Close Range Arcana

Round 3: Revised Magus Discussion

Just my opinion, but I think this should be removed from the Arcana list and placed as a standard class feature. The class has a dearth (at the time of this posting) of touch spells at its higher spell levels, making this almost a necessity for making good use of Spellstrike.

So you're saying that it should be a higher-level class feature instead of a selectable arcana, right ? That could work, especially since it wouldn't force PCs to pick this arcana as a mandatory upgrade to Spellstrike.

Close Range Arcana should actually convert any spell into a touch spell, including spells like Fireball and Lighting Bolt.

DM Barcas wrote:
Just my opinion, but I think this should be removed from the Arcana list and placed as a standard class feature. The class has a dearth (at the time of this posting) of touch spells at its higher spell levels, making this almost a necessity for making good use of Spellstrike.

I think so as well.

Ironic, I think Medium and Heavy armor shouldnt be class abilities and should be arcana while a few arcana i feel should be abilities.

oh well lol

Is it actually at "mandatory" levels of power? Remember that you don't gain free weapon attacks with Spellstrike, and with previously "Close" range powers you don't even get the reach weapon tricks, only the custom threat range.

I dunno if it's really at the level of being "mandatory." I'd have to really tweak with it and see how it goes.

The visual is impressive, at least, and having a disintegrate with a 30% crit chance is pretty.

The biggest gain that I see is retaining the spell charge on the weapon in case you miss with it, but that's of limited use considering you can spellstrike them with either weapon attacks or touch attacks.

Synapse wrote:
Is it actually at "mandatory" levels of power? Remember that you don't gain free weapon attacks with Spellstrike, and with previously "Close" range powers you don't even get the reach weapon tricks, only the custom threat range.

Actually, unless used with spell combat, you can trade if your free touch attack for an attack with the weapon.

But that said if the arcana allowed you to turn spells into "touch" range spells, I don´t really see the problem.

DM Barcas wrote:
Just my opinion, but I think this should be removed from the Arcana list and placed as a standard class feature. The class has a dearth (at the time of this posting) of touch spells at its higher spell levels, making this almost a necessity for making good use of Spellstrike.

It´s a good choice, but its not always the first choice. If you give it to every magus you have to take some power away from the class. I could see the change, but this might rquire turning the medium and heavy armor casting into arcanas.

I'd agree with that. My vision of the class is a bit more Dex-based than it's written as. I also think Acrobatics ought to be on the skill list.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

DM Barcas wrote:
I'd agree with that. My vision of the class is a bit more Dex-based than it's written as. I also think Acrobatics ought to be on the skill list.

I understand your logic. But then it really starts to step on the toes of the Arcane Duelist bard from the APG (not to mention SGG's vanguard and my own damascarran). I like the eventual heavy armor bit myself.

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