Martyr's Tear

Open Call: Design a wondrous item

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RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka surfbored


Aura moderate necromancy; CL 6th
Slot -- ; Price 7,200 gp ; Weight --

This imperfect, rose-tinted gemstone resembles a teardrop when held one way or a broken heart when turned the other. Its pale facets are typically marred by a single crack or chip near the gem's middle.

Once per day, the gem's owner may spend a full-round action to transfer any number of his own hit points into the gem, causing the gem's color to deepen as hit points are absorbed. Using another full-round action, the hit points contained within the Tear can be transferred to another creature that touches the gem, returning the gem to its original hue.

Hit points stored within the gem fade away at a rate of one hit point per minute until the gemstone is once again empty.

Requirements Craft wondrous item, vampiric touch; Cost 3,600 gp

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

This is a flavorful item that I think would be really popular in a game, but it's got some mechanical hangups that make me skeptical. Most notably, I think it should have a weight and a maximum number of hp it can hold. Do all the hp have to be discharged into the second wielder all at once, or can it be portioned out over several rounds?

7k seems really expensive for this, especially if you can't give a ton of hp all at once. If it were cheaper and the maximum hp transfer were defined, I think it'd be a bit more attractive.

Presentation is generally good here, except that vampiric touch isn't italicized.

I say keep it around for now.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

I've seen items (and spells) like this in other games. Sort of like an infusion/transfusion ability to leech from one person to give to another. I'm not sold on this item as Top 32 yet. But I'm okay with Keeping it around unless you guys want to bump it on Day One of the competition's submission window.

EDIT: I also completely agree with Mark. This item should have a hit point cap per gemstone. Otherwise, an entire party buys up a bunch of these and a high-level barbarian can keep infusing the wizard to keep him on his feet. It's potentially a metagame item.

Agree with hp limit issues.

Do we reject items when they have simple omissions that could be fixed before publication?

If we do, then this has to unfortunately go IMO.



Item isn't clear if *someone else* can push the stored hp out of the gem and into you, or if *you* have to pull them into yourself. If the latter, it is very handy for keeping the frontline character topped off during a fight.

Author needs to capitalize feats.

I'd like it better if the hp absorbed were randomized, like 1d10 per round... that would prevent it from being quite so prone to metagaming.

But it's not a bad item. It's not that novel (we've all seen, heard of, or thought of an item like this before), but not bad, and the flavor keeps it from being boring.


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Looking back on it, I can't see a reason to reject this now. This is one I remember from early in the competition that benefited from being in before the deluge and getting in the keep pile before we got flooded. I still have the above-listed concerns, but don't think they're significant enough to eliminate this one.

Let's see what happens in future rounds!


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Yeah, this one came together for me the more I considered it. There's a place for this type of item in the game, and yet there isn't one that exists yet. So, why not tap it for Top 32 and see how well the designer can deliver in later rounds? I think the important thing coming out of the gate for them will be to establish something with a higher degree of creativity to it. As I said before, I've seen items like this in most games. Now I'd like to see something new and innovative as well to justify the opportunity they've earned here.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16, 2010 Top 4 aka Alexander MacLeod

Question: As the hit points "fade away at a rate of one hit point per minute" does the donor get them back or do they just leak out into the aether? And, I think this item would be a little difficult to use in combat with the transfer taking a full-round action both ways.

I do like the item's description quite a bit, but disagree that it needs a weight. After all, ioun stones don't, and I see this as about that size.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Nice description, simple and evocative. The transferring hit points item/spell has seen many forms over the editions of the game. I notice yours has no clause about not being able to take yourself into negative hp with it. Given that it is a ‘martyr’s’ tear this seems reasonable. The other judges have mentioned some of the ways to clarify the rules text. I find the simplicity of your item is good, the hit points fading away is a good limit on it. Using full-round actions also limits its (ab)use in combat. I think a hp maximum is needed both to stop abuse but also because you are only using a 3rd level spell in the requirements. I shouldn’t be able to buy dozens of these and store unlimited hp in each at 20th level. A maximized vampiric touch deals 60 damage, which seems like a good limit to me. Would I buy one? That depends if I can find a source of regeneration or fast healing. :-)

Your writing is definitely easy to read and your item makes sense.

Welcome to the ranks of RPG Superstar! As Neil said, push the innovation. I say, ‘show us something we haven’t seen before.’ Best of luck!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

A very simple and elegant item. Love the flawed nature of the gemstone that echoes loss, while having an aura of necromancy. However, with so many words to spare you could have clarified a few things and still demonstrated a very lean text.

(SIDE NOTE: I’m going through these alphabetically, and it might just be me, but it seems like there are a lot of items that are leaving things vague, while not using close to all the word count. Not using all of your word count is admirable, but I like to have the I’s dotted and the T’s crossed

I agree with Alexander, a weight is not necessary, not for a single gemstone. Unless it is the size of an apple or something, which I am not getting from the description. A hit point cap is definitely needed here, and I like the idea of randomizing it.

Well done! I’m sure you’re shedding no tears from having made it into the Top 32, and I look forward to your future entries!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 8 aka Sect

It could use some work in the mechanics, and I'd rather see it lose hit points more slowly, but other than that, I love this item.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

The idea here seems to be that you have the beefiest guy in the party put all (or mostly all) of his hitpoints in here, then you top him off with your wand of CLW, and whoever is holding the gem can regain all their hitpoints as a full-round action. If I'm reading it right, then that doesn't look like a problem to me. It's limited to 1/day, it's limited by time, and its limited by your access to non-combat healing to compensate the donor. My complaint is that this all doesn't follow the flavor of the item very well (this all feels less like real 'sacrifice' and more like plain old resource management), but again, I could be misjudging what the "best" use of it is.

Neat item, and congrats on getting into the game!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

Ok, nice item, though it would be good to know if the receiver of hit points was gaining them as healing or temporary. Is there a HP max? Can you make the dominated bad guy ‘donate himself to death’? The image is nice.

I like this item except that there does not appear to be a limit on the amount of hit points that can be stored (clearly the user has a limited number to transfer without additional magical means).

Are the transferred hit points temporary? Do the transferred hit points simply heal the creature to up to its max hit point level?

I get the feeling that someone will quickly find a way to abuse this item in a campaign due to the lack of a limitation on the storage amount.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

Swamp Druid wrote:

I get the feeling that someone will quickly find a way to abuse this item in a campaign due to the lack of a limitation on the storage amount.

I got that same feeling at first, but when I put my twink-cap on I still can't really think of any greater uses than what's listed. It doesn't look like uses can be spread out, so you're never going to do more than replenish all of 1 character's hitpoints as a full-round action. I suppose an HP-share effect could theoretically break this limit... but then there's still the challenge of filling it. You're limited by the max HP of the donor.

Good item. I also think it needs a cap - it is a metagame item in that one guy in the party (or worse, a cohort) can be built to be a "sack of hit points". Or God forbid, a regenerating critter. Or a summon.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka surfbored

Thanks everybody for the terrific feedback and especially to the judges for considering my entry worthy -- it really made my day.

Most importantly though, thanks for pointing out the flaws of this item. It's in my campaign currently and my players will take advantage of any weakness every chance they get.

I'll be changing some key points of the item, especially clarifying that this is meant to heal characters (without resorting to potions hidden in every treasure), not to add temporary hit points. And the idea of adding an upper limit to the gem is stellar.

Now I need to go look-up "Archetype"! ;D

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6 , Dedicated Voter Season 6

Hit point transfer items are inherently problematic (they become ways to fake potentially huge amounts of magical healing, especially if a party member has fast healing or regeneration), but the mechanics of this one keep most of the abuse out. The hp decay within is a fairly slick mechanic to control its power, coupled with the 1/day use. Not bad. I'm also a fan of items that do one thing, then do another thing once you've done that.

I love the Martyrs Tear.

it is simple, elegant and nevertheless deep and flavorful. All Defining Qualities of something Superstar. I don't think that the limitless capacity is a problem, since you put the time limit on storing the Hp, so no charging up the Gem with all your HP in the evening, healing up and having twice the hp available the next day.
The only Problem I could see with it ... [edited out, missed the once per day part, that effectively takes care of it]

Better read up good on those Archetypes. It would bad to loose you in round 2 only because of your relative unfamiliarity with the new rules.
Rules and systems can be taught way more easily than good design.

Jerry Keyes wrote:

The HP limit should probably be capped, but I can't think of any other reason to dislike this. Full-round actions are harder to work into a pressing combat situation than most people think, so my feeling is that if you really need to use this item mid-encounter to heal a teammate, you're fighting an uphill battle to begin with. It's simple, but elegant and useful. Nice work!

This item just doesn't measure up for me. The only place I can see it being useful, is in a party with a group that doesn't have access to healing magicks or in a really gritty, very low magic campaign.

I immediately got an image of a Jedi or Force-Using character using the Vital Transfer force power from Star Wars d20 Saga system. That power allows a Jedi or other Force-User to heal so much damage in another character, but at the expense of losing half of the hit points actually healed with the power.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

The transfer wounds spells in Arcana Evolved work the same way; you heal a bunch, then take half that as nonlethal. So there's actually a net gain in party healing (without having to get an outsider to use it), and more importantly it lets you heal more than regular healing spells of the same level, meaning that if you're willing to take the pain it really makes you a better healer.

My issue with this is that it still looks like the best way to use it is to fill it up right before a big fight.. then you just recharge with non-combat healing, and the whole 'martyr' angle is consequently watered down a bit. I'm not sure how this would be useful at all in a group with no other healing spells...

Well, I suppose there is the point where an NPC takes a wound, and a PC can afford to give up hitpoints in order to save his life. In a low-magic world events like that might be a big frakking deal.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 , Star Voter Season 6 aka raidou

Jerry, welcome to the contest! What sells this item to me is the fact that you considered the impact of something like regeneration or fast healing in your design, by making the gem bleed away hit points after a short time. This means no long-term hit point reservoir. But I agree that it absolutely needs a hit point maximum, and possibly even a faster bleed rate. So congratulations on a very flavorful item and good luck constructing your archetype!

Star Voter Season 6

I like the flavor, but I have seen it before, though not usually as a battery. Star Wars Saga edition has a similar force power for healing, and other places have it as well. I like the description. I might add that the gem is often added to a locket or piece of jewlry or something like that (as that is the first thing my group does with all magical gems).

I am concerned with how this would play out with temporary hit points or fast healing.

I would like to see it specified how this transfer happens, and if the recipient is the one who needs to take the action.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Congratulations Jerry!
Strength (Overall): 17
Dexterity (see time in my campaign): 16
Constitution (long-time keeper): 16
Intelligence (mechanics): 12
Wisdom (writing craft): 12
Charisma (flavor/visuals): 17

I can see the color of the gem deepening, nice. I wondered if the two shapes were related to the use (give then take) but it probably would have been complicated to work that into the words. That said I think the word limit could have been used better for mechanics clarification (as mentioned already). I too was confused on what it takes (whose action is it) to siphon off the hp. I see a pickpocket goblin getting off with a lot of the barbarian's hp with this :) Stunned, sickened, dazed, might have made it more martyr, but overall I think this was a great niche to fill and it works nicely. :)

Congratulations! :)

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 aka Bats Kabber

Nicolas Quimby wrote:
My complaint is that this all doesn't follow the flavor of the item very well (this all feels less like real 'sacrifice' and more like plain old resource management), but again, I could be misjudging what the "best" use of it is.

I'll second that. Perhaps some kind of temporary ability drain for the donor? Maybe a temp loss of Con per X points transferred. That would really make the donor a martyr of sorts and might help limit how many points they are willing (or able) to transfer.

This does seem like a handy item to have in your group if you have a fighting cleric. I know many clerics who like to wade into battle and when they go down it's bad bad news.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Congratulations on making the Top 32!

I really like the flavour and concept of your item. It's a good fit for any party that is missing a healer. You did a good job trying to cover for the various abuses these kinds of items can have but I think you missed a big one:

"1/day the owner can..." is good, but you forgot about multiple owners.
If character A puts in 5 hp and then hands it to character B who puts in 5, who hands it to Character C, and then D. Then Character E has access to 20hps and no one was really put out by the cost.
I think this item needed the "needs 24 hours to attune" clause.

Even still, the imagery of this one grabs me.
Great Item!

Liberty's Edge

I keep feeling like there's a point to this that I'm not grasping. It's use is, like, not readily apparent to me even though other people above have talked about ways it could be used. My brain keeps going, "How is this better than any number of other healing sources?"

Because I'm not understanding the point of the item, I'm going to refrain from giving other feedback, other than to say Congratulations on making the top 32!

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8 aka AWizardInDallas

These are my comments before reading the comments of the judges or others:

Hmm, this one's tough because it does have an interesting core concept--storing hit points. Unfortunately, the title doesn't match or just has no explanation at all. In this case, more fluff, beyond just a flaw in the stone, can only help the item's association with the title. The item should also better describe the transfer process, like holding the tear tightly in hand or just concentration or...? Also, I'd impose a rate of transfer so the process is interruptable and so this isn't item used during combat. The item also ought to have a hit point cap and/or a 2-to-1 transfer rate to prevent huge hit point transfers.

Also, wouldn't an hp transfer be painful in some way? I mean hit points aren't just a number, they're a measure of how much physical punishment a being can take, so how the gem makes the user feel after a transfer seems important. Again, a sudden hit point drain--seems like it would painful, just like being hit with a blade, whereas a more gradual transfer might not be. The recipient should probably feel some sort of negative effects too (nausea or temporary fatigue), at least for a minute or two; the item doesn't have the instant comfort of a healing spell after all. I like that the gem doesn't hold points forever, but there are a lot of details missing; you had the word count and should have used more of it.

Overall, this item just seems incomplete, even though the concept is cool. This could be an interesting unselfish clerical item with a lot more work.

Liberty's Edge Dedicated Voter Season 6

Too many holes in how it works.

What happens to the hit points stored? Can you heal them like damage? Or are they gone until released by the gem?

If you transfer them to another, do they work like temp hit points if over their max?

I suppose you could read vampiric touch for ideas, but then the spell should probably have been referenced within the text and not just as a requirement.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Good idea just needs some mechanical changes. I like the description.

Star Voter Season 6

I would never use this item. It requires a round to upload the HP, a move action to get to the person in need, and a full round to download the HP. Why this 7,000 gp item is superior to a potion of cure light wounds at 50 gp that cures anyone in 1 round, I don't know. Combined with the action economy problem and the fact that the cleric in Pathfinder provides more healing than ever in DnD, this item just doesn't do it for me.

Still, you're in the next round, so hopefully you rock the next round.

Star Voter Season 6

roguerouge wrote:

I would never use this item. It requires a round to upload the HP, a move action to get to the person in need, and a full round to download the HP. Why this 7,000 gp item is superior to a potion of cure light wounds at 50 gp that cures anyone in 1 round, I don't know. Combined with the action economy problem and the fact that the cleric in Pathfinder provides more healing than ever in DnD, this item just doesn't do it for me.

Still, you're in the next round, so hopefully you rock the next round.

2 of those actions can be done pre-combat. If you know you only have 1 big fight, the barbarian can load this think up with almost his full HP, the cleric can heal him, and now the barbarian has a practically full healing item he can use in combat. And this is re-usable. Basicly, you are spending healing resources and actions ahead of time to condense them. Alternatively, someone not going into the combat can charge it up and gift it as a protection.

I personally like the fact that there is no HP limit. It would definetely not be worth the cost if there was.

Liberty's Edge

See, put that way, though, this seems totally busted, and very much "resource management", as Nicolas mentioned above.

The theme of the item would have been better served by making the "donated" HP damage unable to be healed until drained by the bearer of the item. Now, we actually have a martyr - and that martyr is actually crying real tears. Of course, that makes the item much more accountant-oriented - but less of a "HP battery".

I'm probably biased on this, because I hate the fact that every party carries around a wand of CLW and just tops damage off with it. It's so unheroic. I guess I just think that the term "martyr" is displaced here, when the assumed use of the item gives some very temporary pain which will be more or less instantly be cured by CLW-wand-syndrome.

Anyway - I get why this item made it through, now. It does have an interesting mechanic. Even if I personally believe it to be sort of shallow, I can see why others wouldn't.

This item has some nice visuals. However, I do think it's a bit broken.

Any Wizard/Witch able to have these improved familiars...


... will have infinite healing at level 7 for 7200gp.
(Giving the familiar the item and having it use it on the party)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka surfbored

If this is not how typical Wondrous Items are developed, it ought to be.

The number ideas that come up, the alternate uses, and flat out "cheats" that people think of is amazing. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to comment, especially if you came up with an abuse of this item.

The new version of this item in my campaign will be better in every way.

Star Voter Season 6

Caineach wrote:
2 of those actions can be done pre-combat. If you know you only have 1 big fight, the barbarian can load this think up with almost his full HP, the cleric can heal him, and now the barbarian has a practically full healing item he can use in combat. And this is re-usable. Basicly, you are spending healing resources and actions ahead of time to condense them. Alternatively, someone not going into the combat can charge it up and gift it as a protection..

Oh, I got that. Still, no sale. The loss of a HP per minute thing means that the only other use for this doohickey is right before you bust down the door. But healing spells isn't as precise as this item, meaning that, in such circumstances, you're likely to either enter combat lightly wounded or waste healing spells.

7 grand so that I can heal as a move action --if I happen to be right next to the person-- rather than as a standard action? No thanks.

Also, this item lacks hardness and HP information and you KNOW that shattering this thing's going to be part of the gaming experience.

As I said, congrats on getting in. Hope it goes better next round for you.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka surfbored

roguerouge wrote:

Also, this item lacks hardness and HP information and you KNOW that shattering this thing's going to be part of the gaming experience.

Oh! Shattering could be a fun side effect for sure. What do you think, should it blast positive energy through an area? Or what?

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

See, I see this as a low-level item. It's not like parties have infinite healing, and this makes up for when they're running low on healing spells.

Also, since it doesn't create "new" hit points (like cure spells and related magic items) it's less powerful than healing magic.

That doesn't make it bad, it just makes it something you use when you can't use healing spells. Like when it's the cleric who's down and bleeding out, for example.

Jerry Keyes wrote:


Aura moderate necromancy; CL 6th
Slot -- ; Price 7,200 gp ; Weight --

This imperfect, rose-tinted gemstone resembles a teardrop when held one way or a broken heart when turned the other. Its pale facets are typically marred by a single crack or chip near the gem's middle.

Once per day, the gem's owner may spend a full-round action to transfer any number of his own hit points into the gem, causing the gem's color to deepen as hit points are absorbed. Using another full-round action, the hit points contained within the Tear can be transferred to another creature that touches the gem, returning the gem to its original hue.

Hit points stored within the gem fade away at a rate of one hit point per minute until the gemstone is once again empty.

Requirements Craft wondrous item, vampiric touch; Cost 3,600 gp

Jerry Keyes wrote:
...I'll be changing some key points of the item, especially clarifying that this is meant to heal characters (without resorting to potions hidden in every treasure), not to add temporary hit points. And the idea of adding an upper limit to the gem is stellar...


Ask A RPGSuperstar Succubus is posting from the point of view of a CE aligned succubus – fairness is an adjective applicable to hair coloration, balance is what a couple of mortals on opposite ends of a plank pivoted on a rocky spire above a drop of several hundred feet into a pool of molten basalt frantically try to do, and logic is something which proves anything a demon of adequate status and charm requires it to demonstrate.

Is the item Pretty?
It's a gemstone, and 'perfect' is overrated anyway. Yes this item is most certainly pretty.

Does the item help a demonic seductress to keep a paladin house pet?
Err, probably not, no.

Is the item otherwise useful?
Ahh: I can command a servant to top this item up with their life force then use it to heal myself. Yes, I approve of that.

Other Comments? (including World Domination potential on the evil laughter scale, where appropriate)
I'm thinking here of the possibilities offered by legions of trolls (or similarly naturally fast-healing or regenerative creatures) and a lot of these gems... Troll with gem charges gem up, almost to the point where the troll loses consciousness, recovers health naturally, then wades into battle, using the gem to recover when faced with fire and/or acid damage. Okay, it's a lot of work to get a troll to use tactics even as simple as that, but still the end result could be worth it - and there are creatures around a lot less stupid than trolls.
The clarifications as to upper limits on the capacity of such jewels and that they cannot be used to provide temporary buffers against damage but only to repair injuries is unfortunate, but still: a jewel is a jewel...

Gollum Rating:
So juicy-sweet.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6 aka Shadow-Mask

I keep coming back to this one. Unlike some of the other posters and the judges, I've never seen an item like this used in-game before so I'm not entirely certain of the balancing aspects from a mechanics point of view. Given that, I don't have a whole lot to say beyond this: Thematically, it's a neat item; I still feel ambivalent about whether I actually like it or not.

In any case, congratulations! I look forward to seeing your archetype.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka surfbored

There's been enough feedback now that I think it's safe to "reveal" how and why this item came to be what it is.

A group of mine refused to play healers. Whenever the front lines got too damaged they'd simply camp for a few days until everyone was healed up. This caused some of the players to become bored or it seriously affected the flow of the adventure.

My first idea was to start sprinkling more cure potions around, but pretty soon they started to expect them and treasure was starting to feel like a video game, so I had to come up with another way to resupply hit points to just a few of the characters.

This gem (and a pseudo dragon that has 1/day healing breath) helped me to drop some of the obvious potion plants and got the sessions moving quickly again. It was important to me though that characters didn't just get freebie healing whenever they needed it, and it had to feel "natural" in the setting.

Hopefully this explanation doesn't ruin it for people that liked it, and maybe it improves the initial impression of people who didn't like it.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6 aka Shadow-Mask

Thank you for the background; it does help. Maybe I'm just a little unimaginative this weekend, but I was having a difficult time picturing when this would come up given wands, potions, and what-not. :P

This is an intriguing way to get around the potion in every treasure dilemma, and I think it would be neat to use in my group's Friday night game. A couple of us from the adult group play with our older kids, and the kids don't always recognize the benefit of a tactical retreat or the need to re-supply. ;) This can remove some of the pain and angst of either "fixing" the encounter so we live through it or watching our children tear up because a beloved character has died.

Yes, death is a fact of life, and a natural by-product of adventuring for more than most. The kids are of varying ages, though, and we want to teach them the rules, not bludgeon them for tactical mistakes. :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

I love the idea behind this item. IMO, the theme is sheer Superstar.

To fix some of the technical issues, I might make it subject a character to an inflict spell in exchange for casting a cure spell on someone else (For example: inflict moderate wounds for a cure moderate wounds). Something like that will alleviate the issues some folks are having.

That said, it's a solid, very well-written item. Kudos!

Edit: Fixed a typo.

Dark Archive

This thing has 'bloodstone' written all over it, and a more world-of-darkness-y version might even require the user to clench it so tightly in their fist that the edges draw blood, which fills the stone with the 'loaned' hit points.

You avoided that cliche, but still made it evocative, with the teardrop / broken heart rose quartz imagery.

I've seen items like this before, and, generally, they get a bit ridiculous, being filled up with hit points and left lying around as pick-me-ups later. Again, a bullet you dodged by having the hit points vanish over minutes time, if not removed from the tear. That's good design, accounting for a potential problem use, hoarding hit points for later, right up front.

A cool little healing item that synergizes nicely with the Pathfinder Channel mechanic. (Barbarian takes a crapload of damage. Rogue bleeds a bit until they are both down an equal amount. Cleric channels and heals them both with a single channel, rather than having to use twice as much healing on just the Barbarian.) It's meta-game-y, in that respect, but it's also an item that encourages role-playing and exploring interparty dynamics, as different characters get into why they would (or would NOT) bleed for one another...

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6

This is cool, especially in combination with some effect that gives you fast healing. I do think there needs to be mention of who activates the transfer. Do both parties need to be touching it, and does it's owner decide when to active? If you toss it to me and the bad guy grabs it, or if he grapples you and touches it, can he steal those hit points? That could be bad.

Apart from a few fringe cases though this item is really good.

I would use this.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 aka Gamer Girrl

My quibble is that you've got to start transferring the hit points within a minute of use, so it is not something that you could store hp in for later. Definitely needs a cap, and explanation of whether someone can only use it on themselves of on someone else ... could see someone draining an enemy dry with this toy. Intriguing imagery, though :)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka surfbored

This is an attempt to address some of the items that were brought up in the (very appreciated) feedback. Some seemed to feel that this was too powerful and others that it wasn't powerful enough, so I tried to find a middle ground. First by adding a cap and second by adding an attack.

Where there were ambiguities, I tried to clarify. In addition, I changed the transfer from gem-to-target to be a standard action. This way someone could truly be a martyr, drain themselves to 0 hp and then spend a standard action to transfer the HP (which would reduce the user to -1, dying).

Some people were worried about dominated "blood dolls". But that's not very likely as dominated individuals can't be forced to harm themselves (Core Rulebook, page 274 "self-desctructive orders are not carried out"). Those that were worried about fast healing familiars and the like should be happy that the gem can only be used once per day.

If anyone out there is still inclined to comment on this item, I would welcome it immensely. And thanks again to everyone that already did!


Martyr's Tear

Aura moderate necromancy; CL 6th
Slot -- ; Price 7,200 gp ; Weight --

This imperfect, rose-tinted gemstone resembles a teardrop when held one way or a broken heart when turned the other. Its pale facets are typically marred by a single crack or chip near the gem's middle.

Once per day, anyone holding the gem may spend a full-round action to transfer any number of his own hit points into the gem, causing the gem's color to deepen as hit points are absorbed. Using a standard action, all of the hit points contained within the Tear can be used to heal any target touched by the gem, returning the gem to its original hue.

Touching an unwilling target with the gem requires a successful melee touch attack and transferring hit points in this manner is less reliable. For every 10 hit points within the gem, only 1d10 are successfully absorbed by the target. For example, attempting to transfer 45 hit points to an enemy results in a transfer of 4d10 hit points (however, all hit points are still drained from the gem). This is treated as a positive energy attack.

A maximum of 60 hit points may be stored within the gem at any time. Hit points stored within the gem fade away at a rate of one hit point per minute until the gemstone is once again empty.

Requirements Craft wondrous item, vampiric touch; Cost 3,600 gp

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