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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I know this has been asked before, and maybe I've just missed the thread that concerns what I'm actually wanting to know, but I'm wanting to convert the Crimson Throne to Pathfinder rule set, but still be as challenging as the later adventure paths that use the pathfinder ruleset. If anyone could just point me to a thread that helps or give me any other help or info other than the conversion guide that's already out there(which is nice, but doesn't seem to grant quite the kick to enemies I was expecting, we're running Council of Thieves now and while amazing and fun, pretty tough at times.)
Thanks in advance for any help given.

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FYI, many CotCT monsters were pathfinderized in Bestiary 2:
Carrion Golem
Soulbound Doll
Giant Fly/Maggot
Umbral Dragon
Belier Devil
okay good, my bestiary 2.0 is on the way, wasn't sure how much was going to be in there, so pretty much all that's left for me to do is upgrade the npc's? if so that will help immensely time wise.

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Well, it still leaves you with a few monsters (Chained Spirit and Nosferatu, for example) left.
As for the NPCs - I would recommend getting the Hero Lab software, it makes re-doing NPCs oh so much easier, and it includes CotCT-specific material (items, feats, etc).
Most of the NPCs should be rather simple to do, really.

Andre Gigante |
I'm in the same boat. About to start GMing CotCT next month, and either need to get things converted or have my PC's use a 15 point buy to tone them down a bit.
Also, you can find quite a few things already converted at d20pfsrd.com. There is actually a whole section devoted to the adventure paths.
Here:d20pfsrd adventure paths.

walter mcwilliams |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I did the entire campaign the old fashioned way in preparation to run the campaign beginning this spring. It was a blast. I am finishing up a second go round, integrating APG concepts to give the base classes and archtypes there official entry into my campagin. I didn't really find the task that daunting.
I suggest using the PFSRD for all the critters from Bestiary I and just copy / paste. They werent available when I did my first conversion but I copy/pasted from the pdf, then touched up the format. If you are using MS word and go to the MS symbol in the upper left corner of your screen, go to word options, advanced, cut copy paste; you can set the formatting to change automaticly to that of the host document. This saves a lot of time adjusting format.
I actually go through and redo everything I DM like this even if it doesnt require converting. I create 1 large word doc with all the encounters which I keep on a clip-board for use when the situation becomes tactical. It really improves my handling of encounters as I become very familiar with the creatures abilities, strengths, and weaknesses as I retype them. It allows for a much smoother session as I make less rule reference and have better tactics and options in mind for the baddies.
Have fun!

Banesfinger RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |

I create 1 large word doc with all the encounters which I keep on a clip-board for use when the situation becomes tactical.
I do the same thing!
I'm just starting this adventure path, so if you are willing to share that MS doc, that would save me a lot of cut/paste/formatting.
walter mcwilliams |

walter mcwilliams wrote:I create 1 large word doc with all the encounters which I keep on a clip-board for use when the situation becomes tactical.I do the same thing!
I'm just starting this adventure path, so if you are willing to share that MS doc, that would save me a lot of cut/paste/formatting.
No problem glad to share. I am not due to rotate into the DM chair for a few months, so I would enjoy having someone to bounce my ideas off of. If you are interested I will pass you my personal email, but I am not sure if policy allows me to post it here.

Banesfinger RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |

Banesfinger,No problem glad to share. I am not due to rotate into the DM chair for a few months, so I would enjoy having someone to bounce my ideas off of. If you are interested I will pass you my personal email, but I am not sure if policy allows me to post it here.
I'm not sure about the policy either.
Here is my e-mail:nphilis (at) gmail (dot) com
If this is against policy, I'm sure a moderator will let us know.

walter mcwilliams |

walter mcwilliams wrote:
Banesfinger,No problem glad to share. I am not due to rotate into the DM chair for a few months, so I would enjoy having someone to bounce my ideas off of. If you are interested I will pass you my personal email, but I am not sure if policy allows me to post it here.
I'm not sure about the policy either.
Here is my e-mail:
nphilis (at) gmail (dot) comIf this is against policy, I'm sure a moderator will let us know.
Thanks Banesfinger I will send you some stuff this evening or tomorrow.

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Banesfinger wrote:Thanks Banesfinger I will send you some stuff this evening or tomorrow.walter mcwilliams wrote:
Banesfinger,No problem glad to share. I am not due to rotate into the DM chair for a few months, so I would enjoy having someone to bounce my ideas off of. If you are interested I will pass you my personal email, but I am not sure if policy allows me to post it here.
I'm not sure about the policy either.
Here is my e-mail:
nphilis (at) gmail (dot) comIf this is against policy, I'm sure a moderator will let us know.
I am running Curse right now, just started A History of Ashes, and I would be happy to look over your stuff and probably implement some of it.
graywulfe [at] gmail [dot] com
PS: I know of no policy regarding giving out your own email address.

Banesfinger RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |

Has anyone done a Pathfinder conversion of the Edge of Anarchy: Shingle Chase?
The 'Shingle Obstacles' side bar shows the following 3.5 skills (I've added the Pathfinder version in brackets):
Balance (Acrobatics)
Climb (Climb)
Escape Artist (Escape Artist)
Jump (Acrobatics)
Spot (Perception)
Tumble (Acrobatics)
So in the conversion, we go from 6 skills to 4, with Acrobatics being used half the time. Did people find this un-balanced? How did you convert this?

Blue_Hill |

Has anyone done a Pathfinder conversion of the Edge of Anarchy: Shingle Chase?
The 'Shingle Obstacles' side bar shows the following 3.5 skills (I've added the Pathfinder version in brackets):
Balance (Acrobatics)
Climb (Climb)
Escape Artist (Escape Artist)
Jump (Acrobatics)
Spot (Perception)
Tumble (Acrobatics)So in the conversion, we go from 6 skills to 4, with Acrobatics being used half the time. Did people find this un-balanced? How did you convert this?
I used mainly those skills you mentioned but them I threw social skills to mix. Bluff your way through angry washerwomen, use diplomacy to pass party, indimidate thugs/etc. Then also some knowledge skills: know (local) "There was empty house sometime ago, I think", know (engineering) "That looks solid enough to use as shortcut". Saving Throw Tests are also good way to challenge your PCs.
Consider that failing at social skill checks shouldn't cause falling off the Shingles, one of my players failed to bluff washerwomen and then fell off the roof. They thought it was bit weird (as it was but I didn't want to change rules in middle of chase).Hope this helps.

Simcha |

Right, maybe this has been mentioned somewhere sometime, I ask again anyway:
I am converting Seven Days to PFRPG rules and I face the following problem.
When I redo the NPCs do I keep the CR (adding a level to the NPC) or do I keep NPC levels (reducing the CR by 1)?
I have redone all major NPCs keeping the CR and it worked well with Vreeg and Girrigz, but looking at Davaulus and Rolth, I am having growing doubts.
Lady Andaisin
The party is level 6 (Fighter, Ranger, Oracle, Sorcerer) and not overly optimized.
Am I sending them to their doom without a fighting chance?

magnuskn |

Right, maybe this has been mentioned somewhere sometime, I ask again anyway:
I am converting Seven Days to PFRPG rules and I face the following problem.
When I redo the NPCs do I keep the CR (adding a level to the NPC) or do I keep NPC levels (reducing the CR by 1)?I have redone all major NPCs keeping the CR and it worked well with Vreeg and Girrigz, but looking at Davaulus and Rolth, I am having growing doubts.
Rolth ** spoiler omitted **
Davaulus** spoiler omitted **Lady Andaisin ** spoiler omitted **
The party is level 6 (Fighter, Ranger, Oracle, Sorcerer) and not overly optimized.
Am I sending them to their doom without a fighting chance?
Well, my players usually strive for good defenses, so the encounters weren't too difficult for them. I did apply the Pathfinder rules the same way you did ( upping the level of classed NPC's by one ) and also upped their ability scores to equal them to the players ( I gave them 20 points to build their characters ).
It should work, but it'll depend if your players can play together. I did have a five player group, though.

Simcha |

Thanks for the quick reply.
As can be seen in the obits, they sometimes "stumble" into things, not to call it "fools rush in".
As I said, Girrigz encounter went "well", one player death notwithstanding. They gave the opposition ample warning of their arrival, gave them time to buff and after all, they WERE invading the enemies LAIR.
I think my party still expects a direct damage approach from enemy casters. Vreeg's extended hold person (pinning the fighter for 12 rounds straight), combined with ghoul touch (paralyzing the cleric) angered them because they felt "left out" or "useless".

magnuskn |

Thanks for the quick reply.
As can be seen in the obits, they sometimes "stumble" into things, not to call it "fools rush in".
As I said, Girrigz encounter went "well", one player death notwithstanding. They gave the opposition ample warning of their arrival, gave them time to buff and after all, they WERE invading the enemies LAIR.
** spoiler omitted **
I think my party still expects a direct damage approach from enemy casters. Vreeg's extended hold person (pinning the fighter for 12 rounds straight), combined with ghoul touch (paralyzing the cleric) angered them because they felt "left out" or "useless".
Hmmm, I think the issue here is that you play your spellcasters too well. Looking back the original spell list of Vreeg, it was kind of anemic and it seems you have buffed him up from how he was originally presented, giving him much better spell choices.
One warning I'll give you is that Ramoska Arkminos can be downright brutal, if you give him that one extra level.
All in all, the party needs to pace itself for the last part of the adventure and do not even think about doing the hospice and the temple in one rush. That's a TPK waiting to happen. Ideally, you should have your guys leveled up and rested before entering the temple.

Simcha |

I was thinking about that, but how can this be done?
The good Doctor tries to persuade them of his good intentions (given there has not been any blood shed yet).
The party then either attacks him, making him flee downstairs to team up with his pal Rolth; or they let themselves be persuaded and leave, moaning how I never give them any clues.
Even IF they fight the Doctor and leave without further ado, the other BBEGs are forewarned and will either relocate or lay in wait for the "hapless" albeit leveled party to return.
Either way this is wreaking havoc with my suspense of disbelieve.
Str 8
Dex 16(20)
Con 14
Int 18
Wis 15
Cha 16
Fort 5(7)/Ref 8(10)/W10(12)
Feats & Class Abilities
Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Combat Casting, Extend Spell, Iron Will, Command Undead, Grave Touch, Arcane Bond (Bonering)
AC 20(22)/touch 16(20)/ffooted 17(19)
Touch +3 (+5)
Ranged Touch +9
„Concentration“ +15
Knowledge (Arcane) +16
Perception +12
Spellcraft +16
Wiz spells
1 = Magic missile (2), Chill Touch (2), Ray of Enfeeblement(2)
2 = Scorching Ray, Blindness, Ghoul Touch, Spectral Hand, Shield (extended)
3 = Vampiric Touch, Cat's Grace (extended), Fly, False Life (extended)
4 = Enervation, Hold Person (extended), Fear
Adept spells
1 = cause fear, protection from good
Bonering, robe of bones (2 patches), MW Dagger

magnuskn |

I was thinking about that, but how can this be done?
Either way this is wreaking havoc with my suspense of disbelieve.
** spoiler omitted **
As I suspected he is much, much better than as originally presented by Paizo. All three new spell you gave him at fourth level are things which combined can really hurt the party. My own upgraded version was much less effective. Hm, looking at my documents, I see I left him at level five, so that explains that. Strangely, I still had upgraded Cabbagehead to a level four fighter. I guess I thought him being a Derro made up for the missing level?

Simcha |

Yea, he might be a bit better than the Derro, but then the party was one level higher than proposed by the AP and as a halfling he loses SR and SQs.
Second encounter was Virreg and 2 vampire spawn in the toyshop.
Knocked th eparty hard, but in the end he tried to flee again and was stopped by a brave stinger attack from Majenko.
Anyway, I will split the encounter as you suggested.

magnuskn |

Yea, he might be a bit better than the Derro, but then the party was one level higher than proposed by the AP and as a halfling he loses SR and SQs.
** spoiler omitted **Anyway, I will split the encounter as you suggested.
** spoiler omitted **
Sounds about right. Maybe remove Dimension Door from the spell-lists of Rolth and Arkminos, so that the people below have no good method of fleeing the temple. That can explain why they are still there when the party arrives. And, not to forget, the temple is where Blood Veil comes from, so the priestess may not even think about abandoning it.

Simcha |

I admit, I have retooled several encounters, because I did not like the original ones overly much.
added 2 mastiff lapdogs and a female bodyguard to Barvasi
Hookshanks returned as Wight after party had him tortured to death (yeah, I know...)
Vreeg -> Virreg, halfling necro (recurring villain)
Thugs and Lavender -> Bilal, tiefling sorcerer, looter and snakeoil-salesman (recurring villain)
Yvicca -> Murray Dick, the White Eel, advanced giant moray eel (was considering an advanced gibbering mouther/proto-shoggy for some time)
Jolistina Sorcerer/Rogue -> Bard/Rogue
Dr Davaulus Rogue/Bard -> Rogue/Alchemist
They all went pretty well so far.

walter mcwilliams |

I admit, I have retooled several encounters, because I did not like the original ones overly much.
** spoiler omitted **
They all went pretty well so far.
Here are my rewrites. I start the campaign sometime in May. It will be a big moment for my group as we are loosing a prominent player and optimizer/tactician, so by 7days I should have a good line on party dynamics and make adjustments as necessary. Right now my group will be a Monk, Shoanti Barbarian, Conjurer, Paladin/oracle, cleric, for sure. It should be really interesting.
DR D - Alchemist 9
Plague Doctors - Alchemist 2
Gray Maidens - Cavalier 2
Rolth - Necromancer
Yviccca - I kept a druid but changed up some spells
Vreeg - I made a necromancer as well
I made other changes but I dont have the notes with me.

walter mcwilliams |

I appologize for not sending anything last night, we had some terrible weather and I had a friend who had a flooding issue. I emailed you all some fluff I had here at my workspace, and will get to the crunchy good stuff this evening when I get home.
Does anyone know of a free place online where I could just post my work for all those who are interested?

Will Black |

I appologize for not sending anything last night, we had some terrible weather and I had a friend who had a flooding issue. I emailed you all some fluff I had here at my workspace, and will get to the crunchy good stuff this evening when I get home.
Does anyone know of a free place online where I could just post my work for all those who are interested?
Google Docs works very well, it's what I've been doing to keep my players informed with house rules, campaign journals, etc.

Meredith Jones |

I create 1 large word doc with all the encounters which I keep on a clip-board for use when the situation becomes tactical. It really improves my handling of encounters as I become very familiar with the creatures abilities, strengths, and weaknesses as I retype them. It allows for a much smoother session as I make less rule reference and have better tactics and options in mind for the baddies.
Have fun!
I am going to start EoA tonight. I would be very grateful if I could also have a copy of your encounter list. meredith . jones [at] web . de

lucza risso |
Hi Everybody,
just started GMing EOA.
I've seen several 3ads about COTCT and find all of them very usefull, I hope to add my experience on the forum as soon as possible.
We are playing with pathfinder rules, and I was wondering if exist some conversion for DM's familiar or something similar (I've seen exist for hero labs, but i'm looking for something more complete).
Thanks you all,