The Voluntary Reject Bin

RPG Superstar™ 2011 General Discussion

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Ok, most of you already know the drill.

For those who don't: This is the thread where you may post the items you did not submit, and don't plan on using next year.
Please don't submit anything that might identify your real entry before the 18th.

I will try to give feedback on every entry here, and just give my
items ( there are quite a few of them) a final editing pass, to tidy them u for this.

Liberty's Edge

Ok, I'll go first, it's actually a bit embarrassing (and half finished) since it happens to *already* exist.

Pogo stick of infinite jumps
Aura faint transmutation; CL ZZth
Slot none; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This is simple wooden stick is shaped like an inverted cross. When placing your feet upon the cross bar the item is held in place as an immovable rod. When you jump and then 'step' on the cross bar you stay aloft and may jump from that point.
Requirements craft wonderous item, levitate; Cost 2,500 gp

Grand Lodge Contributor , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Very well. I rejected this one because a) the Golarion tie-in isn't strong enough (the sea monsters and trickery are there, but...), b) it's a bit too much a SIAC and c) there was a squid item last year. (And d) my other item is A LOT better than this one.)

Besmara's Inkwell
Aura faint conjuration; CL 3rd
Slot —; Price 1,000 gp; Weight
This frosted glass inkwell, usually crafted in the shape of a squid or octopus, magically refills itself each day. The ink never spills, even if the inkwell is toppled over or exposed to water.

If you hold the inkwell in hand and say aloud the name of a color, the ink immediately changes to match that color.

Once per day as a standard action, you can command the inkwell to spew forth its contents, forming a cubical 20-feet cloud of fine mist. The cloud is centered around the inkwell but remains stationary even if you move the inkwell. The cloud obscures vision just as the obscuring mist spell. Additionally, everything within the mist (except you and your belongings) is coated in a thin layer of ink, negating all benefits of invisibility. The ink cloud dissolves after three rounds, but the ink layer remains until washed off.

Unlike the obscuring mist spell, the ink cloud effect also functions underwater.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, glitterdust, obscuring mist, prestidigitation; Cost 500 gp

NotMousse wrote:

Ok, I'll go first, it's actually a bit embarrassing (and half finished) since it happens to *already* exist.

Pogo stick of infinite jumps
Aura faint transmutation; CL ZZth
Slot none; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This is simple wooden stick is shaped like an inverted cross. When placing your feet upon the cross bar the item is held in place as an immovable rod. When you jump and then 'step' on the cross bar you stay aloft and may jump from that point.
Requirements craft wonderous item, levitate; Cost 2,500 gp

Before I give a detailed review, I have to ask. Joke Item?

If not I'm sorry, but it has a distinct not serious feeling to it.

Serpent wrote:

Very well. I rejected this one because a) the Golarion tie-in isn't strong enough (the sea monsters and trickery are there, but...), b) it's a bit too much a SIAC and c) there was a squid item last year. (And d) my other item is A LOT better than this one.)

Besmara's Inkwell

This is your throw-away item? I think it's great! Can't wait to see the ones that did get through.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka DankeSean

I'll nibble. Much like you, Azmahel, I had a bunch of potential items, so I hope nobody will mind if I post a couple of them. (Though I'm still clutching tightly to the best of my rejects as potential entries for next year. Muah hah hah and all that.) Any and all feedback is welcomed, even from people not named Azmahel. :-)

First up is an item that didn't even come close to making the cut: I like the idea of it, but it's not particularly exciting and is really only suited to an intrigue/diplomacy based game. Fun, good for 'the caliph has been MURDERED!' moments, but more of a plot hook than something a pc or even a villain would get regular use out of.

Treacherous Decanter
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot -; Price 14,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This fine crystal carafe would not be out of place in the home of nobility. A treacherous decanter is always created with two separate command words. Upon utterance of the first, it fills with whatever sort of beverage the owner may wish. The decanter holds half a gallon of liquid at a time; this is enough to fill six normal sized glasses or tankards. While any sort of drink may be conjured in this way, it must always be some sort of potable; acid, oil, or any other sort of reagent that would be toxic may not created by the vessel.
The second command word does not need to be spoken aloud; the user need merely think it while holding the decanter. Doing so causes the beverage within to become tainted by any ingested poison the user desires. The decanter need not be completely full when this poison is created; any number of draughts may be poured before poisoning the dregs. The decanter will always create sufficient poison so that each draught remaining within will receive one dose. All beverages and poisons created by the decanter will, if not consumed, vanish after an hour.
Conjuring liquid into the decanter is a move action; giving the silent command to create poison is a swift action. There is no limit to how frequently one may create beverages with it, but it only creates 2,500 gp worth of poison doses per week. If there are more draughts of liquid in the decanter than there are available doses of poison left, the poison function does not work.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Silent Spell, control water, fabricate, 10 ranks in Craft: Alchemy; Cost 7,000 gp

Next up is an item I came up with fairly late into the creation process- second to last item I wrote up over the course of the year. (Side note: the very last item I came up with wound up being my entry. Made me feel kinda dumb for spending a year coming up with ideas....) Since this was quickly supplanted by my actual entry, I never really developed it too far, so it's a little rough as far as effect, and I never really ironed out the pricing beyond a vague guess. Be gentle. :-)

Devouring Compass of the Betrayed Wanderer
Aura moderate enchantment and divination; CL 7th
Slot -; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
This seems a mostly unexceptional brass and glass compass. Those who observe it closely, however, notice that the needle slowly swings around at random; in fact, anyone attempting to use it for navigation purposes suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to any relevant skill checks. The purpose of a devouring compass is actually to steal the sense of direction from targets of the owner's choice. As a standard action, the owner focuses on one target succeptible to mind-affecting effects within 170'. The target must make a DC 14 Will save or any movement it makes that round will be completely randomized; every five feet of movement it attempts is rolled for on the splash weapon chart to determine the dicrection in which it moves. A creature affected by this will not realize there is anything wrong with its sense of direction until the end of its round; a creature that attempts to move 30' on its turn will attempt to move that full amount, regardless of where it actually goes. It is possible for a creature to step out of its starting square and wind up back in it in the same round as a result of this. The compass absorbs up to ten rounds of movement like this per day; only rounds in which a victim fails his saving throw are deducted from this limit. Once all ten rounds are used, the compass is 'sated' for the day and functions as a regular compass for 24 hours; in addition, the owner may, after sating the compass, use it to cast either locate object or locate creature once per day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, confusion, locate object; locate creature; Cost 5,000 gp

Lastly was one that had a pretty good shot of being my entry; it has SIAC overtones, but I think it adds enough new stuff to the effect to be somewhat on the cool side. One of my main issues was with the construction; the three spells I wanted to use came from three completely different spell lists. That wasn't insurmountable in itself, but it made me uncomfortable. Also I had a difficult time getting it down to under 300 words, which was probably a sign that I had it doing a bit too much; I know that trimming it down made me worried I was laving gaps that would raise questions.

Portable Oubliette
Aura minor conjuration and transmutation, moderate enchantment; CL 10th
Slot -; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
A portable oubliette is a palm-sized, polished obsidian sphere. As a standard action, it may be thrown or rolled at any horizontal surface within 60 feet. It strikes this target and sinks into the ground, expanding into a ten foot diameter, thirty foot deep pit that acts as the create pit spell with a DC 15 reflex save required to avoid falling in. The pit also has two additional effects.
Any creature falling into the pit quickly feels hunger pangs as though it hasn't eaten in days. Each round it is in the pit, it is affected by a full day of starvation. Any creature that does not need to eat is immune to this effect. Secondly, all creatures within thirty feet of the pit must make a DC 15 will save or forget any prisoners are inside it. They realize the pit itself is there, and may act to avoid falling in, but ignore anyone inside, even if pleas for help are coming from within. Anyone who saves against this effect may act normally, but must make a new save each round until they are out of the aura's radius or until failing a save. Whoever activated the portable oubliette is immune to this effect. If the prisoner attacks anyone outside the pit, that individual also becomes immune to the forgetfulness aura.
A pit remains for ten minutes, though the one who activated it may dismiss it earlier as a free action. When the effect ends, the bottom of the oubliette rises up and vanishes leaving its prisoners (or their remains) on the surface. A portable oubliette may only be used once.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, create pit, feast of ashes, modify memory; Cost 1,500 gp

edited to add spoiler tags because Azmahel's multiple item post looked so much nicer than mine. :-)

Ok, here are mine. most are quick writeups without much polish and with prices pretty much pulled out of thin air.

The first few are actually reposts from the "blazing month" thread and were never seriously considered for submission ( even if I love some of these), but nevertheless I'll put them here too, to get some more feedback.

Drum of the Northern Gale


Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 33000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
This small, subtly ornate drum has a drumhead made of the skin of a giant bird and is adorned with delicate feathers. It's inconspicuous appearance belies the fact that it generates a powerful blast of air every time it is struck.
If the drum is beaten as a full round action it creates the equivalent of a severe wind in a 60 ft line.
If the owner is trained in Perform(percussion) he can, as a standard action tune the blasts of air more finely and use them to knock over objects, blow out small fires and perform the bull rush, trip or disarm maneuvers at a range of 30 ft with a CMB of +7.
If the owner is a bard he can as part of the action to maintain his bardic performance spend an extra daily round of performance to surround himself in a vortex of buffeting winds. These winds knock arrows and similar missiles out of their way, such attack made from or against the owner suffer from a 20% miss chance for 1 round.
Requirements , gust of wind,telekinesis,wind wall Cost 16500 gp

Pendant of the Divine Savior

Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot neck; Price 15,000 gp; Weight --
This silver necklace is fashioned after the holy symbol of a good or neutral deity.
The Necklace can store one cure spell of 3rd level or lower.
If the user is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points he can as an immediate action cast the stored spell on himself. In addition he gains DR 5/evil for 1 round per level of the stored spell used.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, breath of life, imbue with spell ability , Creator must have the good or healing domain; Cost 7,500 gp

Pendant of the Divine Wrath

Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot neck; Price 15,000 gp; Weight --
This black steel necklace is fashioned after the (un)holy symbol of a evil or neutral deity.
The Necklace can store one use of the channel negative energy ability (maximum 4d6) .
If the user is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points he can as an immediate action release the stored energy. The user can't apply feats like selective channeling to this ability and always takes full damage from the effect, most likely killing him. In addition the pendant automatically empowers the channel and bestows one negative level on every creature that fails it's saving throw against the released energy for 1 hour.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, imbue with spell ability, slay living , Creator must have the evil or destruction domain; Cost 7,500 gp

Soulswitch gem, lesser

Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th
Slot ---; Price 7,000gp; Weight 1lbs
This multifaceted gem reflects light and images like a polished mirror. When activated with a command word it creates a burst of cascading light and two willing creatures within 60 ft exchange bodies as with a mutual magic jar spell. This effect lasts until dispelled or one full week, whichever comes first.
When the effect ends the gem shatters and the souls return to their original bodies if both souls and bodies are within 60ft of the gem. If one of the recipients is missing, both recipients die, just as with the magic jar spell.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, magic jar, permanency; Cost 3,500 gp

Soulswitch gem

Aura strong necromancy; CL 13th
Slot ---; Price 16,500gp; Weight 1lbs
This gem works just like a lesser Soulswitch gem, but it is useable once per month
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, magic jar, permanency; Cost 8,250 gp

Gem of Life's essence (minor Artifact)

Aura strong necromancy; CL 20th
Slot ---; Weight 2lbs
This fist-sized gem is jet black and looks rather innocuous when empty. Belied by its appearance this artifact has the power to permanently store and preserve a soul.
Whenever a living creature dies within 10 ft of an empty gem its soul (and only its soul) is trapped within the gem unless it succeeds on a Will save (DC 25). When a soul is trapped within the gem it takes on an appearance that subtly reflects the trapped creatures personality and essence. The trapped creature can not be resurrected by any means short unless the gem is destroyed or the soul is freed by offering to replace it with another , willing soul with at least as many hit dice as the original “victim”.
The trapped soul however gains the ability to cast extended magic jar( Cl 20 , DC 21) 3/day to possess other living creatures, using the gem as the spells receptacle. Possession in this way is the creatures only mean of communication or interaction with the world.
A Gem of Life's essence can be destroyed by casting a freedom spell on it while on the positive energy plane or by willing it destroyed by a trapped soul of at least 20HD, in which case a trapped soul is utterly destroyed.

Focusing(Weapon Special ability)


A focusing weapon is specifically crafted to resonate with magical effects that enhance weapons and amplify them.
Whenever a focusing weapon is under an temporary effect that give the weapon additional enhancement bonuses or special abilities (like a flaming weapon spell, A Paladins Divine Bond power, or similar ability)
it's enhancement bonus is 2 better than normal.
In addition the wielder may, when scoring a critical hit with the focusing weapon voluntarily discharge any such effect in oder to deal an extra 2d6 points of force damage per equivalent +1 bonus conferred by the effect with the critical hit
Moderate evocation; Cl 5th ; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; magic weapon, dispel magic ; price: +1 bonus

Arsenal Scabbard

This electrum-ornamented scabbard can magically hold up to 3 swords of any size and shape at the same time. If there is at least one sword stored in the scabbard, it will
always seem as if the scabbard only holds a simple longsword of elegant design. Whenever you draw a weapon from the scabbard you may draw any stored weapon you wish, also once per day you may, as a swift action improve the enhancement bonus of a weapon you are drawing by 1 for one minute, if the drawn weapon already has an enhancement bonus of at least +1 you may instead imbue the weapon with one of the following special abilities for one minute:
flaming, shocking, frost, defending, keen, allying, menacing, merciful.

Bracelet of the Five-legged Spider


Aura moderate necromancy and transmutation; CL 7th
Slot wrist; Price 25000 gp (normal) or 30000 (enhanced); Weight ZZ lbs.
This single iron bracelet is stained with flecks of blood and rust and fits tightly around the wearers wrist. The wearer of the bracelet of the Five-legged spider can literally twist the hand on which the bracelet is worn of his wrist, loosing use of the hand and all magic items worn on it. As soon as the hand is detached from the wearers arm it animates and four tiny eyes appear on the hands knuckles.
The wearer may then empathically commune with the hand at a range of one mile and share its senses (sight and hearing) at a range of 300 feet and command it to perform tasks for him. When out of range of telepathic communication the hand may perform any assigned tasks as a creature with an Intelligence score of 5. The hand may either crawl along the ground with a Speed of 15 ft, or levitate at a height of up to 10 ft. with a speed of 15ft. When levitating the Hand sheds a eerie, purple light equivalent to a light spell.
The Hand has 20% of the wearers HP and an AC of 14 + Any bonuses from magic items worn on the hand. When the Hand is dropped to 0 or less HP it merely becomes inanimate.
The hand can has a maximum carrying capacity equal to 25lbs + 5 lbs per point of strength bonus the wearer has. This is also the maximum force the hand can exert.
The wearer can easily reattach the hand as a standard action as long as the bracelet is worn. If the bracelet is removed while the hand is detached it immediately becomes inanimate.
Originally these items where simply called helping hands but someone mentioned that the crawling hand looked like a spider and the new name stuck. Some have even created versions of this item that amplify the spider theme. These enhanced bracelets do not give the detached hand the ability to levitate but instead give it a climb speed of 20 ft and a poisonous bite attack (+7 bite , 1d3-2 dmg plus medium spider venom)
Requirements Craft Wondrous item , mage hand, , spectral hand , levitate (normal only) , poison (enhanced only); Cost 12500 gp(normal or 15000(enhanced)

Swarmseed Arrow (magic weapon)


Aura moderate necromancy and conjuration (evil); CL 13th
Price 6666 gp; Weight ---.
The head of this +2 arrow looks like a ragged, sharp cocoon. For 3 rounds after a Swarmseed Arrow hit a flesh-bearing creature insects can be seen and felt crawling under the targets skin. This sensation, albeit being unsettling does not harm or hinder the target in any way, it merely hints at the things to come. After the 3 rounds pass, a hungry, fiendish army ant swarm erupts from the targets body. The target takes 130 Points of damage, unless it succeeds on a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw, in which case it only takes 3d6+13 points of damage. The swarm is in no way controlled and continues to attack for 13 rounds before breaking up. If the Target died from the eruption of the swarm, a fresh cocoon can be found in the targets corpse that lowers the cost to create a new Swarmseed arrow by 15%. The eruption of the swarm can only be avoided if the infested creature is the target of, remove disease or similar spell in the 3 round onset time.
Requirements craft magic arms and armor, finger of death, vomit swarm ;Cost 3337 gp

--- And these are the ones I did late November and early December and most were at least considered for real submitting

Straps of Adaptive Protection


Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot Body; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
These silver bands of scaly leather are designed to be worn around the upper and lower Arms, Body and legs, forming a full-body harness.
The harness has the ability to transform the wearers skin to be protected against any danger he might be facing.
Every time the wearer takes slashing, piercing, bludgeoning or elemental damage, his Skin transforms to grant him resistance 5 against that elemental type or DR 5 against that type of damage (a character hit by a slashing weapon would gain DR 5/piercing or bludgeoning) for 1 minute or until he takes a different type of damage, whichever comes first. If he takes a different type of damage the wearers skin transforms to protect against that type of damage instead.
If an attack deals more than one type of damage (a flaming morningstar for example would deal bludgeoning, piercing and fire damage) the type of protection the Straps of Adaptive Protection offer is determined randomly.
If the wearer is ever hit by an attack that deals 5 or more types of damage at the same time the Straps of Adaptive protection snap in pieces, becoming completely nonmagical.

Requirements Craft Wondrous item, stoneskin, protection from energy; Cost 10,000 gp

Mask of reflected imagery

Aura faint illusion; CL 4th
Slot head; Price 3000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
This highly polished silver mask perfectly reflects the face of every creature holding it in its hands, but becomes translucent and nearly invisible when worn.
As long as the Mask is worn, the wearer will perceive all intelligent creatures to be of his race, allowing him to easily gauge their equivalent age and gender and aiding him in reading facial expressions and body language.
The wearer can see through this illusion and see both the illusionary image and the real creature if he succeeds on a DC 13 Will save.
If the wearer has a bonus on Sense Motive, Diplomacy, or Bluff checks against creatures of his own race he may apply this bonus to all intelligent creatures as long as the mask is worn.
In addition the wearer can 1/day cause the mask to create an illusion that causes other creatures to perceive the wearer as a member of their race. This Illusion can also be disbelieved with a DC 13 Will save.
Requirements Craft Wondrous item, disguise self, silent image; Cost 1,500 gp

Sign of Battles Tide

Aura moderate evocation; CL 11th
Slot – ; Price5,000 gp; Weight – lbs.
This colorful skyrocket firework is inscribed with numerous arcane symbols. It is enchanted to be a receptacle for one Symbol spell. Inscribing a Symbol into a Sign of Battles Tide always takes 2 hours of time and double the normal material cost for the spell.
The Symbol can only be triggered by lighting the Sign of Battles tide and launching it in the air. As the sign of battles tide detonates it creates a huge and brilliantly display of the Symbol which is clearly visible even in bright daylight. When the symbol is triggered in this way, instead of targeting all creatures within 60 ft, it targets all creatures within 600ft that would be affected by a gaze attack. However the Symbol will only remain active for 1 round.
Requirements Craft wondrous item, Widen Spell, contingency, pyrotechnics; Cost 2,500 gp

Sanguine Guardian


Aura moderate evocation; CL 6th
Slot –; Price 10,000 gp; Weight – lbs.
This sharp and finely crafted obsidian knife is way to short and small to be used as a weapon.
However you can use it to create a deep and painful cut across your palm. Doing so deals 1d2+2 damage to you and gives you bleed 2. As long as you continue to take this bleed damage the blood drawn from this wound will float up and form a scimitar of blood beside you. This blade will deflect incoming blows , giving you a +2 deflection bonus to AC against melee attacks and strikes back at Creatures hitting you in melee.
Whenever you are hit by a melee attack the blade will make an attack of opportunity against the creature that attacked you. Treat this as a melee touch attack with a bonus of +7, dealing 1d6+3 and causing the creature to bleed for 2 points of damage per turn.
The Blade can make up to 6 Attacks of opportunity per turn.

Requirements Craft Wondrous item, bleed, spiritual weapon; Cost 5,000 gp

Angel Eyes


Aura strong divination; CL 13th
Slot eyes ; Price 24,000 gp; Weight
These golden lenses hand you the power of the stern and penetrating gaze of the noble celestials, seeing beyond the eyes straight into the hearts of the creatures your gaze falls upon
Once per day you can activate the Angel eyes, causing your eyes to glow with a golden light for 1 minute.
During this period you gain a gaze attack with a range of 60 ft. You can read the surface thoughts (as with detect thoughts) of target creatures as well as discern their exact alignments unless they succeed on a DC 18 Will save.
While your Eyes are glowing you also gain a +4 sacred bonus on Intimidate and Sense motive checks.

Angel Eyes are good aligned. If an evil creature dons them it gains one negative level that can't be removed unless the Angel Eyes are removed first.
Requirements Craft Wondrous item, detect thoughts, discern lies; Cost 12,000gp

Fickle Dagger (magic weapon)


Price 12,301 gp; Weight – lbs.
This curved dagger blends multiple, unfinished designs, as if it couldn't decide on one particular look.
The Fickle dagger's enhancement bonus is always equal to the result of it's last rolled damage die.
If for any reason more than one die is rolled (Such as with the vital strike feat or a critical hit) only the first die counts.
A fickle dagger always deals 1d4 points of damage, no matter which size it is. Magical effects that would increase or decrease it's damage die have no effect on a fickle dagger.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, confusion,magic weapon, creator must be chaotic; Cost 6,301 gp

Hope you have fun with them ;)
There are even some more, but i can't post them right now, because they are thematically too similar to my real entry. So you'll see them on the 19th, at the earliest.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka DankeSean

Serpent wrote:

Very well. I rejected this one because a) the Golarion tie-in isn't strong enough (the sea monsters and trickery are there, but...), b) it's a bit too much a SIAC and c) there was a squid item last year. (And d) my other item is A LOT better than this one.)

Besmara's Inkwell
Aura faint conjuration; CL 3rd
Slot —; Price 1,000 gp; Weight
This frosted glass inkwell, usually crafted in the shape of a squid or octopus, magically refills itself each day. The ink never spills, even if the inkwell is toppled over or exposed to water.

If you hold the inkwell in hand and say aloud the name of a color, the ink immediately changes to match that color.

Once per day as a standard action, you can command the inkwell to spew forth its contents, forming a cubical 20-feet cloud of fine mist. The cloud is centered around the inkwell but remains stationary even if you move the inkwell. The cloud obscures vision just as the obscuring mist spell. Additionally, everything within the mist (except you and your belongings) is coated in a thin layer of ink, negating all benefits of invisibility. The ink cloud dissolves after three rounds, but the ink layer remains until washed off.

Unlike the obscuring mist spell, the ink cloud effect also functions underwater.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, glitterdust, obscuring mist, prestidigitation; Cost 500 gp

I quite like it; it is spell-in-a-can-ish, but I think it's a pretty strong SIAC for all that; much like last year's snapleaf. I think it's a little undercosted- not a lot, but something that basically gives a 1/day combined use of obscuring mist and glitterdust would, I think, be a little closer to 3-4 thousand gold. I don't think you should have sweated over the Golarion connection either; that sort of thing is usually padding at best. Still, if this is your throwaway it's a very good start.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Sean McGowan wrote:
Serpent wrote:
Besmara's Inkwell
I quite like it; it is spell-in-a-can-ish, but I think it's a pretty strong SIAC for all that; much like last year's snapleaf. I think it's a little undercosted- not a lot, but something that basically gives a 1/day combined use of obscuring mist and glitterdust would, I think, be a little closer to 3-4 thousand gold. I don't think you should have sweated over the Golarion connection either; that sort of thing is usually padding at best. Still, if this is your throwaway it's a very good start.

Agreed. If this is your throw-away, your entry should stand out.

Like Sean, I think it's undercosted. Good stuff, though.

Sean McGowan wrote:
Serpent wrote:

Very well. I rejected this one because a) the Golarion tie-in isn't strong enough (the sea monsters and trickery are there, but...), b) it's a bit too much a SIAC and c) there was a squid item last year. (And d) my other item is A LOT better than this one.)

Besmara's Inkwell

I quite like it; it is spell-in-a-can-ish, but I think it's a pretty strong SIAC for all that; much like last year's snapleaf. I think it's a little undercosted- not a lot, but something that basically gives a 1/day combined use of obscuring mist and glitterdust would, I think, be a little closer to 3-4 thousand gold. I don't think you should have sweated over the Golarion connection either; that sort of thing is usually padding at best. Still, if this is your throwaway it's a very good start.

I too don't have much to add to this right now. Good job. :)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

This is a pretty lame SiaC, but it got the creative juices flowing. I didn't really finish it (I don't think I went through costing it at all. I think those numbers are just pulled out of thin air to fill in the fields.)

Lover's Favor
Aura faint enchantment and divination; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 4,500 gp; Weight --

Young lovers generally petition a local witch to create this token of their bond, often a locket or charm worn on a chain around the neck. The bearer of this favor gains the insight of a continual status upon their partner.

As long as the status of the partner is unharmed, the bearer gains a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and enchantment (charm) effects.

If the status of the partner changes to any condition other than unharmed, the bearer may choose as a standard action to launch into a fit of rage as the spell and may also utilize the No Escape rage power during the effect. Using the rage effect consumes the favor

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, rage, status; Cost 2,250 gp

Scarab Sages

One Idea I rejected without a full writeup was a "Tome of Horrifying Tales". The idea was that the books contains several stories, each of which can be read one time. Each story features some kind of classic monster with a template (werewolf, vampire, ghost, Zombie, etc). Reading a story after dark granted the user the associated template until sunrise. The stories could only be read in a specific order, and once read could not be re-read.

I think it would have made a cool item, but would have been a bit too complicated to cram into the space limit.

Liberty's Edge

Azmahel wrote:
Before I give a detailed review, I have to ask. Joke Item?

Not exactly a joke item, the name was certainly going to change if I continued work on it. A few days back I looked it over and found something entirely too similar in the APG.

Some quick feedback on some of your more recent items...
I won't nitpick the spelling/punctuation, as I assume these are drafts you would have polished before submitting.

Straps of Adaptive Protection
Possibly under-costed (though that hasn't stopped items getting through in the past) and perhaps more fatally adds yet more book-keeping/dice-rolling to combat every time someone gets hit by the aforementioned flaming morningstar with those random rolls...

Mask of Reflected Imagery
I don't understand this item at all. You're self-deceived by an illusion into thinking the archdaemon you're talking to is an elf, (assuming you yourself are an elf) so suddenly you're better at bluffing it, sensing what it's thinking, or trying to talk it into being not quite so much your enemy?

Sign of Battles Tide
Give what it does (and the massive power up effect it gives a symbol spell), this item looks under-costed to me. If I understand correctly, send a lone adventurer out (with protections if they're at risk of 'friendly fire' from the symbol) to fire up a symbol of death over an army, and you've probably just killed 90-95% of the enemy in one quick, cheap, moment.

Sanguine Guardian
I have some qualms over the touch-attacks, but I think the multiple attacks of opportunity take this into being more a weapon than an item. Still, the Migrus Locker showed the judges do sometimes let ideas that stretch the rules a bit pass.
Even with the bleed damage, given how much damage it can deal with those six attacks of opportunity if you're in the middle of a combat, I personally might have priced it higher than 5,000 gp. Look at what a lone villain can do with it, in the middle of an adventuring party... (Well at least until the party cleric slaps a cure light wounds on him.)

Angel Eyes
I'm not seeing much use for this in an adventuring party, except maybe as an 'interrogation' tool to assess captured prisoners.
The whole glowy thing makes it tricky to use them as a discreet tool in social situations.

Fickle Dagger
Given it's a weapon, not a wondrous item, I assume this wasn't intended for entry.
As far as I understand it, a raging, power-attacking, barbarian loves this item (well apart from it being a dagger, but you can get around that by using a fickle dagger sized for a larger creature than yourself as a two-handed weapon...) since all that extra damage she does when she does connect massively improves her chance of hitting next time...

Hope that's useful. :)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Sean McGowan wrote:
Treacherous Decanter

You're right, it's a plot device. But it's a fun one.

Not sure why fabricate is a req and why poison isn't. Also, I'd have gone with create water over control water.

Sean McGowan wrote:
Devouring Compass of the Betrayed Wanderer

I was with you until the very end. I'd crop out the locate object/creature stuff and stick with the bit about confusing the target. Pretty neat otherwise.

Sean McGowan wrote:
Portable Oubliette

I think the word I'm looking for here is "fiendish". That's horribly wonderful (wonderfully horrible?). I like.

Sean McGowan wrote:
edited to add spoiler tags

I kind of wish you hadn't. The spoiler tags just make it harder to reply. There's nothing wrong with posting everything out in the open, presuming proper punctuation and whitespace. I'd prefer that everyone left spoiler tags for actual spoilers.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:


Some quick feedback on some of your more recent items...

My turn, my turn!

Straps of Adaptive Protection
Oh nice. Wait, most of that doesn't matter to me already. Never mind. Maybe I can get a friendly transmuter I know to soup it up a bit...

Mask of Reflected Imagery
This is a cursed item which can't be removed easily, right, which you simply forgot to tell us about? You slip it onto the face of an archenemy whilst they're asleep, thn retire to a safe distance to watch the fun?

Sign of Battles Tide
I know a balor or two who will pay a fortune for these. yes. I strongly approve.

Sanguine Guardian
Ahh, blood and weapons, looks promising... Wait, you stab yourself, and bleed, to hurt people who are already hurting you? Why would you want to do that? It doesn't even work if they're shooting you full of arrows? This is another cursed item, right, which you haven't told us about the curse on?

Angel Eyes
<stomps Angel Eyes, grinding them to powder beneath her heels>
There, that's better. Those are supposed to be therapeutic, right? Well I certainly feel better, but it's a bit expensive.

Fickle Dagger
Fickle, fickle, fickle... Only not very fickle in some contexts. I can't make up my mind about this one, but I have a feeling it should be much more chaotic.

This post is made by a whimsical CE aligned succubus, and opinions and thoughts expressed are taken seriously at the reader's peril.

some quick Re:s

Charles Evans 25 wrote:


Some quick feedback on some of your more recent items...
I won't nitpick the spelling/punctuation, as I assume these are drafts you would have polished before submitting.

not only that but many other things too ;)


Straps of Adaptive Protection

Yeah, absolutely. Had some other ideas on how to handle multi-damage typed effects, but nothing much to add here.


Mask of Reflected Imagery

You are only better, if you get a bonus against elves. It should riff on the fact that it is easier to read familiar faces. Seeing if a dragon is disgusted or bored is more hard than seeing the same emotions on a humans face. But yeah, its not as clear as it could/should be.


Sign of Battles Tide

like I said, prices pulled out of thin air, but as a high-level, oneshot powerboost to a single spell, it shouldn't be too expensive. Also simply casting the Symbol of death into the sign adds 5,000 gp to the cost of this nuke.(also you don't bypass the 150hp limit of the symbol)


Sanguine Guardian

again only prices, so yeah. likely underpriced.


Angel Eyes

jup, unless you have some effect that depends on knowing your targets alignment it's not as useful as it could be. I was almost finished with this one, before realizing that i was basically doing a "soul gaze" item, inspired by dresden files.


Fickle dagger

well, only the damage die should be used, that is simply the d4. So the dagger alternates between a +1 to +4 dagger randomly. At least thats what I wanted it to be. And yeah never considered this. (actually I knew which item to submit when writing this up, just got to get this quick idea out on paper

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

I might add that you should comment on as many as you post. These threads work best when we get feedback. (not for Az's eyes, he is awesome on the feedback :)

Also, before you post consider whether you can use the idea as archetypes, or other rounds lest you make it that far. :)

NotMousse wrote:

Ok, I'll go first, it's actually a bit embarrassing (and half finished) since it happens to *already* exist.

Pogo stick of infinite jumps
Aura faint transmutation; CL ZZth
Slot none; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This is simple wooden stick is shaped like an inverted cross. When placing your feet upon the cross bar the item is held in place as an immovable rod. When you jump and then 'step' on the cross bar you stay aloft and may jump from that point.
Requirements craft wonderous item, levitate; Cost 2,500 gp

Ok, we already had the trap that this item might be considered a joke. Also i would like to point you to the following auto-reject advices:

Not all of these are perfect fits for your item, but definitely worth a read.
You said that there was something similar in the APG, but I can't seem to find it.
I might have qualms with the pricing, since it is more useful than a single immoveable rod in many relevant situations ( navigating obstacles, getting out of reach in combat,..), but on the other hand it is less usefull in certain other conditions, so whatever.
Can't say much more about this, I'm simply not too fond of it, and don't see much mojo going on.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Azmahel wrote:
NotMousse wrote:

Pogo stick of infinite jumps

Ok, we already had the trap that this item might be considered a joke. Also i would like to point you to the following auto-reject advices:


Agreed with Az. I am not sure if the acrobatics options were made to immovable rod in PF. If not this is useful even if it is not original. If so immovable rod is so much more versatile (blocking doors, squeezing large characters, readied against charges...). Also avoid passive voice :). I did like the hop from there wording, it was clear. Nice job.

Serpent wrote:

Besmara's Inkwell

Aye, the squid item was different enough from yours, but it did remind me of it. Also the 'never spills' was reminiscent of last years Tankard as well. I think you are far enough from SiaC, because obscuring mist and glitterdust are almost in opposition. Pricing seems low, but once per day might balance that out. Nice Job. :)

Sean McGowan wrote:

Treacherous Decanter

Yeah, a plot device, and not a really new one at it. I've seen an item very similar to this one in last years feedback thread.

Your execution of the idea is very solid and you definitely know what you are doing, but the idea itself wouldn't have been the best one for Rpg-Superstar.


Devouring Compass of the Betrayed Wanderer

Hm. nice basic idea, but this time the execution is not so good.

First of, the 170ft seem rather random, but I get that it is the range of a medium ranged spell at Cl 7, but I would have rounded up or down.
then the effect does come with a lot of dice rolling, and some weird implications.
For example:
a fighter wants to charge someone 60ft away.
first you will have to roll 1d8 twelve times and see step by step where he went, then you have to see what happens with his attack. If he ends up adjacent to his target does he get the charge benefits, an attack at all? what if he ends adjacent to another enemy?, an ally?
Also there is quite a chance that you use this ability and your target does not move at all ( full attack, or simply stand in the back, casting). And do these rounds count as a devoured round?

What I really like is the secondary ( or tertiary if you count the -2) effect. this gives the item another level of usability and tactical applications. but given the randomness and possible uselessness of the first ability some characters might get the idea to imply let the compass devour their way to breakfast in the morning and simply use it for the secondary effect only.


Portable Oubliette

Love this one. A nice and flavorful application of combining 2 new spells. You are somewhat wonky on the obliviousness part and that could use some work to make it more concise and easier to use, but aside from that I really like this one. I might add it to the Arsenal of my latest NPC nuisance (An Antipaladin who loves to use expensive expendables against the party and then drop off. His favorite and Tell-tale item is my swarmseed arrow, and a fake version, that simply makes the target believe it is infected)

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Joe Wells wrote:

This is a pretty lame SiaC, but it got the creative juices flowing.

Lover's Favor

Again I think SiaC is mostly averted. Rage and status based on the lover's is a good angle. I like it. However I think it falls prey to #3 and #12. How many adventurers are lovers? not in most groups, though feasible. More likely the typical party will use these to monitor their weak link or front line fighter. Not only is the back-story unnecessary, but it implies a different use than its actual. Also since you did not make it a specific item I think you fall into not an item. Decide locket, charm or whichever and describe it. Visuals are the catch to get items noticed. Status (spell) and status (condition) I think are two different things and they seem to have gotten confused. Still the combination of the these two spells (and a moral bonus) is a great beginning :)

Azmahel wrote:

Drum of the Northern Gale
** spoiler omitted **
Pendant of the Divine Savior
** spoiler omitted **...

been there done that *grin*. though I will comment on the others later.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Curaigh wrote:
Again I think SiaC is mostly averted. Rage and status based on the lover's is a good angle. I like it. However I think it falls prey to #3 and #12. How many adventurers are lovers? not in most groups, though feasible. More likely the typical party will use these to monitor their weak link or front line fighter. Not only is the back-story unnecessary, but it implies a different use than its actual. Also since you did not make it a specific item I think you fall into not an item. Decide locket, charm or whichever and describe it. Visuals are the catch to get items noticed. Status (spell) and status (condition) I think are two different things and they seem to have gotten confused. Still the combination of the these two spells (and a moral bonus) is a great beginning :)

Yeah, it's worse than a plot device; it's a plot dependent device.

If I had continued to mess with this, I would have had to lay out some guidelines on what the relationship needed to be. I don't think I could have defined that in game terms very well.

In all, this is a poor candidate for an RPG SS submission. It, possibly, would be more interesting to use in a piece of fiction.

Thanks for your thoughts, Curaigh.

Joe Wells wrote:

This is a pretty lame SiaC, but it got the creative juices flowing. I didn't really finish it (I don't think I went through costing it at all. I think those numbers are just pulled out of thin air to fill in the fields.)

Lover's Favor
Aura faint enchantment and divination; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 4,500 gp; Weight --

Young lovers generally petition a local witch to create this token of their bond, often a locket or charm worn on a chain around the neck. The bearer of this favor gains the insight of a continual status upon their partner.

As long as the status of the partner is unharmed, the bearer gains a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and enchantment (charm) effects.

If the status of the partner changes to any condition other than unharmed, the bearer may choose as a standard action to launch into a fit of rage as the spell and may also utilize the No Escape rage power during the effect. Using the rage effect consumes the favor

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, rage, status; Cost 2,250 gp

I've seen quite a few status items so far, and this is definitely one of the best. the rage tie-in is really fitting thematically and works like a charm.

But your first sentence kills much of the appeal of the item. Most players reading this will likely discard this, because their characters are "badass and stuff" and have no need for an item for "young lovers". Also I can't see many young couples spend about 5,000gp for such an item, because thats about enough to build a house and get a business started.
Whats unclear too is whether this is a set of paired items, ( and if the price is for one or for a matched pair) or if this item automatically links the wearer to their romantic partner ( making it even less useful for most PC's).

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8

I loved the idea behind this item, but the language felt clumsy and I, obviously, couldn't think of a good name.

Aura moderate universal; CL 7th
Slot –; Price 11,200 gp; Weight

This mithral bookmark is roughly the size and shape of a ruler, though its top end curls like a shepherd’s crook and is pierced by a ring that bears a tiny glass lantern. When the bookmark is placed on the first page of a spell in a wizard’s spellbook, a tiny wisp of light within the lantern appears and instructions to cast the corresponding spell more easily slowly emerge on the surface of the strip over the course of 8 hours (at which time the magic of the bookmark can be used). When a wizard next prepares his spells, he may reduce the increase in spell level by one (minimum +1) for up to three metamagic feats applied to the spell which had been marked (though he may prepare as many copies of that spell as he wishes, with any combination of feats). When a wizard finishes preparing his spells and closes the book, the light disappears and the wizard must start the process over again by marking a page to gain the benefits of the bookmark once more.

Removing the bookmark prematurely automatically ends the effect as does moving the bookmark to another page (in which case the process begins anew and will finish 8 hours later if uninterrupted).

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, any metamagic feat, mnemonic enhancer; Cost 5,600 gp

Some feedback would be AWESOME! (Though, I should say, I'm already keenly aware that this is Arcane-Thesis-in-a-Can-only-better)

This is not a complete write up, but you get the gist of it:

Party Mask (Mask of Mystery)

This mask often appears as a simple ivory mask with no facial features.

Once placed on the face, the wearer can alter the mask to appear as any other mask, but is always a part of the disguise. The wearer is able to change her form to any other humanoid form with in a 1 foot size difference, but all other changes are purely cosmetic. Wings will not allow you to fly, but appear real in all other ways. The disguise is further enchanced by an illusion to conceal or alter existing items and/or create high quality personal items to make the costume complete. Items created but no longer in your possession disappear. Wearing the mask assures your anonymoty. Nothing about you can be scryed or detected and you can resist being magically coerced as per the Mind Blank spell. The Party Mask functions once a day and up to 24 hours. Removing the mask will end it's effects upon the wearer but the mask retains the non-detectable and locatable properties.

disguise self - base 1 * 1 * 2000 / 5 (1/day) * 1.5 (duration) * 1.5 (affinity) = 900
alterself - base 2 * 3 * 2000 / 5 (1/day) * 1.5 (duration) * 1.5 (affinity) = 5400
minor creation - base 4 * 7 * 2000 / 5 (1/day) * 1 (duration) * 1.5 (affinity) = 16800
mindblank - base 8 * 15 * 2000 / 5 (1/day) / 2 (duration) * 1 (affinity) = 24000
material - 200 (art object - ivory mask)
Craft Wondrous Item
Price: 47300 gp

Here's another one.

Lead Ball

Lead Ball:
The Lead Ball appears to made of lead and has a 2" diameter. It usually appears quite battered with various dents and scratches but always maintains its spherical shape.

The "owner" of the Lead Ball has a persistant dimensional anchor spell upon them even for moments Lead Ball is not being possesed. The Lead Ball will never leave it's owner's possession for more than a single round, always returning to his hand, bag or some other method of carrying the Lead Ball in his possession at the owner's desire (or in some cases to the owner's dislike) at the beginning of his turn.

At the start of any combat or ownership the owner must make a Will Save, DC17 or be effected by a Slow Spell. This check is only made once per combat. The Lead Ball can be transferred to a new owner with a successful ranged attack or given and received willingly. The receiver can not be magically compelled or causually given the Lead Ball whereas it will return to the owner. If the Lead Ball has no owner, then the first creature to touch the Lead Ball becomes the owner, Will Save DC17. There is no obvious effect when becoming an owner. On a successful save, the Lead Ball appears at the possessors feet.

When attempting to transfer ownership through a ranged attack it must strike the targets full AC. The target must then make a Will Save, DC17 or become the new owner. If successful, no more saves are required for this combat. The Lead Ball deals 1d4 bludgeoning and has a range 20', x2 Crit, weighs 2 lbs. Ownership can be removed by a remove curse of caster level 15 or greater. The Lead Ball's ownership is not blocked by antimagic.

Ownership can only be transferred once a day as a ranged attack.

CL 15; 30,000gp

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Mikael Sebag wrote:

I like the concept. In practice, a wizard would only get benefit from this when preparing spells while at home. It would be tough to use with a traveling spellbook.

You probably mean to limit the metamagic feat applications to ones known by the wizard, but this could be read as applying any metamagic feats as written.

I'd probably also limit the max spell level that this could be used for (opening the possibility of multiple versions).

I think it's undercosted as well. The closest items to this are metamagic rods, I think. The effect of Spellbookmark is different, but still pretty powerful.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Saker wrote:
Party Mask (Mask of Mystery)

So, it's a mask that can look like other masks? I don't really get that part. Otherwise, it seems like the perfect infiltration device.

I think there have been a bunch of Alter Self masks posted and this just seems like a super-duper Hat of Disguise. Sorry, it's just not blowing my hair back.

I don't think you really need Disguise Self as a req, the cost of the mask definitely isn't needed.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Saker wrote:
Lead Ball

It's a cursed item that you can give away? Who would want this?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8

Joe Wells wrote:
Mikael Sebag wrote:

I like the concept. In practice, a wizard would only get benefit from this when preparing spells while at home. It would be tough to use with a traveling spellbook.

You probably mean to limit the metamagic feat applications to ones known by the wizard, but this could be read as applying any metamagic feats as written.

I'd probably also limit the max spell level that this could be used for (opening the possibility of multiple versions).

I think it's undercosted as well. The closest items to this are metamagic rods, I think. The effect of Spellbookmark is different, but still pretty powerful.

Well, since the bookmark only reduces the cost of the metamagic, you couldn't apply a metamagic feat he doesn't know, because it doesn't give you the use of any feat. I thought that was clear, but now I wonder...

It's actually intended for the traveling wizard, since you have to sleep for 8 hours to recover spells anyway, you just bookmark the spell you want before you go to bed. Next morning, voila, it's ready for you.

I probably wouldn't adjust the cost, but come to think of it, I'd probably cap the three metamagic reductions total across any number of copies.

Thanks for the feedback! I'd love more! ^_^

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Mikael Sebag wrote:
It's actually intended for the traveling wizard, since you have to sleep for 8 hours to recover spells anyway, you just bookmark the spell you want before you go to bed. Next morning, voila, it's ready for you.

I'd never leave my traveling book laying out and open for 8 hours, unattended. That's probably just me being paranoid after being under the influence of an Evil GM for many years. For other playstyles, this may be a reasonable thing to do.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka KissMeDarkly

Joe Wells wrote:
Mikael Sebag wrote:
It's actually intended for the traveling wizard, since you have to sleep for 8 hours to recover spells anyway, you just bookmark the spell you want before you go to bed. Next morning, voila, it's ready for you.
I'd never leave my traveling book laying out and open for 8 hours, unattended. That's probably just me being paranoid after being under the influence of an Evil GM for many years. For other playstyles, this may be a reasonable thing to do.

Ummm... where does it say you have to leave this book open to gain the benefits of the item? All it says is that the bookmark must be placed on the first page of the spell you want the bookmark to effect. After that? I'd close the book and put it away.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8

Gerald Andrews wrote:
Ummm... where does it say you have to leave this book open to gain the benefits of the item? All it says is that the bookmark must be placed on the first page of the spell you want the bookmark to effect. After that? I'd close the book and put it away.

That's exactly right! It's only after you close the book once you finish preparing spells that it "deactivates".

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Gerald Andrews wrote:
Ummm... where does it say you have to leave this book open to gain the benefits of the item? All it says is that the bookmark must be placed on the first page of the spell you want the bookmark to effect. After that? I'd close the book and put it away.

It seemed like the light from the mini-lantern needed to be shined upon the page to get the effect. Also,

When a wizard finishes preparing his spells and closes the book, the light disappears and the wizard must start the process over again by marking a page to gain the benefits of the bookmark once more.

So closing the book ends the effect, but only after memorizing spells, I guess? That mechanic seems odd.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8

Joe Wells wrote:
Gerald Andrews wrote:
Ummm... where does it say you have to leave this book open to gain the benefits of the item? All it says is that the bookmark must be placed on the first page of the spell you want the bookmark to effect. After that? I'd close the book and put it away.

It seemed like the light from the mini-lantern needed to be shined upon the page to get the effect. Also,

When a wizard finishes preparing his spells and closes the book, the light disappears and the wizard must start the process over again by marking a page to gain the benefits of the bookmark once more.
So closing the book ends the effect, but only after memorizing spells, I guess? That mechanic seems odd.

Okay, now I'm REALLY glad I passed on submitting this one, since, as I anticipated the language is confusing and altogether nebulous...!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka KissMeDarkly

Mikael Sebag wrote:
Okay, now I'm REALLY glad I passed on submitting this one, since, as I anticipated the language is confusing and altogether nebulous...!

Also, it doesn't include anything about what happens if the wizard happens to have more than one of these in his spell book. Does only one count? Or does he gain this benefit from each bookmark he's using?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8

Gerald Andrews wrote:
Mikael Sebag wrote:
Okay, now I'm REALLY glad I passed on submitting this one, since, as I anticipated the language is confusing and altogether nebulous...!
Also, it doesn't include anything about what happens if the wizard happens to have more than one of these in his spell book. Does only one count? Or does he gain this benefit from each bookmark he's using?

Oooooh sh*t, good point.

Sovereign Court

Serpent wrote:

Besmara's Inkwell

I quite like this item, though I agree that it is a bit cheap for the effect. Like last year's squid item, it isn't clear how the ink gets back into the bottle once the "cloud" function is activated. The description merely states that "the ink cloud dissolves after three rounds". The concept of the item is fun and interesting -- kind of reminds me of Lief Clennon's "Seven Thousand Blossoms" in that it skirts close to being a SIAC but has enough flavor and just enough of a twist to still be superstar.

Joe Wells wrote:
Saker wrote:
Lead Ball
It's a cursed item that you can give away? Who would want this?

Exactly, it's a cursed item. You wouldn't want it.

My item is not really a "reject". Actually, as I don't intend to work for Paizo, I didn't enter the contest (even though the chance is minimal, getting in a top-something and then saying "no thanks guys, I'm outta here" doesn't look morally appropriate to me...).

However, as the contest itself is highly stimulating creatively, I make a "fake entry" every round. Minus proofreading, this is what I would send in:

Perfect Hunter's Knife
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot --; Price 1000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This battered, ancient-looking knife is a valuable addition to any professional hunter's arsenal. In addition to working as a normal masterwork dagger, the knife may be used to carve a wooden figure of any specific kind of animal (this task takes ten minutes). With a successful Craft (Woodwork) check against a DC of 10 + the animal's typical HD, the knife will point to the closest animal of the specified type in a 3-mile radius for one day, or until one animal of the specified kind is captured or slain.

Additionally, once per day, when activating the Perfect Hunter's Knife the user may puncture his hand to draw some droplets of blood (losing 1 HP in the process) and deposit them on the knife, invoking one of the following effects:

Endless hunt: The user spills his blood from the knife to the wooden carved figure. For the whole day, the knife continues to point to the closest live animal of the specified type, even after one of those is captured or slain;

Unavoidable hunt: The user spills his blood from the knife to another weapon. This weapon gains the Bane property (if it doesn't already have it), exclusively against the subject to which the knife points;

Manhunt: The user may carve a specific being in the wood, together with its name. In this case, the Craft (woodwork) DC is 12 + the being's HD. The knife will then work as normal, but only pointing to that subject;

Construction Requirements craft wondrous items, locate person, 5 ranks in Craft (Woodwork); Cost 500 gp

Yes, pretty unoriginal naming, but I didn't really think it through very much. Cheers and best of luck to all who have entered!

Joe Wells wrote:
Saker wrote:
Party Mask (Mask of Mystery)

So, it's a mask that can look like other masks? I don't really get that part. Otherwise, it seems like the perfect infiltration device.

I think there have been a bunch of Alter Self masks posted and this just seems like a super-duper Hat of Disguise. Sorry, it's just not blowing my hair back.

I don't think you really need Disguise Self as a req, the cost of the mask definitely isn't needed.

It's main feature is not infiltration (there are plenty of those purposed items), but to be a costume and have anonymity, for example at a ballroom party. Requiring the mask to be a part of the disguise lets people know you're hiding your identity. High price is partially due to Mind Blank. Since it's not a true alter self, it's possible to lower cost to 45000 but all other costs seemed justified.

Sovereign Court

Azmahel wrote:
Mask of Reflected Imagery

This is my favorite of the items you culled, Azmahel. Something about the name bugs me, but I like the visual of the mask and I really like the function. It is a cool idea to have a mask that essentially acts as a translator of visual cues. Plus, I'm a big fan of masks in general and there is, in my opinion, a dearth of cool masks in the game. Nicely done!

Sovereign Court

Sean McGowan wrote:
Portable Oubliette

This really gets my DM chuckles going, and I can think of a few characters I've played who'd love to carry a couple of these around too. Seems a bit deadly for the price, but then again it is a one-use I'm okay with it. I could use some clarification on the activation of the item. The description states that "it may be thrown or rolled at any horizontal surface within 60 feet. It strikes this target and sinks into the ground..." Can you roll it along the ground and decide that you want it to stop and activate forty feet out? What, precisely, do you mean by "this target"?

Overall, this is a neat combo of spells rolled into a really interesting item. I wouldn't have been disappointed if I saw this in the top 32. :)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Circling back for Azmahel's items. The Indefatigable Disciple of Item Evaluation deserves it. And I needed some milk and cookies before diving in.

Azmahel wrote:

--- And these are the ones I did late November and early December and most were at least considered for real submitting

Straps of Adaptive Protection

Does this protection function against the attack that triggers the effect? If so, it seems like the duration of the protection is superfluous, since it always gives you the protection you need. It also seems pretty strong, reducing damage from most attacks by 5.

If it only protects against subsequent attacks, then it isn't so bad. I'd even let the player choose the type of protection activated by multi-damage source attacks in this case.

Azmahel wrote:
Mask of reflected imagery

Interesting. Sort of a translator for emotions and racial information. Since it's a beneficial item, I wouldn't require a save to see through the illusion.

Azmahel wrote:
Sign of Battles Tide

Oooh. That's nasty. Seems undercosted, but it's pretty cool.

Azmahel wrote:
Sanguine Guardian

Not a fan of items that are activated by hurting yourself. Also skirts too close to the weapon / not-a-weapon line. It's sort of a dancing, parrying blood sword.

Azmahel wrote:
Angel Eyes

I'm not sure what sort of celestial has that type of gaze attack. I'm probably just missing it right now.

Seems pretty expensive for what it does.

Some pretty interesting stuff, Azmahel. Thanks for sharing.

Sovereign Court

Joe Wells wrote:

Lover's Favor
Azmahel wrote:
But your first sentence kills much of the appeal of the item. Most players reading this will likely discard this, because their characters are "badass and stuff" and have no need for an item for "young lovers".

Pretty much ditto to what Azmahel said :). I think it would work well as a paired item, which would negate the problem of defining who qualifies as the wearer's "partner". The bigger problem is the audience -- I would certainly pick this item up for some of my PCs, but I'm a girl gamer. One of the lessons I learned from my last submission to RPG Superstar was to keep in mind that the judging panel does not have any women on it (not that my item was perfect, but I suspect that my "Rogue's Rouge" appeals more to a female audience).

All that said, I don't think the item is a lame SIAC at all. It needs a bit more development but it is a solid concept with interesting execution.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

fcalife wrote:
Perfect Hunter's Knife

Kinda neat. For the contest, I would re-cast it as a wood carving knife to distance it from being a weapon. I don't think Locate Person is a spell in Pathfinder. Detect Animals or Plants would work well as a req.

Dark Archive

fcalife wrote:

Perfect Hunter's Knife
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot --; Price 1000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This battered, ancient-looking knife is a valuable addition to any professional hunter's arsenal. In addition to working as a normal masterwork dagger, the knife may be used to carve a wooden figure of any specific kind of animal (this task takes ten minutes). With a successful Craft (Woodwork) check against a DC of 10 + the animal's typical HD, the knife will point to the closest animal of the specified type in a 3-mile radius for one day, or until one animal of the specified kind is captured or slain.

I really like this item.

OK here's one I started but decided it was a rule breaker, the "Blind but not blind item. I didn't even price it out or attach a spell to it as I gave up on it before I finished it.

The Third Eye:

Aura ; CL
Slot head; Price ; Weight--
A small gem is fitted onto a thin silver headband that protects its wearer from gaze attacks and allows them to mentally see their surroundings. To use this devise the wearer must have their eyes closed and concentrate in order to maintaining the vision from the Third Eye. By doing so, the wearer becomes immune to gaze attacks that require eye contact and has the ability to see as if their eyes where open. The penalty for fighting while blind is halved while wearing the headband. The Third Eye does not allow its wearer to see in any condition that they could not see in normally, such as in pitch-black darkness or magically darkened areas unless they possessed the means to do from lowlight or dark vision.
Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, ; Cost

Hunter's Perfect Knife

The item seems sound. I like the flavor, almost "voodoo" and I can see it in primitive or low magic campaigns.

However, as to marketability... What's the utility/demand in an typical campaign?

How often is a party required to hunt for food or fur, etc...?

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