine to jump out at you! or worse a murderous scarcrow with the wererat template and 15 levels of fighter haha

Grand Lodge

I have them all, though I haven’t had a chance to run any of them yet. I am considering MacGyvering Fellnight Queen into my Rise of the Rune Lords campaign. I think it will make an exciting side-quest for the party, and I think I can make it fit as part of the goings-on in Book 3.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka JoelF847

I normally don't buy the modules line (mainly because I just don't have the time to read and run what I have already, not because they're not awesome), but have made a point to buy each of the Superstar winning modules, to show support for the contest and help ensure that it remains a profitable choice for Paizo to continue doing it.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Joel Flank wrote:
I normally don't buy the modules line (mainly because I just don't have the time to read and run what I have already, not because they're not awesome), but have made a point to buy each of the Superstar winning modules, to show support for the contest and help ensure that it remains a profitable choice for Paizo to continue doing it.


(though I will get Neil's when I get Matt's :)

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have both Clash of the Kingslayers and Realm of the Fellnight Queen (thanks, largely to being a Modules Subscriber). I enjoyed reading through both of them, and as many here have said, just haven't had the opportunity to GM either one. (I did have a plan for eventually running RotFQ for one of my groups, but we opted for the Kingmaker AP, instead of "Price of Immortality" trilogy, then Carrion Hill, and then Realm of the Fellnight Queen).

And I'm eagerly awaiting Cult of the Ebon Destroyers. :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

I've got Clash of the Kingslayers and Realm of the Fellnight Queen (and pretty much everything else Pathfinder related Paizo has put out). :-)

I have to admit I have more adventures than I could ever run in a lifetime, but the reading is always enjoyable. Then again, sometimes an adventure that reads great sometimes doesn't play the same way. I'm eager to see (and hear) how the finished version of Cult of the Ebon Destroyers plays for multiple groups. My playtesters enjoyed it and found some things that needed to be ironed out, but each group has it's own particular style.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8 aka John Benbo

I haven't bought any yet (only started getting into Paizo the last couple of months) but I'm definitely planning on picking up Cult of the Ebon Destroyers. I really dig the Indian setting and from the proposal, I'm intrigued by the batheaded Rakshasa since I got a Rakshasa lurking in the dungeon of my current campaign. Also my old buddy who got me into gaming likes to come home once a year and usually gives me little warning so I like to have a good module handy to run when he's up. I have an old link of Wizards with a bunch of free adventures but I really like what I've seen from Paizo so far. I'm considering picking up Fellnight as well. What Paizo is doing with the fey reminds me of the stories I read growing up in the old Time Life series "The Enchanted World" (which I highly recommend to any GM or game developer).

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Currently I just have Realm of the Fellnight Queen, but will eventually pick up the others as well. I'm not sure which ones if any I'll ever get to run (depends on group dynamics), but I have always enjoyed reading adventures and have been known to liberate something from one to use in another.

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